AndyHS Profile picture
13 Jul, 125 tweets, 27 min read
Hey! It is Tuesday so it must be the Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the Agenda includes agreement with voting machine company Dominion ; New case management system for DA’s;Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave;update on American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA);DECREASE in Library damaged materials fee; #Fresno Some select Consent Calendar Items:CONSENT CALENDAR
22. Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 as Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists
Appreciation Week; 23.Adopt a resolution commending the
the North Fresno Rotary, East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary,
Cultural Arts Rotary, Fresno Sunrise Rotary, and the Central Passport Rotary clubs who replaced
Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departments. 24. *Adjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian Balakian
25. Amendment to Agreement with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement A-19-227 with
Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., for voting equipment, election services, maintenance, and support
effective upon execution with no
change to the term of May 14, 2019 through May 13, 2022 and
increasing the contract maximum by $10,744 to a total of $2,909,148.
35. Agreement with Aeon Nexus Corporation for Public Defender New Case Management System : Approval of the recommended agreement will allow the Department to implement a new case management system. Under the recommended agreement, Aeon Nexus will work with the Department to
document case management processes, workflows, templates, and reports; create detailed technical and functional specification requirements; capture, validate, and migrate existing legacy data, documents, and other digital assets; configure the JusticeNexus case management system
to meet the Department’s needs; and train staff on how to navigate and leverage the new system.
37. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations for Internal Services Department -Fleet Services - Equipment Org 8911 in the amount of $6,610,392 for the purchase of replacement light/heavy duty vehicles and equipment for various departments (4/5 vote)
39.1 Amendments to the Solar and Energy Storage Energy Services Agreements with ForeFront Power for the Juvenile Justice Campus On February 4, 2020, your Board approved ESA-Solar No. 20-064 and ESA-Energy Storage No. 20-065 with ForeFront. The solar ESA requires ForeFront to
finance, design, construct, implement, operate, and maintain a battery storage system at the JJC that will reduce the County’s peak electrical energy demand from PG&E, as well as electrically charge the system during off-peak hours and dispatch stored electric energy to the JJC
during peak hours. The ESA-Solar recommended amendment addresses and modifies the liquidated damages due to the County as a result of the failure of ForeFront to meet the construction start date due primarily to the pandemic. Those liquidated damages ($125,662.50) would be due.
45.1. Adopt plans and specifications for construction of a new Environmental Compliance Center
facility for the central collection and disposal of household hazardous waste products, to be
located at 301 S. West Avenue, Fresno, CA; and
2. Award Contract 20-S-01 for construction
of Environmental Compliance Center facility, to the
lowest responsible bidder, BMY Construction, 5485 East Olive Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727, in the
total amount of $2,660,000.
49. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the Riverdale Memorial District
for the Riverdale Memorial Hall Improvements, Community Development Block Grant Project No.
20591, effective upon execution through October 31, 2022, total not to exceed $250,000.
The Project will provide safe off-street parking and
improved access to the building for mobility-impaired visitors.
51. Revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation for the Partial Cancellation. request by the Applicant to allow the cancellation of the
above-referenced Williamson Act contracts involving approximately 1,600 acres to be recorded in two
56. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 21-012 with the
California Department of Housing and Community Development to add round two CARES Act
Emergency Solutions Grant funds, effective upon execution by the State, through September 30,
, increasing the maximum by $1,512,000 to a total of $2,520,100.
57. Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission:conducting a pilot program to target community college students that are at risk
of or experiencing homelessness. EOC provides services to community college students through its
partnership with Fresno City College (FCC
in the Housing Opportunities Promote Education (HOPE)
program, which offers homeless services to community college students who are typically reticent about
seeking assistance. This partnership would allow the Department to target a unique population of youth that
underserved by mainstream homeless programs.58.
Retroactive Amendment to the Revenue Agreement with the City of Fresno. There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The City ESG-CV
funding ($1,998,335) includes an allowance of 5.3%, or $105,176,
to be retained by the Department of Social
Services for administrative costs.
You can watch Board of Supervisors live…
Meeting begins but I am only seeing video . All supervisors present including Quintero who has been via phone for past year and a half. 6’ social distancing is no longer required as the chambers are packed. Lots of youth present too.
@LincolnSeward pulls item #40 and 23. Brandau pulls #25 on Dominion Voting systems. Public pulls item #44. 23: six rotary club resolution item. They resided $40,000 for PPE equipment for three volunteer fire departments Magisg: we want to loudly proclaim their thank you.
40. Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements :Director Public Health: this was a critical tool to do testing and vaccination. These CBOs were our eyes and ears and they helped build up trust in community. We think cold and flu rates will go up. Magsig: details
How much of the money was spent thru April by CBOs?. It ranged from 49% to 76% that expired in April. How do we quantify success? $300 per touch. Rental assistance was given to some. That $300 seems high. I would like to see that money stretched farther in this next round. We
don’t to close door to other CBO. Director Luchini: we want to work with CBOs and more upstream like dental care. Some with Covid didn’t know they had other health issues. There will be long term successes. Joe Prado:other organizations work and receive Covid dollars too.
Brandau:I voted NO when this first came to us. I didn't like all the CBOs but we passed it as we were in a crisis at the time. But this is not perfect. I want to tackle this more individually and not lump all the CBOs together. Some good providers were not happy and got out. Lets
take some time on this. We just need more bang for our buck. I won't vote in favor at this point. Do we go back to drawing board on this? Pacheco:$300 seems high but these CBOs went to very rural areas on outskirts. Sheer numbers alone will make cost more. I believe most did a
good job such as getting farmworkers vaccinated and Cantua Creek. We didn't have internet service like we do in more urban areas. African American coalition did a good job in urban area in a population that sometimes mistrusts doctors. If we want to delay this I am ok but I am
in favor. Quintero: Only thing I ask is some of these contracts run out at the end of this month and we won't come back until the 10th. They did a good job in the rural areas. @BuddySupervisor He agrees with Quintero. If we delay one meeting it needs to be going by then. Magsig:
I don't want to exclude CBOs that are not currently part if this. CAO:We can approve enough to get us thru August 10 that would be good. Brandau:We will broach the remainder at next meeting.
Amendment to Agreement with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement A-19-227 with
Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., for voting equipment, election services, maintenance, and support
Registrar of Voter James Kus: we
needed 2 high speed scanners for last years election due to high volume of ballots. This item today is to extend contract to maintain those. Brandau: I am not happy with Dominion and they have drained confidence in voting. I will vote NO today despite the cost to replace. Magsig:
our old equipment dated to 1998 and State would no longer certify them. We had 3 bidders to replace it. 4 person panel recommended Dominion back in 2019. Voters Choice was paid for by State too. If we replaced Dominion it will cost at least $4 million plus training. This is a $10
,000 contract. Public:Sean: Ultimately we can't tell what happened in this county with out looking at details. I have tried to get people to vote on Governor Recall but people tell me why as these machines are not valid. Next:Eric Rollins:I have great concern about Dominion. I
attended Mr.Kus talks to public but I am not confident in them. many voters agree. Mr Magsig put a price on good governance. I think it is worth the cost. Next:No mail in ballots using Voter ID. It is simple and cheap. Show up and use a paper ballot. Next:Novice: We all have lots
of things going on and can't all be here. I think we are losing our country due to these voting apparatus set up in California and the Country. These machines cost Trump the election. These traitors will be tried by our military. This is an act of war. We are a civilian army.
Next:Jeni-Ann Kren:I am in favor of keeping these machines. I was part of committee on Voters Choice. Dominion Machines are certified and results are checked over and over using paper ballots to compare. We have a recall election in 2 months plus 2022 elections are coming soon.We
don't have time to switch over systems. Next:Money would be better used to had count the ballots. Public would have more confidence. Next:Last election was hard. We didn't trust the mail in ballots. Who knows if they were counted? So many lawsuits regarding Dominion machines.
Next: Look Ahead America looking at black box machines and open source systems. Hands out literature. They will be sent to Supervisors. We are all in the same boat as proprietary machine. Even Kus can't check it. So we can only have faith in the machine by a non-national company
Next: this machine has called stern problems such as in Venezuela. We don't want to be run by a socialist movement. You think you have seen something with Trump but you haven't seen nothing else. We are not going to be taken over by China.Biden can stick his philosophy you know
where. Next: I went to james Kus's talk. I asked him can we do a forensic audit. He asked what that is? Not sure if his answer was a test. At Republic meeting said all Dominion machines will be audited. A republican candidate for governor says he will get rid of all Dominion
Magisg:asks Kus that we do a 1% manual audit? Kus:Yes it is a State law and we do closer to 2% so 6000 ballots or so. Magisg:What would trigger a recount? Kus:Dominion system has had 100% accuracy in the 2 years we have used it whereas the 1998 machine had 3-10% discrepancy due
the old machines that couldn't read some of the bubbled in ballots.Magsig:Evidence and fact in this County where we keep paper ballots. I don't agree with all the laws such as everyone getting a mailed in ballot. I do have faith in our voting system. I will motion to approve this
@BuddySupervisor I will second that motion for reason. Kus: I have another of these public talks this Saturday morning. Approved 4-1 with Brandau voting No.
44. County Service Area 32 Expanded Sphere of Influence and Annexation of Lands: Publiccomment: County needs to inform the public on these changes. They want to be informed. Needs to be in English and Spanish. Our partnership can help. Thanks Pacheco for upcoming meeting. She is
favor. Pacheco:State will pay for this state of the art water system. It is a Win-Win. 3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Pamela E. Fine - Department of the Fresno County
Employees' Retirement Association - 20 Years of Service. She is very professional and has a work ethic
She was involved in many projects that took several years. New accounting system for example. She is not all work though. She loved NASCAR, Survivor reality show but especially her family. She says"I love retirement! I did love accounting as it was like a treasurer hunt everyday!
4.Confirm Appointment of the Public Defender. Confirm appointment of Antoinette Taillac, effective July 26, 2021, to the position of Public
Defender pursuant Fresno County Charter Section 16.
CAO Rousseau: has served for over 20 years. Worked at Juvenile Court was reluctant to
leave that to take this position as she loved it. He received glowing recommendations for her. Approved 5-0
5. *Proclaim July 18 - July 24, 2021 as Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week. Probation Director Kirk Haynes has his staff come up. Eroding trust in law enforcement in our State and country I wanted to show this staff is representative of the community. They didn’t
stop even during the pandemic. We have Victim advocates here today. Our staff in the background makes it all happen for those in the spotlight.
6. Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave, and
restoral of Annual Leave hours deducted from current employees’ Annual Leave Back
during the 2020 Benefit Calendar Year. Section 615.5.1 of the Fresno County Salary Resolution (SR) states, “It is the
policy of the County that an
employee be permitted to take Annual Leave for vacation to the maximum extent consistent with operational County.needs.” Occasionally, however, circumstances arise that impact the ability of the employee to take earned
annual leave, which is
considered deferred wages, due to demands of the department’s operational needs,
or to unexpected events preventing an employee from using their earned time in a manner of their choosing.COVID-19 is a current and relevant example of such circumstances.Although
not removing
required and unused Annual Leave hours will allow County employees to bank hours faster,
the cost of those hours has already been considered in the benefit cost calculation for the County
employees. There are currently 133 County employees, 132 active and one (1) who was on leave
, who
were affected by the 120-hour Minimum Annual Leave Use requirement at the end of 2020. Total hours of
loss across all affected employees totals 2,379 hours, which were removed.Brandau:this is a two part fix;First restore hours from last year who couldn't go anywhere on
vacation due to pandemic. 2nd: remove the old rule. Pacheco:I can see the intent but can we just unilaterally do this or does it need to be negotiated. Nobody up here that was gone for a few days and it won't effect County. I wan't to be sure there is isn't any unintentional
effects. Staff Hollis: it won't be and changes will be negligible but we will take it back to workers for negotiating. Most staff accrues vacation time. Some lost hours as some were only working a few hours a day during pandemic as they couldn't tele-work. Approved 5-0
7. Receive update on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Sub-Committee Planning & Provide
Direction to Staff
Brandau: This group meets regularly to determine the best way to use these funds. @LincolnSeward Need to keep dialogue with department heads and the public. There are limits
as to what they can used for. Staff:John Thompson:
This is $194 million one time funds for County but there is billions we should look at trying to secure. This is a high view and this ad hoc committee focuses on the broad A category and D which is water and broadband. Magsig: can roads and buildings be paid for ? A: yes in A
Category. CAO: this is a unique opportunity to do things we don’t have the dollars to do. CBDG projects and parks can be used. Stages, health equipment as well as roads to access parks. HVAC for this old building. Broadband has $60 billion in ARP. Most of that is directed towards
Rural areas which would be very beneficial. @BuddySupervisor we need to focus on category D. CAO: we need to get these projects done by 2026. We need to take advantage of these fed dollars. Thompson: all could be spent in one category. We can combine these dollars with City funds
too. Quintero: a park in SE Fresno that isn’t under City or County. There is a 70 year old swimming pool but it has been closed for 25 years old. CAO: i think it could be used for these special districts. Thompson: we would have to see if they are eligible. CAO: this is addition
to CAREs dollars which will end this Fall. Sustainability needs to be looked at as well. We don’t want to find something that will take a lot of money to keep going. Brandau: smaller cities get more of this and not just the monster down the road (City of Fresno). Also School
Unifieds too. Pandemic will drive how we spend this. We are spending $4 million on CARES act of we month. We spent money on health. City of Fresno used it for budgetary holes. Pacheco: We have Public Health Department so apples and oranges. Public: @LCJandA We have worked with
many disadvantages communities. Can you direct your staff to work with these communities as they did so well with CAREs dollars. She lists many categories that can be studied such as cooling centers and converting gas to electrical system.
8. Salary Resolution Amendment: Approve Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Senior Administrative Analyst position to
Administrative Office Org 0120, effective July 26, 2021, as reflected in Appendix C.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the
recommended action. Approval of the
recommended action will amend the Administrative Office’s Salary Resolution adding one Senior Administrative Analyst to Group 4 of Administrative Office Org 0120. This position would be dedicated to
and funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP).
This position will help us us the dollars from ARP. 9. Dawan Utecht, Director, Department of Behavioral Health
Agreement for Substance Abuse Disorder Primary Prevention Services. Hear and consider appeal from California Health Collaborative regarding recommended
award of
Substance Abuse Disorder Primary Prevention Services for Youth and Young
Adults ages 10-20 to the Youth Leadership Institute.The Appeal: It is recommended that you Board first hear and consider the appeal from California Health Collaborative (CHC) regarding the recommended award
to the Youth Leadership Institute (YLI). Both the
County Administrative Officer(CAO) and the Purchasing Manager have reviewed and considered the appeal
pursuant to the County’s appeal process and recommend that the appeal be denied.CHC failed to provide a completed detailed five
-year line item budget for Sections I-III of the RFP and should
have been deemed non-responsive.
Recommended Agreement: It is recommended that your Board approve and authorize the proposed agreement with YLI, allowing the Department of Behavioral Health to provide substance abuse
services for County youth and young adults ages 10-20 in accordance with the County’s 2021-2026
Strategic Prevention Plan (SPP) for Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD). The agreement is funded with
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Federal Block Grant funds.
CHC appealed but was denied as they hadn't provided all necessary budget paperwork. CHC says they are best in position to serve the County This lack of paperwork was reason it was denied. They claimed the paperwork was lost when converting it from Excel to PDF. CHC says they are
stronger candidate but both CHC and YLI had strengths. I recommend deny appeal. @LincolnSeward We require RFP. Has there ever been an RFP that didn't include a PRICE? Counsel: I can't think of one. We believe RFP was adequate. CHC did have the final price but not broken up.
Brandau:Are we in a time crunch? We are. It may put some of our funding at risk as well as in the future. CHC legal counsel. "We have been here 30 years in Fresno County.We were original winning bidder and more responsive to PDF according to panel. YLI only had alcohol experience
but not marijuana and prescription drugs. CHC lost due to a technicality even though YLI also had some discrepancies in their RFP. We would like to be awarded as originally occurred or put it out to bid. Public:From CHC We have done this for 11 years. We are the most responsive
bidder. Lists reason. many of the youth are engaged and many are here today and online. Next:I am living proof of this program. (tearing up) I was struggling and had a brother who was already jailed in a gang. I am now a CHC employee , college graduate and homeowner. This pro-
gram works.Brandau congratulates her success. Next: Work on decreasing marijuana use among teens. I was able to graduate from Berkley. I want to help the world now. I grew up in Mendota and there was not much there then. Next: worked with Lock it Up collaborative and CHC. We are
not as familiar with YLI. The documentation was in the RFP and a technicality cost them. Next:YLI Central Valley leader says we have been in Fresno Co. since 2005. 2400 youth have been in contact with. We have a long established network with cities in the county. Next: CAO of YLI
We approached CHC about working with YLI but was turned down. If Supervisors allow a rebidding it will be undermine the process. We have received support from @MayorJerryDyer @kmkarbassi Lee Brand and others. Next:Plays audio of Selma Student talking about FNL chapter at her
school. We have advocated at my city council on a anti-smoking initiative. I am heading to Stanford next.Next:from YLI plays another audio from another Selma student. Tobacco use at Selma Parks. YLI gave me lots of confidence. Magsig:I feel like Solomon without the
wisdom. I would divide the money between the two but we can't do that. If we put it out to rebid it will cost us in future years. If we award it to CHC we will probably lose in court. Pacheco : we have two great proposals. I think our staff should have caught this technicality at
beginning and prevented this. But it did make it farther in the process. Is this a technicality or lack of responsive? Counsel Cedarborg: Supervisors could make that determination but other RFPs have been rejected over similar. Pacheco:We need to follow our procedures and vote
for YLI.Quintero: When on City Councilman I received a call from a woman named Yammy (Sp)who wanted to help youth. That program has grown. I will support YLI. Brandau:Do both have similar on marijuana? Staff: yes. Pacheco:$6 million is a lot of money for organizations. Why was
the contract not broken into 2-3 parts originally? Staff: Are we trying to provide the best community program OR trying to sustain organizations? We need to be able to turn on a dime such as Fentanyl crisis. Having one provider makes it easier. Brandau:I will support the appeal.
Magsig makes motion to award to YLI. Originally YLI appealed us. Now CHC does here today. Approved 4-1 with Brandau voting NO.
10. Donald C. Kendig, CPA, Retirement Administrator
Salary Resolution Amendment. Due to the increased
diversification of the Fresno County Employees’ Retirement Association’s (FCERA) portfolio and increased
accounting pronouncements, the Accounting unit at FCERA has evolved into
a more complex unit needing a
manager position to oversee it. This allocation was approved by the Retirement Board, during a public
hearing, on June 2, 2021.FCERA employees are
considered County of Fresno employees, however FCERA is a legally separate organization and has a
budget and Board that is separate from the County of Fresno. All costs are allocated proportionally to
sponsors and employees for the administration of the pension plan.Magsig:makes sense as program it is getting larger. Approved
11. *Raman Bath, County Librarian
Amendment to Master Schedule of Fees - Library. There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Measure B Sales Tax
(Measure B) funds salaries, benefits, and operational costs. It is anticipated that with
the amending of these
fees, the Library will ensure it is operating in accordance with the Measure B Use Tax Ordinance.
Librarian Bath: I wanted this during pandemic and fires and didn't want people having to worry about a fine during this. I found out I didn't have authority so
I am hear to ask to do it. $7 is what it used to cost to handle a lost book and re-add it to library. Most is done by machine. Just want them to pay for cost of book.Approved 5-0
12. Steven E. White, Director Department of Public Works and Planning SUBJECT: Partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 2592 (RLCC No. 1017). Consider petition for partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 2592 filed by David
Morrison Brinkley and Kelly Lynn Harman to remove a 1.50-acre portion of a 32.96-acre parcel from the Williamson Act contract to create a separate parcel for residential use.This item comes to your Board with a recommendation for denial of the cancellation petition by the
Agricultural Land Conservation Committee (ALCC) based on its inability to make required Finding No. 3 listed under Government Code, Section 51282(b).:Adopt the Negative Declaration prepared to address the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed PCOC No. 3529
to split off 1.5 acres from a 32.96-acre parcel as a homesite parcel and the cancellation of the Williamson Act contract on the 1.5-acre parcel (Initial Study No. 7940); Bonique Emerson rep for owners:Purchased and started vineyard. Would like to deed part of parcel to allow a
daughter to live there. Pacheco: This is my district. If this is going to a family member I am fine. I will go against Staff recommendation and be in favor approved 5-0
13. General Plan Amendment Application No. 564; Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3693; Initial Study No. 7980 (Applicant: Jeff Roberts)
The purpose of this proposal is to acknowledge the relocation of a fire station site to an alternative site within the
Millerton Specific Plan area. Since adoption of the Specific Plan in 1984, a portion of the area at the south-westerly intersection of Marina Drive anMillerton Road has been designated for a Government Center. This area was to include a future fire station, among other potential
government and commercial uses. More recently in 2004 Conditional Use Permit No. 3035 was approved to allow the inclusion of a library within this area. The new fire station site is intended to replace the previous fire station location and was selected for better accessibility
and visibility from Millerton Road. Approved with little discussion. 14. Amendment of the Fresno County Ordinance Code to Modify the Chapter on Speed Limits. (1) New speed zone. These zones are proposed for adoption into the Ordinance with a recently established speed limit,
supported by the E&TS: 1. Clinton Avenue from Sunnyside Avenue to Fowler Avenue except that portion within the boundaries of the City of Fresno, will be 40 MPH. (District 5) 2. Garfield Avenue from Bullard Avenue to Herndon Avenue, will be 50 MPH. (District 1) 3. Kings Canyon
Road from Argyle Avenue to Fowler Avenue except that portion within the boundaries of the City of Fresno, will be 50 MPH. (District 5) 4. Kings Canyon Road from Fowler Avenue to Armstrong Avenue except that portion within the boundaries of the City of Fresno, will be 50 MPH.
(District 5) 5. Nees Avenue from Chestnut Avenue to Willow Avenue except that portion within the boundaries of the City of Fresno, will be 45 MPH. (District 2) 6. Rio Vista Avenue from State Route 180 to Trimmer Springs Road, will be 45 MPH. (District 5) 7. Willow Avenue from
Alluvial Avenue to Nees Avenue except that portion within the boundaries of the City of Clovis and the City of Fresno, will be 50 MPH. (District 2) Approved 5-0
15. Board of Comments:Magsig: went to conference in talking about ARP dollars. Some other counties were farther along than us and taking more liberties. We haven't been hit as hard as some counties who rely more on tourism than us. Mendes:When we do an agenda review we need to
look at time. Today's meeting should have started at 9 am and not 10 am (it is now 1:09 pm). Unscheduled Public Comment:Renaming of Squaw Valley event and Zoom. We have taken in to account all of those in S. Valley but it effects all of Fresno County. I would like to see you all
there and to reconsider. Next: also wants to rename S. Valley. MLK quote:injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. "Directs to @LincolnSeward Magsig that just because a word has gotten normalized doesn't mean it shouldn't be removed. Going to Closed Session.
August 10, 2021 - 10:00 AM
August 24, 2021 - 10:00 AM
Some slides on the Speed limit item that I didn’t get to post.

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24 Jun
June 24th ,2021 Fresno City Council meeting as well as a Special meeting! ! Among the items is the final Budget vote; SB1 road projects ( as the budget hearings showed there is never enough to satisfy the $1 billion in needed work);Low income Tax Credits for several affordable
housing projects; Terrence Frazier and Central Valley Community Sports Foundation and Management Visions closed and open session items; @FLDocumenters @fresnoland #Fresno
On the Consent Calendar: -B Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Fresno Unified School
District wherein FUSD will pay $1,862,495 annually to FPD in exchange for FPD providing eleven
Student Resource Officers (SROs), one Sergeant and twelve
Read 106 tweets
22 Jun
City of Fresno’s Budget hearings continued today at 9 am! The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will be meeting at 10 am so I will only be able to Live Tweet one the meetings. Drumroll, please And the winner is...the always popular Budget Hearings !
Here are the budget proposals “in the pot” as Council Chair Luis Chavez said a lot the past week.
Read 71 tweets
17 Jun
After a week of Budget Hearings a regular Fresno City Council meeting PLUS Special Emergency Closed Meeting. (Probably about re-opening City Hall ) @FLDocumenters
Some of the Agenda items include 1-E Approve an Agreement with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., in the amount of $140,600 with a $30,000 contingency, to prepare an updated nexus study for the Citywide impact fees for Regional Streets, New Growth Area Major Streets, Police Fa-
-ilities, Fire Facilities, Quimby In-Lieu Parkland Dedication and Park Facilities. (Citywide wide)
Read 99 tweets
16 Jun
City of Fresno Budget hearings (in progress).
Read 97 tweets
15 Jun
that is giving what department needs. However crime is up. Some of the costs are from 80 officers on long term absences. State needs to change law that allows officers to make more by staying home. 120 new officers make public think changes are coming. Are you lowering standards?
Absolutely not. That would be a mistake. Officers that are cited for being drunk while off duty will need to be treated case by case. DUI case will need to go through process.Arias:use of social media. If arrested you get put on Social Media.But if John is arrested for human traf
-ficking is not as they may have a family and lose their job. Chief: we put those with felony charg on social media. Traffic Unit has 38 motors now split into day/evening shift. They are also first to show up for riots. Unless Council gives more money we won't be back up to 80 #
Read 140 tweets
15 Jun
Georganne White: A detailed memo was sent out and why an audit wasn't made. Ombudsman person may have been too chummy with the officers.In looking back that is exactly what ombudsman is supposed to do in getting officers claims through. ADR program keeps the $11 M is
not actually higher. We are looking what traditional workers comp v. ADR and look at what the differences were. Esqueda:Audit was more about process of ADR. We are doing that correctly. Next: effectiveness. Is the increase from $4 M to now $11M effective? Arias:this department
sells us on "A" but when it doesn't work they double down on "A". Soria:If we demonstrated people were going back to work and absences go down this program is good. If not and not effective we need to move in another direction. White:Actuarial should be done soon. Lots of savings
Read 10 tweets

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