The Sec. of State's (unauthorized) absentee ballot application portal has ended. #SB202 does not permit it. (And that's good!)
The new law requires pen and ink signatures on applications, and that they go to the county office. 1/
2/ It's interesting that the law requires the SOS to set up a secure way for voters to electronically transmit those application forms to the counties. We cannot imagine what that system would entail for 159 counties to install. Lots of 💰💰💰!
3/ Why do we @CoalitionGoodGv think that is good that the portal has ended?
The great amount of sensitive personal information on the new #SB202 ballot application form simply makes it unsafe to send it via the SOS portal.
4/ If you want fair, non-partisan improvements to GA's election processes, we hope that you'll support us @CoalitionGoodGv as we challenge #SB202.
1/ Both versions of GA omnibus election bills HB531 & SB202 contain egregiously undemocratic goals--codifying and legitimizing what the insurrectionists failed to accomplish.
Partisan St. Elec. Bd. could take over targeted county boards on a whim to overthrow results. #gapol
2/ The press hasn't really focused on this ultimate in attempt to suffocate democracy and voters' voices that are unwelcome.
1/ GA's @GovKemp often says that in GA it is "easy to vote but hard to cheat." Sadly #HB531, upends that claim--making it hard to vote and EASY to cheat.
Everyone understands the "hard to vote" part. But ironically, the bill makes it "easy to cheat."
2/ In the 2 min of testimony permitted today in Sen. Ethics Comm. hearing, I could only state that when bills drop signature verification (best authentication) to use DL#s instead, fraud will follow.
This testimony was cut short:…
3/ I'll explain a couple of examples.
It's not unusual for signature verification process to catch parents of college or adult children no longer at home, obtaining kids' ballots and voting them. They get rejected.
If DL# used instead of signature, illegal ballots are accepted
Sen. Ethics Comm. to hear flawed #HB531 today.
Here's what I plan to say in testimony.
There have been many strong clear voices on the voter suppression topic, so I plan to address the degrading of mail ballot security they are about to enact. 1/
2/ GOP lawmakers are merely blindly following @GaSecofState's request on this legislation so that he can control mail ballot applications in his portal, rather than have applications go to counties. Portal won't take signatures, --his answer is to degrade the security.
3/ Maybe GOP lawmakers should have learned a lesson when SOS insisted on the flawed and pricey Dominion BMD system with lax security.
If you know a GA Republican who is concerned about mail ballot security, please forward this thread and ask them to ask their lawmakers to stop!
Despite the "broad support" of GOP, this is a horribly flawed proposal that opens the door for systemic mail ballot fraud.
GOP lawmakers as not thinking about what they are doing by using this DL# standard versus well-accepted standard off signature verification. 1/
2/ Let's use simplest example--
Parents of college & adult children who are still registered in GA use their DL numbers, receive their ballots and vote them.
Frequently done now, but caught in signature verification and rejected.
But will be accepted in new law. 😡
3/ People will have DL#s of friends who don't want to vote. They can vote for them now.
Also easy to buy DL#s from illegal sources. Pick a few hundred low propensity voters and get ballots under those names, and return voted ballot with the DL number.
A new version of a merged and amended (SB241/HB531) very bad election bill has surfaced this weekend.
It is an 80 page ugly monster.
Very dangerous anti-democracy provisions regarding state's ability to take over local elections are included
➡️ #gapol 1
2/ See link above to read @CoalitionGoodGv annotated comments on the bill pointing out our many concerns.
Read sections 1,3,4,5,10 to see the dangerous provisions regarding the state's power grab to capriciously take over target counties it says violate rules. I'll explain...
3/ The State is setting up ability to suspend bi-partisan boards of elections, if they find 3 violations of rules and install a partisan appointee.
This appointee could singlehandedly certify elections to pick winners and losers, with no public oversight.
This is SO BAD!
Tomorrow GA Senate hears #SB241, a terribly flawed bill whether you're hard right or far left. We @CoalitionGoodGv have teased it apart so you don't have to.
Ask Senators to Vote NO! 1/
2/ For the conservatives clamoring for more mail ballot security, --this bill does just the opposite, adopting some of the worst degradations of mail ballot security and loosening of controls. (Ditching signature verification and requiring/permitting early scanning.)
3/ For those who worry about partisan control of elections, see "take over" provisions permitting St. Elections Bd. to take over counties they deem to be "low performing." See p3 of bill linked above.
Very dangerous to democracy.
St. Bd. already has lots of enforcement power.