عن أبى هريرة رضي الله عنه قال، قال رسول الله صلى عليه وسلم:
" ليس الصيام من الأكل والشرب، إنما الصيام من اللغو والرفث.... فإن سابك أحد أو جهل إليك فقل "إن صائم إن صائم"
حديث صحيح
From Abu Huraira, that The prophet SAW said:
" Fasting is not just abstaining from eating and drinking, but it is the abstainance from foul words (Abuse) and any form of sexual intercourse.... Should one abuse you or done something wrong to you say "I am fasting, I am fasting".
Sound hadith...
By interpretation: The hadith is teaching us how we should live our lives as Muslims in Ramadan and by translation our everyday Live.
Don't just think not eating or drinking is enough to extend your fast
but you must hold your tongue from abuse, hold your body from committing any form of sexual intercourse.
Again, if you're offended don't go for revenge, stay off and tell yourself and the offender "I am fasting..
May Allah ACCEPT our fasting and forgive our shortcomings....
My attention was drawn to this tweet and I feel I should try to make an approach to answering the question. May Allah make it a beneficial knowledge between me and you.
Fasting is ordained on any Matured muslim, sickness free and in peaceful condition.
One, who is in the war front is encouraged not to fast if the following conditions are met:
1. He War must be with the aim to protect lives and properties. It must not be an attack on other group or country for destruction solely or mutual disagreement, Or any other reason that doesn't please Allah SWA 2. If the war is intense and demands activiness like constant moving
2. arrived at the decision to marry his 2 wives in the same day came to play. He mentioned somethings that aren't true by claiming the following:
1. That Allah gave the order to start with 2 wives in the very first attempt.
2. That marrying 2 wives in a day is Sunnah.
3. In as much as it (marrying 2 wives at once) is permissible in ISLAM but there are still some issues that needs to be cleared for the purpose of others who would seek to emulate him in this cause.
To make a short caption for this I say:
1 أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلى الله على النبي الكريم وآله وصحبه أجمعين ...
اللهم إنى اعوذ يك أن أَظلم أو أُظلم فإنما الأعمال بالنيات
I saw your tweet since Friday but thought you're bemused by ignorance and never wanted to respond but the rising request to do the needful made me come to it today.
1. To start with, the book you are referencing الداعية العالى has been graciously criticised.
Not just written unpublished books but a verbal criticism. 2. The book was not written by sheikh and was written after the demise of sheikh but as usual you must tell the word you are foolish since its about Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass R.A
Today, we join everyone to celebrate a hidden treasure of Allah, a honourable gnostic, the seal of auliyāu, the pole of Sufism, Maulana Abul Abbas Sheikh Ahmad At-tijaniy R.A
It is of much importance we do this kind of remembrance to ourselves because it was said:
فبذكر الصالحين تتنزل الرحمة
With the remembrance of the pious mercy pours
A lot of us would want to hear the Distinctions (miracles) that Allah endowed our blessed sheikh with and I know we are waiting to hear he turns stones to gold, or raise the dead or even caused one to die.
OK, it seems you don't know why I said you are confusing me. Clearly, your tweet which I quoted translates opposite of what the hadith you are quoting relates.
Hadiths are more than an ordinary English translations.
1. Your tweets translates as (Protection and catering for) no longer a purpose for marriage.
One thing you missed here was that, those 2 things were never reason for marriage, they were mere rights of a wife over a husband. Anybody who sees them as purpose is mistaken
2. The hadith you mentioned in Buhari was narrated by Abu Musāh as part of the signs of end time. Even though scholars fault the hadith I don't want to talk about that.
But what the hadith was translated to be was that ladies will later come to hang on men seeking for marriage
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلى الله على النبي الفاتح الخاتم وعلى آله وصحبه ومن حذا حذوه إلى يوم زلزلت الأرض زلزالها...
Throughout yesterday, tweets about rubbing the face were flying over my TL and even though I never wanted to say anything about it as it originates from an ignorant source.
What triggers me to this thread today is the say around the Hadith of Ibn Umar that whenever the
prophet SAW raises his hands for prayers he usually don't drop them u til he wipes off his face with it.
The antagonist to wiping of the face after dua have no proof to their claim unless that some certain mallams (Ibn taymiyyah and Ibn Uthaymeen) said there are hadith's narrated