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15 Jul, 124 tweets, 37 min read
Fresno City Council July 15, 2021! Among the items Free swimming for children at City pools;Urban Water Management and Drought;Club One Casino move from Downtown to Granite Park;Redrawing Council Districts @fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno #California
Among the Consent Calendar: 1- B
*A Resolution of the Council of the City of Fresno, California, concerning Measure C Extension Local Transportation Purposes Pass-Through Projects and Program Funds annual allocation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
1-C RESOLUTION – Adopt the 1st Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending Exhibit 2, Unit 2, Non-Represented and Confidential Classes to reclassify the salary range for the City Clerk position from E5 (9588-13460) to E4 (11398-16344), effective July 15, 2021.
The job specification for the City Clerk position was revised in June 2021 to reflect substantially increased executive-level responsibilities and to require additional minimum qualifications, including increased minimum educational attainment. The reclassification of the salary
of the salary range for the City Clerk position from E5 to E4 reflect the salary range commensurate with increased responsibilities and qualifications. Notably, the job specification reflects the City Clerk’s responsibility for organization and direction of Central Print, over-
-seeing the City Clerk’s portion of the City’s website, working with the City Attorney’s Office concerning legal issues and procedures, acting as custodian of the Seal of the City, codifying and publishing all ordinances approved by Council, maintaining accurate books of
resolutions and ordinances with the certificate of the City properly indexed and open to public inspection, and acting as ex-officio Assessor, among other duties
1-D Reject all bids for the construction of the Solid Waste Convenience Center at 4111 N. Winery Avenue (Bid File 3790) (Council District 4) Bush Engineering, Inc., submitted the lowest bid price in the amount of $2,271,888, but declined to extend validity of their bid, resulting
in Granite Construction Company as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at $2,426,303. The price submitted is 5.5% above the Engineer’s Estimate of $2,300,000. The Staff Determination of Award was posted on the City’s website on June 4, 2021.
1-I Reject all bids for the Fresno Area Express (FAX) Wi-Fi Pilot Project (Bid File #9573)FAX solicited a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide riders with free high-speed wireless internet access onboard Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) buses and at two BRT stations as a pilot test pro-
-ject for a period of one year. The city received four proposals in response to the solicitation and staff determined that the long-term annual service cost of $180,000 for the 118 buses in fleet, cannot be sustained once Wi-Fi is extended to the full bus fleet. This annual cost
does not include the cost for design, network hardware onboard buses or deployed at BRT stations, nor does it include annual service costs for Wi-Fi service at BRT stations among other connectivity and usage cap issues. FAX has reviewed alternative approaches to provide riders
with Wi-Fi as an amenity. This included only deploying long term Wi-Fi on the BRT route, however this presents a social equity problem as this amenity is not accessible to all riders and disadvantaged communities
1- J Approve the Third Amendment to the professional Consultant Agreement with SZS Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $6,690 above the base contract for additional Americans with Disabilities Act bus stop assessments as a result of recent route changes and operational
improvements with a total contract value of $248,674.86 1- L Approve a one-year Sub-Recipient Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (FEOC) to operate social service transportation in Urban Fresno County for an amount not to exceed $1,230,666CTSAs (Consolidated
Transportation Service Agency) were created by Assembly Bill 120 (AB 120) in 1979 with the purpose of improving coordination and consolidating social service transportation services in each California county. The AB 120 legislation led to the creation of the AB 120 Action Plan by
then Council of Fresno County Governments, today referred to as Fresno County Council of Governments (FCOG), in 1982. In 2020, the FCOG re-designated the CTSAs to the following: FCRTA (Fresno County Rural Transit Agency) is now the sole designee for Rural Fresno County and
administers the funding, activities, and transportation programs of all CTSA service providers in Rural Fresno County and the City of Fresno/FAX is the sole designee for the Fresno Metropolitan Area of all CTSA service providers. The proposal outlines Fresno EOC Transit Systems
partnerships with twelve other social service agencies or programs to enhance transportation offerings to more individuals using the funding resources provided by FCRTA and FAX. Fresno EOC proposes coordinating and consolidating the following social service transportation
programs in the City of Fresno under the direction of FAX: Arc of Central California, California Veteran’s Home Courtesy Shuttle, Central California Nikkei Foundation, Central Valley Regional Center (CVRC), Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), Fresno County
Department of Social Services (CalWORKS), Fresno EOC Food Services, Fresno EOC Head Start 0 to 5, Fresno Madera Area Agency on Aging (FMAAA), Inspiration Transportation, United Cerebral Palsy of Fresno (UCP), and Special Trips for Social Service Agencies.
1-M BILL No. 31 (Intro 6/24/2021) (For Adoption) – Amending Section 9-1609 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to suspension and revocation of massage business registration certificates. The proposed amendment makes two changes to the Massage Business Ordinance. The first
change clarifies that the timelines governing suspension or revocation shall run from the date of mailing or personal delivery of the notice of violation and supporting facts. The second change makes the hearing before the City Manager a hearing based solely on the appellant’s
written submission without oral argument. This will expedite this step of the process for all parties. Appellants retain the existing right under the Ordinance to appeal the City Manager’s decision to the Administrative Hearing Officer for an in-person hearing.
1-N Actions pertaining to housing stability service contracts through the Emergency Rental Assistance program: 1. Approve an agreement with Marjaree Mason Center for $500,000 to provide housing stability services for victims of domestic violence. 2. Approve an agreement with
Breaking the Chains for $250,000 to provide housing stability services for victims of human trafficking.
1-R ***Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno Local Housing Trust Fund:
1. ***RESOLUTION - Establishing the City of Fresno Local Housing Trust Fund (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing and directing submission of an application for funding under the
the State of California Local Housing Trust Fund Grant program to provide matching funds to the City of Fresno Local Housing Trust Fund
1-W* BILL - (For Introduction) - Modifying Sections 1901 and 1905 of Chapter 14 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to taxiing aircraft and parking of aircraft and other vehicles on public streets in Sierra Sky Park (District 2) Ginder Development has requested that the
Municipal Code is changed to prohibit aircraft from taxiing on sections of Spaatz Avenue in Sierra Sky Park Airport. They have also requested (by separated action) that portions of Doolittle Drive and Spaatz Avenue are vacated. Ginder has received approval for retail development
on the south side of Spaatz (see attached site plan). The retail development will increase traffic on Spaatz to a level that will make it unsafe for aircraft to taxi on this roadway.
1-Y Approve an agreement with Wallace, Roberts and Todd, Inc., in the amount of $552,090 with a $50,000 contingency for Planning Services related to Measure P Implementation, including an update of the Parks Master Plan.
1-Z To allow children to swim free at City pools (Subject to Mayor’s veto) e City operates standard pools at Frank H. Ball Playground, Mary Ella Brown Community Center, and Mosqueda Community Center, learner pools at Romain Playground, Fink White Park, Einstein Playground,
Pinedale Center, Quigley Park, as well as at area high schools through a partnership with Fresno Unified. There shall be no charge for children under age 18 to swim in all City owned and operated pools, seven days a week, during the time while local schools are on summer break
You can watch the City Council meeting beginning at 9 am on
Agenda and Documents can be found here…
On Closed Session includes tow items related to former City Clerk Yvonne Spence 5-G CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-POTENTIAL LITIGATION - Government Code Section
54956.9, subdivision (d)(2): Yvonne Spence v. City of Fresno Sponsor: City Attorney’s Office
5-H PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Government Code Section 54957(b): Consider
the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public
Title: City Clerk
Government Code Section 54957.6: Conference with Labor Negotiator
Council begins with @GarryBredefeld absent. Invocation by Reverend Raygan Baker of The Big Red Church. Consent items 1-V, 1-W and 1-X removed with two to be heard July 29th .
Proclamation of “Patrick Boyd Day”
Sponsors: Councilmember Soria Boyd was part of historical preservation commission. Also a landscape architect.Also Fresno Art Council.Boyd encourages everyone to get involved!
Consent items !- I, Wifi, 1-M Massage item, 1-N Housing 1-R housing Trust Fund removed for discussion by @Maxwell4Fresno
@Esmeralda_Soria Community meeting July 21 at 6 pm on Echo Weldon Park about its design phase.Also a Fresno High public meeting on Bodega/Deli across from school. @kmkarbassi Adjourn on John Horstman. Also Fresnan Jaylen Greena potential #1 draft pick in NBA. He is donating to a
local park and will be at meeting. @MiguelArias_D3 6 pm tonight Council Chambers 3rd Re-Districting meeting and unveil outreach plan.Reconstruction of District 3 occurring and asks for patience. a two year phase. Welcomes public back to Chambers today. Welcome homeless advocates
present today. @Maxwell4Fresno July 24th @BeautifyFresno near Fowler Ave. "Why I ride" bus contest $100 every week for winner of selfie photo. POP Officer Danny's YODA Youth Art in el dorado Park. Park Rebate program. His staff will knock on every District4 door about this rebate
@D7Esparza July 29th Beat the Heat event at Romain Park with food and waterslide.Mo Backanu (sp) who managed Manchester Center and shared Esparza's passion for Blackstone Ave. Chavez:he was a big volunteer for Roosevelt High's Bass Fishing Club. Also thanks staff for
City Swimming pool. Also:do we let pets into these pool areas? City Manager says Mayor says Yes. Chavez says that will be helpful for homeless with pets. Also mentions the two palm trees that caught on fire with fireworks. @MayorJerryDyer starting to relocate homeless on 99 and
will start Neighborhood to Neighborhood too. Also rehouse those at Camp Dez. A group of kids went to Camp Fresno. Esqueda:Historic budget done. We budgeted for vehicles but hard to find new cars now. We should be hiring 500 people next year. He also wants to meet with each
councilmember on budget. Public Comment now: former Councilmember Cynthia Sterling. Never during that time did we have someone fired with no reason (speaking about Former City Clerk Spence). In past we spoke to employee and went from there. The treatment Spence has got has
grieved my park. She should know what was the issue. Sterling is part of a group that has had this issue brought to their attention to find out what was so egregious to have her fired . Sterling made mistakes on Council but was helped by @gregorybarfield It doesn't seem like
didn't occur here. Spence was qualified and brought us into 21st century. Please be on notice BWOPA will be following this case. Next:Sabrina Kelly:Fresno Collective of Black Leaders. We are not confident our public leaders are working in our best interests. She mentions 4 city
employees that are African American that have been removed. Driving around where do you see blacks employed? Fast food, grocery stores. They are 8% of population but just because other demographics have a larger % we shouldn't be employed too? We want a Anti Racist task and work
with council. If one of your demographic was disappearing from leadership position how would you feel.Debbie Darden:Golden West Committee The release of City clerk. in last 6 years 4 African Americans in upper management removed from City.City hides behind clause.
To those who voted to remove Spence she asks "do black lives matter?" Next: Pastor BT Lewis 1)Black leadership erosion 2) wrongful dismissal of Spence. Decision was not made on her work as 3 council members voted NOT to dismiss. I wish Bredefeld was here. Odd to see Arias and him
voted together on this. Why would Spence get a pay raise in March why was she let go in July ?There should be documentation to help Spence if there was help she needed before removing her. The Measure P fiasco according to Lewis' sources was actually our current interim City
Clerk Brianna Parra made the mistake. She was not fired but given a promotion. I don't want her fired as we don't fight evil with evil. Anti Racist Task force, 3rd party audit of hiring process over the decades, and Council accept the wrongful dismissal of Spence. Strategy for
employees that are qualified and remove any nepotism often found here. Pastor DJ Criner:We honor council for their work but what Pastor Lewis and Kelly has said is important.Many couldn't be here due to work or family issues. My 10 year asked why I was coming here today?
she asked who do I look up to now at City Council after Spence fired? Spence was here 9 of my daughter's 10 years of life. I don't see us represented at the table. @IamEricPayne I have a deep respect for the Council but removal of Spence is alarming. I hope this is the beginning
of a conversation and not the end. I think those at table want to remove racism. Carla Martinez on Housing Trust Fund :Million of dollars for housing but the current projects are inadequate to prevent homelessness, City focusing on increasing their points. Homes could be purchase
and add to trust fund. Keep corporations from buying. Long term solutions not short term. We want to continue working with City. Robert McClosky:Many reasons why people end up on streets but are stereotyped at every press conference. housing first Street to Home has yet to be
implemented with County and City not working together. Racial inequality with poor and unhoused being brown and black. Kings Canyon and Temperance homeless camp removed with nowhere else to go. Need more cooling centers and thanks for allowing pets.Bosie law that prevents laws
targeting homeless is not allowed if there are no shelters available. Tiny Homes, Trailer parks. Tents get very hot during summer. Project H2O handing out water.Robert Morrisey:Shame on Dyer who isn't here and council for not putting Rainbow flag here.Rainbow(some in crowd upset)
was given to Noah. Those in "LGBTXYZ" can go to their creator. Sodom and Ghommora is where sodomy word comes from. We shouldn't be flying that Rainbow Flag here. (Chavez admonished crowd. )@LovesMercy I lost the council. Can we wait until they come back? (coming back now)
Thank you for flying the Pride Flag, the vaccination events, pets in cooling centers,she stands with Spence. We demand the homeless sweeps stop. Dyer said these are not effected. Dez Martineez:she is upset about previous speaker about Pride Flag. His words hurt her (she sobs)
We need safe grounds or campgrounds in every district where people can stay all day. Sacramento has similar. Showers/ bathrooms can be available. Please look at what San Diego warehouse that allowed personal items can be stored. MHS in San Diego also helps them find housing.
Only difference between old homeless task force and new HART team are the polo shirts. Put these police officers back on street. Arias: HART Team is coming up on an item. Shelly: homeless and not sure what to say. Flower: We are Invisible group. Homeless for 2 years. Those in
safe camps watch out for each other. All we need is water and electricity. Outside the camp is unsafe and my husband and i have to take turns sleeping. Cheyenne:17 year old who grew up well off in Clovis. Dangerous areas where my mother lives. I didn't see that crime in clovis.
My mindset is now if i die I die. Is that good for a 17 year old?? Fresno is the Devil's Playground. Why don't we look like clovis? Ernie:We Are Not Invisible:Have been homeless for 2 years. Can't see my grandkids anymore. We need affordable housing. Safe Camp is like family.
Lance Cruz:We Are Not Invisible:Allowed into Safe Camp and I help them. Past meeting seemed like a tremendous money from CARES Act for Police but Safe Camp has nothing. A small fraction of that money could get lockers as they transition to housing.$50,000 to $100,000 would go a
long way. Mary Curry: I didn't plan to speak but just listen. It is important to listen to people even if you don't agree. Look professional but it doesn't feel good to see councilmembers moving around when people are speaking. On Spence she always appeared professional and
Council needs to be careful in items like that. Tiffany:Ms. Spence showed professionalism. She helped emerging leadership. No longer it isn't enough but to move strategically. No fear in doing what will give Fresno a more equitable. Don't silence. @LisaYFlores1 via zoom I can't
see council today?Will that person be fired too? Fireworks? Can we ban. I am tired of hearing mortars going off. I know I can be tough to deal with but Yvonne Spence always dealt with me well. It broke my heart to see she was fired. (some garbling due to Zoom)Concludes public
@Esmeralda_Soria We have quite a few homeless here today. Can administration take their names down and get them the first motel rooms available?Esqueda: helping those on freeways, build HART Team, then around schools andParks. Soria:do I need to tell these people to go to a free-
way or Park in order to get a room? Asks those in audience to raise their hands if they want a motel room today? Arias: We haven't helped those on freeways that can't be seen from freeway but only by residents. There is room for those her in council chambers and even if we delay
those on 99 a week that is ok. Chavez: Does Esqueda need direction? Esqueda: we can do it but it is a slippery slope. Arias: we have money for Marjoree mason and Break the Chains on Agenda. If we can find money for these groups that Dyer has a relationship with we can find some
money for these few. Onto Contested Consent Agenda. 1-I Wifi on Bus. Staff: trying to pilot on BRT. Find it is too expensive to do entire bus fleet. Meeting with major carrier soon that may provide a cheaper version. Maxwell: I was told in past that doing entire fleet wasn't
a financial problem but a security one. Now that seemed to have changed. Staff: security risk. Lowest bidder has a very low gig cap per month per bus. We got 6 responses. Maxwell: can we do a test pilot on BRT? Staff: if we did we would have to put a vendors equipment in while at
the same time negotiations with another carrier. Not the best way. Maxwell: this item has been kicked down the road for years. This is too important of an issue to me and my colleagues. Staff report Handi Ride survey didn't have a place to say they want wifi. Is administration
using this ommission as a way to pivot away from wifi ? Arias: is this a passive aggressive way by administration not to put wifi on? Esqueda: not true. We don't want to get into a Ransom Ware issue so I hope that hasn't made staff to hesitant. Arias: Bitwise and other groups
have offered to put wifi on. @gregorybarfield we have a major vendor that we are meeting us . Let us do that work. We can be back in 60 days the report from that vendor. In the 30 days since Soria asked us to look at other vendors and here we are. Arias: I look forward to that 60
days. 1-M Massage Parlor . Maxwell would like to add 10 days since notice. approved. 1-N Marjoree Mason item. Maxwell wants to know which groups were asked about these RFP? Esqueda: We got clarification from Feds on how money could be used and housing stabilization efforts can
be included. The group Maxwell brought to us could use ARPA dollars. Soria: We are in limbo. Central Unified Parental Engagement committee for those who may not be homeless but need stable housing. Arias:Dez's camp have victims of domestic violence. Can they use these dollars or
only if referred by police? Marjoree Mason staff: we take everyone. When Covid crisis hit it caused domestic violence to also go up. We thank Council for their help. Arias: i will encourage those at County to use ERAP. Approved 1-O pulled by Esparza:Planning's Jennifer Clark says
kiosk to purchase tickets for park entrance. Also a license plate reader for those with season pass. Free flow into park. During transition we will train customers at Woodward and Roeding. ACE will be removed gradually. Monitoring on a daily basis. Machines can tell potential
non-payment. It would allow those who simply dropped someone off at the park. Staff will do a sweep if needed.will have 3 cameras at $8,000 per camera. $50,000 savings per month due to cost to ACE. Maxwell: can we go all in with tech and just mail the ticket to the car owner like
we see in other towns. Arias: patrons can get upset when given a ticket in person so sending it by mail is safer. Numbering of parking stalls required? Clark: not yet. Arias: Roeding used to have multiple entrances. Can we open more than 2? Clark: HSR changed that a bit but in
future we should be able to. Esparza:how often does machines refresh? A: every 30 minutes. Approved. 1-R Housing Trust Fund. Maxwell: what happens if a future Council diverts the tax. Do we have to send that money back? Clark:guideline is unclear. They do wan't evidence the fund
can cover five years. Esparza: is this time sensitive? A: due beginning of August. Esqueda: We can get more matching dollars up to $5 million. Arias: move this to July 29th meeting so we can get as much state money as possible. I want to take into account the comments from public
this morning. Esqueda: we don't have to list the projects yet. I would like to see if we can find the other $500,000 so we can get full $5 million. Approved to continue to July 29th. 1-S: Change order for Travel Inn. H. Spees said money available August 12. Arias: complete recon-
-struction as it was in such poor shape. We have added security in that corridor. Still some issues though. Some homeless don't feel safe in that area in order to be housed in those motels.Esqueda: issues in non city buildings. Enhanced PD patrols will begin. Approved.
2-C HEARING to consider the Club One Card Room Application and recommend that the City Council approve the card room permit application for Club One Casino’s operations at 3950 North Cedar Avenue, Fresno California 93726, with Kyle R. Kirkland and Dana D. Messina as Permit
Holders during the hearing of July 15, 2021 at 10:00a.m., as provided in the City of Fresno Card Room Ordinance (FMC 9-2100 et seq. Club One Casino began operations in Downtown Fresno at 1033 Van Ness Avenue in November 1995, and has been the permit holder of all available tables
in the City of Fresno (currently 51 tables). Award of this cardroom permit has the potential to generate over $1 million per year in General Fund revenue. Kirkland speaks: We started looking for a new location after 30 years in Downtown Fresno. We also have options on either side
of old Cabo Wabo site. We are a top ten card room in State. We donate to local non-profits. Maxwell had concerns about nearby parks. General feedback from other businesses nearby has been positive. We have restored irrigation to the 80 trees. Chavez: i was ten years old last time
Club One moved. Maxwell: i appreciate the report and testimony and will take that into account at July 29th meeting. @gregorybarfield this is all the tables in Fresno. @kmkarbassi I have heard you are a good employer and are staying in Fresno with those 300 jobs. Arias: is that
project being done at risk as work is being done without permits? Kirkland: repairing some of the rooms. Esqueda: since no structural work is being done and just tenant improvements then NO. City Attorney Sloan: This is quasi item then council and applicant should not be speaking
in private. Chavez: this will be ehard on July 29th and no vote today.
2-D ****Actions pertaining to the adoption of the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, 2020 Water Shortage
Contingency Plan, and Addendum to the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Citywide
Staff: mandated by State. Shows we can meet short and long term water usage. Marin Municipal was in 1976 was 120 days of running out of water. This led state to require that. We peaked 2021. Fresno water dropped due to conservation. City wide demand to increase as population
growth. Natural recharge and intentional recharge.
City will be able to meet future demands including a five year drought due to long term planning over past 30 years. Maxwell: if we have a drought for next five years I won’t see any parks with water shut off? Staff: we are trying to use recycled water for parks. We are still re-
quirred to follow State mandates though. Roeding uses recycled water with Fulton, Chuckchansi, Fink-white and Fresno Unified. Looking at the same for front of City Hall. Arias: that would be a good way to show recycled water is safe for parks too.Cal-Trans along 180 west of 99
may happen as we have infrastructure already. As we add more infrastructure we will move to those parts of town.Unforeseen demand would be earthquake and not drought. We also have an agreement with Clovis if either of the cities need money.
Esqueda: West Fresno water treatment plant can’t go down. It has redundancies of power etc. we don’t have a River to dump sewage of treatment plant shut downs. Carbajal: We would dump in recovery ponds but no way to get the sewage out if we do. @IamEricPayne Central Valley
Urban Institute. Thanks for info from Gworgeanne White. Also thanks City for having foresight to make sure we have enough water. Unfortunately we have lead in lots of Pipes that can damage children. No safe level. approved. Council will take a lunch break and then Closed Session
Some of those who spoke during Unscheduled Public Comment portion.
Club One Casino’s Kyle Kirland
Just got word the Council won’t take up the last open session item 2-E until 6:15. (I won’t be able to cover that unfortunately)
2-E ***Public Hearing to Receive Input from the Community Regarding the Redrawing of Election District Boundaries (Third Update)
JULY 29, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. MEETING

AUGUST 19, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. MEETING

• • •

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13 Jul
Hey! It is Tuesday so it must be the Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the Agenda includes agreement with voting machine company Dominion ; New case management system for DA’s;Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave;update on American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA);DECREASE in Library damaged materials fee; #Fresno Some select Consent Calendar Items:CONSENT CALENDAR
22. Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 as Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists
Appreciation Week; 23.Adopt a resolution commending the
the North Fresno Rotary, East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary,
Cultural Arts Rotary, Fresno Sunrise Rotary, and the Central Passport Rotary clubs who replaced
Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departments. 24. *Adjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian Balakian
Read 125 tweets
24 Jun
June 24th ,2021 Fresno City Council meeting as well as a Special meeting! ! Among the items is the final Budget vote; SB1 road projects ( as the budget hearings showed there is never enough to satisfy the $1 billion in needed work);Low income Tax Credits for several affordable
housing projects; Terrence Frazier and Central Valley Community Sports Foundation and Management Visions closed and open session items; @FLDocumenters @fresnoland #Fresno
On the Consent Calendar: -B Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Fresno Unified School
District wherein FUSD will pay $1,862,495 annually to FPD in exchange for FPD providing eleven
Student Resource Officers (SROs), one Sergeant and twelve
Read 106 tweets
22 Jun
City of Fresno’s Budget hearings continued today at 9 am! The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will be meeting at 10 am so I will only be able to Live Tweet one the meetings. Drumroll, please And the winner is...the always popular Budget Hearings !
Here are the budget proposals “in the pot” as Council Chair Luis Chavez said a lot the past week.
Read 71 tweets
17 Jun
After a week of Budget Hearings a regular Fresno City Council meeting PLUS Special Emergency Closed Meeting. (Probably about re-opening City Hall ) @FLDocumenters
Some of the Agenda items include 1-E Approve an Agreement with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., in the amount of $140,600 with a $30,000 contingency, to prepare an updated nexus study for the Citywide impact fees for Regional Streets, New Growth Area Major Streets, Police Fa-
-ilities, Fire Facilities, Quimby In-Lieu Parkland Dedication and Park Facilities. (Citywide wide)
Read 99 tweets
16 Jun
City of Fresno Budget hearings (in progress).
Read 97 tweets
15 Jun
that is giving what department needs. However crime is up. Some of the costs are from 80 officers on long term absences. State needs to change law that allows officers to make more by staying home. 120 new officers make public think changes are coming. Are you lowering standards?
Absolutely not. That would be a mistake. Officers that are cited for being drunk while off duty will need to be treated case by case. DUI case will need to go through process.Arias:use of social media. If arrested you get put on Social Media.But if John is arrested for human traf
-ficking is not as they may have a family and lose their job. Chief: we put those with felony charg on social media. Traffic Unit has 38 motors now split into day/evening shift. They are also first to show up for riots. Unless Council gives more money we won't be back up to 80 #
Read 140 tweets

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