1/Since 1917, the Senate has drilled several holes in the filibuster. It’s time to drill another.
2/Anything that can permanently block the Senate from doing constitutionally-mandated business is in violation of the spirit, if not the text, of the Constitution itself.
3/The filibuster was made possible by a senate rule change in 1806. It did not actually get used as a serious way to block debate on legislation until 1837. From then until 1917, it was mostly used to block discussion of civil rights legislation.
4/In 1917, under Woodrow Wilson, when a debate erupted over WWI spending, Senator Thomas Walsh (D-Montana) proposed what he called a “Constitutional Option.” His logic was straightforward:
5/The Constitution:
· Requires each body of Congress to reset or re-ratify its rules at the beginning of every Congress (every 2 years)
· Requires Congress to conduct the people’s business in a republican fashion (by vote)
6/The 1917 Senate passed Walsh’s Constitutional Option, putting it into the Senate’s rules, so, going forward, a 2/3rds (since reduced to 3/5ths) supermajority of senators can overcome a filibuster.
7/The Walsh Constitutional Option — that a filibuster could be overcome with a supermajority vote (invoke cloture) — stands to this day.
8/In 1980, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN) further expanded the Constitutional Option to completely prevent taxing and spending legislation from even being filibustered at all.
9/His rationale was that, because spending money to do the nation’s business is a defined responsibility of Congress in Article I of the Constitution, taxing and spending legislation (within limits) could ignore the filibuster and be passed with a simple majority vote.
10/Today we call this “Budget Reconciliation” or just “reconciliation” and it’s been used over 25 times.
11/In the beginning of another expansion, in 2003 Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott renamed the Constitutional Option the “Nuclear Option” and suggested it should be expanded from just Article I work (taxing and spending) to include Article III types of work (approving judges).
12/Approving judges, after all, is also an explicit duty of the United States Senate found in the Constitution.
13/But Senator Lott didn’t get his way; it took years until approving federal judges was finally validated under the Constitutional Nuclear Option.
14/On November 21, 2013, after years of Obama’s judicial nominations being routinely blocked by Republican filibusters, Reid pushed through a new set of Senate rules that exempted judges (except the Supreme Court) from the filibuster.
15/Then in 2017, Mitch McConnell expanded that exemption to Supreme Court judges when Democrats declared an intent to filibuster Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Neal Gorsuch.
16/Today, the Senate has an exclusion to the filibuster so that judges can be approved by simple majority vote.
17/Thus, two of the duties of the Senate listed in the Constitution — appropriating and spending money, and ratifying the President’s judicial nominees — are today exempt from the filibuster.
18/It’s time to add a third. The Elections Clause of the Constitution also empowers Congress to make or alter state regulations with regard to elections.
19/In 1795, in his Dissertation on the First Principles of Government, Paine wrote:
“The true and only true basis of representative government is equality of rights. Every person has a right to one vote … "
20/As Thomas Paine pointed out, the right to vote is foundational to all other rights, and is what gives legitimacy to our government itself.
21/Another constitutional obligation of Congress should be included in the Constitutional/Nuclear Option: Laws to protect all Americans' constitutional right to vote.
1/During the 2020 election cycle, wealthy rightwingers paid infiltrators to sabotage the Democratic Party in Wyoming and across the western United States.
2/An undercover operation by conservatives to infiltrate progressive groups, political campaigns and the offices of Democratic as well as moderate Republican elected officials occurred.
3/Using large campaign donations and cover stories, the operatives aimed to gather dirt that could sabotage the reputations of people and organizations considered threats to a hard-right agenda advanced by President Donald J. Trump.
1/If Democrats are serious about their programs now, and a win in 2022, they’ll do what McConnell did in 2018 when he controlled the Senate.
2/In 2018, McConnell wanted to get radical rightwing Supreme Court judges on the bench for lifetime appointments. He simply had all his Republicans vote to alter the filibuster. Brett Kavanaugh couldn’t be filibustered.
3/The GOP’s message, heard straight from Fox and Republican officials is:
Evil baby-killing White-hating corrupt thieving Democrats stole the 2020 election and plan to keep doing it. Republicans must massively roll back voter eligibility and remove those "fraudulent" voters.
1/To get drinking water, citizens of this W VA county have to collect contaminated runoff from the rock face of a mountain or buy bottled water.
2/Is this emerging third-world hell-hole really America? This is the road the corporations and libertarians like Charles Koch and his well-funded activist network are leading us down. How do you like it?
3/Our Founders said American government is a system where government is the servant. It is "of the people, by the people and for the people". When Reagan said in sweeping fashion that "government is the problem" he was saying the problem = the American people.
1/The silent filibuster is not a procedural rule but a change in the enactment of law by majority vote neither permitted by Article I nor with the consent of the House.
2/The failure to surmount a Senate filibuster and pass a bill to create a bipartisan committee to investigate the January 6 insurrection is a gut check for Democrats who should no longer treat the procedural relic as a mere potential or imaginary threat to their governing agenda.
3/Their inability to unite against the filibuster and end this sorry practice is on their shoulders. They should be moving heaven and earth to dislodge this infernal practice from the upper body. Allies in this mission are, unfortunately, in too short supply in their own caucus.
H.R.1, the For the People Act of 2021, passed by the House on Wednesday, has been described as the most sweeping pro-democracy bill in decades, improving voter registration and access to voting, ...
2/... ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, forcing the disclosure of dark money donors, increasing public funding for candidates, and imposing strict ethical and reporting standards on members of Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court.
3/You’d think a pro-democracy bill would be popular in the world’s oldest democracy. Yet not one Republican voted for it.
1/You might think you’re just getting the Covid vaccine, but the federal government has deputized companies to perform state functions, to use the opportunity to build their customer base, and to gather all the private info on you that they can.
2/Companies like Walgreens and CVS are using the vaccination process to gather more information about customer behavior, tracking people from the moment they register online (which signs them up for marketing newsletters) and while they are waiting for their shot.
3/Under normal circumstances, some of these people would have no inclination to enter one of these stores. A desire to avoid death and hospitalization from a virus isn’t exactly the same thing as a longing to build a relationship with a massive pharmacy chain.