1/x I decided to pick apart and share my favorite pieces from Rob Vinall's wonderful letter "More Accuracy" that he wrote earlier this year, who I believe deserves more attention. The two main components in the letter is 'Value vs. Growth' & Adaptability. 🧵👇🏼
2/x In the first part he implicitly writes that he himself, and perhaps many others from his generation, maybe put a little too much emphasis on a company's history, and too little on their future.
Is some of reversion to the mean investing being arbitraged away by computers?
3/x The second part is my favorite. The first and last highlighted sentences together is perhaps one of the most important insights you could have as an investor. And it takes guts for a guy like Rob to admit that experience might actually be a disadvantage.
4/x Like many times before, Buffett's huge $AAPL purchase by the age of ~85, despite being afraid of technology stocks all his life, is used as a way to show how incredibly adaptive he is.
"The single biggest thing they should do is commit do adapt"
5/x The third part is on technological innovation. Has the purely digital business models changed capitalism and investing for good? Rob argues that might be the case, since companies now can grow both faster and larger with greater predictability.
6/x Part four makes me think of two quotes. Munger's "Take a simple idea and take it seriously" and Einstein's “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler" (which later shows up in the letter). Strive to be accurate, but don't get hung up on decimal points.
7/x The disciplined, conservative and visionary approach. The highlighted part here is spot on.
8/x In part five Rob basically comes back to the power of technology, by mentioning both $AMZN and $GOOG as companies that has been extremely positively skewed in terms of their cash flow generation. Software is eating the world.
9/x To not let us get completely carried away with "the visionary approach", in part six Rob takes us down to earth by bashing the $SHOP valuation. Although, he at the same time compliments the underlying business a lot. Bottom line: valuation still matters.
10/x Part seven feeds back to the fat tail discussion earlier. Again, pressing the importance of valuation.
11/x In the sum-up Rob recognizes that focusing on positive skews (the visionary approach) might be a valid long-term strategy, but that some sort of intrinsic value (i.e. future cash flow generation) calculation *must* be done.
12/12 And btw, Rob actually records his letters as a podcast too, just like Howard Marks. I'll link it below. Lastly, here's a table showing RV Capital's fantastic performance since 2008 (19.4% CAGR).
Since my last book tweet caught fire and a lot of people asked for specific recommendations, I decided to compile a thread with the books that have changed my thinking and/or inspired me the most so far (more will get added over time) 📚🧠💭🧵👇🏼
The Joys of Compounding (2019)
Filled with amazing quotes & passages on everything from investing, common sense to life philosophy, collected from literally thousands of sources. Long-term thinking is the key to success, both in life and investing. goodreads.com/book/show/4440…
Meditations (AD 161-180)
My key takeaway from these ~1800 y/o personal diary writings is that we're still just as human on the inside, despite huge technological advances; experiencing the same feelings, thinking the same thoughts. goodreads.com/book/show/30659
1/x Okay, grab a c̷u̷p̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷c̷o̷f̷f̷e̷e can of water. Today I will tell you about one of the coolest and most innovative brands that you've never heard of. This is...
Liquid Death - a company selling canned water.
2/x Before Mike Cessario founded Liquid Death in 2017, he worked as a Creative Director over at Netflix on shows like House of Cards, Narcos and Stranger Things.
And before that, he played in metal and hardcore/punk bands, which obviously influenced some choices later on...
3/x There's an ideology called Straight Edge that sprung from hardcore/punk in the 70's, which basically means that you rebel against the mainstream through self-control. No alcohol, no drugs & so on. Veganism/vegetarism is now common in these circles as well.
1/x Let me tell you about one of the moatiest businesses you've never heard of. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and let's go..☕️
🇺🇸 Copart $CPRT
- Physical economies of scale
- Digital marketplace w/ trusted brand
- Unsexy but critical niche
- Reinvestment moat, 20-30% RoIC
2/x Copart was founded in the early 80s by Willis Johnson (left), the now 73 y/o Chairman & 2nd largest shareholder, after a 10+ year career in the salvage industry. It was "bootstrapped" until the early 90s, when Willis heard that their biggest competitor $IAA should go public.
3/x Wall Street had never really entered Johnson's mind before that point, but when people told him he could expand even faster with outside funding, he figured that might be a good idea after all. The market opportunity was massive, and expansion would be expensive.
1/x $PEXIP Q1: Framstod som stark vid första anblick, men är egentligen relativt svag. Förstår samtidigt att tillväxten kan bli lumpy då det handlar om stora kunder och stora avtal. Marknaden verkar nu ha bytt fot igen och tycks ha återgått till "Pexip är bara en coronavinnare".
2/x Det är för tidigt att säga huruvida detta är en trend eller inte, men skillnaden i 6% sekventiell tillväxt (som i Q1) mot min gissning 10-12% gör väldigt stor skillnad på helåret. 104m vs 129m, eller +27% vs +57% y/y. Min gissning var/är runt 50%.
3/x Även deltan i mUSD blir såklart också helt annorlunda med en lägre tillväxttakt. Exempel: 6% sekv. kommande tre kvartal ger +22m på helåret 2021 vs +47m med 12%. Ett kvartal hit och dit är väl skitsamma, men för att nå målet om 300m 2024 krävs en ordentlig upptrappning.
Lite ovanligt content från min sida kanske, men damen och jag firar faktiskt hela 8(?!) år ihop i helgen! #BuyAndHold
Jösses vad många grattis! Tack från både mig och sambon🙏🏼 Till de som undrar vart vi befinner oss så heter stället Ästad Vingård. Den ligger precis utanför min hemstad Varberg i Åkulla bokskogar, och här gör man sedan ett par år tillbaka vin på egna västkustodlade Solaris-druvor.
Disclaimer: jag kan ingenting om vin, men blev imponerad av den långdragna processen. Däremot berättade jag direkt för sambon att Solaris är en rysk film från Tarkovsky. Och att bastuaggregatet är från finska $HARVIA. Och att den vägghängda toan är från schweiziska $GEBN.