.@nhannahjones is the Galileo of the field of American history, no exaggeration
Has the rightwing never met an interesting idea? Their incuriosity and intellectual terror sometimes rival their racism
Anyone I have ever known in academia — humanities and sciences — would give anything to stress-test their field’s dominant paradigms as rigorously & imaginatively as Jones has.
It is a monumental achievement. The cries of dissent from towering American historians like Sean Wilentz are *proof* of what an visionary accomplishment the 1619 Project is. It has awoken the field “from its dogmatic slumbers” (as Hume said of Kant).
Zero people need my opinion on mask use but what the hay:
My sole purpose in life these days is to proselytize for the vax.
So I have to think like Ned Flanders or a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon or Scientologist on commission for how many appointments I book.
But like any good salesman or evangelist my techniques change depending on who I am trying to bend to my will.
Hippie antivaxers are a whole different kettle of fish from Trump antivaxers. People who think it’s expensive to get the (free) vax—they’re their own thing.
Sometimes not wearing a mask & telling people it’s bc I got the vax and feel so free finally, right? — that’s the best way. Other times, wearing one & bonding hating anti-mask assholes & how you definitely got the vax, right? No? Oh well lemme sign you up. Sometimes that does it