Libby, MT, got #M4All from Section 1881A of SS because they're exposed to hazardous airborne Asbestos.
Similarly, a sitting President alone can give this Policy to the entire country by signing it with the stroke of a pen because the entire population is exposed to COVID.
It's happening in 27 States & 36 Cities so far. It's on 7/24. See the link at bottom.
People will attack because they like the way the things are. Our job, our goal, is not to divide among us & not fall back.
What we do is we get stronger, fight harder because we're almost there. #M4All must be in our minds. Keep supporting @RedBeretsM4All & @WholeWashington.
There will always be challenge. The answer is to face it in a positive way. Never lose the main focus of the job.
Stick to the main issue; Policy. Everyone desperately needs #M4All no matter what.
So far, it's happening in 27 States & 36 Cities. Special thanks to @M4M4ALL who organized these Marches across the USA & @SavageJoyMarie1 who has booking Speakers in these Marches.
#M4All is the only answer & everyone must get involved.
30 - 40 million people will face eviction in the coming months. All thanks to @SpeakerPelosi. She blocked @Ilhan’s HR 6515 Bill to #CancelRent & Mortgage payments until the pandemic is over.
Everyone must share & retweet these to everyone else. Also, tell them to do the same. This is about Vitamin D3 & SARS-CoV-2; #COVID19. This is very important.
It's my fourth thread. First was created on July 3.
Vitamin D3 plays very important role in protecting your lungs. Vitamin D3 helps to prevent bacterial (Bacteria) respiratory (Lung) infections and viral (Virus) respiratory (Lung) infections. Vitamin D3 also helps to prevent SARS-CoV-2; #COVID19.