'When you become a member of @makelovenotporn, you are joining a growing community of adults passionate about watching (and sharing!) ethical, inclusive, female-pleasure prioritized sex - REAL people sharing glimpses into their real lives' @YesGoddessEricamakelovenotporn.medium.com/how-the-social…
.@merleeshay@BuzzFeed set out to overcome her hatred of porn, reached out to talk & decided to share her own #realworldsex on @makelovenotporn. Her searingly honest 20-minute video exploration is a MUST-WATCH (so, obviously, is her MLNP video 😍) #sextech
"@makelovenotporn is an incredible website with an incredible mission: to make sex more accessible for people and less shameful, & make self-love something that's less shameful." @merleeshay@BuzzFeed shares what it was like to become a MakeLoveNotPornstar
You're idiots, white Hollywood. '@McKinsey's study concluded that America’s film industry is the country’s least diverse business sector and that its systemic anti-Black biases cost it at least $10 billion in annual revenue.' @franklinleonard@nytopinionnytimes.com/2021/04/24/opi…
'That is despite the fact that films with two or more Black people working in those roles made 10 percent more at the box office per dollar invested than films with no or only one Black person in those capacities.' @franklinleonard@nytopinionnytimes.com/2021/04/24/opi…#Racism
'My background in advertising is account management, and I'm not one of those account people that ever thought I could do the creative’s job – because I couldn’t. I am blown away by the brilliant creative minds in our industry who take that creative leap' stoppress.co.nz/features/cindy…
I strongly recommend, @TheEconomist@EconEvents#EconInnov, that your 'Early confirmed speakers' for an event called 'Encouraging Inclusive Collaboration And Culture At Work' does NOT look like this. Also - you can't make this shit up. cc @GenderAvenger@ManelWatchUS
And before you try this shit, let me pre-emptively post the @ameliashowalter Cycle Of Tech Conference Planning #EconInnov
'This other creative had not been involved in the pitch at all. “Oh I wanted to get fresh eyes on it”, he said. This wasn’t the last time he would bring in someone random for their opinion on my work, incl (male) art directors below my level.' @taiyoholictaiyoholic.medium.com/advertising-se…
'The strategist and three others flew off to pitch, and they reported back to the team how well the meeting went, signing off with him and the other two male names, leaving out the female account lead.' @taiyoholictaiyoholic.medium.com/advertising-se…
Brands, marketers, agencies: it's 6 weeks to #Pride and Rana Reeves of RanaVerse has some MUST-READ advice: 'Consumers who identify as LGBTQ+ expect brands to see and hear them every day of the year—not just during June.' @adageadage.com/article/opinio… #DiversityAndInclusion
'Brands flock to New York and L.A. to tap into the biggest Pride events and queer markets. But #Pride is celebrated nationwide, and there are currently 27 states that lack LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination laws, including Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina' @adageadage.com/article/opinio…