Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench of the #SupremeCourt to hear an appeal against the order of the Allahabad High Court allowing the Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Raj Election to continue amid the rising numbers of COVID-19 #PanchayatRajElection @myogiadityanath #COVID19India
Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench of Supreme Court to shortly hear a plea seeking directions so that #COVID19 restrictions and guidelines are followed for the Uttar Pradesh panchayat polls counting day
Nagpur Bench of #BombayHighCourt is hearing the suo motu PIL registered to consider issues concerning #COVIDー19 management in #Nagpur and other districts under their jurisdiction.
Yesterday, the High Court had asked Central government to explain how States of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra were getting more oxygen supply than their demand.
#MadrasHighCourt hears suo motu case concerning #COVID19 management and related issues in Tamil Nadu. Matter before Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy.
Hearing commences. AG says an additional status report has been filed by Health Secretary.
AG informs that measures concerning the control of media crowds at counting booths are also detailed in the status report.
Guidelines including media to carry -ve RTPCR report (taken 72 hours before) or should have taken at least one vaccine shot.
Court asks how guidelines will be implemented: Because you know, there is a scramble. With the proliferation of channels... there will be crowds and you will have to control them.