Gujarat High Court continues hearing in suo motu case registered on COVID-19 surge in State #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19
Advocate General Kamal Trivedi begins submissions for State. #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19
Court brings up February 2020 order in which it had given suggestions. Court had suggested increased testing, arranging for more hospital beds, maintaining social distancing and wearing of masks, etc #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19
Our suggestions have not been implemented seriously. People are taking it too lightly: Chief Justice Vikram Nath #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
Court charts the rise of cases in the State over the past years. It has gone up to 7,410 cases a day. Not that the State was sleeping, but little more should have been done: CJ Nath #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
The PIL gave us a push to be ready for the second wave: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
Apart from govt, labs took it for granted and decreased staff and reduced production of Remdesivir. We are trying to fight the war together: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
Our intention is not bad: AG Trivedi

Nobody is saying you are to blame for the tsunami of cases. Press is only saying that State should have been more prepared: CJ Nath

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
We are very serious. Entire machinery is focussing on nothing but COVID-19: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #GujaratFightsCovid19 #COVIDー19
[On availability of Remdesivir] We want State to explain what it is, and when, where, and to whom it should be given. I don't know whether it is a live-saving drug. It has unnecessarily been seen as an 'Amrit': Court #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
We have asked Centre to stabilise price of Remdesivir to prevent price fluctuations. At Gujarat's request, Centre has stopped export of it: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
It has benefited so many who have hoarded the medicine and sold it at a higher price. Price is 900, they are selling at 14,000-15,000. Who is benefitting from this? CJ Nath asks #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Court goes through affidavit filed by State of Gujarat #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
AG Trivedi on testing: Yesterday, we put a new system in place. Performed more than 2,000 tests; results were given in 10-24 hours. #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
It is a good move, Court says.

We have requested labs to hire more staff to collect samples from people's homes. Earlier, it used to take 3-4 days. Today they are testing 8,000-12,000 samples per day: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Are you setting up sites for RT-PCR tests on the roadside? Court asks

Those are for antigen tests: AG Trivedi

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Affidavit lacks information on whether there is a lab for RT-PCR testing in each and every taluka and district of the State: Court

Except one, all districts have at least one facility: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Antigen tests started at all primary health centres and wellness centres: AG Trivedi

What about RT-PCR? CJ Nath asks

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Over 1 crore tests have been conducted. Positivity rate has remained below 3%: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Except in Dang district, there is an RT-PCR lab in every district: AG Trivedi.

I am told Anand district doesn't have one: CJ Nath

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Anand has facility for TrueNat test: AG Trivedi

Nobody goes for TrueNat test: Justice Karia

I am told it is as good as RT-PCR: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
[On availability of beds] Over 71,000 beds are available: AG Trivedi.

We have a doubt on the figures showing that only 53% beds are occupied. When people are saying there are no beds, how can this figure be correct? CJ Nath #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Numbers should reflect the situation in the entire State, not just Ahmedabad. Today, smaller districts are doing much worse: CJ Nath #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Court asks about dedicated area for patients who don't need emergency treatment. AG Trivedi says that such facility is available #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Oxygen requirement has increased 14 times. At one point, 80% of oxygen was going to industrial sector. We have passed an order saying that entire supply should go to healthcare sector: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
100% of oxygen production in four districts reserved for healthcare sector. 482 metric tonnes will be used only for hospitals: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
If consumption goes beyond 1100 metric tonnes, we are looking at options to get it from other states: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
The Centre was confronted that Remdesivir injection has some effect. But it could not cover it under the Drug Control Act before clinical trials were conducted: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
You should advise doctors not to prescribe the drug unless it is required: Court #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Do you have an idea of what is the requirement of Remdesivir? Court asks
For cases in which it is required, we have sufficient stock: AG Trivedi
Say on affidavit that there is enough stock for anyone who needs it on medical advice: Court

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt
Doctors are administering in indiscriminately. Within a week's time this issue will be a thing of the past: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Do you mean to say that the hype behind Remdesivir is being created by doctors? Justice Karia asks #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Figures given by State are not matching with the actual number of positive cases: Court #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Fact that only 1 lakh vials of Remdesivir were being produced for entire country cannot be lost sight of: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
They are increasing production, but there is a cycle. If everyone behaves sensibly on usage of Remdesivir, we have enough: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Hospitals are not admitting patients who need oxygen...I fail to understand why people even at this time are looking to make a fast buck. Even oxygen is being black-marketed: CJ Nath #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Information is coming from authentic sources. You must wake up their conscience not to do this: Court
#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
[On why 108 ambulances were lined up outside hospitals] Ambulances reached hospitals without being allocated where to go: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Discharges were taking too much time, so hospital beds took time to become vacant. We have changed the policy to make the process faster: AG Trivedi

Nobody should be kept waiting in ambulances for hours together: Court

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
A lot of families live in small accommodation. If two test positive, what happens to the others? If parents test positive, who will take care of children? Is there any arrangement for family members? Court asks #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
High Court has an academy and an auditorium in which people from our fraternity can be accommodated. State will have to take care of the food: CJ Nath.

That can be taken care of: AG Trivedi

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
[On CT scans] When RT-PCR returns negative test and patient has symptoms, doctors recommend CT Scan and later, RT-PCR shows positive: AG Trivedi

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
CT Scan lines are getting longer. Start thinking on those lines, nobody knows how long this COVID will go on. Get CT Scan facilities in hospitals: Court #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Justice Karia asks medical expert why RT-PCR is preferred over TrueNat test #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
ICMR has approved both to be on par. I will try to get more information: AG Trivedi #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Court asks ASG Devang Vyas, appearing for Centre, to ensure more oxygen cylinders are provided to the State. #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Senior Advocate Percy Kavina, appearing for an applicant, makes submissions before the Court. Explains purpose of application. #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Vital role of government is to do confidence building and with transparency. If the government's words were a little more credible, they would be believed: Kavina #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Measures for treatment must be clearly laid out. Quackery methods must be condemned for what they are. Government must say that Ayurveda etc do not help: Kavina #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Kavina appears for Gujarat High Court Advocates Association. We wish to audit the government's response and temper them, the Senior says #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
It is our job to present before the Court our analysis of the State's actions. We will continue to monitor what the State says on Remdesivir, beds, oxygen etc and report to the Court
#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Tendency to be safe is inherent in Indian people. This is why they are hoarding Remdesivir, and going to hospitals even when they are asymptomatic: Kavina #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
State has to be clear in messaging. You cannot force restaurants to shut but allow scores of people into ghats: Kavina #GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
CJ Nath makes it clear that Court is not into fault-finding and that it only wants solutions.

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Advocate Amit Panchal makes brief submissions. There must be transparency on availability of hospital beds and numbers regarding RT-PCR tests.
#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Six districts do not have RT-PCR testing facilities: Panchal

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Advocate Anand Yagnik requests RT-PCR facilities in every district taluka. 11 district judges out of 33 have said that except in big cities of Gujarat, there is no RT-PCR. But govt is saying every district has it.

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Facilities are absolutely insufficient in the face of the tsunami of cases we are facing: Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
No testing facilities in tribal areas of Gujarat. There is a need for Remdesivir in rural areas. There is a massive migration happening from urban to rural areas: Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Extreme shortage of pulmonologists in primary health centres in rural areas. All that is being said by the State pertains to data from the cities: Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Advocate Chetan Pandya: We do not know which hospitals have which COVID facilities. For my father's case, I had no clue as to where to go.

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
The portal of the State does not provide real-time figures. It may show there is availability, but when you go to a hospital you will find otherwise: CJ Nath

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Portal for entire State showing number of beds, ICU beds, ventilators is needed: Pandya

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Portal is being maintained by association of hospitals in Ahmedabad: AG Trivedi

You must take the data under your control and provide accurate information. You cannot leave it to the association: CJ Nath

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Hearing has been going for two hours. In this time, I have tried calling laboratories for RT-PCR, but received no response. Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Contrary to what AG is saying, testing is not happening. When people reach hospitals, there are no beds: Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Lakhs and lakhs of people are watching this and looking to the Court to deliver: Yagnik

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
We will pass an order and grant you further time to file status report on Remdesivir, testing, hospital beds etc: Court to AG

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Testing is a very important aspect. Govt can tie up with small labs and aid them to set up testing facilities: Court

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Needless to say that govt officials have been doing their best. Counsel are only trying to urge them to do better: Court

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #GujaratHighCourt #COVID19
Hearing ends.
Gujarat High Court hears suo motu case on COVID-19 situation [LIVE UPDATES]

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #gujaratcorona #GujaratFightsCovid19 #GujaratHighCourt…
[COVID-19 in Gujarat] Night curfews, Remdesivir shortage and more: State files reply in Gujarat High Court, GHCAA seeks to intervene

#GujaratCoronaUpdate #Remedisivir #GujaratCovidCrisis #GujaratHighCourt #NightCurfew…

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16 Apr
26th Justice Sunanda Bhandare Memorial Lecture to commence in a short while from now.

The lecture will be delivered by Supreme Court judge Justice Rohinton Nariman on the topic "Great Women of History"

@DEFindia #SupremeCourt Image
The event will be live on our Facebook page.…
26th Justice Sunanda Bhandare Memorial Lecture commences.

Aside from Justice Rohinton Nariman who will deliver the lecture, sitting Supreme Court Justice V Ramasubramanian and retired Supreme Court judge, Justice Madan Lokur in attendance. Image
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16 Apr
Five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court to deliver orders in its Suo Motu case regarding the expeditious disposal of cases under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act
#Orders Image
CJI SA Bobde: 1. Hcs are requested to issue directions to magistrates for converting trial
2. for conduct of inquiry under 302 of code evidence examination is permitted
3. we recommend suitable amendments be made for one trial against a person with multiple offences
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16 Apr
P Chidambaram and Karti Chidambaram mark their virtual presence before a Special CBI Court, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi in connection with INX Media money laundering case.


@PChidambaram_IN @KartiPC @dir_ed Image
The Court Reader notes the virtual presence of other accused persons in INX Media money laundering case.

#INXMedia #ED

Court reader : Judge will not join today. He has COVID. Interim bail of Peter Mukherjea will be extended till disposal of his bail plea in the case.


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15 Apr
CJI SA Bobde led special bench hears a case regarding the recommendations for #judgesappointment pending with the Centre

AG KK Venugopal: A decision with regard to pending 10 names will be communicated in three months.

CJI: Centre says a decision with regard to names pending for more than 6 months after recommendation ( 5 names from Calcutta, 1 name from j&k and one name from Delhi) will be taken in 3 months.
CJI:Decision will be communicated to this court

CJI:Mr attorney I think this case can be brought a conclusion if Centre tells us the timeline (convenient to govt) which will adhered to each stage of judges appointment.

AG:timeline has to be fixed for HCs to make recommendations
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15 Apr
#BombayHighCourt to hear tomorrow pleas of two Jain religious trusts seeking permit to allow the followers to take away food from the temple specially prepared during Ayambil fast for nine days from April 19 to 27, 2021.

#COVID19India #COVID19 #BreakTheChain
The trust has relied upon the order passed by a co-ordinate bench of the #BombayHighCourt which allowed them to use their dining halls for the 9 days to perform the ritual of Ayambil Tap.…
Vacation Bench of Justices SC Gupte and Abhay Ahuja directed the Government Pleader PP Kakade to take instructions and adjourned the hearing to tomorrow.
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15 Apr
Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench of the #SupremeCourt to shortly peruse the sealed cover report submitted by former Supreme Court judge, Justice DK Jain in the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) espionage case
Centre had batted for strict action against delinquent police officials who had attempted to frame scientist, Nambi Narayanan in case such a recommendation has been made in the report by Justice Jain.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta: eminent space scientist who was awarded padma vibhushan is involved

Justice Khanwilkar: we have seen the report. appropriate action will have to be taken on the basis of the report. we can ask the committee accordingly
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