The #G7TradeMinisters have nothing to say on improving external transparency so the world knows what is happening in the WTO and in other trade negotiations
First some nice words on being committed to “free and fair trade” (who isn’t?), tackling the pandemic (who isn’t?), sustainable development goals (who isn’t?), and support @wto reform (who isn’t?)
Next comes a massive problem facing the WTO, the crisis in the appeal stage of dispute settlement. …
A problem so massive the text can fit into a tweet
“We engaged in frank and constructive discussions regarding reform of the WTO Dispute Settlement System, and committed to continuing these discussions ahead of our meeting in October.”
Next, special treatment for developing countries. This is a reasonable statement
Which are the developing countries already willing to undertake full commitments? Those in or close to the OECD. China in fisheries subsidies talks, some other subjects
Next “plurilaterals” = talks among a subset of members, seen as the way to make progress in negotiations when part of the membership is not ready to join in.
Why restrict discussion on WTO reform to “this presidency”?
Perhaps it should be “forced labor” since this comes from the focus of the Biden administration and @USTradeRep@AmbassadorTai: “worker-centered trade policy”
Good to see no mention of doing this in @wto, but in ILO and UN
Details aren’t in the 🇬🇧UK-NOR🇳🇴 text, but in NOR’s revised schedule of WTO commitments on goods, submitted in Sep 2020, certified in Jan 2021, as shared by @SimenS
The previous tweet shows that numbers are definitely coming down again after a short rebound in April-early May, although deaths stayed flat. These are for the last fortnight:
UK variant (alpha) dominant. Indian (delta) starting to show but very low
• 5 months before the ministerial conference there's little sign that members are moving closer to any shared positions. Substantial gaps remain on almost everything
• The Cairns Group and African Group issued a joint statement calling for fairer agricultural trade by cutting domestic support that distorts markets. Getting the two groups together was an achievement, but the statement is broad. It doesn't say how
• The talks look busy with a lot of new submissions, particularly on domestic support. But they all come from individual members of the Cairns Group (lobbying for far-reaching liberalisation) plus Ukraine.
So, the 11 members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement Trans-Pacific Partnership (#CPTPP) have agreed to start negotiations for the UK to accede.
Many others have commented. I won't repeat them. Just a few points to consider
Starting negotiations with the UK is only one part. The statement ends with: ministers and senior officials “hope that those Signatories for which the CPTPP has yet to enter into force will ratify the Agreement as soon as possible”
The accession candidate (here the UK) must be “prepared to comply with the obligations in this Agreement”, although negotiation is envisaged. Final approval is needed by each of the countries concerned.
WTO members remained divided on the proposal to waive intellectual property rules for COVID-19 in today's informal meeting, although most said they were willing to discuss the new text.
The US, China, New Zealand and Ukraine shifted their positions to back the waiver
Some countries asked for more time to study the new #WtoCOVID19waiver text or remained sceptical about the waiver's ability to help access to vaccines and other products.
As expected, some countries disliked the new proposed time period for the waiver—three years, to be extended unless WTO members decide by consensus to end it.
One called it a blank cheque for the waiver to last indefinitely, undermining incentives for research & innovation.