Today we @CoalitionGoodGv filed a lawsuit against GA state officials to challenge some of the most egregious provisions of SB202--GA's new voting law.
Read about it here.
See why photos like the one below are now illegal. 1/
2/ Read about the most egregious voter intimidation tacit. Voters can now be charged with *felonies* for walking into a polling place and seeing a scene like this one taken by an AJC photographer.
3/ And learn about the assault on bi-partisan public election boards where the State Election Bd. can remove a county board for trivial reasons and appoint their partisan appointee giving him unilateral power.
4/ Please help support this grassroots challenge to the dangerous provisions of SB202 that threaten the pillars of liberty referenced in our lawsuit.
GA voters (and press & non-profits) attending the Nov. hand "audit," and machine recount. Watch what a REAL audit looks like in NH, with experts managing, insisting on transparency.
Contrast NH with GA's post-election counts with NO transparency or accountability. Link 👇1/
Everyone knows what is going on at all times, and all questions are answered with patience. @HarriHursti and @philipbstark in charge!
3/ In GA's post-election testing, all information went into a black hole controlled by the insiders, but press, public, monitors were not permitted to see any data, until the end when SOS and Sterling announced, "it's all good." 😡
That's no public audit!
But press accepted it.
I'm hoping that the now higher profile election for ATL mayor will cause candidates, city council and candidates focused and active to demand a verifiable election in Nov.
Using the un-auditable touchscreens is just begging for trouble and controversy. 1/
2/ The ongoing post-Nov. controversy, not nearly dead in GA, needs to be a warning to ATL. Using the same hackable BMD touchscreen machines is just crazy when the winner can never be confirmed, only assumed.
As well, touchscreens violate the voter's right to a secret ballot.
3/ ATL should lead the way in demanding no touchscreen BMDs in GA, and require hand marked ballots counted by scanners and then audited. (A real audit this time, not the nonsense purported "audit" conducted by @GaSecofState. )
It is quite disingenuous that SOS and Gabe Sterling are criticizing the AZ so-called "audit." AZ merits criticism, for sure, but GA's "audit" run by Gabe and SOS was also horribly non-transparent and violated virtually all fundamental audit principles. Pot calling kettle. 1/
2/ Yet, it seems by the comments on the thread that well-meaning people and press are fooled by the GA SOS claims.
The press irresponsibly failed to challenge these same types of audit principle violations when they happened in GA in the SOS audit.
3/ One reason that many grassroots Republicans are still suspect of the GA results is that GA played way fast and loose with "audits," and "recounts."
First, the GA results cannot be audited to determine whether Biden or Trump won.
Secondly, GA "audit" showed widespread errors.
The Sec. of State's (unauthorized) absentee ballot application portal has ended. #SB202 does not permit it. (And that's good!)
The new law requires pen and ink signatures on applications, and that they go to the county office. 1/
2/ It's interesting that the law requires the SOS to set up a secure way for voters to electronically transmit those application forms to the counties. We cannot imagine what that system would entail for 159 counties to install. Lots of 💰💰💰!
3/ Why do we @CoalitionGoodGv think that is good that the portal has ended?
The great amount of sensitive personal information on the new #SB202 ballot application form simply makes it unsafe to send it via the SOS portal.
1/ Both versions of GA omnibus election bills HB531 & SB202 contain egregiously undemocratic goals--codifying and legitimizing what the insurrectionists failed to accomplish.
Partisan St. Elec. Bd. could take over targeted county boards on a whim to overthrow results. #gapol
2/ The press hasn't really focused on this ultimate in attempt to suffocate democracy and voters' voices that are unwelcome.
1/ GA's @GovKemp often says that in GA it is "easy to vote but hard to cheat." Sadly #HB531, upends that claim--making it hard to vote and EASY to cheat.
Everyone understands the "hard to vote" part. But ironically, the bill makes it "easy to cheat."
2/ In the 2 min of testimony permitted today in Sen. Ethics Comm. hearing, I could only state that when bills drop signature verification (best authentication) to use DL#s instead, fraud will follow.
This testimony was cut short:…
3/ I'll explain a couple of examples.
It's not unusual for signature verification process to catch parents of college or adult children no longer at home, obtaining kids' ballots and voting them. They get rejected.
If DL# used instead of signature, illegal ballots are accepted