Now, I am a sloooooow critter and have not made it this far in the podcast eps so I don’t know most of these, but MAN, the imagination and craftsmanship is impressive. They’re gorgeous.
Let’s look!
Expert #Critters, please jump in and tell me what I’m looking at!
Here we go...
First, Monsters of Wildemount, Set One!
Sorry the pictures kinda suck, but WOW!
And here’s Monsters of Wildemount Set 2...
Again, the photos aren’t great, but these are some of the best pre-painted minis I’ve every seen. The little dragon-like thing is AWESOME.
I worked with three massive video game franchises in the past couple years where women working on them each individually told me their bosses were shocked and unprepared for the number of women and girls buying their games. Some expressed disbelief rather than delight.
When Disney Infinity and Lego Dimensions launched, it was believed at the corporate level boys would be turned off if the starter sets included female characters. Lego fought to include one, Disney zero.
(The sole female starter character was Wyldstyle).
This continued during the run of both games (and I stress, I loved these games, two of my all-time favorites), despite the actual developers fighting to include more female characters, which led to weird decisions like Lone Ranger getting more in-game content than Frozen.
Okay, here is the thing...there is a backlog of games that have been sent to my #MagicPorch, and I don't want to get behind so I am going to do some shorter ones once in a while to catch up for #TableTopGails!
The Peninsula O’ Games has become a small Continent O’ Games!
Okay, now, I have played NONE of these games yet, so if you worked on them, or published them, or have PLAYED them, please jump into the conversation, okay? Would love to hear from you!