As an alum of ODCC and an accomplished course creator himself, @SKNWilkinson is well placed to opine on what makes a good online course
He delivers in spades in a recent issue of his *free* newsletter
Here is a summary of the 10 lessons he shared 🧵
👩🏫 Teaching adults is difficult.
You must be crystal clear on
• what transformation you promise to deliver
• who is going to benefit most from that transformation
As Steven says, at heart, it's a business proposition.
👥 Learning is best done in a group
Steven reflects that this realization "redefines the role of the teacher completely."
That role?
Build opportunities for collaboration and group work into every facet of the curriculum and then watch over the process.
✨ How you show up determines what you harvest
CBCs are invitations to join a community
Students choose whether to lurk in the shadows or engage full-on
There is an exponential relationship between what you put in and what you get out
🗺 Transformation needs to be deliberate and planned
Every single aspect of the learning journey must support the improvement of some specific pre-determined skill or attribute
🤝 Curating the Community is key
@SKNWilkinson uses the analogy of a host moving through rooms to ensure people are having a good time, and nudging, and cajoling, guests if they get stuck
This is true for teachers who must do whatever they can to keep the conversations flowing
⚽ Teaching is a team effort
Having a team to manage the flow of information, conversation, technical issues, learning difficulties and road bumps is indispensable
I can attest to this having had the incredible support of @Jackie_Will14
❤️ Teaching is personal
"We got to share it when Andrew moved house, we glimpsed him exhausted from the pace, euphoric when things were flying, and emotional when it finished. We got the real deal and that made the journey so much more intense for each one of us."
💸 To teach you must market
"The single largest challenge of building a business around knowledge and benefitting from the scale that digital distribution and the digital classroom offers"
Teaching is a business
📈 The business of education is just starting to evolve
"Education is being ripped out of the hands of the state monopoly and suffocating bureaucracy of Depts of Education and will eventually be delivered by the marketplace."
Let that be a war cry for the creator economy!
👨🏫 Everyone is a teacher
My personal favorite of the 10 lessons
"Everyone has the opportunity to be a teacher and share their experience. It doesn’t matter where in your career you are... everyone has something to teach and, for next to no upfront investment, start doing it."
A fitting way to end:
"Sharing what you know, what you see, what you can with others is high service and one of the most rewarding activities it is possible to perform."
In 2005, two college roommates Alexis and Steve attended a lecture by @paulg
Graham invited them to apply to @ycombinator with their idea of ordering food by text message
It bombed
But Graham liked the two guys and during a subsequent brainstorming session an idea was formed to create a website Graham called, the “front page of the internet.”