Is this covid lockdown and waves has a correlation
Whenever we commence new financial and educational year, - - situation goes out of control
- Forced lockdown , Panic buying
- Last year was madrush for plasma this year it is remdesivir
, ivermectin and so on
- Last year it was ppe and mask shortage this year Oxcon and pulse ox
- When government and bureaucracy can't foresee demand in the meds and instruments how come the racketeering gangs maintain their supply chain
Is this something for our investigative agencies to ponder
- This concept of mild, medium and severe lockdown are just psychological play with the consumer behaviour
- indeed it disrupts the demand the supply equilibrium of any coomodity as people start hoarding out of fears
- again the profiteers out of this uncertainty are hoarders
-To ensure a fair trade and consumer friendly market it's essential to have effecient, resilient and transparent supply chain
-Stringent checks and balance should be in place to maintain a demand and supply equilibrium
While we boast about gst revenue it's is also a function of price increase of any coomodity
The more revenue doesn't mean more consumption it can be due to the jacking up prices too
Gst should have the transaction history of good from warehouse to retail. If it's robust enough it can easily sideline where the consumption is more than usual and can flag up possible hoarding
It's nonetheless a GPS for goods movement across the country in product supply chain
I see these new wave and the imminent lockdown as a tool by global powers to create disruption and disaster in macro and micro economy
Our country budget projections would have almost failed or become null and void in just one month of second wave murmur
While the worst of the wave is stead fast and by all chance it may give birth to new wave
We are witnessing a steep hyperflation due to lockdown madrush consumption in simple daily consumables like vegetable and grocery
Per economics, hyperflation is self detonating price bomb where seller would be disappointed to sell at low buyer would be hesitating to purchase at constant high
What we may witness is suffocating stagflation where the consumer demand would poor than a complete lockdown
Small Business may crumble as they are the sandwiched layer
As a responsible consumer please purchase only on need and don't buy at any cost
These two behaviour can dismantle the greedy middlemen slowly to back normal state
Think before you buy more and high
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Why you should avoid Packet Curd :
Curd is a vital ingredient of our daily diet and it is a essential fermented probiotic food to ensure proper digestion of the food we eat
Per Ayurveda , there are different type of curds
-Thick Semi Formed Curd
-Sweet Curd
-Sweet & Sour Curd
-Sour Curd
-Very Sour Curd
-This classification is purely based on the probiotic culture growth on the curd and the age of the curd
-Each curd has different benefits to your health and used for treating different ailments
- Very Sour Curd is the most beneficial curd to our body as it increases the digestive fire /biological fire /Agni that exists in your body
- Proper balance of the digestive fire is key for maintaining good gut health
-Healthy gut bacteria means healthy immune system
Why we need to laugh more during these times of pandemic??
Kids laugh are the best doctor and medicine for any illness
Laughter is a easy God gifted medicine to improve your immunity and overall wellbeing of your health
A small thread on health benefits of laughter
-Lowers blood pressure
- Reduces stress hormone levels
-Improves cardiac health
-Boosts T-cells and your immunity
-Triggers the release of endorphins
- Promotes joyful thought of well-being
- Relieves physical pain
- Increases personal satisfaction and self worth
- Improves your mood
- It's Anti ageing and helps to maintain good skin and beauty
- Promotes your body self healing ability
- Lack of Oral hygiene affects our body in many ways
- It should be given the right attention and hygiene routine should be well maintained at times of pandemic
- Store sold mouth wash kills the beneficial good mouth bacteria too
If you don't have major dental disorders like gingivitis etc , you can prefer home made simple mouthwash over the cholorohexidine gluconate solution for oral health
Most of store sold mouth wash will carry fine prints discouraging daily use and requires dosage advise too
Some common side effects on prolonged use are minimised taste perception and slight impact sensory nerves on prolonged use
Chemical based mouthwash are big no to Expectant lactating mothers and Under 18
Have seen instances of parents practicing to the children too without
5 Must brain exercise to be practiced until the pandemic is over
- We go to the gym and do physical exercise to stay healthy, but somehow the same importance is not given to our mental health ( Predominantly our brain! )
-Intelligence is not a fixed characteristic that you are simply born with, it's a training given to your brain on how to process and possess the information it's presented with
- To simply put, intelligence is a trait on how perceive the happenings around us and how we react
- Simple brain exercise are easy to do with limited space and from home itself
- Writing a gratitude journal, a powerful self help technique too
- Reading book outside your common interest area and taking notes from it
Chandra kala mudra - Ancient Hand gesture technique for maintaining good respiratory health
- Chandrakala mudra is the simplest mudra resembling crescent moon
-Stimulates lungs and open airways
- This mudra should be practiced for 15 to 20minutes
To master this mudra, hold your arm horizontally
Bend your fingers in your palm, except the thumb and index and these two fingers are straight and pointed
More beneficial if done after pranayama
On a personal experience, I have found this beneficial for patients who were in early stages of wheezing and asthma
These have shown great benefit towards disease reversion