My piece in the WSJ today on the importance of climate adaptation
My discussion of Mike Hulme’s “climate reductionism” didn’t survive the edit, but it is a really important piece for understanding the incredible flattening of knowledge on climate
“In this new mood of climate-driven destiny the human hand, as the cause of climate change, has replaced the divine hand of God as being responsible for the collapse of civilizations, for visitations of extreme weather & for determining the new 21st-century wealth of nations”
This NYT subhead reminds me of Sarewitz:
“with climate change being blamed for almost everything these days, the one phenomenon that seems to have escaped the notice of scientists, environmentalists & the media alike is that, perhaps above all, climate change is making us stupid”
Our monomaniacal focus on climate change as the cause of all bad things is reinforced by a strange combination of viewing today’s news through fantasy worlds of 2100 with the immediacy of social media, which brings every disaster viscerally to your screen
How Climate Scenarios Lost Touch With Reality
A failure of self-correction in science has compromised climate science’s ability to provide plausible views of our collective future
by me & @jritch @ISSUESinST (online 7/26)
Pielke Jr, R., & Ritchie, J. (2021). Distorting the view of our climate future: The misuse and abuse of climate pathways and scenarios. Energy Research & Social Science.…
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We view the "stubborn commitment to error" in the continued use of outdated climate scenarios "as one of the most significant failures of scientific integrity in the twenty-first century thus far"
And that's because climate change is real & important
The 2020 global proportion of carbon-free energy consumption hit a record 16.9% of total energy consumption (up from 15.7% in 2019)
A linear increase of ~1.1%/yr reaches net zero CO2 from FF at ~2100
The pandemic resulted in a big drop in FF consumption
Even so, the challenge of replacing all FF consumption remains pretty much unchanged -- deployment of equivalent of 1 nuclear power plant-eq of C-free energy every day while retiring equal amount of FF
In addition to the ample evidence of dodgy science in anti-doping, this quote from @wada_ama spokesman @JamesFitz501 is key: “the U.S. has been consistent in its strongly held position that WADA should keep cannabis on the List”
The US government took credit for getting marijuana on the (then) IOC prohibited list as a matter of national anti-drug policy despite greater concern of athletes and officials on actual performance-enhancing drugs