A representative from HSR wanted a letter of support for a grant to fund improvements for the area surrounding the future HSR station, he wasn't on the agenda so BPAC couldn't vote before the July 12th deadline.
Semi-annual report, BPAC presenting to council in July, will happen in person at minimum, Phil will be present.
Budget task force report: BPAC is asking PW for public works to do more PSAs with @CMACTV and some sponsorship. Includes a PSA for the California stop to yield bill if it becomes law.
@CMACTV Included in the total is money for BPAC to sponsor an event. Melanie Ruvalcaba (county) asks if sponsorships is an allowable expense.
Jill Gromley (public works) also says she doesn't know if sponsorships are allowable expenses either.
@CMACTV Melanie wants to remove the stop to yield PSA from the ask and to use the $3400 for ad placement.
Phil asks if they also want to remove the sponsorships from the budget for ad placement as well.
Phil reiterates that any money that isn't ok'd, should go towards paid media.
Melanie asks if the task force discussed supporting walk to school events, but Phil says the amounts got to over $20k very quickly.
Phil: we will ask for helmets, lights, sponsorships, the 3 ads, and put any money that isn't ok'd towards paid sponsorships.
Also the 2 awards to give out during bike month 2022.
Susan Smith (D7) motions to move these budget recommendations forwards, Steven Bradley (D6) 2nds it.
Public comment:
Tony Molina (County Bike Coalition) Appreciates that BPAC is going to have public comment before the item is voted on. Suggests adding a PD sting operation as an option if sponsorship $ aren't approved.
Phil says they don't know the overtime $.
Melanie says the stings are already happening right now thanks to some grant $ ,but was not happy they were giving out citations and not providing education.
Roll call vote:
District 2: Yes
District 3: Yes
District 4: Yes
District 6: Yes
District 7: Yes
County: Yes
Majoral: Yes
Unanimous passage
Vision Zero Task Force:
Met twice, asking Ally Geller from Walk SF to join us tomorrow to discuss preparing a presentation for BPAC and eventually the city council.
Also looking to bring in reps from community orgs.
Member D2 report: Hoping to meet with councilmember and Public Works for walk audit of Woodward park connectivity for improvements to prevent collisions like the death of Angel Hernandez.
D3: Looking to meet with councilmember, nothing set up yet.
D4: Had a great community ride in District 3. Hoping to work with the new @fresnoforparks commission to help provide recs for bike and ped projects.
D6: Happy to participate in community ride and know how to put bike on bus properly now.
D7: Nothing this month
Melanie: Glad PD is doing stings, is it possible to observe the sting? Hoping to foster better community relationships between law enforcement and community
Phil: Meeting with the mayor soon, will update later.
Presentation from Community Regional Medical Center via Elian Troncale couldn't get the presentation slides on agenda on time will send later.
Eliana Truncale* Presentation is below. Leading cause of trauma is slip, trips due to older population, 2nd leading cause is motor vehicle collisions.
The hospital wasn't accepting as many pediatric patients as usual to due being overwhelmed with COVID. Overall, more ped deaths in 2020 vs 2019.
Email her if you have more questions.
Laura Gromis (D4): Does zip code correlate with zip code of incident?
Eliana Troncale: Any major trauma goes to the trauma center.
Phil Arballo: Is Officer Belli the phone # calling in?
Officer Belli: The tragedy that occurred at Friant and Ft. Washington affected everyone in our department. Information I have to share that can be released is that family members were crossing on green light from the..
... NE corner. It appears the child was lagging behind adult members. The vehicle was heading southbound. Suspect arrested.
Data to share: currently we have 11 less ped collisions from last year and 1 less bike collision.
Steven Bradley: Was the light red?
Officer Belli: Yes
I agreed to email Officer Belli to get more info on prior collisions in the area. Also check with Berkeley website for prior incidents on county segments.
I'm skipping the rest of the item since I fell behind after speaking for a while.
Work Plan: Jill Gormley is getting midtown team to meet next time.
The Pottle and California intersection improvements are not shown in this version, forthcoming.
Also Councilmember Maxwell motioned during budget hearings to build Class IV on Barstow from Blackstone to Cedar.
Other projects in the works, but nothing to show yet. Here is the California Ave concept:
Laura Gromis asks about California and Pottle:
Jill says that they would be likely getting rid of the slip lanes. Working on cost estimates. Some segments of road would be regular...
... bike lanes because of bike lanes. Notes that California had previously been planned as a 4 lane road until SW Specific plan said it should be 2.
Currently don't know the timeline for the grant since a consultant is preparing this.
Laura Gromis D4: Funding for Barstow Class 4?
Jill: Anything could change since the hearings are still going.
Public comment?
Nick Paladino: Prefers 7 feet of asphalt for cargo bikes and for passing space for ebikes. Your delineators are your flexible posts?
Jill: Correct
Nick Paladino: A buffered doorzone bike lane east of Thorne right?
Jill: Right.
Nick Paladino: New Standard for Cycle tracks?
Scott Mozier: We are looking into that for our next revisions.
Tony Molina: For the Pottle redesign there, suggests that they consider what was done in Davis in creating a protected intersection.
Also wondering why the Elm grant project submitted by Jim Costa didn't go all the way down to Annadale.
Jill: I don't have that info in front of me.
Jill Gormley: Our application for the ATP update didn't get approved. I'm not a grant writer trying to do a grant writer's job. I don't know the dates.
Me: How much is the delay?
Jill: Unknown, but possibly significant.
Moving towards adjourning, Agenda items for next month are due by July 13th!
Segment 2 (shields between Fresno and First street) is set to be awarded for construction for June.
Segment 5() out for bid and hoping to award in June.
Both Segments will be under construction this year!
Segments 3/4 scheduled for fall 2021 award construction this winter.
Segment 1 is currently going through a geometric approval process to eliminate a through lane to provide space for the trail. Construction anticipated Spring 2022.
Gene Richards: Segment 5 is where the planes go over, they aren't going to have any trees?
Jason Miller: There will be landscaping, but it won't be very tall and is required to not attract wildlife by FAA.
Gene Richards: "Why is is so hard for public works to share the plans...
The plan, which included paths surrounded by trees, a central water feature, and a pedestrian plaza for the County Library has mostly sat on a shelf for nearly 2 decades.
"On April 14, 1947, by a yes vote of 71 percent, the citizens of Fresno approved a bond issue to purchase the land between Fresno, Mariposa, N and O Streets to create a public green space."
Of course, then it became a parking lot for 50 years!
The Last BPAC meeting of the year is tonight at 5:30 pm
Items on the agenda include January Officer Nominations, Logo Review, Strategic Plan, Regional Transportation Plan Update, and the usual Grant and PD reports.
Attended a meeting of the @BetterBlckstone design challenge today and while it was definitely a very positive experience showcasing TONS of dense mixed-use development along Blackstone...I was a little upset there weren't any bus-only lanes in the concept art. 🚍
One of the only pictures I took. To be clear, this is a design concept,nothing the city is considering for the real grade separation as far as I know.
This is similar to what I want in Fresno someday, acknowledging it took the Netherlands 40-50 years to get here.
My question Fresnans is, does that necessarily mean it should take that long for us to get there?🤔
(not shown: great mass transit)