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29 Jul, 158 tweets, 45 min read
July 29, 2021 Fresno city council meeting! Among the items include Club One Casino transfer to Granite Park; Sierra Sky Park roadways; Redrawing Election districts; Vote to Support Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021.; a variety of Fresno Air terminal consent items;#Fresno
Add two new Tower District Specific Plan committee members;
@FLDocumenters @fresnoland
Among the Consent Items: 1-B Approve the Third Amendment to Airport Lease Agreement between the City of Fresno and Federal Express Corporation, at Fresno Yosemite International Airport, extending the term of the lease by five years. Amount of revenue generated by agreement
extension is $443,524.80, plus annual CPI adjustments.

1-C *Award cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreements-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 2,970 kW (DC) solar photovoltaic system
3. Award cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreements-Energy Storage with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 2,000 kW/3,828 kWh energy storage system
1-D Approve the Third Amendment to the Food and Beverage Concession Agreement between the City of Fresno and Fresno, AAI, Inc., at Fresno Yosemite Airport, extending the term of the lease by eight months. Amount of revenue generated by agreement extension is $70,563.04,
1-F Amending Section 9-1609 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to suspension and revocation of massage business registration certificates.The proposed amendment makes two changes to the Massage Business Ordinance. The first
change clarifies that the timelines governing
suspension or revocation shall run from the date of
mailing or personal delivery of the notice of violation and supporting facts. The second change
makes the hearing before the City Manager a hearing based solely on the appellant’s written
submission without oral argument. This
will expedite this step of the process for all
parties. Appellants retain the existing right under the Ordinance to appeal the City Manager’s
decision to the Administrative Hearing Officer for an in-person hearing.
1-G Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity:
1. Approve a one-year consultant services agreement with Make Green Go LLC for the Provision of
Technical Assistance for Qualified Social Equity Businesses, in the amount of $100,000.00 In March 2021, the City was awarded a
grant from the State of California
Cannabis Equity Act grant, which includes funding to provide technical assistance services to social
equity businesses and applicants. @JePahl_White
1-I Resolution- Authorize the dissolution of the Capital Project Oversight Board and recission of
Resolution Nos. 2015-34 and 2015-82 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
1-L Actions pertaining to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program:
1. ***RESOLUTION – Adopting the 3rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-
178 Appropriating $150,000 for the City of Fresno Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program
(Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. Approve a consultant services agreement with LSA Associates, Inc., for professional environmental
planning and fiscal analysis services related to the development of a Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Program in the
amount of $269,157.73 with a contingency in the amount of $29,472.38.On June 25, 2020, the City Council adopted new Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines pursuant to California Senate Bill 743. The City’s
guidelines align with the
Fresno Council of Government’s VMT Guidelines, enabling shared use of VMT
screening maps and analysis tools. The staff now are seeking to hire a consultant to help establish and
implement a VMT Mitigation Program to include analysis of mitigation measures, nexus study,
fee, and analysis of the staff-developed Urban Design Calculator.
1-S The goal of this Request for Proposals (RFP) was to solicit proposals to provide professional custodial services at City Hall. The contractor will be responsible for staffing and supplies for the interior of
the building, totaling approximately 201,750 square feet, as well as the exterior of the building.Proposals were submitted by eight vendors according to the Request for Proposals June 15, 2021 deadline.The committee agreed unanimously that ScrubCan Inc. was best suited for this
RFP. Although all four candidates were qualified to perform the duties of this RFP, ScrubCan Inc. seems better able to handle the demands of the City of Fresno’s needs. They were the 3rd lowest on cost and met all of the criteria as stated in the RFP.
1-V Approval of appointments of Janay Conley and Michael Birdsong to the Tower District Specific Plan
Implementation Committee
1-W Supporting increasing broadband access to underserved communities throughout the City.
Sponsors: Council President Chavez, Councilmember Soria
The Council hereby supports expanding broadband access throughout the
city, and in particular to disadvantaged communities that have
been historically
underserved, as well as on public transportation.
2. The Council supports collaboration with broadband providers such as
AT&T, as well as school districts, community college districts, universities, community
and business stakeholders, and other federal and
regional organizations that have similar
goals to increase broadband access throughout the region. The City intends to work in
partnership with these entities and organizations for the efficient and cost-effective
deployment of broadband access.
Meeting begins at 9:04 Invocation by Pastor Jason Spencer of Image Church. @D7Esparza Leading the meeting with Luis Chavez absent. 1-I, 1-T, removed to uncertain date; 1-L VMT moved to August 19 by @Maxwell4Fresno Items 1-D , 1-K, and 1-S removed to Contested Contest all by
Maxwell. 1-M moved to Contested Consent by Soria; 1-G pulled by @GarryBredefeld 1-J, 1-H , 1-N. 1-W pulled to Contested by @MiguelArias_D3 @D7Esparza jokes "why do we even have a Consent calendar?? @kmkarbassi would like Sierra Sky Park items heard before contested consent items
*Proclamation for “Cambodia’s Day of Remembrance” Councilmember Karbassi. Typically May 20th. Corporal Kim speaks on those that survived the Khmer Rouge A survivor says he was a student during that who was targeted. Next: was part of Killing Field and wants USA to recognized
the genocide. Next : five of his 10 siblings killed by Khmer Rouge. Most of the survivors remain in Cambodia but found a sister in Long Beach. 95% of Cambodian families have lost a family to this tragedy.
Announcement of Summer Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) recipients. Sponsor Office of the City Clerk announced by Interim City Clerk Brianna Parra
Council Comments: @Esmeralda_Soria thanks staff for reopening Tower Streetscape tomorrow after three weeks. Ribbon cutting tomorrow at 6 pm. Support our small businesses. Also a Fresno High Pocket Park proposal was well attended by public.
@MiguelArias_D3 Thanks Ryan who keeps everything disinfected does everyone. Clean up ofFreeways is successful but we need to move to neighborhoods next especially as schools are reopening. Safe Routes to schools need to be clear of encampments.First inspection of old Gottschalks
building needs alarm and fire suppression added. We need to inspect all vacant City buildings. Neighborhood improvement is slowed by short staffing at Public Works. May take a year. Challenges to Covid as Community Hospital is down to only 5 rooms. Having to convert conference
rooms again. Also City Staff have employees not vaccinated. Do we need to mandate that? Has County Health officer informed us if we need to required masks? @MayorJerryDyer we know our rate is 56% vaccinated. We have a mask mandate for unvaccinated employees and visitors.
Arias: I would like County Health doctor present to our Covid committee. Also Chinatown clean up needs to be routine and not rely solely on volunteers like @BeautifyFresno Soria: I don’t want surprises. We budgeted money for it. Dyer: we drove through China Town yesterday. City
Manager : we should be able to start soon as we have the new equipment. Arias: I want routine Covid testing for those non vaccinated in City Hall. Dyer: we can’t require employees of have to get vaccinated until FDA approval. Arias: frustrating the amount of push back we get from
Low level and mid level employees in the Tower Streetscape of improvement. Upgrade to LED lights should not have been so hard. Also thanks Dyer for standing with Governor for older undocumented workers getting healthcare. They are essential workers. Also it provides $2 Billion
for mental health. We haven’t had enough every since Governor Reagan closed those mental hospitals down. The County Supervisors now have the money so no more excuses from them. Does the City need to take over? Dyer: housing of mentally ill has been neglected. That changes.
Esparza jokes that Bredefeld may have a stroke over those comments from Arias. Bredefeld: is it lunch yet? Maxwell: Esparza and him announce Eviction Protection program to prevent illegal eviction. You can now apply. Next : carnival, music , vaccines for community. Chavez online
but passes on comments. @GarryBredefeld we don’t need any mandated masks. People can take care of their own healthcare. I would have thought we would have learned from the past 15 months but I guess not. This is still an experimental vaccine. If you want it get it. If not no.
I am pro-vaccine but not mandated. Newsom is not initiating the Color code since he is under a Recall effort. People up here never missed a paycheck during the pandemic. We have learned nothing from the past. I will reject anything as in-American as mandates. School kids should
not have to wear masks at schools as science doesn’t prove they need it. Fauci and our own County Health doctor have lost credibility. Esparza: jokes it sounded like a Dr Seuss story.The Beat the Heat event at Romain tonight. Pool will be open. Ask Dyer: 56% vaccinated rate?
Dyer: that is county wide of those over 12 and those over 65 it is 86% countywide. Saturday we were at Melody Park with @BeautifyFresno also Fighter Wing promises to keep it clean. Chaffee Zoo tickets were given to needy youth. Esqueda:advanced Peace quarterly report going out
LTA’s for PD reports. Economic Incentive update reports coming out soon. Arias: thanks for those economic incentives. I asked for two years. Esqueda: broadband for needy. Also tomorrow three retail cannabis license preliminary awarded and 6 on other side. Three for Social Equity
Georgeanne White let’s arias know we don’t own old fire station. Arias says we do. White: Tower Streetscape was more a D1 and D3 for project. There is a lot of lead time required. We think We came up with a solution on the LED lights within two hours when it was brought to us
Arias: this could have been led by Public Works but we were discouraged by them. So we led it. It did give me appreciation what developers have to routinely go through. White: we would prefer it goes through Public Works too. Soria: it did start before current administration ar-
arrived. But it was never a Secret. But tower never was a priority for any administration but the money came from my own district money. White :glad we were brought in.
Unscheduled Public Comments now with one minute limit:Zoom first @LisaYFlores1 Arias office on Roeding Dog Park (some sound issues) Face Masks:what happens when all these variants occur?We need inoculation rate up. @LovesMercy Brandi:not fun to limit to 1 minute when prepped for
2-3 minutes.Staes a e-commenter who has a newborn but nowhere to shelter. Next Gricel Morales: I am at Poverello House trying to find a shelter for her kids. Where do I go with this NICU newborn? Charity House is located in Madera so I was shut out.I have reached out to everyone
I have advocated for his health but how can i do this homeless. I was a working mother as a administration assistant but now i have to stay with my ill infant. (she sobs) Arias and Esparza assures H Spees will connect. Soria: example why we need to prioritize shelters for family
Comment Cards now: Ricky Goodwin:Apartment complex is filthy. PD says he can talk to manager but he never returns calls or shows up. 11 N. Sherman Courts. Next:Michelle D. I have had a tough life and trafficked. Dyer said to call him if I need help. But he never returns the call.
I am not out there by choice. I deserve to feel safe. I have broken leg and screws. I can barely walk. I deserve a roof over my head (very emotional). I am tired of begging. Karbassi: can I get anything like water /tissues. How can we get a roof for you? I know people who can
help you get back to Massachusetts. Next : Carla Martínez of @LCJandA Thanks City for Housing Trust Fund but we need it expanded.Next: Fernando:this so called Code Enforcement is Code Extortion. My next step is to FBI. Homeless is caused by Code Enforcement. If you can
not do your job get a job you can handle like flipping burgers. Next: Dez Martinez: people have yield their time so I can speak for four minutes. Esparza: that is not how it works. Dez:anyone looking for shelter should be able to walk up to a low barrier shelter. But currently
only for Project Offramp. Still waiting for mobile showers.How many deaths and fires have occurred ? We need more security. (Esparza cuts her off)Next Elizabeth Lake: I have a voucher but was denied. If I am an alcoholic i can get shelter, But i am victim of Domestic
Violence but I have out of shelter in a month. I need help. V. Vega: Ian here for shelter for all. There are vacant homes throughout Fresno that can be repurposed. Cheyenne:Many are left in heat where we get to go to AC
Ryan Rendal:I have passed out water to those vulnerable and one Doug had his belongs lost in a PD sweep. Gordy:All we want is divinity. When you councilmembers get up during these comments to look at phones or get food it doesn’t give us dignity.
Robert McClosky:Object to being limited to one minute. Costs to taxpayers and property owners. How much is going to Homeless Task Force (HART)Housing First Approach but until then we need safe camps. Linda:I am a teacher. 1500 sq ft 3 bd room house could be built for our homeless
For what we spend. Esparza:the one limit applies to all topics and not just for one topic. Cruz:Shelter issue due to guy i was with. Now I have nothing as I lost everything. I need shelter but told they don’t do walk ups. Those running it are rude. They need training.
Arias: We give millions to Homeless help. It would be good if these CBO's CEOs show up for these meetings so they can answer these questions. Lance:Safe camps needed for this mountain of problems.(Fernando tries to speak again). Zoom:Ruben:@FresnoBarrios need transitional
housing for youth being let out of incarceration. Next:Alexandros Acedo: So many with drug issues. We can't keep kicking these items down the road. We have to confront housing in Fresno or these problems will continue. Ruben:Housing Trust Fund needs to look at vacant lots too
3-A ****BILL - (For Introduction) - Modifying Sections 1901 and 1905 of Chapter 14 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to taxiing aircraft and parking of aircraft and other vehicles on public streets in Sierra Sky Park (District 2) With work with residents and Gringer the roads
Will be changed and will be presented at next Council meeting. 3-B Changed as well. Spratz will not be used for taxiing but aircraft can park on portions of it near Doolittle. We hoped to reach a conclusion at next meeting. Karbassi: This has been a long time issue. Community
Just wants to be sure it still works for Sierra Sky Park. Staff:editing portions for legal reasons. Motion to approve 3A and 3B. No public comment. Approved.
2-B ****HEARING to receive input from the community regarding the redrawing of the election district boundaries (fourth update).
Sponsors: Councilmember Arias, Council Vice President Esparza, Councilmember Maxwell
Some of this will changed as more Census data comes in. We also encourage people to submit their own maps too.
Cannot be racially divided, have to find easily identified boundaries and compact. We can't discriminate due to political parties either. We want to get public input.Public maps submitted won't come with the person's name attached though. Please share thoughts with staff.
Top two items :Council have deep discussion but not necessarily action. No Public Comment. No Vote today or Action.
Item 2-A has lots of public comment cards so at 11:21 they will back to Contested Consent. 1-G Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity:
1. Approve a one-year consultant services agreement with Make Green Go LLC. Bredefeld: what makes a business Social Equity. Staff:
6 ways to qualify. Ordinance states we will provide this assistance and State provides grant for that. Esqueda: We wanted to make this open to those who had previous issue with cannabis such as arrest that may hurt their application otherwise. Also low income. Approved 4-2 with
Karbassi and Bredefeld voting NO. 1-D Approve the Third Amendment to the Food and Beverage Concession Agreement between the City of Fresno and Fresno, AAI, Inc., at Fresno Yosemite International Airport, extending the term of the lease by eight months. Amount of revenue generated
by agreement extension is $70,563.04, not including monthly percentage fees. Director: RFP will balance some square footage from secured area v open area. Community outreach part will be desired. What type of beverages and food type. Arias: I could someday see local beers, food
at airport? A:yes. This current vendor exterminate in 8 months and it leads into new facilities being opened before Summer 2024. Maxwell: I was there recently I couldn't find a single water bottle or something for vegetarians other than $30 beer and fries. A:will need to embrace
local food no matter who gets RFP. As we ramp out of pandemic these vendors are still juggling when to open and what staffing is needed. This should come back in February. Soria:Some local vendors have issues with Federal requirements. We need to allow disadvantaged businesses
help. Approved 1-H Accept an award of $4,000,000 from the Department of Health and Human services (HHS), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health/ Office of Minority Health in response to announcement MP-CP-21-006 and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all
agreements with HHS including Memoranda of Understanding with any and all community based organizations identified in the grant as sub-recipients to implement the grant retroactively to July 1, 2021 running through June 30, 2023. @gregorybarfield Some of CBOs declined to apply
but some may apply for County effort. (Barfield is on vacation and got out of pool to be here) Approved. Approve a two-year Amended Agreement to extend to September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023, with an option of a three year extension for Employee Assistance Program Services
between the City of Fresno and Halcyon Behavioral Employee Assistance with a Fiscal Year expense in 2022 of $61,430 which is an increased expense of $8,149, and a Fiscal Year expense in 2023 of $67,362, which is an increased expense of $14,081 for a total contract amount of
$128,792 and authorize the Personnel Services Director to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. Approved
1-K Adopting submission of Substantial Amendment 2020-01 to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reprogram $1,649,409.94 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds
from prior year CDBG project savings and program $1,159,704.42 in program income from the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME). Maxwell: we want to parse the HOME and CDBG portions. We need some more time. (CDBG is more time sensitive. )Approved
1-M Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno Local Housing Trust Fund:Soria want to expand Trust for acquisition.Arias:first time city created a Trust Fund. We want to get as much as $5M as long as we have matching funds. Maxwell: expanding won't hurt original scope? Arias: NO
I want to be sure we can pull down as much as we can of State's $12 B for homeless and Affordable Housing. Esqueda: we need to do some work with Attorney's Office for wording etc. Eviction Protection can be built in otherwise. Want to be sure we are not wiping out other projects
with these dollars. Esparza:I don't think we can find the needed funds before Tuesday's deadline. I do think we need to aggressively expand housing stock. Soria:why can't we commit another $1 M to get us to $2M. $10 M would be wonderful. Maxwell: if we put parks funding in there
how long before that returns? Arias: I prefer to use $1 M from carryover funds giving us $2.5 M and matching State funds.Long range staff: applicants don't have to work with 501c3 to use this. Karbassi: market is the elephant in room. We need more competition for developers.
Approved. 1-N Reject all bids for the Central Avenue Improvements When do we meet with community on this asks Arias. Esqueda: Open House at Orange Center will be beginning. Approved.
1-S The goal of this Request for Proposals (RFP) was to solicit proposals to provide professional custodial services at City Hall. Staff:five years with current vendor Lincoln. We have had multiple issues with trash not being taken out or bathrooms not cleaned. Contract has ex-
-pired and we put out an RFP then. They were one of our applicants but Scrubcan was best choice. Maxwell: is it prudent to award 3 year and not 1 year? A: traditionally 3 year. It is such a transition that it would be hard to switch over every year. Too much institutional know-
-ledge needed. We can end contract at anytime too.Soria:if we had so many complaints why didn't we terminate earlier?A: we got promises of improvement and it would for awhile but then fall back. Arias:I never get my windows cleaned. We had requested another custodial contract for
PD a year ago. We chose lowest bidder then. Why are we not doing the same now?A:lowest didn't have experience. 2nd lowest had shortcomings before doing City Hall but never told us what they have done to improve on that poor performance before. Arias: I have been critical for not
choosing local vendor. I do wonder why these contracts tend to increase 10-20% . I am watching. Maxwell:Do we have these vendors working on the weekend. A:NO. Maxwell: I came in here on a Saturday it was 100 degrees inside.I want to be sure they are not treated so poorly. White:
We can adjust hours when AC is on. Arias: congratulates ScrubCan. Approved. 1-W Supporting increasing broadband access to underserved communities throughout the City. Arias:wants to add a Councilmember to this Broadband Committee. Congress is set to pass billions in broadband
access dollars. I want to be sure Council has a say along with Administration on this subcommittee. White : We can do that but this subcommittee won't make budget approval but Council as a whole. County has a say too. Approved
Adjourn for Lunch break until 1:30. Items still to be heard are 2-A Club Casino and 4-A Support Farm Workforce Modernization . Esparza says both items have comment cards submitted already. @CMAC has some new On Hold music! Thank you!! 🎼🎹🎶🎵😀
Announce a Closed Session Emergency item regarding Covid 19
2-A ****Actions pertaining to Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application:
1. CONTINUED HEARING to consider the Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application on July 29, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.
2. RESOLUTION – Granting a Card Room Permit to Club One Casino, Inc
to the City of Fresno Card Room Ordinance
@Esmeralda_Soria refuses herself from this item due to personal connection.
City Manager Esqueda goes through the normal permitting process. It has not been done in 30 years on this type of item so we had to dust off the details. Esparza says we have a large stack of crds on this item. Charlie Vang leads it off with 1 minute limit again. Vang has worked
for Club one for years until pandemic. He needs this job. Next Nicky: also wants her job back and get out of the house. We helped clean Granite Park up. Katherine: says Club One helps children
Tammy says Kyle of Club One has helped pets find homes. Damon: in 2010 I was offered a job with Club One and now my family is proud to call Fresno home. Joe Patterson: On California Gaming Association says Kyle is loyal. People are not here in support because Kyle asked but
but because he runs the company like a family. Next: get us back to work. Cindy: I have worked for them for 20 years and raised two kids. One is now in Army and one a nurse. Next:IF Fernandez: i have been unemployed or 17 months now
Brandon: I have been at club one in 2004 during poker boom. Food is the bomb and I am a great bartender. Chua: I am hungry to go back to work. I am Chua. And I approve it this message. Esparza: I want Chua in my next ad!
Nicholas: please approve this. Jon Dowling :CEO of Chaffee Zoo. I have been in Fresno 6 months. I came because Fresno is a happening place but also due to the Zoo’s Board of Director. Kyle Kirkland is CEO. It is a great board. Next: provided a job. It is a great community
People are from all walks of life. Danielle : we take care of an elderly stray cat and Kirkland helped pay for needed surgery. (She sobs). Hugs Kyle. Jack: I have a non profit animal rescue. Kyle has been generous to my rescue. City ,employees and those who don’t have a voice
Like cats will be a win-win. Next: everyone fighting for a reason at Council like for housing. I just want to cook. I make the best vegetarian sandwich. Arias: that only gets you one vote meaning Maxwell. (Chavez resumes running meeting). Next: it helps me help my family.
Demspey: ( a small kid!) “Need help Club 1. Thank you “ to a big applause. Next Club One Casino’s Kyle Kirkland Thanks everyone. I am touched. Next : Clint Olivier :former councilman and now a business association. Their board is in agreement to approve this move.
Chavez: closes public comment. Maxwell: thanks everyone who commented today. Arias: Mr Kirkland has donated to my campaign but I have tough questions too. They are leaving my District. I am not a gambler. For City Staff: Dana Messina and Mr Kirkland are the two applicants. Long
time investor in Club one and owns 50% of it. Arias:PD says Kirkland has sufficient income to run this?Does PD have ability to do this? Barfield: PD and State's Dept of Gaming does as well. Kirland: we have audits available for past 17 years. Barfield:Vice portion of PD is also
involved. Kirland: we will transfer our liquor license. We take minors at the venue very seriously. Lots of checks and balances. We may do events as we build out. More controlled environment.Arias: when do plan on being operational?A: some staff had to move on after 17 months. We
have brought 150 of the staff back but want to be up to 300. 51 tables are valuable as it attracts events state wide. We are in top ten for # of tables statewide. We are only cardroom allowed in city due to moratorium. 25 tables operational until we can build out space.If we
don't need all we will pull them off so it allows more space. Bredefled: you were closed down like other businesses due to government mandates. People up here with me voted to shut you and others down. All these employees here today couldn't pay their bills but big box stores
were allowed. Those up here could have allowed you to remain open by wearing masks and plexiglass. These same scare tactics are coming back up on council. Of course I support you reopening. What you do for animals is tremendous. I hope you are not shut down again but goalposts
continue to move. Chavez:Thanks Mr Kirland. I wish you would have come to District 5. But i understand you have to do what is best for your business. This pandemic caused this shutdown. Could we have done better in hindsight? Sure. But it is a learning process. Maxwell will take
any complaints. Arias:how do you operate during the pandemic? City Attorney says asking safety allowed. Kirland: yes we have to operate at State and County guidelines as well as my HR person. Patrons and staff to wear masks if not vaccinated.Barfield:OSHA says if it is over 50
in room have to wear masks. Maxwell:my toughest decision since being on Council. The location is troubling. Can't be near sensitive area such as a cannabis dispensary is limited. No restrictions on a casino though. There is Duncan Polytech nearby. This is also a 20 hour / 6 days
business. But Kirkland did a lot correctly. He had reached out to Maxwell. Nearby businesses mentioned there will be increased security they appreciate. Club One is run well. It will bring $1 million to tax revenues. AND they make a great vegetarian sandwich! But a lack of
outreach to surrounding community. Some remember the Harpain's Dairy that was on that spot 40 years ago but they are only just now finding out a casino is going in. I am not going to reject this request today though. I am going to continue this for 30 days so you can do what you
did here today: letters to the editors, bringing supporters out. Perhaps have a community meeting at Granite Park. Maybe BBQ. My staff will do some outreach but that is really your idea. Can you meet me halfway? I want to Continue this for 30 days. Attorney's office asks for
clarification. Chavez:my parents live across from there and like to gamble. But Maxwell wants some outreach. Arias: if Club One is going to be a longtime tenant of that area they should do an outreach. Kirkland: we did hear from School Board not about Casino but liquor license.
We did immediately reach out. Was told nothing personal but against liquor license. We reached out to the nearby church across the street. Ever month we are closed there is $150,000 in payroll that didn't happen (I think that was the number he said). Maxwell: My staff can help
but community needs outreach. Kirkland: is sending invitation enough or do we have to do door to door? Maxwell: my staff goes door to door 4-5 hours everyday and can help. This robust outreach should have been done already. Chavez:can you see next meeting(August 19) as there is
168 right behind and no residents there. Maxwell prefers September 2 meeting. Karbassi: I don't want to hold off on these jobs. Chavez:Maxwell has said he will approve this but wants some more outreach. Karbassi: can we approve this today and still do outreach later? Arias: we
held off several meetings for Karbassi's district's Sky Park item so community could comment more. Can we do the same on this item?Bredefeld:Why are we having community meetings now? Didn't Maxwell ask you do do the those earlier?Kirkland: We checked ABC rules, it is open we are
moving there, we monitored social media and what comments were made there. We looked at traffic patterns near Duncan Polytechnical. But we have seen only positive responses. We are a small cardroom. We do 1/20th what a Tribal Casino does. Maybe we didn't go door to door.Bredefeld
did noticing go out? Esqueda: yes but it didn't go out to all residents. Bredefeld:This is not right to do a 11th hour request to go to door door. Not right for you (meaning Maxwell) to do this. You got paid every two weeks but not these employees! Maxwell: i speak for 70,000
constituents. Bredefeld is against every cannabis item because his constituents don't like it. I heard Bredefeld's debacle at his Grizzly Fest at Woodward Park that Bredefeld was against. That was only 2 days.This is permanent. Attorney staff gives clarification about asking
Kirkland required to reach out. Arias: says we do 3000 feet for an apartment complex not 300 feet. Chavez: I have not heard anyone up here saying they are against this. Maxwell asks for some more outreach. That is not a n unreasonable request. Kirkland: we don't want to get on
wrong side on this. We do have a forbearance sensitive time. September 2 is worrisome. We can get started. We have done everything for the community over the years. We just can't keep pushing this out. Chavez: you and your employees need certainty. Families would feel safe there.
Esqueda: we will go door to door and have it done by August 19th meeting. Karbassi: we have to represent our constituents I understand. I am cautious on cannabis due to tragedies in my own family related. Attorney Office: keep this as an open item until August 19th. Esparza: we
need to get this under 30 days. What day do you want Maxwell? A:Sept 2nd. Barfield: we can get investigation (community outreach) by August 19th but if not we can go back to Sept 2. Arais: you are under construction. How soon can you start?A: three weeks. We could have ABC do
their check offs done. Chavez: Maxwell said UP to 30 days. Gives Barfield time to do outreach. Maxwell: If i say no later than Sept 2.? Bredefled: What does it mean for those unemployed right now and your bottomline? Kirkland: Their unemployment is running out. We have worked to
get concentous . Sept 2 does hurt us. Ton more stress. I am concerned for surrounding community. We have put ourselves out there. People will give us negative feedback but we didn't receive any. GV Wire was hard on us. We don't advertise in Bee. Arias:We answer to my neighbors.
They don't read GV Wire. Karbassi: Can we compromise to August 19th?Maxwell: i have committed to not pushing this past Sept 2. Barfield: Can Maxwell attend these community meetings if this is still Open? Attorney: he should not attend. Maxwell: that is fine. Approved to move this
forward to no more than September 2. 6-1 with Bredefeld voting NO. They are taking a small break before last Open Session Item 4-A
They are back. 4-A *******Vote to Support Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021.
Sponsors: Councilmember Karbassi Karbassi brings Mr Ocuna up to present 4-A. Senate excluded Packing houses as not ag workers.
Second part of Bill is the Dreamer/DACA portion. Both will be going to President's Desk. Homeland Security Secretary is happy we are going cities support. Fresno relies a lot on Ag too. A proposed letter: The City of _________________respectfully request that the definition of a
gricultural labor or services in the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021 be modified to include employees who work in packing houses and processing plants and that legislation for Dreamers be passed concurrently.
First public: supports this as it will otherwise exclude a sizable ag group. Next @Kromero21 Speaking on behalf of people of Mendota. I am asking in support of Mendota. We are the Cantaloup Capital of the World. We help provide food for nation. This bill helps Mendota to thrive.
As they said in “Hamilton” Said immigrants We get it done!! Next: Niessi Farmers’ Luis Ramirez: People don’t want to live in fear.
Karbassi: Thanks Neissi Farmers for bringing this to our attention. Karbassi tells a story told by a President of a n eastern european who picked cantaloup as a prisoner of war. He said it was his happiest time of his life. Immigrants came to this country and appreciate it. We
have lacked comprehensive immigration reform system and it is time. Soria: like Karbassi my family came in as immigrants. My parents worked in a packing houses. Glad the letter includes Dreamers too. We have a broken system. I have a sister who is a Dreamer and is a entrepreneur
but cannot be a citizen. Without immigrants we won't have fresh crops or hotels cleaned.This letter is a good start but we need more too. Arias: This is personal. We had hoped to announce a comprehensive immigration reform but then 9 11 occurred. Reagan allowed my family to come
to USA. lets Bredefeld he has Reagan to blame for Arias coming into USA. Often Ag leaders are too often silent when ag workers needed something like healthcare or when putting children in cages I didn't hear from ag. I understand the opportunity USA gives people like my family.
Before pandemic essential workers were public safety and hospitals but during pandemic it became ag workers. Some lost their lives when poultry workers worked long hours during pandemic. Maybe renaming this "More Water for the Valley" instead of comprehensive immigration reform
as this only thing that seems to get bipartisan support in Valley. I will be in support. Bredefeld: We need to shut the border. When last president did shut border our economy boomed. We need legal immigration. Some think this bill is an amnesty bill. Open border brings an influx
of immigrants. The most vulnerable are the unborn and we need to stop abortions. I can't support this bill. Chavez:Don't tell the secretary to close the border as California's economy will collapse. They all pay the taxes that pay our salaries etc. Essential workers didn't have
the choice to zoom in. We do need comprehensive immigration reform. They only want to be treated fairly. Arias: i enjoyed my 12 years picking crop. This is only item Nunes, Valadao and Costa all agree on. Dyer: I don't want to work in the fields. I have respect for those that do.
Major city police chiefs want comprehensive immigration reform. We don't want to ask citizenship. The food processors took the larges risk during pandemic as they are in a closed environment. This is a controversial issue but it is a human issue. Approved 6-1 with Bredefeld
voting NO. Arias: make note all the democratic councilmembers voted yes.Chavez:And a Republican Mayor. Arias: The progressive mayor he jokes. They are heading into Closed Session now. Some of the items 5-A CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR – Government Code Section 54956
Property: Grizzlies Stadium;
Negotiating Parties: City Manager, Fresno Sports and Events, LLC.;
Under Negotiations: Price and terms of lease.

Property: APN 466-214-17T
Negotiating Parties:
Only one meeting in August (the 19th).

• • •

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15 Jul
Fresno City Council July 15, 2021! Among the items Free swimming for children at City pools;Urban Water Management and Drought;Club One Casino move from Downtown to Granite Park;Redrawing Council Districts @fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno #California
Among the Consent Calendar: 1- B
*A Resolution of the Council of the City of Fresno, California, concerning Measure C Extension Local Transportation Purposes Pass-Through Projects and Program Funds annual allocation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
1-C RESOLUTION – Adopt the 1st Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending Exhibit 2, Unit 2, Non-Represented and Confidential Classes to reclassify the salary range for the City Clerk position from E5 (9588-13460) to E4 (11398-16344), effective July 15, 2021.
Read 124 tweets
13 Jul
Hey! It is Tuesday so it must be the Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the Agenda includes agreement with voting machine company Dominion ; New case management system for DA’s;Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave;update on American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA);DECREASE in Library damaged materials fee; #Fresno Some select Consent Calendar Items:CONSENT CALENDAR
22. Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 as Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists
Appreciation Week; 23.Adopt a resolution commending the
the North Fresno Rotary, East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary,
Cultural Arts Rotary, Fresno Sunrise Rotary, and the Central Passport Rotary clubs who replaced
Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departments. 24. *Adjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian Balakian
Read 125 tweets
24 Jun
June 24th ,2021 Fresno City Council meeting as well as a Special meeting! ! Among the items is the final Budget vote; SB1 road projects ( as the budget hearings showed there is never enough to satisfy the $1 billion in needed work);Low income Tax Credits for several affordable
housing projects; Terrence Frazier and Central Valley Community Sports Foundation and Management Visions closed and open session items; @FLDocumenters @fresnoland #Fresno
On the Consent Calendar: -B Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Fresno Unified School
District wherein FUSD will pay $1,862,495 annually to FPD in exchange for FPD providing eleven
Student Resource Officers (SROs), one Sergeant and twelve
Read 106 tweets
22 Jun
City of Fresno’s Budget hearings continued today at 9 am! The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will be meeting at 10 am so I will only be able to Live Tweet one the meetings. Drumroll, please And the winner is...the always popular Budget Hearings !
Here are the budget proposals “in the pot” as Council Chair Luis Chavez said a lot the past week.
Read 71 tweets
17 Jun
After a week of Budget Hearings a regular Fresno City Council meeting PLUS Special Emergency Closed Meeting. (Probably about re-opening City Hall ) @FLDocumenters
Some of the Agenda items include 1-E Approve an Agreement with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., in the amount of $140,600 with a $30,000 contingency, to prepare an updated nexus study for the Citywide impact fees for Regional Streets, New Growth Area Major Streets, Police Fa-
-ilities, Fire Facilities, Quimby In-Lieu Parkland Dedication and Park Facilities. (Citywide wide)
Read 99 tweets
16 Jun
City of Fresno Budget hearings (in progress).
Read 97 tweets

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