In 2005, two college roommates Alexis and Steve attended a lecture by @paulg
Graham invited them to apply to @ycombinator with their idea of ordering food by text message
It bombed
But Graham liked the two guys and during a subsequent brainstorming session an idea was formed to create a website Graham called, the “front page of the internet.”
Ever wondered what it takes to track animals in the wild?
I sat down with @alexvdheever - a Master Tracker from South Africa - to unpack this ancient skill
This is a masterclass on a skill so few people have
I had goosebumps for 60 minutes...
🎙️Episode 7 is now out!
Over the last two decades, Alex has tracked
⚠️ jaguars in the Amazon jungle
⚠️ bears in California
⚠️ grizzlies and wolves in Montana
⚠️ pumas in Patagonia
⚠️ the famous black mane lions of the Kalahari
In this episode, Alex reveals what it takes
- the role of intuition
- the mental processes
- the powerful role of his mentor and friend Renias
- dreaming about the track
- the 5 elements of tracking
Been struggling with how to make my online course transformational
My problem is a long feedback loop for course creator students
As a student, you won't see the results until you've finished your next cohort
Here's how I'm solving this 👇
How do I deliver a transformational experience in only 5 weeks?
Introducing 🔰The Curious Lion Learning Week 🔰
This will be the capstone event of the course
In 4 weeks, every student in my course will learn the necessary skills to create a course or improve an existing one - preferably a cohort-based one of their own
But the project they'll work on to learn these skills will be a 60-min workshop to showcase their content