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London's mayor & the deluded, eminent British journalist, #OrwellPrize winner & militant #AntiRacist, #DavidAaronovitch are both committed to the #GreatReplacement of Native Britons with migrants & asylum seekers of colour, of which there is an endless supply.
That #SadiqKhan wants the #GreatReplacement to proceed as quickly as possible, I can understand, but that @DAaronovitch - himself a Native Briton - should want this too is puzzling, until you realise that he is driven by an ideology, just as his communist parents were.
What is this ideology?

It is a misconceived, #NeverAgain, response of the evils of Nazism, which goes to oppose & equally insane extremes. It goes under the name(s) of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & AntiRacism, & the purpose it serves is this: Image
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"It’s my Blackness that makes me multi-dimentional. Because being Black in itself is inspiration"

HSBC is virtue-signalling its commitment to #BlackIdentity, which I wouldn't have a problem with, but for the fact that any expression of #WhiteIdentity is deemed RACIST.
Why do I have a problem with this? Because it's Orwellian, in line with the moral-supremacist religion/ideology of #PostRacial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism, on which it is based.

My purpose is simply to expose this ideology for what it is.
The implications of exposing this ideology are, however, profound, like exposing those of medieval church ideology, which led to the Reformation.

Profound because tied up with state authority & POWER, which there is very little understanding of on the part of social scientists.
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America was founded on #WhiteIdentity (see 1790 Naturalisation Act), because the founders knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples (incl. Ashkenazi Jews) of the same race, & that trying to include other races was a no-no. Image
So why is the #ADL going against the wisdom of the Founders in promoting non-White, i.e. non-European, immigration to America & to the #WhiteWest in general?

They are not just promoting it, but demonising anyone who opposes it as a RACIST.
The answer to my question lies in a misconceived, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazism & the Holocaust. A response which the ADL is especially active in promoting.
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Anyone, in America especially, expressing a sense of #WhiteIdentity is smeared as a White supremacist.
To equate White identity with White supremacy is insane. We don't equate Black or Jewish Identity with Black or Jewish supremacy (notwithstanding that some Black & Jewish supremacists exist), but for some reason White identity is taboo & it is important to understand why.
It does have to do with the Nazis having been White, & with not just Jewish trauma at their hands, but they were NOT White supremacists. Far from it, the Nazis were Germano-ethno-supremacists, the vast majority of whose victims were also White.
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The eminent British historian, #AJToynbee observed that all successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide, which is what our own civilisation is doing.

I arrived at this conclusion via a different route, which reveals the reason for civilisation's self-destructiveness.
It took a long time, but having gained the insights I have, they now seem self-evident to me, which is problematic when it comes to trying to communicate them to others, who do not want to recognise them.

No one wants to be told that their civilisation is committing suicide,
that there is no future for their descendants, anymore than one wants to be told by their doctor that they have an aggressive cancer.

Such truths are difficult to accept, & some simply refuse to do so, going into denial instead.

This is what we did, as a civilisation,
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The West was dominated for centuries by moral supremacists organised in the Catholic church.

The West in now dominated by moral supremacists much more loosely organised behind the secular ideology of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
This ideology pre-dates but is embraced by #CriticalRaceTheory. It began in overreaction to Nazi racial ideology, which it goes to the opposite, but equally insane extremes of.

DIVERSITY, i.e. #RacialMixing, has replaced the Nazi obsession with #RacialPurity.
While #WhiteGuilt, White racial self-denial & self-contempt have replaced Nazi racial supremacy. Any expression of #WhiteIdentity is equated with #WhiteSupremacy.

All opposition to this ideology is countered with accusations of RACISM.
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Jared Taylor: A voice of reason in an insane world.… via @bitchute
As a voice of reason in an insane world, #JaredTaylor is the object of intense hatred from those committed to this insanity, who falsely accuse him of #WhiteSupremacy, which is why he is banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & other important social media platforms.
Jared is #ProWhite, i.e. he identifies with this own, European Race, as I do, but the powers that be (#BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state & capital) who want to divide & rule us, fear nothing more that #WhiteIdentity, which is why they demonise him.
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Academics, politicians & journalists are playing a dangerous power-political game when they demonise & seek to suppress #WhiteIdentity as #WhiteSupremacy.

America was originally founded on White identity, the founding fathers being the Original White Nationalists.
They knew that forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be difficult enough, & that trying to include other races (i.e. Native & Black Americans) quite impossible, which is why, in the 1790 Nationalisation Act, they restricted citizenship to Whites.
And so it has proven. America never did become a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.

Britain was back then & remains an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
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"AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists"

The problem is: ANY expression of #WhiteIdentity, on which America was originally founded, is equated with #WhiteSupremacy.

There is a coup in progress, initiated long ago, by #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state capital.
America's founding fathers knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples (English, French, German, Dutch, etc.) of the SAME race, & impossible to include other races, which is why the 1790 Nationalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.
By modern standards, the founders were indeed White supremacists, but also had enough sense to know that multi-racial nationhood could never work. And so it has proven.

America never became a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary #PatronState than Britain.
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Twitter's co-founder & CEO, #JackDorsey is committed to woke ideology of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism, which is rooted in #CriticalRaceTheory, as espoused by #IbramKendi (whose institute he has donated $10m to) & #RobinDiAngelo.
This ideology is also rooted in Jewish trauma at the hands of the Nazis, whose criminally insane ideology of racial purity & supremacy it goes to the opposite but equally insane extremes of, promoting #RacialMixing & contempt for #WhiteIdentity - on which America was founded.
Hitler is getting his revenge on White America & Britain for having foiled his plans for world domination, while Ashkenazi Jews have internalised his hatred for them & directing it, not just at themselves, but at their entire White, European race.
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#BritishValues pose an existential threat to the survival of Western civilisation, which Britain itself has contributed so much to.

This seems contradictory, but is not.

The forces which give rise to a civilisation ultimately also destroy it.
This is what British values are now doing: destroying the civilisation they gave rise to.

It happened to ancient Greece, to ancient Rome & to every other civilisation that has arisen, flourished & fallen.
It is no coincidence that most of the world's richest people are White, while at the same time, their own race is declining & will soon "achieve" minority status in countries where it was, until very recently, the overwhelming & dominant majority, if not also indigenous.
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America was founded on #WhiteIdentity & Nationalism, so WHY are they now demonised?

The founders knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race, without trying to include other races, & thus restricted citizenship to Whites.
This is historical fact & the founders have been proven right.

America never did become a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful version of Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.

Britain was not a genuine nation back then, anymore than it is now.
Britain was, & still is, a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. It is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
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America was founded on #WhiteIdentity & Nationalism, the founding fathers being the original #WhiteNationalists, who restricted American citizenship to Whites, i.e. to fellow Europeans. So WHY is #WhiteNationalism now demonised?!
It is because America, like the UK, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.

The founders knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race, without trying to include other races.
And so it has proven. America never did became a genuine nation, as its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary patron state, deceitfully posing as a nation, like Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.
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George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, projecting them onto a future Britain & unwittingly making it difficult for us to recognise how #BigBrother would manifest himself in liberal democracies like our own.
Manifest himself he does, but not as in 1984. Instead, we are left many freedoms, while at the same time being enslaved - rich & poor alike - to BigB & #TheMatrix of state & capital. As in the film, most are completely unaware of it, & the well-served have no reason to become so.
But enslaved we are, to a system that is inherently unjust, inhumane, & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

Thus enslaved, our leaders have been unable to initiate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which our very survival depends.
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My advice to Ashkenazi Jews: Please, stop demonising your fellow Whites for their sense of #WhiteIdentity, which is an identity you are entitled & welcome to share. It is the identity on which America was originally founded.
America's founding fathers were the original #WhiteNationalists. Deny it if you want, but it is the historical truth. They knew that it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race, without trying to include other races.
America never did become a genuine nation, just a bigger, more powerful version of the mercenary, patron state from which it had won its independence. Like all so-called nation states, America is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
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“I love not man the less, but Nature more.”

@GeorgeMonbiot (who denies & despises his own, White, European race).

"I love not all human kind the less, but my own European race the more."

Me (Philosopher Kin, who identifies with the White, European race as his own).
In overreaction to the evils of Nazism & its ideology of racial purity & supremacy, Western elites (esp. traumatised Jews in academia) went to the opposite but equally insane extreme of denying & despising, not just the Nazi's Germanic race, but the entire White European race.
The Nazis were NOT #WhiteSupremacists, as Big Brother would have us believe, in order to associate #WhiteIdentity & Nationalism with them, but racial supremacists & purists in a much narrower & nastier sense.

I hereby declare White identity & nationalism to be forces for good.
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#SamHarris is a prominent & influential public intellectual, with whom I have a lot of sympathy, along with other members of the #IDW he is often associated with.

However, I find myself in total disagreement with his attitude towards RACE & #WhiteIdentity.
Firstly, to reduce Race to skin tone is absurd & unworthy of the serious intellectual I know Sam to be.

For me, race is about kinship, shared ancestry, history & prehistory, which is central to my sense of both personal & group, i.e. genuine national, identity.
My reference to national identity is important, because I strongly suspect that Sam identifies as an American & that this "national identity" is important to him.

But it is by deceitfully posing as our nation that #BigBrother tricks us into loving him.
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This is an excellent podcast. Both these guys speak a lot of good sense. However, I do not share Sam's dismissive attitude towards #WhiteIdentity, which I think is strongly influenced by Jewish trauma (now trans-generational) at the hands of their fellow Whites in Europe.
I've made a transcript of some of the things Sam Harris says in this podcast, which, I think it is fair to say, form the foundation stone of the religion of Anti-Racism, he discusses with John McWhorter. A religion which denies the reality & socio-political importance of Race. Image
If it were really about skin colour, a European would change race after getting a good tan. It's about RACE, racial identity & ancestry, which is central, for most people, to any deep & meaningful sense of both personal & group, i.e. genuine national, identity.
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What is it about #WhiteIdentity that incites such fear & hatred amongst the West's own White elites, who irrationally equate it with #WhiteSupremacy?

I'll tell you: It undermines the #NationState, on which our elites depend for their own personal success & social status.
The nation state is an #OrwellianConstruct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. It works very well for society's elites, the wealthy, & academics, who rationalise & defend it, just as medieval academics did the Church, its authority & ideology.
Our elites & favoured clients of the British state, incl. academics, have a huge personal self-interest in preserving the status quo, which they thus rationalise. They do this subconsciously, so there's no point getting angry with them. If you do, they just assume it's envy.
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Sexual attraction is something most of us are familiar with & have learned to live with in a civilised fashion.

But what about #RacialAttraction?

Attraction to one's own race is deemed racist for Whites. But why shouldn't we also learn to live with it in a civilised fashion?
State & academic authority demonises racial attraction between Whites, because it is the natural basis of national identity, which #BigBrother, who deceitfully poses as our nation himself, fears more than anything else.
It is Big Brother's fear of #WhiteIdentity & #WhiteNationalism which causes him to incite fear & hatred of them in his minions.

It is up to White Nationalists to show that such fear & hatred is unwarranted, unless, of course, you want BB to remain in control of society.
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Dear fellow Native, #FirstNationEuropeans,

If we are to survive as a race of closely related indigenous, European peoples, we must unite against the #AntiWhite madness which has taken hold of our own elites, especially in academia. #WhiteSurvival
We speak many different European languages, of which I speak only two (English & German). For centuries this divided those of us who didn't speak the lingua franca, which was first Latin, then French & now English, which suits me, but it is also the language of globalisation.
I understand & speak German, but am very slow at reading & writing it, which is why I tweet almost exclusively in English, which is my native tongue.

I've developed a good understanding of the madness which has befallen us, which I invite you to extract from my tweets.
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In Defence of #WhiteNationalism

White Nationalism undermines the nation state, which is why #BigBrother demonises it as #WhiteSupremacy & deceitfully seeks to associate it with Nazism.

The Nazis were NOT White Nationalists! Those they hated & killed most were fellow Whites.
For me, #WhiteNationalism = #WhiteIdentity.

Just as Blacks tend to identify with fellow Blacks, I'm inclined to identify with fellow Whites.

I say "tend" & "inclined", because it is not absolute. But it is still a very important form of IDENTITY.
No one demonises Black identity, so why is White identity demonised?

Big Brother fears White identity, because it has the potential to become the majority identity & to challenge his own deceitful claim to nationhood.
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The existing world order is inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable, but everyone who is anyone in society, with any wealth, power or influence has a massive personal self-interest in preserving the status quo . .
. . . pretty much as it is. In fact, in a democracy like the UK, we ALL do, because the system is based patronage, with the government of our mercenary "patron state" striving to satisfy the demands of its countless clients, individual & corporate, & very unequal.
Consumer capitalism is premised on the misconceived idea that if everyone pursues their own self-interests this will ultimately serve the interest of society at large. It's a rationalisation of the status quo by society's wealthy & academic elites whom it serves very well.
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