“That network” is United Nations. UN that bases her mind on the occult work of Alice Bailey. UN is a sectarian network of Scientology-Avatar-Damanhur and Brahma Kumaris.
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN In 2005, Damanhur cult was recognized by the Global Human Settlements Forum of the UN with the Award for Sustainable Communities. This honor was received in Shen-Zhen, China, by Bisonte Quercia a Damanhur citizen in Italy. damanhur.org/en/live-commun…
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN@JamesOKeefeIII Robert Muller was an international civil servant with the UN. Serving with the UN for 40 years and rising to the rank of Assistant Secretary-General, his ideas about world government, world peace and spirituality led to the increased representation
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN of religions in the UN, especially of New Age Movement. He was known by some as "the philosopher of the United Nations".
Let that sink.
The only way for the ‘transition of society’ is brainwash!
SDG brainwash!
“There are over 60 million Teachers in the World. Each One is a key agent for bringing about the changes in values and lifestyles we (UN-Unesco) need! “
Robert Muller is founder of Unesco, architect of Global Education plan
“10 more European countries have joined the EU, making it an area larger than the US.
25 more countries want to join it, making it perhaps the begin- ning of a true World or Earth Union beyond the UN.”
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN@LeahRemini@WybrenvanHaga@djeppink “the Eastern European countries, especially "Holy Mother Russia." For him this was much more important than the extension to these countries of a military union through NATO”
The NGO Damanhur aims to create, develop and disseminate, at international level, the education on environmental sustainability and divulgation of the culture as global training of any individual, in all age groups.
The organization promotes Scientology writings on human rights and the UN Universal Declaration of HR, by sponsoring essay and art contests and by providing materials for students and teaching guides for schools.
EUDEC estimates that there are >100 democratic schools in EU and >100 that are striving to maximise student voice and self-directed learning, on their way to being democratic schools.
these so-called democratic schools use decision-making model for the indoctrination of the SDGs and introduce #GIRFEC
(getting it ride for every child designed by George Bush)
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN@LeahRemini@WybrenvanHaga@djeppink@harmbeertema A year ago I scanned the first page of a teacher’s guide, part of a free educator’s kit sent to me from Youth for Human Rights International, an organization I had discovered in an online search for some teaching materials on human rights for my classes.
Some dozen Amsterdam agents followed positive thinking training for years at the spiritual center Brahma Kumaris. Says Klaas Wilting!
The Parool announced this Brahma Kumaris centre would be “an end-time cult”.
@JamesOKeefeIII@CNN@LeahRemini@WybrenvanHaga@djeppink@harmbeertema In America, the Brahma Kumaris university attends media and consciousness courses for UN officials. Many thousands of UN officials have already taken a course. Before that, Brahma Kumaris received the UN’s Peace Messenger Award years ago.
Bizarre sekslessen om pedofilie te normaliseren en te legaliseren.
Corona is het middel voor het sluiten van scholen voor wereldwijde transitie naar digitaal unesco sdg onderwijs.
@estherouwehand@PartijvdDieren De wereld gaat niet naar de knoppen.
Jullie maken dezelfde denkfout als de vorige generaties doemdenkers: jullie onderschatten het menselijk vernuft.
De economische ontwikkeling (aangedreven door fossiele brandstoffen, jawel) zorgt voor beter onderwijs en
@estherouwehand@PartijvdDieren meer vrouwenemancipatie, wat op haar beurt leidt tot gezinsplanning en dalende geboortecijfers wat weer goed is voor het klimaat.
Daarom moet je geen klimaatakkoord willen! Dat betekent ons failliet! Goed onderwijs voor het vinden van technologische oplossingen is beter dan
@jaaprog1@antonioguterres@MinPres “This is a once in a generation opportunity to improv education, along side economies, TO FIGHT THE CLIMATE CRISISt.”
Corona is the means of UN-Unesco-EU and @MinPres for transition.
@UnrollHelper@garnetttom UN is a sectarian New Age network aimed at ‘transition from society’. Robert Muller designed the SDGs for it. Agenda 2030 is his Global Reconstruction Plan, this is the source.
1/2 2. De school verzamelt data. Voor derden. Dat is datamining van het kind. Welke belang hebben school en kind hierbij? 3. Aan wie verkoopt de app leverancier de gegevens van onze kinderen? 4. Wie analyseert de verzamelde gegevens?
5. Wie interpreteert de data? Is dat een persoon? Zo ja, wie dan precies? Of betreft het data analyse via artificiële intelligentie?
Een robot die emoties en welbevinden kan analyseren? Zijn daar al goede ervaringen mee?