Freedom of expression is in peril with Bill C-10. Government will not directly regulate content but will force social media companies to do it for them. @PardyBruce…
More and more, governments have become adept at getting around the Constitution to do indirectly what the Constitution says they cannot do directly. @PardyBruce
Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the state cannot lock you away without due process, even for public safety, yet has been quarantining asymptomatic people in the name of public health. @PardyBruce
Provinces have jurisdiction over natural resources, lands, mines, minerals, property and civil rights, but the federal government can impose carbon levies on a province in the name of “peace, order and good government.” @PardyBruce
The state cannot prevent citizens from entering or leaving Canada, or impose medical procedures without consent, yet now requires returning travellers to submit to invasive tests when they cross the border. @PardyBruce
Under Section 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867, goods from any province shall be admitted freely into any other, but provinces can erect barriers that inhibit trade if that is not their primary purpose. @PardyBruce
The @peoplespca proposes to respect the Constitution, stop federal intrusions in provincial jurisdictions, downsize government to its proper size, and protect our rights and freedoms.
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1/4 Trudeau annonce un autre don au reste du monde lors d’une vidéoconférence à l’ONU.
Nous sommes déjà en faillite alors qu’elle différence fait un autre 400M$? C’est seulement 1/1000e du gigantesque déficit de cette année.…
2/4 Et pour ceux qui ne croient pas que #COVID19 soit un prétexte pour instaurer plus de mondialisme et de communisme à l’échelle mondiale, voici les explications de Trudeau:
3/4 «Le Canada croit qu’une réponse forte et COORDONNÉE À TRAVERS LE MONDE et entre les secteurs est essentielle. Cette pandémie a fourni UNE OCCASION POUR UNE RÉINITIALISATION. C’est ...
1/ Le plan d’aide d’urgence annoncé par le gouvernement fédéral contient surtout des mesures ciblées et temporaires pour aider les ménages et les entreprises à traverser la crise du coronavirus.
Je pense que ces mesures sont inévitables et je ne vais pas les critiquer.
2/ Pour le moment à tout le moins, le gouvernement évite les mesures keynésiennes typiques de stimulus pour encourager à s’endetter et dépenser plus.
No seulement ces mesures sont-elles en général totalement inefficaces, ce serait de la folie dans les circonstances actuelles.
3/ Il ne faut se faire aucune illusion. Ce plan sera très coûteux et nous rendra tous plus pauvres à plus long terme.
Mais c’est peut-être le prix à payer pour s’attaquer à une situation exceptionnelle et fournir un filet de sécurité à ceux qui passent un moment difficile.
1/ The emergency aid package announced by the federal government yesterday contains mostly targeted and temporary measures to help affected households and businesses cope with the coronavirus crisis.
I believe these measures are unavoidable and I will not criticize them.
2/ The government has for now at least mostly avoided the typical Keynesian stimulus measures to encourage everyone to borrow and spend more.
Not only are these totally inefficient as a rule, they would be utter folly in the current situation.
3/ We should be under no illusion that this plan will be extremely costly and will make us all poorer in the longer term.
But it may be the price to pay to deal with an exceptional situation and provide a safety net to all those who find themselves in a dire situation.
1/8 @GretaThunberg est devenue la mascotte internationale de l’alarmisme climatique.
Le but de la gauche verte est de transformer radicalement notre société en provoquant une peur hystérique de la fin du monde à moins d’abandonner nos libertés et notre mode de vie.
2/ L’objectif est clair. Thunberg: «Nous devons changer presque tout dans notre société actuelle.»
Ils veulent nous rendre plus pauvres et tout restreindre, du logement au transport en passant par l’alimentation, les voyages, ce que nous consommons, et même se reproduire.
3/ Ils se foutent de la démocratie. Nous n’avons plus de temps pour débattre. Tout doute ou opposition doivent être éliminés. Il faut ces changements radicaux MAINTENANT.
Greta est un bouclier pratique. La meute accuse ceux qui la critiquent d’«attaquer une enfant autiste».
1/8 @GretaThunberg has become the international mascot for climate alarmism.
The goal of the green Left is to radically transform our society through hysterical fear that the end of the world is coming and we have no choice but to give up our freedoms and way of life.
2/ Their agenda is clear. Thunberg: “We must change almost everything in our current society.”
They want to make us poorer and restrict everything from housing, transportation, food, travel, and what we consume, to even having babies.
3/ They don’t care about democracy and say there is no time left for debate. Opposition or expression of doubt must be silenced. We must make those radical changes NOW.
They use Greta as a convenient shield. The mob accuse those criticizing her of “bullying an autistic child.”
1/ EC is interpreting a bad law as best it can, but this rule is still absurd. Not because we’re the only party with a different perspective which climate alarmists believe is not legitimate. But because it is arbitrary, draconian, and cannot be applied consistently.
2/ Free speech is a fundamental value for the PPC.
With its changes to the Elections Act, Lib gov has put in place a series of measures that curtail it.
The law should only regulate real partisan advertising, which is when there is mention of a candidate or party by name.
3/ The article focuses on climate change and PPC position. But there are hundreds of potentially contentious issues that could be considered partisan if this rule were to be applied consistently.
This excessive regulation of free speech has no place in a free society.