1/ Mass. is terrorizing its children. In TWO COVID seasons, there were 293 TOTAL pediatric HOSPITALIZATIONS—
<1/3 the usual number for ONE flu season.
In 2 seasons, 13 TOTAL deaths ~= to 1 flu season. The pediatric CASE fatality rate, in MA is 0.006% = to the ped IFR for flu.
2/ The CDC recently released an updated disease burden for COVID-19. While they did not include deaths, those are easy to append. There, too, we see the infection fatality rate for children for COVID is MUCH lower than flu.
3/ This is certainly an overestimate due to attribution of deaths as COVID deaths, simply based on a prior positive test for COVID, regardless of whether it was a contributing factor—the Director of the Illinois DPH explains below
4/ It is even more likely that pediatric COVID deaths and hospitalizations are largely due to deaths WITH, rather than deaths FROM COVID, given that during the winter surge, 30% of “COVID” patients were actually in hospital for other causes. bostonglobe.com/2020/12/04/bus…
5/ Since JUNE of last year, no group under 65 in Massachusetts has seen any excess death AT ALL—and for those over 65, deaths looked closer to a harsh flu. cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr…
6/ Despite this, Massachusetts politicians have continued to terrorize students and their parents, w/the result that children are advocating AGAINST themselves—become unwitting tools of the teachers’ unions. boston.com/news/education…
7/ Children are now being used as a sacrifice to another powerful interest group—this time, pharma companies. Despite their incredibly low risk of death OR hospitalization, they are expected to remain masked until vaccines are available to them.
8/ This is not about “variant escape.” While Dr. Fauci has been very coy about this, the concern about accidentally incubating dangerous variants is within VACCINATED people—not un-vaccinated--and the risk is to UN-VACCINATED.
9/ No, children being asked to mask until a vaccine is available to them is SOLELY about expanding the total available market for vaccine manufacturers—it has nothing to do with their welfare.
10/ We can see this in the size of the trials. Children’s death rate is from COVID is literally 1 in 100K. Yet the trial for the vaccine included just 2000 children—no where near enough to see if it actually caused harm—never mind conferred benefit.
11/ Keeping children masked until a vax is available is a win-win-win for the CDC: They get away w/misrepresenting relative risk and sowing fear; Do another solid for the teachers’ unions (no school till ALL are vaxed); AND the pharma lobby is happy.
13/ GET THE MASKS OFF OUR KIDS. Their happiness and well-being were never yours to use as bargaining chips.
The masks don’t work for their stated purpose (as was known as far back as 1980), and especially not on children. (more on that below...)
Again, the vaxes are a god-send to the vulnerable.
It is because the CDC is refuses to use its own data to help people understand their relative risk, that people who are at serious risk for the disease have had one vax option removed now.
2/ Cigarette smoke is almost the exact same size as 99% of virus-carrying breath aerosols-- <1 micron. The majority of these particles are in the 0.2 – 0.25 micron range--just like the majority of breath aerosols.
3/ This is the EXACT range of breath aerosols. The chart below shows that out of around 11K breath aerosols generated during 5” of breathing, only about 25 are over 1 micron~0.02%. 90% are <0.3 microns—the exact same size & distribution as cigarette smoke. pnas.org/content/118/8/…
Masks ARE political. They have no basis in science—except perhaps political science—and have ZERO impact on COVID deaths or cases.
Pitched as no-cost interventions they are in-truth linked to incredible societal harms--visited in proportion to their adoption.
While there is no linkage between masking and COVID deaths, they are linked to ultra-low levels of in-person schooling.
If these two charts were flipped, masks would be a no-brainer. That they are not means masks—and the fear they generate—are causing grave harm.
3/ Masks are also linked to significantly higher levels of unemployment—driving closures in services industries, and generally making people afraid of engaging with each other. The brunt of this is borne by blue states with strong mask mandates.
1/ Lockdown-driven public health interventions have skewed COVID-19 infections in a deadly way, driving the virus away from the young, and towards the old. This distribution looks nothing like other pandemics over the last 100 years. academic.oup.com/epirev/article…
2/ By shunting the disease to the most vulnerable, these actions have nearly doubled deaths, increasing deaths from COVID-19 by more than 150K through 1/9/21 alone. This is a direct result of NOT taking a #FocusedProtection approach.
3/ Far from flattening the curve, these actions have also increased hospitalizations by more than 25% had the virus been allowed to take a more natural course, where the young and healthy bore the brunt of the disease.
1/ Last week UT (the most child-centric state in the country) set an expiry for their mask mandates--leaving it in place for children. This must not stand. I created a series of 4posts to arm parents with data to challenge this. This is the 1st thesmileproject.global/post/un-maskin…
2/ Back in summer, many school districts made a “deal” with parents and children. Mask your kids, allow us to severely restrict their ability to interact with other children as human beings, and they can go to school.
3/ Parents were desperate, having watched the learning loss and depression of the spring, so they acquiesced.