Tackling the easy questions this morning in India 🇮🇳 #SFS_2021 😊
We researchers don’t have a lot of time. We’re in luck: digital #scicomm can be easy yet effective. More #scicomm from the 99%!
Taking inspiration from @familyunequal - share & promote!
Some fun activities on Menti: what are aspects of the *worst* science communicators? Lots of Indian context given in the answers: where pseudoscience is rampant & there‘s a big digital divide (I’m no expert on this)
Talking a bit about the deficit model in science communication. There’s a place for it - but for scientists who see themselves part of societal discussions, other models are available and more helpful.
Deficit model can mean both:
- the idea that public behavior changes due to disseminated information (“here are facts!” +“scientific literacy!”)
- that key societal issues are primarily *epistemic* and ought be addressed as such.
More co-productive, reflexive, critical accounts of #scicomm see #scicomm as contributing to more robust societal discourses - rather than following didactic purposes.
This type of #scicomm sees itself as part of, rather than apart from, or above, society.
Worst of #scicomm:
Arrogant “dunking/ debunking”, manipulative campaigning, stealth advocacy, inattentiveness to political and cultural contexts, industry capture, ignorance of other disciplines or knowledge traditions... what else? @OpenAcademics
There is need for expectation management too. The dissemination model isn’t responsible for structural challenges. #scicomm cannot solve things that require regulation (big tech), redistribution (wealth & power inequalities), investment (education systems) or social movements...
The @GlobalYAcademy has lots of #scicomm people I’d invite you to check out, likewise see the national young academies —>
I’ll add more resources if there is sufficient interest. Time difference of 5 1/2 hours means I get to enjoy some morning coffee now.
Oh and also: if you have relevant research always post it here—->>>>
Also mentioned the excellent scicomm by @ExaltFibs - intriguing questions (that I couldn’t answer by the attendees). Big thanks to @IndiaDST and @Abhadra7
On Thursday, Angela Merkel @RegSprecher will be at @leopoldina - the 🇩🇪 National Academy of Sciences - and speak about the importance of the role of science at the inauguration of climatologist Gerald Haug. I'll be attending for @GlobalYAcademy & see our friends @Junge_Akademie
Good stuff friends, there's a video at bundeskanzlerin.de/bkin-de that starts with "Not everyone knows Leopoldina".
The cool thing is that just last year, we @GlobalYAcademy brought hundreds of global young scientists to Halle for several days & since we've moved our offices there..
Extraordinarily glad that @GlobalYAcademy is co-organizing @WorldSciForum this year, streamlining young global voices (whether our members or nominated speakers) throughout the conference. Wohoo"
In the past months, we at @GlobalYAcademy have started to improve the visibility of young global scientists. I'll starting sharing more about what I learned through this about #digitization#academies#wikipedia and the visibility of researchers. Here's a picture of NYAs #gyawiki
NYAs are national young academies. There are around 50 of them, some have a long and prominent history, some have just started *this week*.
NYAs are great (*I'm biased, as Executive Member of the GYA... :):
- scientific excellence is understood both in conventional terms, but also in terms of societal impact
- terms are limited. You have 4-5 years to *really* do work
- are typically very diverse! (@WikiWomenInRed)
Onsite (subsized or *free*) childcare is the golden ticket of conference family-friendliness. Unfortunately, it is often quite difficult to find funding for this. But if you have it, this will allow parents to really make the most of their attendance. (2/11)
Early on, organizers can publish recommendations on the website & programme for accomodation that is family friendly (bonus points if there are subsidies for it). Likewise with activities and kid-friendly restaurants in the host city. (3/11)