Liquidity Providing (LPing) - LPing for $DPI / $ETH on a DEX like @Uniswap, @loopringorg or @SushiSwap enables DPI holders to earn a portion of the trading fees.
$SUSHI - Onsen program = extra rewards in SUSHI
$UNI - Largest pool for DPI
$LRC - ZK roll-up = less gas fees
Liquidity Mining - In addition to the trading fees earned by providing liquidity to DEX pools, LPers can earn additional rewards by staking their $DPI / $ETH LP tokens via the @indexcoop website to receive rewards in $INDEX tokens.
Index Coop - Est. target APY: 12% (INDEX)
Yield Farming - $DPI LPers can stake their LP tokens into yield aggregators like @harvest_finance to earn extra rewards. Yield aggregators harvest reward tokens, $INDEX, plus reward stakers in their native token, $FARM.
Harvest Finance - APY: 1.0% (FARM), 7.0% (INDEX)
Leveraged yield farming - Protocols like Alpha Homora V2 and Impermax allow users to deposit $DPI or the $DPI / $ETH LP token to earn leveraged liquidity rewards. Rewards are auto-compounded to generate additional yield.
Lending and Borrowing Protocols - Users can also lend their $DPI tokens on lending and borrowing protocols, like $CREAM and $ALPHA, to earn yield from borrowing demand on the protocol.
Collateral Debt Positions (CDP) - Borrowing stable coins against $DPI frees up liquidity w/o having to sell the asset. Beneficial as the stable coins borrowed can be used for various cases inside and outside #crypto.
@banklessDAO and @indexcoop join forces once again to bring the crypto space a DeFi 2.0 Index!
🚀 how will this be different from $DPI?
🚀 what's the methodology?
🚀 how to get included in $GMI?
let's dig in🧵
$GMI seeks to capture the performance of emergent DeFi application themes
$GMI relaxes the inclusion criteria of Index Coop’s flagship index - DeFi Pulse Index | $DPI
$GMI provides exposure to "experimental" DeFi project tokens which are further out on the risk curve
$GMI screens for promising early stage DeFi projects which are not yet considered “blue chip”
$GMI attempts to produce an optimal weighting via the use of a combination of:
- square-root market cap
- secondary market liquidity
- relative token dilution/emission scoring