I don't know about anyone else, but I don't really give two shits what the GOP think about ANYTHING because they're no more than a bunch of racist, Putin-loving gun-nuts with no respect for the Constitution.
Why keep attempting to reason with these criminals?
Seriously this is one terrible day (being human here)
Gaetz and Jordan go camping. They forgot TP and Gaetz has to go to the bathroom. Jordan says "use a dollar"..
Matt comes out of the woods.."Thanks for the terrible advice! I've got crap on my hands and 4 quarters stuck up my ass!"🤬
That's Right! Couldn't take away our medical coverage, AGAIN!
HOW DARE they take away their right to be treated when they need medical help. What kind of a Neanderthal would want to take that away from sick people who can't afford other coverage.
BTW I'm not celebrating that Brett (The Beer Hunter) voted correctly. Don't tell me to give that rapist a pass. It hasn't worked for the last few people who said it to me..
Teddy don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life🎶
Teddy don't' be a hero, come back remember your wife!
And as Teddy started to go she said "Keep your head really low..🤮
Half the people probably don't get the reference 😜🤣