The eminent British historian, #AJToynbee observed that all successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide, which is what our own civilisation is doing.
I arrived at this conclusion via a different route, which reveals the reason for civilisation's self-destructiveness.
It took a long time, but having gained the insights I have, they now seem self-evident to me, which is problematic when it comes to trying to communicate them to others, who do not want to recognise them.
No one wants to be told that their civilisation is committing suicide,
that there is no future for their descendants, anymore than one wants to be told by their doctor that they have an aggressive cancer.
Such truths are difficult to accept, & some simply refuse to do so, going into denial instead.
This is what we did, as a civilisation,
in the 1970s, when we were clearly warned about the inherent non-sustainability of a growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & DRIVEN global economy on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
A young man at the time, I assumed that our leaders, along with their academic teachers & advisors, would face up to this existential challenge, but instead they led us into denial, putting our unsustainable economy into super-global & turbo mode in the 1980s.
#ClimateChange is just a SYMPTOM of this economy, of the lifestyles it engenders & depends on, & the (very British & American) values which underpin them.
Yes, British & American values!
I identify strongly with my European RACE, especially those who occupy the British Isles, & who colonised North America, so when I criticise Native Britons & White Americans it is very much an exercise in self-criticism & love for my own tribe, nation & RACE.
In perverse overreaction to the evils of Nazism, we have been taught to deny & despise our own European race, any sense of the #WhiteIdentity, on which America was founded, being demonised & suppressed as RACIST.
This is a suicidal attitude to have towards one's own race.
It is an attitude which goes to the opposite, but equally insane, extremes of Nazi ideology of #RacialPurity & supremacy, the former being replaced by #RacialMixing, i.e. DIVERSITY, the latter by racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred.
If I were to express even the remotest sympathy for #nationalsocialism, I would be decried as a Nazi, because the two are assumed to be synonymous.
The Nazis understood the deep, popular attractions of both nationalism & socialism, which is why they combined the two.
Hitler himself was responsible for incorporating the concept of "national socialism" into the very name of the German Workers Party he had recently joined.
The inspiration for both nationalism & socialism derives from their deep roots in evolved human nature & tribalism.
Tragically for Europe & the world, Hitler exploited these powerful motivating forces for his own evil purposes. To demonise them, however, is madness.
We need to understand these forces & learn how to harness them for GOOD, in the creation of just, humane & sustainable societies.
I'm sure David must have read, #EFSchumacher's #Small_is_Beautiful (1973), which makes clear that mainstream #BritishValues are inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth, but I've never heard him say this.
#DavidAttenborough, like all academics, fails to recognise how civilisation corrupts evolved human nature, because it works very much to his own personal advantage.
Understanding this requires an evo-sociobiological perspective, which most academics refuse to embrace.
This election is a farce & I'm not even going to take the trouble turning up to deface my ballot.
The principle of democratic elections is good, but in practice it's a stitch-up, Britain itself being an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain has ALWAYS been a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
As for America? It never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful clone of Great Britain.
#BigBrother must love Democrats almost as much as he loves Republicans, & Democrats are clearly committed to showing their love for & commitment to #BigBro.
America never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain, which was ever an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain & America, like all so-called #Nationstates, are, in fact, mercenary #PatronStates deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
If Ashkenazi Jews want the Holocaust to be remembered they must stop denying & despising their own European race.
The Holocaust was an intra-racial genocide, of paramount important to Europeans, as both Nazis & Ashkenazi Jews were, but of far less importance to other races.
30 min into this interview, I paused it & downloaded the audio version of Sara's memoir, which I couldn't stop listing to until it was done. It affected me as it had Brian. I then returned to the interview. @DrBrianKeating@ProfSaraSeager
via @YouTube
It's a very personal & moving memoir & may not be everyone's cup of tea, it occurs to me, but it blew me away. I felt a deep empathy with Sara & those she wrote about, as Brian had clearly also done, I guess because she was being so honest about her most personal experiences.
There is, however, another reason for my empathy, which I want to be as honest about as Sara is in her memoir, partly because in this same interview Brian mentions the well-known public intellectual & podcaster #SamHarris, with whom I have a profound difference of opinion.