New District 4 member Laura Gromis complained about the link to the SE Specific plan not working, here is the working one:…
Public comment: Tony Molina (County Bike Coalition) is glad to hear Drew Wilson is hear to present on SE Specific plan and that it mentions the possibility adopting a Vision Zero plan.
Plugs the showing of the Documentary The Motherload,…
Presenting SE and West Area Specific Plans, Long Range Planners Drew Wilson and Casey Lauderdale!
The public review draft of SE specifc plan is out now. Tonight's presentation is not in depth, but specific to BPAC.
While surface level discussion will happen tonight, Drew Wilson encourages everyone to read the entire document, and everyone to attend further upcoming meetings:
City has just been awarded a grant to plan 2 TOD projects along the corridor, project should start outreach in a few months.
Further chapters in the doc include Transportation/ Quality of Life.
Public Comment is open right now.
Laura Gromis D4: could you elaborate on the Vision Zero recommendation?
Drew Wilson: The plan identifies the need for a @Visionzeronet program so that we can get grant funding eventually.
I'm going to stop typing now, because I have a dinner to eat. If you want to watch the meeting live, go here:
Task force reports,
@PhilArballo opens the floor to new district 4 members Laura Gromis to join whichever task forces she wishes.
@PhilArballo asks Susan Smith (D7) about semi-annual report. Susan has started on a first draft. Wants to include letters of recommendation that have been sent. Jill Gormley will look at it and will edit it later.
Budget Task force: @PhilArballo asks again for a list of which members are on which task forces. 🙄
Susan says there was a meeting with Kyle about filming with a drone rather than filming in the street.
Gene Richards (D3): We are trying to...
...pressure public works to repaint the sharrows to make them more visible on film.
Jill Gormley: Plans for redoing sharrows won't be ready until June 2020, after bike month and the desired commercial airtime.
Susan: Kyle mentioned another reason to use drones is so they can film at Blackstone/ Gettysburg right turn sharrows.
Melanie: Sounds like they have permitting to film May 17th. It's better to film now so the budget money doesn't go to waste at end of fiscal year.
Gene raises his hand to volunteer to film.
Moving on, Laura Gromis wants to join the budget task force. Done.
Next item: @PhilArballo discusses giving awards for BPAC members who do good work. Inspired in part by Joe Martinez, who became an advocate after his son was ...
... killed. There would a Nick Paladino Bicycle Safety Award and a Paul A. Martinez Pedestrian Safety Award.
@PhilArballo has gotten the blessing of both Nick and Joe Martinez to use the names. Task force would be put together to nominate/vote. Council would recommend people.
@PhilArballo is asking for 2 votes, to establish both awards and to further vote on awarding them to both Nick Paladino and Joe Martinez respectively.
Melanie Ruvalcaba: Says that this is an easy and positive thing to do.
@PhilArballo : Agrees, thinks it shows how dedicated we are to BPAC.
Laura Gromis: Thinks it's a great idea, but has a question about gender equity in this case. Any women considered for names
The past few minutes, have been largely a debate/ concerns from me , Laura and others about the gender makeup of the award names.
Susan Smith (D7) is suggesting not naming the awards now and just giving them to Nick Paladino and Joe Martinez.
@PhilArballo : Thought it would be more significant to give the awards to the people they were name for.
Roll Call vote:
2 abstains 1 absent
4 yeses 1 no
@PhilArballo Do we need 5 votes or a majority of present members?
Laura Gromis: It makes sense that if something is going to be established that is going to be carried on for years, the public deserves to provide input.
@PhilArballo as of right now, that has been established. If BPAC wants to discuss different names and vote on them in the future. Thats fine.
Okay, ngl, that felt very intense. 😥
Member Reports
Laura Gromis: Still has a survey open on what would allow people to safely bike and walk around Fresno.
Education webinar on May 19th on biking as a transportation mode.
Segment 2 (shields between Fresno and First street) is set to be awarded for construction for June.
Segment 5() out for bid and hoping to award in June.
Both Segments will be under construction this year!
Segments 3/4 scheduled for fall 2021 award construction this winter.
Segment 1 is currently going through a geometric approval process to eliminate a through lane to provide space for the trail. Construction anticipated Spring 2022.
Gene Richards: Segment 5 is where the planes go over, they aren't going to have any trees?
Jason Miller: There will be landscaping, but it won't be very tall and is required to not attract wildlife by FAA.
Gene Richards: "Why is is so hard for public works to share the plans...
The plan, which included paths surrounded by trees, a central water feature, and a pedestrian plaza for the County Library has mostly sat on a shelf for nearly 2 decades.
"On April 14, 1947, by a yes vote of 71 percent, the citizens of Fresno approved a bond issue to purchase the land between Fresno, Mariposa, N and O Streets to create a public green space."
Of course, then it became a parking lot for 50 years!
The Last BPAC meeting of the year is tonight at 5:30 pm
Items on the agenda include January Officer Nominations, Logo Review, Strategic Plan, Regional Transportation Plan Update, and the usual Grant and PD reports.
Attended a meeting of the @BetterBlckstone design challenge today and while it was definitely a very positive experience showcasing TONS of dense mixed-use development along Blackstone...I was a little upset there weren't any bus-only lanes in the concept art. 🚍
One of the only pictures I took. To be clear, this is a design concept,nothing the city is considering for the real grade separation as far as I know.
This is similar to what I want in Fresno someday, acknowledging it took the Netherlands 40-50 years to get here.
My question Fresnans is, does that necessarily mean it should take that long for us to get there?🤔
(not shown: great mass transit)
Sorry for the late start, had a water spill on my night stand.
@PhilArballo2020 joined the meeting to ask if anything was being voted on. Melanie Ruvalcala doesn't know, but will be voting on funding (Saftey Funds).
Two seats are currently being marked vacant Members Tony Molina had his term expire last month. Tony is here, but according to the members, his total does not count towards quorem.