I have a super-short #TableTopGails thread today, just five items!
But MAN, were these games fun!
Okay, so this lovely company that makes a lot of family games and puzzles, @ThinkFun, saw that we love Escape Room and mystery games, and sent this big lovely box...and I really want to talk about two of them that we freaking LOVED.
The games I want to talk about in particular are the COLD CASE games, but first, check out these ESCAPE THE ROOM games...we have played a few from other companies, but they were not this elaborate...these look incredible. Anyone played them?
The boxes are filled with story, props, and puzzles, and you have to ‘escape’ a locked building in the story. We love these kinds of games, during lockdown they are very cathartic.
This one makes the box itself into a dollhouse, with paper doll characters! That is just cool!
Okay, we haven’t played any of these, but I looked and they have a nice online component, with hints, difficulty settings, mood music and more, all on the thinkfun.com website.
Nifty...we might do one this weekend!
Now, here are the ones we DID play...we made a last minute decision to drive up the beach on the Oregon coast and stay at a nice hotel for the first time since lockdown. We grabbed some games, including the first of these Cold Case games...
A Story To Die For.
We were HOOKED. It’s a simple package, a box with a file full of relevant papers to a murder that happened years ago that was never solved. We couldn’t stop until we finished...it was SO FUN. You read witness interview, examine documents, check the autopsy...
We loved it.
This is some of the interior, and you just really examine it all.
There are tricks and lies and red herrings, and when you actually solve it, it feels like a genuine triumph.
You check your answers in a online ‘database’ to see if you can get the case re-opened.
We enjoyed it so much, that as soon as we got home, we opened the second Cold Case box and did THAT one.
This one was about a nice old man being killed on the day of a church fete. SUPER satisfying to find his killer!
This one is just released this month, I believe.
This is a LOT of entertainment in a box for just $14.95, but be aware that you can only solve the mystery personally once. You can get the set to another true-crime loving friend as often as you like, though.
We loved it, I have enjoyed many escape room boxes, I have never played a case file game like this.
We’re hooked, anyone know of any others? There are only two in the series so far from @ThinkFun games, but we’re in, definitely buying future editions. FUN!
Okay, so the very lovely people at @LuckyDogHotSaus, knowing my family loves good hot sauces, sent a gift box of four of their favorites. Seriously, without hyperbole, they are the tastiest bottled hot sauces we have had, I think.
They sent:
Heat’s a Peach—an x-hot peach sauce
Year of the Dog-a Thai pineapple sauce
Dia Del Perro- an applewood/serrano mild with label by @DarickR!
The sauces have been praised repeatedly for flavor on the Hot Ones show...
We cooked eggs to try them on and this was our unanimous ranking.
I worked with three massive video game franchises in the past couple years where women working on them each individually told me their bosses were shocked and unprepared for the number of women and girls buying their games. Some expressed disbelief rather than delight.
When Disney Infinity and Lego Dimensions launched, it was believed at the corporate level boys would be turned off if the starter sets included female characters. Lego fought to include one, Disney zero.
(The sole female starter character was Wyldstyle).
This continued during the run of both games (and I stress, I loved these games, two of my all-time favorites), despite the actual developers fighting to include more female characters, which led to weird decisions like Lone Ranger getting more in-game content than Frozen.
Now, I am a sloooooow critter and have not made it this far in the podcast eps so I don’t know most of these, but MAN, the imagination and craftsmanship is impressive. They’re gorgeous.
Okay, here is the thing...there is a backlog of games that have been sent to my #MagicPorch, and I don't want to get behind so I am going to do some shorter ones once in a while to catch up for #TableTopGails!