Ok I'm going to address this divide some people are preaching with this whole "either or situation" when it comes to Nina & the M4A march. I'll be muting it afterwards because I'm not interested in arguing.
First off it's possible to support Nina & the march as I do.
Now that said let's think about things seriously.
Nina is running a campaign against a toxic centrist who has the backing of Hillary herself. She takes money from Republicans & big Trump donors. Her opponent is desperate & has the establishment backing her. This is war.
And like it or not here's reality - There's 2 choices in this primary. Nina or Shontel. One will vote for M4A, GND, & ending war. The other will not. That's the bottom line. Do you want to give centrists more power or do you want the things you support?
Because first & foremost is actually electing people who will bring about the policies we need to uplift the poor & working class. That's the basic foundation. There is NO other path forward if you can't do that. "But but FTV!" Let's be clear. I support FTV but that's not policy.
That's a procedural matter. And a lot are falsely equating this to not supporting M4A which is false. I personally believe it should have been forced on the floor but let's not go off the deep end with bullshit. Procedure =/= policy.
Now let's get down to it & some of you are going to flip out in my mentions after what I have to say but I firmly believe what I'm saying is absolutely correct.
Let's address "Nina didn't endorse the marches!" She couldn't. And a lot aren't getting or understanding this at all.
I don't speak for Nina, but I think I have a pretty good idea on all of this. It's not that she didn't want to but simply couldn't due to some of the speakers at a select few M4A marches. Y'all need to +think+ here. Nina is literally running for office.
What did I say about her opponent above with being toxic & smearing Nina as much as possible? In fact her opponent released a new ad today smearing Nina. Now what do you all think would happen had Nina attended a march & endorsed it? Hm? Given a few problematic speakers?
I'll tell you what.
That new ad which was just released smearing Shontel would be nothing but "Nina Turner supports Nazi's and antivaxers during Covid!" This would effectively completely end her campaign & her political future entirely. She'd be dunzo for good forever.
What I'm wondering is why nobody else has seemingly figured this out yet. We're talking about the same tactics being used from Hillary's & Clyburn's camp they used against Bernie when they wanted to release pics of him in a bathing suit.
Have some of you become so numb you've forgotten how ugly & disgusting centrists are? The same people who conspired against Bernie wanting to release fake sexual harassment charges against him are supporting Nina's opponent.
And you don't think for a second they'd seize the opportunity to paint Nina having an association with Nazi's & antivaxers? Folks, I wasn't born last night & I've been around long enough to know centrists will do anything. Remember the donut 🍩 thing they did to Nina?
Some of you have become so cynical & poisoned that you think Nina is our enemy.
From me to you, kindly removed your head from being inserted up your poor chute.
You fight from ALL avenues possible for M4A. We're capable of walking & chewing gum.
So there. I said it. And I'll say this - these marches are going to grow much larger. Much, much, larger. And it's a beautiful thing. And so is Nina running for Congress.
I'm going to speak on this & I'd like you all to read it.
This is a very personal issue for me with a POV you all likely haven't heard before or thought about.
Please follow along.
My feelings on Obamacare are well known. It is not the answer. We need #MedicareForAll immediately. That said......
I am ecstatic it was upheld. Why? Because I would literally be dead had this been overturned. I'm not joking. I'm not being over dramatic.
This is the world I live in relying on Medicaid & being very ill infected with 2 antibiotic resistant superbugs. Had this been over turned just 2 months ago, I wouldn't be here now & would have died a couple weeks ago when I was sick with sepsis. Think about that for a moment.
Ok everyone gather around because it's story time with LeftwardSwing & I've got a good personal story for you involving Dem insiders, pedophilia, child porn, & Twitter!
Sounds dramatic, eh? Well it is. And much of it happened on this very website.
You ready? Let's go!
I've always wanted to write about this but didn't know how to address it. Years later, today, I said "F it!" & am just going to do it. Do diving in...
When I first joined Twitter I ran around in Dem party supporter circles. There weren't many fellow leftists on here then..
This was back when Dem supporters like Bernie. They cheered him on & everything. The year was 2013. There had been a split on Twitter between Dem party supporters & it was a BIG deal. There was a full on Twitter war between the 2 factions. It got bad. It got nasty. It got dirty.
It's 2020. Racism is alive & well. Want a great example of it?👇
Why are there STILL in this day & age "Sundown Towns", all 137 of them across 21 states. Most are in Republican controlled states but California? WTF is going on? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:…#BlackLivesMatter
This history or "Sundown Towns" --
The term came from signs posted that "colored people" had to leave town by sundown. The practice was not restricted to the southern states..." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_t… #BlackLivesMatter
This summer, one such "Sundown Town" was protested by #BlackLivesMatter protestors; Anna, Illinois of all places.
The town "Anna" is abbreviation for "Ain't No N-word Allowed" according to local folklore. propublica.org/article/a-sund…
Ok let's talk about #coronavirus.
I feel I'm in a unique position here to do so. As many of you know I'm very ill with 2 ABX resistant infections of Staph & E. coli. Currently hospitalized due to it, my doctor team consists or Interventional Radiology & Infectious Diseases.
I've had a doctor team from both units for just over 4 years here at the hospital. 2 of my ID doctor's used to work for Doctor's Wothout Borders & helped with the Ebola outbreak a few years ago.
The hot topic with my doctor's is #coronavirus as you can imagine.
And a lot of that has been reflected in my much of my recent tweets about #coronavirus.
And the biggie? Opening schools back up. To quote my doctor's "there aren't enough body bags to cover the soon to be dead if that happens!"
Ok it's time I wrote an autopsy thread about Bernie & what I feel went wrong in his campaign. I know for some this may be some tough truths to hear but it needs to be said once & for all.
A LOT of us are very angry & downright pissed off. And you have every right to be. /1
Bernie should have never ever called Biden "my close friend". Nobody needed to hear that & it immediately marginalized him & his cause. I'm not "good friends" with people who have locked up millions & shit on the heads of the sick & poor. /2
This immediately made Bernie sound like he's part of the establishment, the very thing he has fought against for decades. This was an unnecessary self inflected wound that never should've happened. /3
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner Toby, I want you to think real hard on this & listen, ok? Closely.
It's not about "Socialism", it's about you, it's about me, it's about US. You DESERVE what other people in other countries have; healthcare, paid maternity leave, tuition free college, cheap broadband, /1
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner living wages, long term care rights for you & your loved ones, student loan debt & medical debt erased, on & on. It's not socialism, it's compassion. It is all about YOU & everyone else. Do you think it's fair YOUR TAX $ go towards subsidizing Exxon? Walmart? Amazon? /2
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner Because it is. When your tax dollars could be going towards things which truly help people, it goes to corporations who pay no taxes and whose wages are so low that their employees have to rely on Gov't assistance. People are literally dying working for Amazon. /3