May 11,2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting!Among the items include: Appeal of Planning Commission decision; Founder of Reedley ‘s Home register of Historic Places; Homeless and Community Development grants Annual Action Plan. #Fresno
On the CONSENT CALENDAR 17. Proclaim May 3 through 9, 2021 as "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week"
18. Proclaim May 10 - 14, 2021 as Juror Appreciation Week
19. Proclaim May 18, 2021 as CASA Volunteers Day
19.1 Adjourn in Memory of Paul Evert, a prominent Fresno businessman and former owner of RV Country
20. Adjourn in Memory of Morris Samuelian
21. Adjourn in Memory of Helen Replogle
22. Adjourn in Memory of Douglas Bruce Davidian
23. Retroactive Agreement with Global Tel*Link Corporation to provide inmate
money-handling kiosk services. Approval of the recommended action will allow the Sheriff’s Office and local police agencies to use GTL’s
kiosk system to process inmate cash. GTL’s sole consideration.
for entering into the recommended
agreement shall be the fees collected from processing these transactions for inmates; these fees are
established in the recommended agreement. There is no Net County Cost associated with this action.
34.Centennial Business - Sequoia Council, Boy Scouts of America:The Historical Landmarks and Records Advisory Commission is recommending your Board approve the
application to add the Sequoia Council, BSA to the Register of Centennial Business.
Sequoia Council, Boy Scouts of
was founded on March 10, 1919 after an appeal to and vote of the Fresno Rotary Club to establish a formal local organization. Scout representatives from New York and San
Francisco were on hand todiscuss and encourage formation of the council after the first five scout units
were founded in the Fresno area and other units beginning in Selma, Kingsburg, and Coalinga.
At that meeting, a council of 100 was created to begin the process of forming the council. Some notable people
that helped form the council included: Wylie Giffen, co-founder of the Fig
Estates, James Porteous Fresno City Parks Commissioner Raymond, A.G. Wishon, and
County of Former Mayor of Fresno L.O. Stephens, the current mayor of Fresno, William Toomey, and two future mayors, Al Sunderland, and Frank A. Homan (and probably @Coldrain76 too for all I know)
Among Closed Session: 15.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956(d)(1) - Cross Culture Christian Center, et al. v. Gavin Newsom, et al.; United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
Meeting begins. All Supervisors present. (Quintero on phone line). No items pulled from Consent (31 is deleted )
3. Adopt Government Code §31641.56 Credit for Prior County Service while on Deferred Status. Government Code §31641.56 allows for a FCERA member to purchase credit for prior County service while on deferred status if adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Our research has indicated
this section has not been previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors but FCERA has been permitting members returning to work for FCERA plan sponsors to purchase service credit for time those members worked while in deferred status both before the permissive legislation carve-
-out in 1990 and after. The cost of this practice is already included in the normal retirement cost as it has been to allow the purchases for many decades. There would be a marginal future cost to retain this assistive recruitment and retention tool.Magisg: narrow portion of
employees and was begun in 1990’s but never actually authorized by Supervisors. This just cleans it up. Approved 5-0
4.Historic Landmark - Thomas Law Reed Home Ranch Site. The Historical Landmarks and Records Advisory Commission, with the support of Dr. Jerry L. Buckley, President of Reedley College is recommending your Board approve the application to add the Site of the Thomas Law Reed Home
Ranch. The site of the Thomas Law Reed Home Ranch is an historically significant place in the city of Reedley relative to the city’s founding. Reed was an early area settler and owner of the property that came to be the Reedley townsite. His agreement to deed over a portion of
his property to the Pacific Improvement Company in return for the establishment of a Southern Pacific Railroad depot resulted in the town’s founding. His subsequent activities in selling land, building businesses, and supporting community development assured the success of the
new town of Reedley.In 1888, the Southern Pacific Railroad was building a branch line through the area heading south to Porterville. Reed deeded a half-interest in a 360-acre town site to the Pacific Improvement Company, a Southern Pacific subsidiary, and in return
they established a depot along the new rail line.
Settlers began to populate the town that would grow up around the depot and Reed sold town lots and 5- and 10-acre colony lots adjacent to the townsite. Thus, in 1888, a new town was created, named “Reedley” by the railroad. Soon,
the railroad tracks. T. L. Reed built and owned the town's first hotel, livery stable, and blacksmith shop. He established the first warehouse using a 500-foot long building hauled in from Traver. He donated land and helped establish the area's first school. He helped build the
the first church and helped furnish a second. Reed was a founding director of the Alta Irrigation District (which assumed control of the existing canal system) and was among the first to lobby for the building of a dam on the Kings River.
Reed "was known as one of the wheat barons of California." The Reeds suffered great losses when the wheat market collapsed during the economic depression known as the Panic of 1893. It was during this period that the Reeds, along with many other farmers in Fresno County, turned
focus to permanent crops.
Granddaughter Nancy of Reed is here as well. Mendes: Reedley College is on corner of Manning and Reed. All railroad towns are built on angles. Approved 5-0
5. Award Contract No. 20-01-C, Sand Creek on Ennis Road Bridge Replacement, Federal Project No. BRLO-5942(238) here is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum anticipated construction cost is estimated to range between $3,006,000 and
and $3,322,000. The bridge replacement is 100% Federally funded through the HBP.
Public Works: Joel Harold says Agee Construction of Clovis awarded contract as low bid. Brandeau: Has Agee done bridges before? A: yes. @LincolnSeward Magisg:all specs covered with such a low bid?
A:earth moving portion was cheaper but no reason to believe they can’t do it. Magisg: 100% covered by Federal dollars. Can we use savings on another County project? A: no we don’t. Approved 5-0
6. Appeal Planning Commission’s denial of Amendment Application No. 3838 and Initial Study No. 7679 (Applicant/Appellant: Harpreet Pawar)The subject parcel is located on the east side of S. Peach Avenue approximately 1,460 feet south of its nearest intersection with E. North Ave
and is approximately 1.05 miles southeast of the nearest city limits of the City of Fresno. Violation File No. 18-109252 was opened on November 16, 2018 on the subject property for operation of a trucking company where expressly prohibited. As noted in the Planning Commission
abatement of the violation would occur through removal of the use from the property, or by rezoning the property so that the violating use would be compliant with the Zoning Ordinance under the proposed zone district. According to Code Enforcement records, Violation File
was closed on the subject parcel March 26, 2021, by verification of the removal of the violating use from the subject property via a special inspection conducted by Code Enforcement staff.
Planning Commission voted 7-1 to deny this application. Staff: We recommended approval but
but commission did not. 6-7 people present at Commission meeting was against it. Public: Vang who works for applicant. Site Plan is now available. A large business PPG is already present across the street and some of the public complaints are do to that. Two year timeline to get
to this point. This area is rezones industrial and we want to continue with this Master Plan. We have some mitigation factors put in with large fence and landscaping. Move gate away from existing homes. Permanent paving to keep dust down. No evening hours. Public:Stephen Montez
owns home immediately next door. Does not state a trucking firm can be at this site. M-1 zoning is not allowed. Staff told him “we have been allowing them to do it”. Can we eliminate that or change zoning ? This is has been going on in violation for 2-3 years. I wouldn’t be allow
to do similar. Next :Jolanda: 25 trucks brought in 24 hours a day. 2 years I struggled and no one would listen. County staff told me "trucks refrigeration has to be left on due to food being carried" even though my bedroom is next door. Despite all their violations they are still
in business. County Secretary Mendez told me "to get a lawyer". PPG is no longer there and the place is running down. Next:Robert Hernandez: research says freight trucking is considered heavy industrial and not in M-1. Trucking company down the street is operating as a M-3 but
County is allowing them to operate as a M-1. I shouldn't be allowed to breaking the law and neither should be anyone else. Next: i have worked with residents and have tried to fix the issue. It is not our location but across the street. Our drivers are only onsite 10 minutes.
PPG glass builders drivers stay over night. Our drivers don't. Kingdom Builders often have their trucks sticking into roadway waiting for the gate to be opened. We are a small company and try to work with residents and fix issues they have. Next: Debra Connela: it is a trucking
company but they have done everything asked by the residents. It is the glass company across the street that creates the noise.Next:Richard Cruz:We have lived there since 1996. This company bought a foreclosed home and converted it into a trucking firm. They shut
the water off to all the residents.Took our water rights away from us. I see them changing oil and tires. This is not zoned for that. So much dust damaged our AC and pool is covered with it caused by trucks.Next:I own that property. It was a flipped property we bought
We have only 20 trucks. We are small trucking firm. We tried to work with residents. Air Resource told us "no dust caused by us. Can sprinkle water to hold dust down though". We put screen on fence and put gravel down to clean it up. $100,000 put into it.We took action when was
told there is a problem. @BuddySupervisor Explain M-1 for public? Staff:Violation occurred in the past. There is a boatful of allowable items in M-1. Depends on what they are carrying determines if it is freight or not.Mendes:they are produce trucks. Quintero:I know that area
Industrial area was created in the 1960's. It had PPG and French's Mustard. Problem it is still a two way road. Now add all these trucks on it. Not sure if County has any plans to fix that. Magisg: 11-12 small pieces were created by past Board of Supervisors. How did we get so
many small parcels? Staff:Zoning (AE and AL) was different before new ordinances. Magsig:reminded parable of the adulteress. Throw the first stone those who are innocent. Be careful invoking God.Only one person was ever perfect Pacheco:what is M-1 and M-3? Staff:M-3 is heaviest.
Pacheco:this is Urban encroachment on these businesses. Being from Ag as City starts getting closer. I need trucking. But this is too small of a parcel for trucking firm. County needs to rezone the entire area. I will side with residents here. How did it get this far?Staff:
Re-Zone in this case.Area is in transition with industrial coming for decades.Pacheco: these 10-12 homeowners are going to have this coming for future but I will side with them today.Staff:Mitigation factors have been put in. Mendes:road mitigation is needed. But that will only
help industry and make it worse for homeowners. Brandau:Lots of ball dropping going on here. Counsel:Staff often tries to work out best arrangement whether complete abatement or by bringing it into zone.Brandau:often developers have to rebuild roads. This is hodge podge. Staff:
mitigation needs to be down. Brandau:County needs to see what homeowners go thru. Mendes and myself are bringing industrial items forward soon but we need to listen to all residents too. Past decisions have put us into a bind. If we give them M-1 is it allowed?Staff:Yes. Freight
determines that but my staff says M-1 is adequate. @BuddySupervisor Motion to deny the appeal. We do need a plan how to move forward with these residents. Brandau:What does the denial do exactly?A:agree with Planning Commission. Approved 5-0
8. *****2021-22 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grants Programs
Whoops too early. On item 7. 7.Approval of the recommended actions would award 12-month Job Order Contracts (JOC contracts) to the identified contractors to be administered by the Department of Public Works and Planning. JOC contracts allow construction services
to medium-sized repair, remodel and maintenance projects to be provided on an on-call basis. The projects are related to requests from County departments and will be funded with the departments’ adopted budget appropriations. @LincolnSeward Allows Public Works to handle small
projects quicker. I agree with staff. Approved 5-0
8. *****2021-22 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grants Programs
This item is necessary to allow public comments for this. no Public comment present. @LincolnSeward Magisg:any plans to direct any of this money to go toward domestic violence ? Staff: typically designated percentages for those types of programs. DSS funds and RFP are out out so
Entities can bid. We take Fresno-Madera Continuum of Care recommendations when awarding these RFP. @BuddySupervisor In past CBDG funds went towards to infrastructure but now we have a large wraparound items. I have been involved with this since 1990’s. There are committees that
rank theses projects. Mendes: often takes 3-4 years to make it to top of stack. CAO Jean Rousseau: funding sheriffs piece out of General Fund. Infrastructure is typical for these dollars rather than law enforcement. We hope to address this in budget hearings. Approved 5-0
Board Comments : @LincolnSeward 19.1 was memorial for Paul Evert. A great man and will missed.
@BuddySupervisor Governor actually did the declaring of drought emergency we had hoped for but let’s hope we don’t regret this later. I still don’t know anything the State does well. Also CBDG dollars are often good for small unincorporated towns.
Unscheduled Public Comments :Eric Rollins. I never thought i would be a political activist. We have a Kingsburg and Clovis chapters. We write Kingsburg Times. EIP This Friday 11:30 am Election Integrity Project head Linda Paine will be there at Pardini’s. Next: I am impressed by
Supervisors today. I work with Eric Rollins at Clovis Chapter of EIP. I am inviting all Supervisors to this Friday’s luncheon at Pardini’s.
Among Closed Session: 15.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956(d)(1) - Cross Culture Christian Center, et al. v. Gavin Newsom, et al.; United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
May 25, 2021 - 10:00 AM
June 8, 2021 - 10:00 AM
Wacky Wednesday?? Fresno City Council on a Wednesday this week?? Yes! April 28,2021 Among the items:After feeling left out of last week’s Mayoral Measure P Committee announcement, Bredefeld &Karbassi ask for the Brown Act to apply to subcommittees too;Workshops:Downtown Partner-
April 27th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors regular meeting! Among the items is Juvenile Justice Realignment Black Grant. (However some feel plan falls short of the codified SB 823 law, which aims to REDUCE youth incarceration and REDUCE THEN ELIMINATE racial
and ethnic disparities); Redistricting Commission Commission application being accepted with the 11-person to be presented at Supervisors May 25th meeting; Speed limit changes; #Fresno
Some selected items from CONSENT CALENDAR 17. *Proclaim May 2021 National Foster Care Month
April 22, 2021 Fresno City council meeting! Among Agenda items include Annual Action Plan; Mayor Dyer’s Measure P Appointments;Returning formerly “Surplus Land”to create Broadway Park; Concrete firm replaced due to only working 2 weeks since November;Fresno Unified School
School District naming the property at Ventura and 10th Street in Southeast Fresno in honor of Francine and Murray Farber;Closed Session on possible soccer stadium at Selland Arena land; Unscheduled Public Comment portion is rumored to have homeless advocate asking for $50,000
for camp security; Some CONSENT CALENDAR items:
1-B authorize a new
Airline Operations Agreement with Southwest Airlines Co. to
provide Commercial Air Service at Fresno Yosemite
International Airport
April 13th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! IMPORTANT item #6 on how to Redistrict Supervisorial districts with 3 possible types of commissions to draw those line:more independent, more directed by Supervisor or a Hybrid version;Liquor license; letter requesting
Fresno City Council April 8, 2021! Potential fireworks over Tenants’ Right to Counsel efforts with President Chavez counter proposal; Workshops on Street Infrastructure and Mid-Year Budget Review,Form a Local Mobile Food Vendors Association after tragic murders of vendors;
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting March 23, 2021! On the slate today include ask Governor to accept federal work hours for nomadic sheep herders(!);General Plan progress;County’s State lobbyists recommendations;mid-year budget;CDBG /HOME Investment Partnerships Program
Among the CLOSED SESSION the LOOOOONG continuing
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - UMC Campus
located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road; County
Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau Negotiating Parties: CMG
Some selected CONSENT CALENDAR 19. *Adopt Conflict of Interest Codes for Two Agencies
Currently, the Fresno County Office of Education’s (FCOE) Conflict of Interest (COI) Code includes the
Fresno County Board of Education (FCBE) and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools