@lawandeconomics@FCC I also invite anybody to go to their local library & wait a few hours to use the computers with free Internet access. #SubCommTech
@lawandeconomics@FCC Those with their hair aflame over "government-run broadband" seem unaware that the most common models today are public-private partnerships & open access networks which give commercial ISPs the opportunity to provide connectivity outside their service areas. #SubCommTech
@lawandeconomics@FCC@joitweets More incentives are needed for the private sector to close the #digitaldivide? Over past decade, the fed'l gov't has spent $50B & still tens of millions lack #broadband. There are places the private sector won't serve, which is 1 reason we need #community networks #SubCommTech
@lawandeconomics@FCC@joitweets As @ChrisJ_Lewis notes, #broadband price transparency is key to ensuring that consumers are aware of hidden fees. It's also key to crafting a flexible & appropriate permanent benefit for low-income people. @SubCommTech
@lawandeconomics@FCC@joitweets@ChrisJ_Lewis To those decrying funding for high speed, future-proof #broadband networks - do you want to look back 10 years from now & wonder why (once again) so many in rural America have slow, inadequate networks? Because that's what you are advocating. #SubCommTech
@ShiraOvide@ceciliakang 2 focus on the no blocking, throttling & discrimination mandates really is seeing half the story. What the Trump @FCC did in 2017, in addition 2 repealing the #netneutrality rules, was to abdicate its legal authority 2 protect consumers & competition in the #broadband market.
@ShiraOvide@ceciliakang@FCC That legal authority (Title II) gives the @FCC the power 2 protect consumers, promote competition & close the digital divide. Every action the @FCC takes 2 strengthen #Lifeline or give $$$ for rural #broadband deployment is on shaky legal ground without Title II authority.
Thread re: $7B for #broadband in the COVID-19 bill. Still waiting on the final bill (computer & printer problems, I'm told), but the breakdown is something like this: 1) $32B for $50 ($75 for tribal lands) monthly emergency bb benefit; 2) $1B for deployment on tribal lands 1/
3) $250M 4 telehealth; 4) $65M 4 #broadband mapping; 5) $300M grant program 4 bb in rural areas; 6) $2B for "rip & replace" (removing Chinese made equipment & replacing w. something more secure; 7) $285M for a "Connecting Minorities Community Fund," 2 expand bb in near HBCUs. 2/
There's a lot 2 celebrate in this bill, but nobody who is trying 2 close the #digitaldivide believes that this is enough. Here's what we should be most happy about: Bipartisan agreement that #broadband Internet is essential 4 full participation in society, economy, & culture. 3/
BIG NEWS!!!! The COVID-19 relief bill that Congress has agreed on has $7B for #broadband, including $3.2 for a monthly $50 "emergency broadband benefit" 4 low-income households & the recently unemployed. My statement: gigisohn.com/media/sohn-che…
I wrote about the #broadband benefit for CNN.com in September. cnn.com/2020/09/09/per…. I'm shocked & delighted that it made it into the bill - was not expecting it.