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25 May, 97 tweets, 24 min read
May 25th Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are Covid Update; Approve appointment of eleven commissioners to the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission;Public Voter Outreach;Donation of Bullet-Proof Vests by the Sheriff’s Office to Advance Armenia Found-
-ation; Appointment of Hollis Magill, effective May 31, 2021, to the position of Director of Human
Resources. ( they must like her as she is already negotiating the CLOSED SESSION 19. Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Negotiator: Hollis
21. *Proclaim June 2021 as Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month

22. *Proclaim June 2021 as Family Reunification Month
Supervisor Quintero
22.1 *Adjourn in Memory of Luciano "Luce" Joseph Olivar, Jr.

22.2 *Adjourn in Memory of Robert E. Milla, Sr
25. *Ballot Printing Agreement with Integrated Voting Systems Inc. 26. State Agreement for Voter’s Choice Act Implementation Grant Funding. On March 12, 2019 the Board of Supervisors directed the County Clerk to implement the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) in Fresno County.
The VCA authorizes a county to automatically mail every voter a ballot, provide additional secure ballot drop-off boxes throughout the county, and to establish regional Voting Assistance Centers which replace multiple precinct locations. As a condition of the Voter’s Choice Act,
counties are required to conduct extensive public outreach regarding the changes, and upgrade technology in order to meet the requirements of the Act.
On February 25, 2020 your Board approved agreement No. 19S10055 with the State of California for VCA Implementation reimbursement
in the amount $760,911 for voting equipment and infrastructure, outreach costs, and procurement of mobile vote centers. The funds in the previous agreement have been expended, primarily for outreach activities and materials.
30. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2020-21 appropriations and estimated revenues for
Department of Public Works and Planning Jail Improvements Org 8852 in the amount of
$3,500,000 (4/5 vote);For the period of November 6, 2020 to January 13, 2021, the Sheriff’s Office re-
-ceiced unanticipated
revenues in the amount of $1,642,562 from the State of California as payment for the temporary housing of
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmates due to the COVID-19 Public Health
Emergency. The approval of recommended action No. 3
will increase appropriations and estimated
revenues for the Sheriff’s Org 3111 in the amount of $1,250,000 to offset the additional cost for services and supplies.
32 Agreement with H.E.R.O.S. Inc. to provide Specialty Overhaul and Repair Services
for Turbine Engines in two MD500 and one MD530 Helicopters. There are no viable alternative actions. H.E.R.O.S. Inc. and Dallas Airmotive (out of Dallas, Texas) are the
only two vendors that pro-
-vide services for the Rolls Royce turbine engines. Your Board could choose Dallas Airmotive, but it is not a preferred option, due to the fact that Dallas Airmotive does not specialize in Rolls
Royce engines.
33. Donation of Bullet-Proof Vests by the Sheriff’s Office to Advance Armenia
Foundation.The recommended
action will retroactively declare 291 expired bullet-proof vests, along with 80 ballistic and stab panels for the
vests (Bullet-Proof Vests) surplus, and ratify the donation
of the Bullet-Proof Vests by the Sheriff’s Office to
Advance Armenia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This donation occurred in November
2020. These Bullet-Proof Vests were no longer usable by the Sheriff’s Office, due to the expiration dates of
the Bullet-Proof
Vests, but the recipient of the donation represented that they are still usable by the recipient
to assist in law enforcement and field medical services in Armenia.

34. Receive the Annual Report of the Fresno County Public Law Library for the Fiscal Year Ending
June 30,2020
35. *Proclaim May 16 - 22, 2021 as Public Works Week
36.1 On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) was signed into law with the goal to
accelerate the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The County will receive approximately
$194.1 million in ARP funds from the United State Department Treasury.
Fifty percent of the funding will
be paid within 60 days of the ARP enactment and the remaining 50% will be paid within 12 months of the
first payment. To receive the funding, the County must, in part, agree to use the funds for uses allowed by
the ARP, comply with all applicable
laws and regulations, and sign an assurance of compliance with civil
rights requirements. #Fresno @FresnoCountyCA
You can watch this morning's meeting here…
Supervisor Quintero present via phone. Other four present. Clovis Church of Christ pastor giving the invocation. Closed Session item 19 removed. Magsig pulls Item 35 Proclaim May 16 - 22, 2021 as Public Works Week. Magsig: he is asked why spend $6 million re-building this bridge
It is needed to maintain dams in that area. The Public Works department works all hours of the day and night. Dept Head Wright: Staff had a wonderful BBQ in conjunction with repairing that bridge.Public surveyor began this department from the beginning. 550 bridges in County.
Commitment to this county residents. Bernard:this department is part of every project. Brandau:great going out to see the team at work at that bridge. Thanks for history book provided. Makes a good paperweight and maybe even threaten staff with it he jokes.
3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Shannon W. Kirby - Department of Internal Services - 17
Years of Service. Robert Bash:He was always a friendly face and honest. Gary Cornell: Actually 18 years of service with Extra Help. Fred Sanford of County: hired to enhance and turn-
around the surplus. "a cash cow" in Kirby's words.Began credit card program among other programs. Kirby:50 years in purchasing as he was in private sector as well. Wonderful things have occurred through purchasing.
4. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Diana J. Lopez - Department of Social Services - 27 Years
of Service. Department Head Delfino: This group has been at head of Creek Fire. Angie : Lopez helped families in this job at the Rapid portion in Kerman. Her footprint will be felt
for years to come. Jorge:Her fast knowledge allowed her to handle anything that occurred at the front window. She would do the necessary research if need be. Lopez:Retirement is awesome!! But i will miss the people here.
5. Approve appointment of eleven commissioners to the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission. The purpose of this agenda item is for your Board to appoint eleven commissioners to the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission. Redistricting is the process by which Supervisorial
District boundaries are
drawn every 10 years to equalize, as closely as possible, the population in each Supervisorial District. On
April 27, 2021, your Board approved the formation of the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission and the associated application process. The ap-
application period was open April 27th through May 14th and staff
advised your Board it would return today for the appointment of eleven qualified members to the
Commission. @LincolnSeward I got many applicants enough to have alternates if rest of Supervisors agree. Staff Sam:
There will be five meetings preferably one per district. Brandau: I don’t want these applicants to have to do more than one meeting per district although a zoom meeting after a in person meeting. Mendes: I am not interested in having alternates so we don’t have to train 22.
Pacheco: we can select another person if a vacancy occurs in the next 5-6 months. We have already doubled the number from original. Quintero is ok with one alternate. Mendes: we never had a meeting last time when a Member was missing. Pacheco: maybe all district meetings could be
Zoom meetings? Brandau:in this post pandemic period do people want to be in person? One District meeting in person and one by zoom. Mendes: I have two towns 100 miles apart. Coalinga and Orange Cove. Mendes: maybe just one zoom meeting overall? Quintero: zoom? Just one virtual
meeting countywide? Brandau: yes. Gallegos, Mott.O’Petty,Hill,Milrod, Morales,Abrahamian,Burroughs,and CAO chooses Cardell. ( I missed Brandau’s choices )
6. Approve Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Accountant I/II/Sr to the
Assessor-Recorder’s Org 1048, effective May 31, 2021
CAO says due to hot housing market another accountant is needed by Assessor Paul Dictos. Pacheco: we are told voice mail is full. Dictos: we are
down 4 people but I am competing against Biden as our pay is too low (or unemployment pays too much??Maybe that is what he meant?) I had 45 applicants and 24 didn't show up. Only hired 1. Approved 5-0
7. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute resolution providing for the issuance and sale of
County of Fresno 2021-22 tax and revenue anticipation notes on a federally taxable or tax-exempt
basis in one or more series in an amount not exceeding $130,000,000 and approving a
form of a
preliminary official statement and certain other matters related thereto. The County issues a TRAN to finance its cash flow deficits that it reasonably expects to incur due to the
timing of expected revenues received versus expected expenditures incurred in the first
alf of its fiscal year.
The largest source of the County’s revenue is received in December of each year when the first installment
of property taxes is received. Therefore, between July and December, the County is solely reliant on other
revenues to pay for its operations and
for its operations and those other revenues might not fund all expenditures incurred during
that time. In order to determine whether the County will have sufficient cash to pay for its obligations in the
first half of its fiscal year, the ACTTC must prepare a cash flow analysis.
the fiscal year 2021-22 reflects anticipated cash deficit sufficient to support an issuance of an amount not to
exceed $130,000,000 (principal only).
Magsig: what is the rate we got last year? Oscar Garcia:1.8% but marker rates are compressedbso we will probably break even or even make a surplus. magsig: On the subcommittee and comfortable on this. Pacheco agrees. Approved 5-0
8. * Exhibit A Conduit Financing for Republic Services, Inc. (Not a County Liability) Republic Services has requested that the CMFA (California Municipal Financing Authority) issue tax-exempt facility bonds for qualified solid waste
disposal facility projects in the amount not
$10,300,000 would be in Fresno County. The two facilities located in Fresno County include Allied Waste Services of Fresno
located at 5501 N Golden State Blvd in the City of Fresno and BFI Rice Road TS located at 10463 N Rice
Road in the unincorporated area. Public:first time
here Tracey Waite says “I hear lots of money going out at this meeting. Economy is fragile. I want to get onto the agenda sometime. “ Magisg: this is not putting taxpayers in jeopardy. Approved 5-0
9. Confirm appointment of Hollis Magill, effective May 31, 2021, to the position of Director of Human
Resources. Hollis Magill has been serving as the Interim Director of Human Resources since December 28, 2020 and
was selected from a talented pool of applicants as the best can-
-didate for the Director of Human Resources
for the County of Fresno.
Ms. Magill’s selection was based on her experience and the reputation that she has built at the County during
her fourteen years of service in Human Resources. During that time, she promoted to positions of
creasing responsibility from Human Resources (HR) Analyst to Senior HR Analyst overseeing the
County’s health insurance program and employee benefits to HR Manager over Employee Benefits. Ms.
Magill also has provided administrative oversight to the San Joaquin Valley Insurance
Authority (SJVIA) and
serves as the current SJVIA Manager overseeing a budget of approximately $122 Million. She also served as
the Interim Risk Manager for most of last year and through her leadership helped stabilize the program.
Ms. Magill will focus on priorities from your
Board and the CAO including
upcoming labor negotiations for successor MOU’s, assisting departments as they safely return employees
to the workplace and creating a clear policy for teleworking beyond the pandemic, creating paperless human
resources processes, leveraging
information systems that provide current information to County
departments, expanding and tracking leadership training, implementing recommended risk management
strategies, expanding partnerships with colleges and universities for intern opportunities and modernize the
recruitment process. Hollis: looking forward to leading this wonderful department. Approved 5-0 to round a applause.
10. Salary Resolution Amendment - Internal Services Department. Approval of the recommended action will add staff and make allocation modifications to the Internal Services
Department - Information Technology Services Division to fulfill and maintain requests for services. The
allocation modifications will allow the Department to fill positions based on operational need.There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The total estimated cost
for FY 2020-21 is $28,908 for the four requested positions and will be funded through chargebacks to the
user departments and American Rescue Plan funding. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues
are included in the Department’s Org 8905 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget. The
estimated annual cost for the
four positions in the amount of $343,547 will be included in subsequent budget requests.Approved 5-0 with no discussion.
11.*Exhibit A and Site Map Protest Hearing on Water Service Fee Increase for County Service Area 39AB -
Beran Way/Prospect
The District was formed in 1990 to provide domestic water service to two residential subdivisions west of
the City near Valentine and Jensen Avenues and includes West Park Elementary
School. Currently 140 dwellings and the school are connected to the District’s water system.
This fee increase is proposed because the current fee structure no longer generates sufficient revenue to
meet the District’s expenses.The last fee increase was approved by the property owners on October 7,
2014. The District’s O&M costs have increased 54.5% since FY 2015-16, a difference of $49,396 between
FY 2015-16 and FY 2019-20 O&M expense.
current water fee was determined based on services,
supplies, and labor costs at the time, but the costs of operating the water system have exceeded revenues
due to rising cost of water from the City, who supplies water to the District, and inflation. Consequently
cash reserves are completely depleted. Going forward, revenues need to be increased to not only meet
expenses, but also to rebuild cash reserves within five years. (Ballots will be counted now. Will go to Supervisor comments now) Magisg: I went to Military Signing Day in High
Schools. Also Butterfly Gardens groundbreaking that will be completed Summer 2022. Table Mountain new casino Will be open this Winter next Spring. Former 1979’s Supervisor John Donaldson passed away recently. Pacheco:thanks public works for cleaning up two eyesores that was
featured in Fresno Bee. Also a huge homeless camp was cleaned up. With Sonia’s help. Mendes: City of Fresno and Cal Trans should have cleaned that up. Quintero: congratulations to new Fresno State President. Brandau:He is onEDC board and retreat at Wonder Valley. @MayorJerryDyer
was keynote speaker. Back to item 11. Tabulation of votes made now. Public wants to speak anyway although that time is up. “I am a goofy guy and didn’t understand. Brandau grants his request. I am in support. I am voice of the people. I want more time to get people involved. Only
a small sign was put up about this meeting. Important for me to ask you to delay this vote as people need this water and are counting pennies. Next: we need to focus on the quality of the water. Many complain about smell of the water due to amount chlorine in it. If people can’t
pay for water they won’t be able to pay for the filters either. Staff: water is purchased from City of Fresno and we don’t do anymore filtering. Pacheco: this is quality water. We are trying to get out of CSA and have Fresno take it off we. We want people to have clean water.
Surprised at the comments on water quality. Magisg: rate structure is going up but in past those that conserved water were covering those that were not. This fixes that. Approved 5-0
Mendes: these people complain to City of Fresno to get hooked up as water will be better and cheaper.
12. *Location and Protest Bid Award Contract 20-20-C American Avenue and Golden State Blvd Intersection
Improvements. The work to be done consists, in general, of making improvements to the intersection of American Avenue
and Golden State Boulevard, including the intersections
with Peach Avenue north and south of American
Avenue. The existing roadway on American Avenue from SR99 to approximately 860 feet east of Peach
Avenue will be reconstructed and realigned with 12-foot travel lanes, left and right turn lanes and 4-foot
shoulders on each
side. Golden State Boulevard will be reconstructed from approximately 1,252 feet south
of American Avenue to approximately 846 feet north of American Avenue, left and right turn lanes will be
added and traffic signals will be installed at the intersection of American Avenue and
Boulevard. Peach Avenue will be reconstructed from American Avenue north for approximately 160 feet and
from Golden State Boulevard south for approximately 320 feet. Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) will perform
construction at the Railroad Crossing

concurrently with the
intersection improvements. There was a single irregularity in the bid package submitted by the low bidder, AJ Excavation (AJ), which was that they were unable to submit their original bid bond prior to the bid opening deadline. Instead, AJ
submitted a copy of their fully executed
bid bond with their electronic bid and submitted the original bid bond
approximately two hours after the bid opening. The second low bidder, Avison Construction (Avison)
submitted a bid protest letter on the basis of that irregularity, a copy of which is provided as Attachment
A to this report (complaining bidder did not show up) Approved 5-0
13. Receive presentation and update by the Department of Public Health on COVID-19 in Fresno
County and provide direction to staff
Interim Department head here.
Dr Vora: we are not done with Covid but celebrate the success and partnerships created. Continue push for vaccines and testing. State guidelines will be important for us to follow us. CAL- OASHA has a draft for how to come back to work. That should come out soon. Goal to return
school back to five days a week. Hard those with those under 12 who can’t get vaccines. Renew focus on public health issues using lessons learned from Covid. Mendes: answered $64,000 question when OASHA comes out with their guidelines. Vohra: start hearing this in early June.
those vaccinated will be allowed to move around the cabin. Booster shots probably needed too. Masks dropped rate of flu rate this past year. Early vaccinators are still immune 12 months later. Unknown when that immunity ends. Mendes: under 12s that were hospitalized ? A: yes.
Valley Children treated 100 kids with this very rare form. Magsig: Yellow tier by June 15? A: need to be two weeks in that period before we can be officially Yellow Magsig: some large events but numbers have fallen. A: Mega event is considered 5000 indoors and 10000 outdoors. We
have not yet had these mega events here. Probably have to show vaccination record. Low risk outdoor though. State Emergency threshold will still need to be measured. Does the numbers go up ? Mendes: if you didn’t have bad luck you would not have any luck at all. Brandau: we will
be out of colored system after June 15? A: yes. Capacity limits will be lifted for small businesses. Schools will need to have masks indoors. Outdoor events ok. End presentation.
Unscheduled Public comments: Nicole supervisors need to make statement that vaccination passport is not needed and discriminatory due to health and religious reasons. Emergency was supposed to be only 7 days and now 15 months. And This is not a vaccine.
Next:Brent: there are some adverse effects. Chilling to hear that they may restrict our activities. Next: Tracy Waite: I went to Freedom Conference in Oklahoma where the doctors who have been ostracized for using medications not approved like hydrochloriquine. Fauci is being
sent cash. Supervisors need to dog a little father to see that these vaccines are being used as a bio weapon. And you are saying we should get vaccinated ? Next: Brandi @LovesMercy extend gratitude to Dr. Vohra and Public Health for the exhausting work. Misinformation has caused
Hesitancy . Those who are homeless there are no shelters available. Many of the beds are being put aside for city projects. Lack of resources lead to the blight. Next: Shawn :we can no longer live in fear of an illness as death rate is only 2% the same as flu. Personally I didn’t
take the vaccine as I don’t trust it. I know adults that have been hospitalized due to vaccine. The worry about the children getting vaccines. Next Kyle: from American Works (item 60) to help people learn to work.
Going to Closed Session now. June 8, 2021 - 10:00 AM
June 22, 2021 - 10:00 AM

• • •

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13 May
May 13, 2021 Fresno City Council on this already warm/hot morning! Among the items today are Housing Element Annual Report;Emergency Rental Assistance Program Workshop;Creating the Eviction Protection Program; 2 Planning Commission appointments @fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno
1-C *Approve the First Amendment with Make Green Go LLC, and increase the contract amount by $20,000 for a total of $69,900 for the Provision of Cannabis Social Equity Business Technical Assistance @JePahl_White
1-D *ID 21-0374 ***RESOLUTION - adopting the 77th amendment to the Annual
Appropriation Resolution No. 2020-159 appropriating $50,000 for the Economic
Development Administration (EDA) CARES Act Revolving Loan Fund Program
(RLF) (Requires 5 affirmative votes)
Read 130 tweets
11 May
May 11,2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting!Among the items include: Appeal of Planning Commission decision; Founder of Reedley ‘s Home register of Historic Places; Homeless and Community Development grants Annual Action Plan. #Fresno
17. Proclaim May 3 through 9, 2021 as "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week"
18. Proclaim May 10 - 14, 2021 as Juror Appreciation Week
Read 70 tweets
28 Apr
Wacky Wednesday?? Fresno City Council on a Wednesday this week?? Yes! April 28,2021 Among the items:After feeling left out of last week’s Mayoral Measure P Committee announcement, Bredefeld &Karbassi ask for the Brown Act to apply to subcommittees too;Workshops:Downtown Partner-
-ship Annual Report; City of Fresno Homeless/Housing Strategy. @FLDocumenters @FLDocumenters #Fresno You can watch live 9 am @CMACTV
Among the Consent Items: 1-B Reject all bids for the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program
Read 117 tweets
27 Apr
April 27th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors regular meeting! Among the items is Juvenile Justice Realignment Black Grant. (However some feel plan falls short of the codified SB 823 law, which aims to REDUCE youth incarceration and REDUCE THEN ELIMINATE racial
and ethnic disparities); Redistricting Commission Commission application being accepted with the 11-person to be presented at Supervisors May 25th meeting; Speed limit changes; #Fresno
Some selected items from CONSENT CALENDAR
17. *Proclaim May 2021 National Foster Care Month
Read 77 tweets
22 Apr
April 22, 2021 Fresno City council meeting! Among Agenda items include Annual Action Plan; Mayor Dyer’s Measure P Appointments;Returning formerly “Surplus Land”to create Broadway Park; Concrete firm replaced due to only working 2 weeks since November;Fresno Unified School
School District naming the property at Ventura and 10th Street in Southeast Fresno in honor of Francine and Murray Farber;Closed Session on possible soccer stadium at Selland Arena land; Unscheduled Public Comment portion is rumored to have homeless advocate asking for $50,000
for camp security; Some CONSENT CALENDAR items:
1-B authorize a new
Airline Operations Agreement with Southwest Airlines Co. to
provide Commercial Air Service at Fresno Yosemite
International Airport
Read 127 tweets
13 Apr
April 13th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! IMPORTANT item #6 on how to Redistrict Supervisorial districts with 3 possible types of commissions to draw those line:more independent, more directed by Supervisor or a Hybrid version;Liquor license; letter requesting
surface water for Westside farmers;TRUTH Act which speaks on communications between Sheriff Office and ICE. #Fresno Watch beginning at 10 am…
Among the items On the Consent Calendar: 24.*Proclaim April 18 through April 24, 2021 as National Crime Victims' Rights Week in Fresno
Read 91 tweets

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