Ndakaita about a minute ndichikanganwa my own cell number, ndichingoiisa ndakadairwa nekamukadzi kaya keEconet kachiti number not reachable. I tried 14 times ndopandakaona kuti kamukadzi kaya ndichandagwinyira. Ndakabva ndangoridza zitsamwa rekwaMai Azuka
Semunhu anga akarova smart I tried not to panic. Asi umm...Ukaona muhupenyu usati wagara pasi mutara wosimuka wogara wosimuka wofamba wobata muchiuno negotsi zvese ka1 take your time to pray. Ndakazviita in less than a minute until guard wepaSpar ati endai neconfusion yenyu kure
Ndichiri pakati pekunzwa masigns and symptoms eCovid, ndakagaya plan : I will fone my kule Puro who had solutions to every prblm, after all, he footed medical funeral bills of anyone in the family, he solved all family issues including vanorohwa nevarume,kutizira,he was just good
Chinono chinengwe kranko inodhaka kudarika pint, ndakabva ndangofona faster. But that lady from Econet was not yet done with me,same statement. Yah midzimu yadambura mbereko yati mhembwe inozvara kazhumu...or something like that. In Nigerian accent ndakangoti I'm finished oooo
Back to square 1, it's clear ndarohwa vancho negirls reMbilez rega ndigare ndaisa police report kuwana chekusvika nacho kunaChihera paden. Kuti ndiise pakapolice base kepaFife hazviite rega ndibaye paCentral nyaya iyi inoda CID Homicide or Serious Frauds. Ndini uyo tande neroad
Handiziye kuti ndakasvika sei paCentral but I remembr pese pandaicrosser road madriver aisara achipopota. Ndichipinda mucharge office ndakangonzi nekamadam kaive kuseri kwecounter tobatsirana sei nhai Freeman. Ndakabva ndatobvisa cap ndichitarisa her male workmate kuti pliz help
Officer akabva ati ndonzi Sergeant Sibanda tobatsirana njani. In my mind ndakangoti almost every police station or dept ina Sgt Sibanda nhaika. Anyway, ndakamuti ndoda kukuonai paside mukuru. I could not embarrass myself further kutaura nyaya yangu in front of all those ppl
Sgt Sibanda then said in a Ndebele accent, "handitorambi maybe unoda kutondipa tswakiraikuno" whatever he meant I had no time for jokes. Ndakamubatisa nyaya yangu yese ndichisiya zvandanga ndaita zvekushamisira. Zvikanzi leave your number bvandati tobo ndakananga kumakombi
Ndakamira pamakombi kusvika pauya bhaz remaface ekuketa. Ndini uyo ndananga Haifiridzi musha mukuru. Wasted no time ndichisvika Jipson straight kuInternet cafe,vhurei Twitter yangu bvandati kuna tweleb hie sorry it's a long story. Ndakangorohwa bluetick bvandaziya kuti zvakutanga
Kutimeline kwaingonzi hashtag have you ever been ghosted tell us yo story . Heh vakomana vepaTwitter havaite. Me being ghetto,bvandareplyer papost ipapo. In no time bvandablokwa. Hah that's not a prblm. Prblm irikuden kuna Chihera. Ndini uyo ndakunzwisa tsitsi ndananga kuden
To understand my mum you hv to know her history a bit. Me, my siblings and mdara had given her nickname yekuti Chihera tho she was Moyo Ndizvo or mai Chris. Chris from the sitcom Everybody Hates Chris. To sum it up, mdara wangu aivawo mwana kwaye around her.
I remember kamwe kababe ke areas kakada kumbonditizira @iamyeukai Kakataurwa nako paside bvakadzokera kuden kwavo kakandibloka. Even to date handiziye kuti zvakanzi chii but hakachatopfuure nemaraini angu. Anyway ndakasvika 3pm paden ndichiita zvekunyandira pindikiti mukitchen
Chihera was outside feeding her broilers, mdara anga akabata gaba redovi nespoon bvaakarumidza kushafa. Mdara akabva amhanya kupinda musitting bvaatora remote yedish bvaati muhuro ndee. Mdara wangu anotoda a whole thread. At one time akachinjanisa maplates evaenzi
Mai Chris vakabva vapinda. Ndakangoti maswera sei bvandananga mubedroom mangu but shasha iyi yaiva nechipo chekunyumwa ndiyo huri hwese nekatsande mubedroom imomo. Bvavati "Eh mafamba sei". Ndini mirai ndimbobvisa hembe ndirikuuyako. Apa ndaida time yekumbonyora wiri.
Hah guys imboitaiwo muchindi motivator nemafollow nemalike as we make the final thread. Inga @Wamagaisa vanondifolowa wani.
In the final episode:
-did the tweleb unblock me
-did I go to the ICU
-did I die
A Thread
2.1 Someone once said kuti pane munhu achazongodaidzira ari pakati petonaz CBD kuti "hah vakadzi so" obva angodonhera pasi nekutoti zii ipapo ipapo. Anyway we move..So nebabe rangu we continued bho zvekuti....
2.2Babe was always full of surprises nomatter the day. Rimwe day babe had a workshop kuVic Falls so rakati I'm booking a flight ndoda uuye the following wknd. (Hey that flight I will have a thread on its own bcoz it was my first ever)
2.3 So ndini uyo ndasvika kuHotel kwaigara babe zvikanzi I have a surprise for you daddy, ko ndanga ndatosvika malevels ekunzi daddy, zvana bae izvo ndezvekushaya. So akabva anditora ndiye neni downstairs ndakavharwa maziso, chaive chirungu chete apa ndakadya easy sehwai
1.1 A saying in Hre is that It's much easier for a Zupco bus to pass thru an eye of a needle than a Hre girl with an iPhone to text you first. I'm a living testimony. No matter the drip...unless of course you're Mudi
1.2 So this girl taiviber bho, we hd a relationship like chibhodhoro nedilution,or so I thought. Yekushaya jagwa yangu iyi kanga kasina kana dhiri nazvo, or so I thought. Taigona kubva kuna 7th kunobata Mkt Square netsokorolla dzedu no pressure
1.3 Iko kuna 7th ndakazomboridzwa rata neboys tiri payapaya,mapaziyaka ehee ipapo. Tikafamba kubva ikoko kunobata RBZ nzeve dzakavhara dzichirira landline but still babe rakamira neni. Kana rakandiseka maybe rakandiseka nemafriends aro varivega, I wouldn't know hangu
Why Women Shouldn't Wear Skinny Jeans Part 1
New Thread #ghettothursday
There is that feeling of uneasiness inoitika kana wakagara pachemba uchiita hako number 2 paya panosplasher tumvura tworova a comeback. Ndiyo exact permanent feeling yaunonzwa kana usingaende kugraft.
Ghetto rakazondiremera heavy zvekusvika pakuti kumahwindi varungu. Ndanga ndapafinal stage yedesperation iya inonzi RR or chamuka inyama. Mhepo dzemadzinza dzinenge dzakajamuka rough I remember kunaLyton uko ndakanzi hapana basa ndikati chero kugeza hangu fence ndinoda
I sat on the edge of bed lyk a choir gal on honeymoon. Dai ndaiva nekashagi ndaiwana pekutangira. Maface emughetto hatina mari yatinomboshafa paside in case of emergency. Our savings acc is the back pocket, ikaiswa kufront pocket yatove 'u only live once'
Most ppl don't understand why I was sweating in winter. Momz yangu can vava. Make no mistake,she is a very devoted christian with Mahendere CD that nvr bn removed from the DVD since 2015. Bcoz of what I am abt to say, if I mention church yavanopinda, I will be sued by vanhu veUMC
Momz yangu ine short fuse zvekuti ukaita offside inokutema nechinhu chainenge yakabata ipapo.Muden medu chinhu chega chandisina kumbotemwa nacho is TV and kitchen unit bcoz one TV yakamountwa kumadziro and two kitchen unit is fitted. #africanparents
Babe rakasvika pakuti ndipoo number rega ratapirirwa nestaira ndikati no prob let's take it to the green app. Kaiti kakafona ndaiti mira I'm in a business meeting will call you jus now chero ndichidiridza mavheji. Ndaingomhanya patuckshop ye areas yangu ndotenga airtime.