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10 Jun, 168 tweets, 44 min read
June 10,2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items today are Workshop update on our Water Supply/Drought AND Anti-Slum Enforcement Team and Code Enforcement; Two trail segment items;Ten acre park;Valley Inn purchase; Youth Commission changes;adding potentially 7 more
cannabis stores;Infill incentives;Illegal fireworks;@FLDocumenters @fresnoland #fresno You can watch beginning at 9 am @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar items: 1-B Approve the First Amendment to the Service Agreement between the City of Fresno and Hands On Central California to extend the current agreement for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program at Fresno Yosemite International Airport for a term of
four years with an additional four year option in the amount of $12,000 per year. 1-D RESOLUTION –Adopting the 90th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2020-159 appropriating $750,000 for the Local Early Action Planning Support (LEAP) Grant Program to
accelerate housing production in the City of Fresno. Approval of the AAR will appropriate $750,000 for the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Support Grant program awarded by the California State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to accelerate housing prod-
-uction in the City of Fresno. Once the funds are appropriated, staff will begin allocating funding to the approved grant programs which include Housing Element updates, housing trust fund research, CEQA overlay for high-opportunity sites, and various issues involving housing.
1-E Actions pertaining to the creation of the Kings Canyon Corridor Transit Oriented Development Connectivity Plan:In 2019, the Planning and Development department was awarded $325,000 in Measure C Grant funding to complete the Kings Canyon Corridor Transit Oriented Development
(KCTOD) Connectivity Plan and associated community outreach. The three primary objectives for the Plan are as follows: (1) Identification of which Bus Rapid Transit stops along the Kings Canyon Corridor have the greatest near-term market potential for building compact, higher-
-density mixed-use development. (2) Development of Station Area Plans (SAP) for the top two previously identified stations, and (3) Standardize the SAPs so they can be used as models for other properties along the larger BRT Corridor. These strategies in the KCTOD will allow the
the City to catalyze future infill development around the City’s existing BRT stations.
1-G Approving the Development Agreement by and between Lennar Homes of California, Inc. and the City of Fresno pertaining to Vesting Tentative Map 5232, and Final Maps 6158 and 6159 thereunder, situated east of Fowler Avenue between Kings Canyon Road and Fancher Creek
1-K *1-Actions pertaining to Butler Avenue and Cedar Avenue Intersection Improvements – Bid File 3795 (Council District 5)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
2. ***RESOLUTION – 81st Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2020-159 appropriating $876,800 for
the Traffic Signal Left Turn Phasing at the Butler Avenue and Cedar Avenue Project
1- O *Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,482,760.00 to Avison Construction, Inc. of Madera,
CA, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the Clovis Avenue Metro Trail Project, Clovis Avenue from McKinley Avenue to Shields Avenue (Bid File No.3803-12012
The City of Fresno seeks to award a construction contract for segment 5 of the Midtown Trail,
originally described in project grant documents as the Clovis Avenue Metro Trail, from McKinley
Avenue to Shields Avenue. The Midtown Trail is a planned 7-mile multipurpose pedestrian
bicycle trail comprised of five, separate trail segments. Segment 5 will run northerly along the west
side of Clovis Avenue and will include trail construction, minor street work, driveway reconfigurations,
lighting, landscaping and irrigation. This construction contract is
for $1,482,760.00 and is fully funded
by a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program grant and Local Measure C Trails
1-Q *Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Fresno and 2500 MLK, LLC for a ten-acre park site near the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard and Church Avenue in the total amount of $2,000,000 (City Council District 3)The City of Fresno
has been awarded $5,489,606 in funding for a new community park, as part
of the overall $70 million Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program. Approval of the
Purchase and Sale Agreement will transfer the land into City ownership and allow the design and construction of
the park to proceed. The City will pay the Owner $1,000,000 at the close of escrow
and provide an additional $1,000,000 in park fee credits for future homes and apartments constructed
in the project area, consistent with the Development Agreement approved by the Council in Feb
1-R **Approve Third Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement, dated January 22, 2019, with BKF
Engineers, in the amount of $58,418.23, for the Herndon Canal Metro Trail Project (Council District 7)
The City is proposing to construct a multipurpose pedestrian and bicycle
trail along the Herndon Canal from Shields Avenue and First Street to McKinley Avenue and Millbrook Avenue, which is
referred to as Segment 3 of the Midtown Trail Program.
1-EE Approve a First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement
between the City of Fresno and Uptown, LP to construct a mixed use residential and commercial
development on property located at 1517 L Street and 2139 Stanislaus (District 3).Uptown,
LP (Developer) is requesting approval of a First Amendment to the Amended and Restated
Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) approved by the City Council in October of 2019 to
construct a multi-story, mixed-use development consisting of 53 market-rate residential units,
square feet of commercial/retail space, a community facility, and fitness amenities with total project total project
costs estimated at $17 million (Project). The First Amendment revises the Performance Schedule in
the current DDA to allow an additional 19 months to
construct the Project.In 2015, Upside Enterprises, LLC (Original Developer) purchased several properties adjacent to the
City’s parcels bounded by Van Ness and Stanislaus. At the time, Developer also owned the
marketing firm, Catalyst Marketing Company at 1466 Van
Ness. The Project Property is within close
proximity to the LEDE, Brio, Fulton Village, Broadway Studios, Vagabond Lofts, H Street Lofts,
Crichton Place, and Iron Bird Lofts which is the most intensive corridor of mixed-income residential
development in Downtown
Fresno.At the time of purchase, the Project Properties were blighted and underutilized with remnants of a
burned historic single-family home known as the Nestel Home on one site while the other parcel at
Van Ness and Stanislaus contained a dilapidated vacant gas
station with numerous code violations.
The Project Properties were consistently vandalized and had become a shelter for transients.
1-FF Actions pertaining to the acquisition of The Valley Inn (APN 449-335-32) for $6,955,000 to serve as a
low-barrier emergency homeless shelter for an interim period, prior to being converted to permanent
affordable and/or mixed-income housing in partnership with other public
and not-for-profit
organizations.Project Off Ramp and Project Homekey have been successful collaborations between the City of
Fresno (City),Fresno Housing Authority, Turning Point of Central California, Kingsview, Poverello
House, and other agencies to place, rather than displace
homeless from the freeway right-of-way into
emergency shelter housing with case-management services available. To date, approximately 70% of
the homeless individuals offered housing and case management services through Project Off Ramp
have accepted. The City’s acquisition of The
Valley Inn is an extension of Project Off Ramp and Project
Homekey, and the same five core agencies will continue to collaborate with The Valley Inn property.The Valley Inn is located at 933 N. Parkway Drive (APN 449-335-32). The Valley Inn has 107 rooms,
and repairs will be com-
completed to allow The Valley Inn to serve as a low-barrier emergency homeless
shelter for an interim period. It is the Administration’s current plan, subject to funding availability, to
convert The Valley Inn from a low-barrier emergency homeless shelter to permanent
mixed-use/mixed income housing within approximately 5-years of the City’s acquisition of
the property.
1-HH Amending the Citywide Records Management Program.Approval of the attached resolution would amend the citywide Records Management Program and
related policies by carving out an exception for privileged attorney-client communications and related
records of the City Attorney’s
Office, unless and to the extent expressly authorized in writing by the City
Attorney. The preservation of privileged attorney client and related records is crucial to the provision
of ongoing legal services by the City Attorney’s Office
1-II RESOLUTION – Initiating a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fresno to Amend
Chapter 15, Article 27, Section 15-2706 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the Sale of Alcoholic
Beverages for Off-site Consumption – The Responsible Neighborhood Market Act
1-JJ *** Bill No. 24 - (Intro. 5/27/21)(For Adoption) – Amending Section 5-510 of the Fresno Municipal
Code relating to the Fresno Youth Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to advise the Council and Mayor on issues relating to youth.[No more
than ten unexcused absences
per two-year term shall be allowed.
Commissioners must notify the Youth Coordinator or Chair of the
Commission of any anticipated absence 72 hours prior to the meeting at
which the Commissioner will be absent, unless an emergency arises.
Excused absences will not have a limit
and may be due to, but not limited
to, personal, school, or medical circumstances. Excused absences shall be
granted at the mutual discretion of the Youth Coordinator and the Chair of
the Commission. A Commissioner exceeding ten unexcused absences shall be automatically removed
from their position. This attendance policy
may be amended in the Commission’s bylaws by vote of 2/3 of the
1-KK *Approve the appointment of Linda Barreto to the Immigrant Affairs Committee
1-LL ****Amending the Vacant Building Ordinance, FMC section 10-617 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
1-*MM This ordinance will provide incentives for development within the City. It will provide an exemption of
certain fees on certain new residential infill projects. This exemption is with the expectation that it will
encourage and promote development of residential units on un-
unutilized lots within the City. The Sponsors recommend allocating $5 million to establish the fund in Fiscal Year 22. SECTION 12-4.1603 – INFILL PROJECT DEFINED. For purposes of this section,
Infill Project shall be defined as new residential projects on sites less than 5 net
acres in
size and substantially surrounded by urban uses.
SECTION 12-4.1604 – FEE WAIVER PROGRAM. Eligible residential infill
developments shall be eligible for a waiver of the following fees:
(a) Park Facilities Fees
(b) Police Facilities Fees
(c) Fire Facilities Fees
(d) Street
SECTION 12-4.1605 – REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM. Eligible residential infill
developments shall be eligible for up to 50% reimbursement of the cost of curb, gutter,
and sidewalk improvements imposed as a Condition for Approval for the project, subject
to available funding as may
be appropriated by Council.
1-NN RESOLUTION – Authorizing Seven Additional Cannabis Retail Businesses for a total of Twenty-One
pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 9-3306 (b) Sponsors:Arias,Esparza, Karbassi
Council meeting beginning. @kmkarbassi absent.
Invocation by Pastor Kevin Foster, Lifebridge Community Church
1-L removed with 1-W moved until after water workshop by Arias. 1-GG City Manager would like this heard but Arias has some concerns on 90 day extension of contract.
Will be heard today. 1-LL on vacant building continued to another date. Following Items removed to be heard everyday. 1D, 1E, 1-O , 1-Q,1-V , 1-W, 1-Y, by Maxwell 1-CC by Arias. 1-FF by Bredefeld. 1-N, 1-BB and 1-JJ by Soria. 1-LL removed by City Manager as bids expire soon. .
Arias: litigation factors so we need to hear it. Chavez: let’s bring it back during Budget Hearings next week. (@kmkarbassi present now). Karbassi would like Pinedale water tabled. Maxwell is ok hearing this during Closed Session. Agree to continue. Bredefeld: 1-DD is on real
estate. Can i vote on it ? City Attorney: you and Mayor own multi family apartments and this is single family. Bredefeld doesn’t have to recuse himself.
Proclamation for "LGBTQ+ Pride Month"
Sponsors: Councilmember Soria, Councilmember Arias, Councilmember Maxwell. Quite a few of public present. Soria: knows we hope to open fully July 6. Jeffrey Robinson present as well as Kathleen Arambula, Jennifer Cruz, Zane Anthony
Pride Month and Flag Raising tomorrow. Arias: tomorrow’s event shouldn’t be as controversial as it was. Fresno needs to be a place people can be who they are especially with small rural areas that can be more hostile. @Maxwell4Fresno LGTBQ+ has had to fight for all their rights
that others take for granted. We have a long way to go until they have full equity. This City Council loves you unequivocally. Robison: this has been a 30 year Process. Districts 1&3 have always stood with us as well as Mayor Linda Humphrey. Next: history in the making and pro-
gress. Next: Reel Pride thanks council. Hopefully we have new leadership replacing us in future. This is a step. Anthony: thanks the late Zoier. Our spiritual Buddha. History in the making.
Pride Flag will fly outside City Hall for 7 days. @D7Esparza thanks his colleagues For bringing this forward as it is a civil rights issue. We are a diverse city. Next. Council reports : Soria :I pulled some items because of less time to meet with staff. We have started a new
System. Also several swimming pools this summer. Price range from $50-80. Many families can’t afford that. Can we do anything about it ? Sliding scale? Sponsorship? Budget changes? Swimming lessons. Also fireworks. Many calls about this. Administration have any progress on the
issue. City Manager: met with PARK on swim lessons price. Hoping to place Fireworks higher up in FresGo. Work with Fire Dept and Code Enforcement. @MiguelArias_D3 Thanks for Valley Inn changes City Manager worked on for him. Playground at Brawley has faulty dangerous equipment.
JSK Park. Also budget hearings next week. Can we have a list of proposed changes beforehand?Flag Poles in District 3. How we build our future is important but in his opinion Mayor stirred up this issue on poles that distracted it. The Eaton Plaza potentially will get 7 flag poles
We need trash compactors downtown but mayor worked on 7 flag poles. Council makes determination on park names etc. I am working with city Manager. Work with Eaton Family on name change and we need to get back to solving our problems and not creating more. @Maxwell4Fresno Hope no
one had dinner plans he jokes. With budget items some items are falling through cracks. District 4 lifted parking restrictions at El Dorado Park. Streets were not getting effectively swept so Caprioglio had fines instituted if cars were not moved on that day. People were fined
AND streets still not swept. We will sweep down middle of street until we can come up with solution. Also game potanque has some local stars at Cary Park are at national level. Trenches and chain link fence is causing blight there. Disappointing to have splash park come online
Saturday but offline for weeks to come the next. With Budget for outside park ( Camp Fresno I think) getting millions of dollars should be given for in city park. SubDivision had odd inclusion of sewers not added yet even though some are buying homes already. City Manager: the
developer is starting to do what they said they would do. Maxwell: please cc me in it so I can update my constituents. Next: lawn rebate program but I haven’t heard from Public Utility on it. Can I get update at next council meeting? City Manager agrees. Maxwell:we often hear
info for these meetings just a few days ahead of time. I don’t get supplemental documents until last possible legal day. Can we get these 10-14 days ahead of time so I can make a better decisions. Otherwise we pull every consent item and have a longer discussion OR continue them
to next meeting. Chavez: I am working with other councilmembers as to what they are comfortable as to when paperwork arrives. Out agenda items are getting into double lettered (such as today we are up to 1-PP). @D7Esparza beautify fresno event was a success. Also I went with
Fresno Fire dive team last week in search for a body in a canal. I got to see what it takes. Also congratulate new Fresno State President who is a District 7 resident at least for now. Thanks Mayor for coming to district zoom meeting. @LuisCha70215912 firework issue is every year
but how do we approach and enforce it. I had a palm tree catch fire last year. My neighborhood Nextdoor has had lots of chatter about the more dangerous version. Pool in Mosqueda needs to be open for free for those low income kids. Lifeguards are coming on board now.
Mayor: Eaton Plaza idea was similar to something in Merced. I don’t want to rename Eaton Plaza to Unity Park. I have received comments on this proposed Eaton Plaza that is supportive. It can complement to City Hall flag pole where a flag can’t be raised there.I find it ironic
that event council meeting so far has had praise for getting back to Councilmembers quickly. But today it seems to have changed. Must be something has changed. I will reach out to find out what that is. I do praise my staff for what they are doing. Webster Beautify Fresno event
went well. Important for those neighborhoods. This week will be Chuckchansi Park at 9 am and then to Camp Fresno. One Fresno Foundation launched too. Lots of support for Camp Fresno for youth. We will change lives with it. @D7Esparza the criticism today were specific and not an
overall criticism. Don’t read too deep. Largely improvement from past administrations. @MiguelArias_D3 I was complimentary to City Manager today. But we have broken parks but staff found time to lay concrete for flag poles. We will praise when deserved but will be critical when
need be. Let’s fix what is in front of us before we start other items. Chavez: praise staff for their work. You have to deal with personalities and some of us have more than one he jokes. This is an elite team the administration has. City Manager: el dorado park we will get that
adjusted. Splash Parks have had pumps breaking but we need to purchase more robust versions. Return to office work but Cal OSHA decisions. @gregorybarfield has been listening to those long meetings Emergency and ordinances need to be looked at. Parks Commission met and the
way ordinance it is written it is challenging for them. We went thru the entire $50 million budget in an hour and half. Felt bad for them for getting it all at once.
Public comments: Kimberly McCoy thanks soria for bringing up swimming lessons. We now have private firms taking over them and now charging high costs. City needs to do better. Measure P is to supplement not replace. @LovesMercy Brandi: grateful for Pride Flag. Valley Inn
is good but still having trouble finding shelter beds. Dez Martinez: safe camp person had mentally ill person last year who had violent tendencies from a car accident damaging his frontal lobe. I was able to get him into hotel shelter but still had fights there and got kicked out
He never got a case manager to help him. He went to H St. he got beaten badly by 8 men and sent to hospital. Our city ignores the most needy. Home got burned after vagrants lived there for a year. Owner needs to be held responsible. Next Ivanka Saunders: we are against 1-L
South Central residents were excluded which is a long time issue where they are left out in decisions. Bad faith by City. Truck traffic onto Central Ave from Amazon expansion. It is a violation of CEQA. @LCJandA this is not a minor change or alteration. City must not approve.
Next: Terry Hirschfield of Orange Elementary says we have not received any info from City on the truck traffic. City Council must not adopt it. Next: Robert McCloskey Grand Jury said coordination between City and County is a major problem in homeless situation. We need tiny home
On property with showers. Next : Sandra Celedeon from Building Healthy Communities agrees City needs to listen to community. @sanlens Equity Plan is needed to inform annual expenditure plan before Measure P money can be spent. Spotshotter needs to show results but doesn’t prevent
crimes. $2 million can be spent other places. Agrees with Maxwell the community needs to have time to read documents. Scott Miller: @Fresno_Chamber Chamber of Commerce agrees on cannabis applicants change. Next: Grecia Elenes agrees with swimming lesson available. Next:
@LisaYFlores1 thanks Soria for her longtime support of LGTBQ. Also the firework mortars that come from Nevada and Mexico. They are concussive. Perhaps cancel fireworks for a year? Central Ave CEQA violation. Reroute won’t be completed until 2023. Fresno has history of environ-
mental racism. This costs lives and money in the long run. 1-NN Bredefeld, Karbassi and Chavez register no vote. Next 1-D 1-D RESOLUTION –Adopting the 90th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2020-159 appropriating $750,000 for the Local Early Action Plan-
-ning Support (LEAP). Planner Sophia P says Update on Housing Element , Housing Trust fund; vacant sites marketed, developer training for small projects: accessory units 7 ADU plans to help developers and land owners know how to create an ADU. Maxwell: these are all fascinating
but I would like updates as it happens piecemeal rather than once all five are done. Arias: catalyst sites? Sophia: potential sites owned by city or private may need predevelopment work such as Old IRS building. We identify these sites doesn’t need council approval legally but
rely on our consultants. Arias: outside consultants don’t know our city but we know where vacant lots are. Please notify our district office when it starts. Sophia :small development training available. @Esmeralda_Soria ADU is very interesting. I am still on RDA. They own several
vacant lots. Can they be considered?Sophia: yes. Soria: glad the trust fund is happening. Hopefully administration will be in support. 1-E Actions pertaining to the creation of the Kings Canyon Corridor Transit Oriented Development Connectivity Plan:In 2019, the Planning and Dev
Development department was awarded $325,000 in Measure C Grant. Maxwell: can this money be used for something else? Public Works: Scott Mozier says money would go back into pot for all cities to compete for so only for this item. Chavez: kings canyon corridor could have more
walkable and pedestrian friendly with perhaps brought to one Lane each way road diet with parallel parking and protected cycling. Working on it fir 4-5 years. Blue print as to what it can look like. Approved.
1- O *Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,482,760.00
Maxwell: What is timeline for segment 5? Segment 4? Does this become part of Parks? Public Works when done? Staff Jesus: 5 could be begun this august with 50-90 days to complete. Parallel with Airway Golf Course. Mozier: trails have been maintained by Public Works the past 15
years. Maxwell: do we have design concepts will look like ? A: yes. Approved. 1-Q *Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Fresno and 2500 MLK, LLC for a ten-acre park site near the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard and Church Avenue in
in the total amount of $2,000,000 (City Council District 3) Mozier: $5.5 m from TCC dollars 100 trees , walking path, restrooms, LED lighting. Arias : City is purchasing but one acre will remain private for a privately operated community center. Approved 7-0 1-T Water Main on
Fowler Ave and is new subdivision. Maxwell: what went wrong that it needs major repairs ? A: Jesus Gonzales says main wasn’t put in by developer but a 25 year old pipe. Need to replace it. Maxwell: shouldn’t developer fixed it? A: development didn’t cause issue. City Manager
says study of water capacity led to this. There is a lawsuit on these 14’ pipes to have manufacturer replace but lost so we are replacing them ourselves.we require two sources of water in case things like this happens. Maxwell: new developments east of Fowler going up. Can we
collect dollars to replace those? A: yes. Arias: hard to increase old water mains but outlying areas don’t ? A: demand driven charge now. Some are 80-100 years old. On city to replace. Approved 1-N Ashlan Corridor A: Costs on these bids we are taking into account for future
projects and making estimates with that information. approved
1-Y Adopt a Resolution authorizing acceptance of $1,263,368 in grant funding from the State of California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) for the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Service Department through the Office of Neighborhood Safety
Community Engagement (ONSCE) program 2020 California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) grant Maxwell: could this be used for Advanced Peace?A:similar to Advance Peace with wrap around support as a complementary role. Maxwell:seems like Advance Peace were funded to
fail but when something like this comes up why can't they get a piece of the pie? A:Advance Peace didn't have a fiscal funder when this occured.City Manager: Mayor is working with Advance Peace now.Trying to advance their capital so they can be ready. It will part of
Budget hearings. Approved 7-0 1-BB Approve a 1-year agreement with the County of Fresno to receive County Aid Dispatch services which expires on June 30, 2021. The terms of the agreement include a fee of $845,640 in Fiscal Year 2022 with the option of an additional two year
two year extension (each individually) for a total fee of $2,536,920 over three years, should the City exercise that option. Soria:Any evaluation if Police and Fire dispatch can be consolidated? City Manger:10% of money but only 7% of money? Opportunity to be more efficient next
year. Soria:fireworks fine increase?Manager: yes. Chief:$1250 is the fine now. Need more teeth if Attorney agrees. $2500 or $5000 perhaps?Approved. 1-CC Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into the Third Amendment to an existing contract with ShotSpotter Inc. (SST), through
FY 2024 to provide gunshot detection coverage for 14.46 square miles in the City of Fresno in an amount not to exceed $2,076,384 over three years.Arias: PD Chief let us know it will take a few more weeks for him to know how many of these results in conviction. What if it is a 1
year rather than 3 year. Deputy Chief: we got savings based on 3 years. We can terminate it after one year though. Approved. Actions pertaining to the acquisition of The Valley Inn (APN 449-335-32) for $6,955,000 to serve as a low-barrier emergency homeless shelter for an interim
period, prior to being converted to permanent affordable and/or mixed-income housing in partnership with other public agencies and not-for-profit organizations.Bredefeld:are we purchasing it? City Manager:Turning Point will operate it but when ready Housing Authority will convert
it to permanent housing when they are ready. Approved.1-JJ Bill No. 24 -(Intro. 5/27/21)(For Adoption) – Amending Section 5-510 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the Fresno Youth Commission. Soria: seems like 10 absences seems like a lot of permissible absences. Can we
meet somewhere in the middle while having flexible? Karbassi:Youth needed more flexibility as things are different now for youth. It is spread out over two years plus they have alternates.I'm uncomfortable making this change with out commissioners present. Soria: can we table?
Esparza: i recently lost a commissioner due to absences. Lets pass this today knowing we can change this any Thursday too.Chavez: we have entrusted them with this work. Esparza: we may have trouble getting a quorum and if so we will need to make changes. Zoom hybrid for those
with transportation issues.Bredefel: 10 days seems like a lot. If you did that at work you will get fired. Soria: excused absences doesn't apply to these 10 either. Karbassi: we want them to see how government works but we don't want to pull this at last minute. We need allow
them to fail if need be. Maxwell:Can we have new commissioners meet with them so he can explain how real world works he jokes. Bredefeld agrees. Soria: they can change it internally with 2/3 vote too. If they propose a policy like this they need to know they should show up in
case we have questions as well as look for support on this. Can we wait another week? Karbassi:We had this on agenda last week. Esparza:pulls his second. Karbassi:We had this on agenda. We shouldn't run it this way. Esparza: some of us want to table it.Karbassi: if this is a
territorial ego thing lets just vote then.Soria:not an ego thing. I wanted to speak to the young people first.I am not saying i am against it. Youth have been here for other items and it would have been helpful if they are here today.Soria:motion to table until next meeting.
Approved 5-2 to table. (Karbassi walks out). 1-MM BILL (for introduction) – Adding Article 4.12 to Chapter 12 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to an infill incentive program for certain residential infill projects. Esparza:excluding SE industrial and adding multi family
emphasis. Approved. Approve First Amendment to Agreement with RH Community Builders to extend their contract to provide Homeless Triage Center/Emergency Shelter beds. Arias:wants to have plan to relocate people before this ends.Approved. Arias this is supportive and instructive
at the same time (in reference to Mayor's previous comment about not giving prose to his staff anymore). One item on Consent Calendar that was alreadyvoted on 1-PP Approve the appointment of Jessica Smith Bobadilla to the Immigrant Affairs Committee.
Sponsor: Councilmember Maxwel
Council breaking for Lunch until 1:30
As we are waiting for City Council to come back from Lunch recess here are some slides from the upcoming 3-A workshop - ASET Quarterly report, including Code Enforcement report.Effective July 1, 2019, Code Enforcement was moved into the City Attorney’s Office. Code
includes four divisions: Rental Housing, Community Compliance, Special Teams, and
Outreach. Rental Housing oversees the Anti-Slum Enforcement Team (ASET) which includes
Reactive Rental Housing, and the Rental Housing Improvement Act (RHIA) Inspection Unit. Community
currently oversees teams dedicated to each Council District.Special Teams oversees the
School Area Team (SAT),and other teams dedicated to abatements, illegal dumping citations, tires,
demolitions, and vacant lots. SAT conducts proactive code enforcement and community engagement
efforts in neighborhoods surrounding schools.Our Outreach Manager manages our clerical team, and
oversees outreach with the public and other City departments. Code Enforcement works closely with
the Legal Team on compliance agreements, inspection warrants, and court actions,such
as petitions
for receivership and injunctions. The Legal Team includes investigators conducting inspections of
businesses issued an Alcohol Beverage Conditional Use Permit (ABCUP
Meeting begins 1:34 with 10:05 Appearance by Shelly Spencer to discuss illegal fireworks. (Speaker resides in District 5)
"System isn't working. haven't noticed any police response to complaints. Does a house have to burn before something is done? Even when residents do their
part and report it as well as have evidence. Two houses and three palm trees burns in her neighborhood last Summer. She knows this issn't the biggest issue our city is facing. Chavez: we are working with Fire and Police and Code Enforcement on a solution.
10:05 Appearance by George Boyadjian to discuss bringing awareness to the City Council and Mayor about the unfair and inequitable cannabis permit process for Fresno residents that were impacted by Fresno's War on Drugs. Longtime cannabis advocate says our process is not pro-
riding social equity with millionaires finding loopholes. Corporations get approved as those without sufficient capital.I advocated for 10 years for cannabis. I could have opened my cannabis dispensary last year but I went the legal way and go thru application process. I will
others run their dispensary. I have a great respect for Soria and Arias for fighting for their districts and minorities.
10:00 am HEARING to consider the vacation of a 60 foot wide public utility easement as reserved in now
abandoned North Calaveras Avenue between Block 6 and Block 7 of map of Normal Vista; The purpose of this vacation is to accommodate development
associated with the construction
of a new parking garage. Public: (speaking on last cannabis item) No discussion. Approved
3-A*****Workshop - ASET Quarterly report, including Code Enforcement report.Effective July 1, 2019, Code Enforcement was moved into the City Attorney’s Office. NOTE: please see my slides i posted during lunch break on this)Deputy Attorney Kristina Roberson leading Workshop.
Examples of apartment complexes that now have their issues cured such as mold , faulty fire alarms etc.Non transient motels inspected too. Abatement successes shown once court order allowed on property. Attorney Sloan:often takes one day for property owner to respond.
Demolitions occurred on some houses too :( Property owner notified regarding vacant lots as well as illegal dumping. 49 people cited with 4 cameras and one inspector. Over 8000 tires collected at amnesty events.Alcohol CUP inspection of businesses. Chevy Bolts for Code Enforce-
meant with 10 Priusesordered too.Chavez:We were not doing home inspections during pandemics.Roberson: if tenants sent us photos of interiors we could respond. Chavez: some landlords were lax during pandemic but we need to let them know we are back at it. Arias: need it in dif-
-ferent languages. Can we also not enforce pandemic rules? Sloan:up to council. Arias:Mobile Home and motels added to Code Enforcement work. We need to look at this during budget time next week. Chavez: Code Enforcement deals with areas around schools? A: yes
3-B **Workshop - 2021-2022 Water Supply Update and Preliminary Drought Response Actions
Public Utilities Department head Mike Carbajal: state is at historical low levels of water. Millerton is at 52% and typically 66% Just no snow pack. On track for worst drought of all time. Currently at 9.6 “. 35% average for this time.
Water Supply: 315,000 acre feet in a normal year We use that water with groundwater recharge like Leaky Acres. Water treatment in Northeast in 2004 and T-3 in 2016 and especially SE treatment plant in 2018. Also occasional exchanges : reclamation well and working with possible
partners ( I am guessing this means selling our water to others). Total Water equals 194,000 Acre feet. Lost 10% due to toxic chemical contamination. Normal demand is 196,000 with recharge but only 136,000 without doing any recharge. Carbajal prefers not to do recharge this
year if we have another drought last year. Water Shortage Contingency plan is a bit outdated and hope to bring new version next month. Gives examples of implementation triggers. Arias:how much do we use yearly ? State 2: how much will that effect customer ? A: two day water
schedule and ask customer to reduce. (NOTE: three day watering and not two). 2020 groundwater pumped was equivalent to worst year in 60’s but due to water treatment plants we are in a much better position than then. Groundwater levels have possibly recovering due to recharging.
Risk: CVP or FID from Kings River water supply. Also Exchange Contractors call on Friant water supply similar to 2014/2015 drought. Recommendations: 3-day outdoor water schedule. Lawn to Garden rebate this July. Lift moratorium of fines for automated enforcement of excessive use
Arias: how do we lift moratorium? How do we deal with older constituents with broken water pipes? How can they repair them with out funds? City Manager: want to work with customer as we know exactly when leaks occurred. We can also see when people water 7 days a Weeks.Arias: I
know we want people to use water at certain times but we are diverse and people use shower at night after work etc.Arias: how are we as a City? Manager: sometimes we get FresGo reports of a broken City pipe etc. schools are so large they have to water all day. We will put xeri-
scape around new facilities. Arias: I am concerned of selling our water when average customer will have to do a lot to reduce. Manager: we were one of few cities that didn’t have to put surcharges on rate payers.Carbajal: we implemented our plan in SW Fresno. User agreements with
two cemeteries. Karbassi via zoom” does Youth Commission have permission to change their commission? ( I think that is what he asked about). A: Sloan : yes that is in item today. Manager: in some cities recycled water is often forced to use recycled water and we initially do that
but will change that. Arias: I want to be sure who our customers are now before we sell to others. Private soccer team as an example. Chavez: would like to see map of purple pipes
BILL No. 18 (Intro. 4/28/21) (For adoption) – Amending Chapter 6, Article 9 of the Fresno Municipal Code, the Recycled Water Ordinance Item continued until we have more information. Council going to Closed Session. Among the items include 5-D Building Healthy Communities v. City
of Fresno;5-E Negotiating Parties: City Manager Esqueda, Prosperous Terra, LLC. (Ruelas, Inc.); Under Negotiation: Price and terms of sale.5-F ismo’s of Fresno, LLC, et al. v. City of Fresno, et al
JUNE 14, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. BUDGET MEETING
JUNE 15, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. BUDGET MEETING
JUNE 16, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. BUDGET MEETING
JUNE 17, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. Regular MEETING – BUDGET OVERFLOW

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8 Jun
June 8, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are:Homelessness Liaison position in the County Administrative Office ; declaring County-owned property surplus and declaring County’s intention to sell
the surplus property located in the north east corner
of E. Kings Canyon Road and S. Cedar
Avenue, Fresno, , approximately 30 acres, commonly known as the former University Medical for minimum $6 million (NOTE:property was once sold for 9600 gold coins so quite a bargain!);June 8, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting!
@fresnoland @FLDocumenters On the CONSENT AGENDA includes:

16.1 *Proclaim June 12th as "Tomasa V. Arenas Day" in honor of her 100th birthday
Read 51 tweets
27 May
May 27, 2021 Fresno city Council meeting! Among the items today are Mid-year budget review; Notario Publico fraud;80-ft cell tower dispute;Workshop extravaganzas today! On CARES Act,Water Supply; Mayor’s proposed budget and Soccer Stadium!; Also Mobile Home Park code enforcement
as well as Tower district Specific Plan update committee;@fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno Among the Consent Items:1-K Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity:This bill amends FMC Section 9-3316(f) to specify that full copies of cannabis applications will be on
website once the interview process is complete for that particular application process. The
ordinance was previously silent on when cannabis applications would be posted on the City’s website. The amendment also states that applicant names and addresses will post at the close of
Read 175 tweets
25 May
May 25th Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are Covid Update; Approve appointment of eleven commissioners to the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission;Public Voter Outreach;Donation of Bullet-Proof Vests by the Sheriff’s Office to Advance Armenia Found-
-ation; Appointment of Hollis Magill, effective May 31, 2021, to the position of Director of Human
Resources. ( they must like her as she is already negotiating the CLOSED SESSION 19. Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Negotiator: Hollis
21. *Proclaim June 2021 as Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month

22. *Proclaim June 2021 as Family Reunification Month
Read 97 tweets
13 May
May 13, 2021 Fresno City Council on this already warm/hot morning! Among the items today are Housing Element Annual Report;Emergency Rental Assistance Program Workshop;Creating the Eviction Protection Program; 2 Planning Commission appointments @fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno
1-C *Approve the First Amendment with Make Green Go LLC, and increase the contract amount by $20,000 for a total of $69,900 for the Provision of Cannabis Social Equity Business Technical Assistance @JePahl_White
1-D *ID 21-0374 ***RESOLUTION - adopting the 77th amendment to the Annual
Appropriation Resolution No. 2020-159 appropriating $50,000 for the Economic
Development Administration (EDA) CARES Act Revolving Loan Fund Program
(RLF) (Requires 5 affirmative votes)
Read 130 tweets
11 May
May 11,2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting!Among the items include: Appeal of Planning Commission decision; Founder of Reedley ‘s Home register of Historic Places; Homeless and Community Development grants Annual Action Plan. #Fresno
17. Proclaim May 3 through 9, 2021 as "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week"
18. Proclaim May 10 - 14, 2021 as Juror Appreciation Week
Read 70 tweets
28 Apr
Wacky Wednesday?? Fresno City Council on a Wednesday this week?? Yes! April 28,2021 Among the items:After feeling left out of last week’s Mayoral Measure P Committee announcement, Bredefeld &Karbassi ask for the Brown Act to apply to subcommittees too;Workshops:Downtown Partner-
-ship Annual Report; City of Fresno Homeless/Housing Strategy. @FLDocumenters @FLDocumenters #Fresno You can watch live 9 am @CMACTV
Among the Consent Items: 1-B Reject all bids for the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program
Read 117 tweets

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