2/ i bought my rig and hosting service from Compass - i sent them $, they did everything else
i chose @f2pool_official as my pool - i see my daily payouts and hash power on a nice little dedicated dashboard and download the CSV file to assemble this lil' report
3/ BTC mined - in the last week alone, bitcoin mined per day has gone up 45% thanks to the drop in difficulty
BTC price has dropped by ~45%, effectively keeping dollar ROI flat from May 5 to now 🦥
BUT rn mining 72% more BTC per day than i was in february when i started
4/ opex - my miner uses ~3.25 kw / hr so opex is pretty minimal
carbon offset for all u ESG warriors, i use the @EPA calculator but we'll be rolling out our own @CoinSharesCo calculator soon ⌨️ so all u nerds can roll your own ESG strat however u like
5/ now lots of u will ask me a basic question - why not just buy bitcoin instead of buying an ASIC?
i present to you... owning a production asset v owning a financial asset (i'm at month 5)
i denominate in bitcoin, not USD. mining helps me accumulate more bitcoin.
6/ full disclosure - i'm an investor in @compass_mining via @CoinSharesCo and my personal holding company, i'm a board director, and i'm a paying customer
7/ if u have detailed questions on any of this - prior threads walk through everything in excruciating detail or feel free to DM / respond and i'll link the answer
"today, a career is a collection of activities, a portfolio. DAOs are an amazing way for people to build this portfolio based on their participation in different communities."
DAOs can help reshape traditional career paths!
3/ Erikan from Audacity Fund
"people should be paid for their passion, their time, their creativity - so many creators are exploited and left empty handed while platforms and their investors are enriched. what's the value of time? DAOs can help people earn money for their time."
brad sherman just stated he believes it is more beneficial to society that people play the California lottery than invest in cryptocurrencies, ladies and gentlemen this is your elected representative
2/ now on to witness testimonies - Eva Su from the Congressional Research Service reminding everyone that bitcoin and ethereum are *not* securities, good start
she's focusing on securities regulation and potential changes to securities laws
kicking off with archegos capital and form 13-F issues and then extrapolating to crypto - this is nonsensical since exposure today is on-chain and fully collateralized?
she claims "dire risks" from forced liquidations in crypto (how?)
1/ the #Bitcoin network is a complex, dynamic ecosytem, and the latest changes to the distribution of the network are interesting, but not unpredecented
let's look at the data - here is how market share has evolved over the last three months
2/ total hash rate on the network fluctuates in response to a number of factors including the cost and availability of ASICs (capex), the cost and availability of power (opex), and the price of bitcoin
looking at the last six months, we've seen a lot of volatility in global hash
3/ the size and rate of this decrease is consistent with other previous drops. migratory mining has been a trend for the last 3-4 years!
long-term, hash rate will respond to these variables and seek jurisdictions where there is clear, consistent policy and ample renewable energy
2/ over the last 18 months, bitcoin has been increasingly financialized as an asset
our weekly digital asset fund flows report shows AUM in crypto products is nearly $50B, a sharp increase from $5B a year ago when PTJ first talked about bitcoin 😎
2/ our relationship w/ @compass_mining is driven by getting more individuals into mining bitcoin, and distributing global hash rate more broadly
we thought it would be fun, educational, and timely to create a Pleb Mining Council to help drive this effort
3/ since starting my self-mining experiment w Compass a few months ago, *so* many of you have reached out to me about your desire to learn more about mining
see my experience below, month 4 update coming shortly 👇