What is Jalpa? Among three modes of debate Jalpa is defined as "यथोक्तोपपन्नः छलजातिनिग्रहस्थानसाधनोपालम्भः जल्पः"(NS 1.2.2)
The use of छल, जाति, निग्रहस्थान accordingly for one's victory is called जल्प.
This book was written by Chitsukhacharya (13th century) that's why it is also known as "चित्सुखी". Chitsukhi is written in the form of Brahmsutra,in 4 parts. The Refutation of Udayanacharya, Prabhakar and others are done.,
First part talks about 'Darkness being a thing' instead of just 'absense of light', Adhyasa,Bhrama, Non Duality, Self-evidence, अपौरुषेयत्व of the Vedas.
2nd part deals with the refutation of Nyaya and Vaisheshika. While Refuting Vasesika Philosophy Chitsukha says:- ✨ The words of प्रशस्तपाद(The वैशेषिक भाष्यकार writer of Padārtha-dharma-saṅgraha) are not the words of manu from which Gunas can be considered as निर्गुण" ✨
Glorious acharyas who were able to refute toughest arguments had such respect for manu. But hindus today who can't even refute 0 level argument such as "I can't see God,where is he,He doesn't exist"! They abuse our ancestors from manu to other mahrshis.
3rd and fourth parts are related to ज्ञान and मोक्ष. The flow of text is very lucid. All the possible theories of Purvapaksha are taken and then they are refuted using Tarka
Acharya also created a Sankara Digivjaya whose parts are found here and there. He has other granthas as "Vyakhya on vishnu puran{quoted by #श्रीधरस्वामी} , Vyakhya on Bhagvatam.
All these acharyas did the Refutation of Dualistic philosophies in the beginning of Mediaeval period. Then this hearted debate was shifted to "Vedantins vs Vedantins" instead from Vedanti vs Logicians and it became more intense.
The legendary books were written in the strong Refutation of Advaita philosophy such as "वादावली" of Jayatirtha, "न्यायामृत" ❗of Vyasatirtha, "शतदूषणी" of Vedant desikar.
Which resulted into the famous Dwaita-Advaita debate and 3rd book of बृहत् प्रस्थानत्रयी
The story of third book 📖 is very interesting. I will write about it tomorrow.
Interesting story of #खण्डनखण्डखाद्यम् (A sweet candy of Refutation)
The Vada,Jalpa and Vitanda are three modes of debates{Nyaya 1.1.1, Nyaya 1.2.1-3)
Advaitins have their granthas on all three modes which are called बृहत् प्रस्थानत्रयी
This one is the वितण्डा ग्रन्थ.
Sri Harsa (श्रीहर्ष) was a very famous advaitin who appeared in कन्नौज during 11th-12th century. He was the minister at the court of kanyakubja king. He was a very great poet who is the writer of the world famous "नैषधचरितम्".
The name of the father of श्रीहर्ष was श्रीहीर . His father once had a very intense debate with a राजपंडितin which he lost. His father did the aradhana of Bhagvati,got the blessings for his son. He told a mantra to his wife which was to be given to श्रीहर्ष in future.
This thread:-
1:- Will give you the basic info about Charvaka philosophy.
2:- will show you similarities between the statements of Charvakas and so called Hindus who have no connection to their roots and still try to term themselves as Dharmic.
We have seen all short of arguments coming out of their mouth you will be amazed by seeing similar arguments dating back to thousands of years . No progress in the field of atheism is made . It is 21st century
Acharyas and Their commentary on Brahmsutra 3.1.25 "अशुद्धमिति चेन्न शब्दात्".{about पशु्याग}
The commentary of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya ji is famous which says
"Do not harm any creature,but that is a general rule, while the precept, 'let him offer an animal to agnishoma' embodies an exception; and general rule and exception have different spheres of application".
Bhagvan Ramanujacharya ji writes it as:-
"For scripture declares that the killing of sacrificial animals makes them to go up to the heavenly world, and therefore is not of the nature of harm. An action which is the means of supreme exaltation is not of the nature of harm"
How many rounds(भांवर) are right during marriages? 4 or 7
In Gujrat we have 4 rounds. 7 rounds are quite popular in UP,Himanchal,bihar and many other states✨
Does the concept of tradition applies here?
Shastras too falls under tradition. A tradition which does not go against श्रुति-स्मृति is considered right others are wrong.
A tradition that does not mentioned in shruti smritis(as मंगलसूत्र) is right because it contradicts none.
पारस्कर ग्रह्यसूत्र of the shukla yajurveda which is very famous among pandits states:-
चतुर्थं शूर्पकुष्ठया सर्वाल्लाजानावपति भगाय स्वाहेति ।
4th time all the लाजा's{Kheels} should be sacrificed in fire then they do the last parikrama as said in 7th sutra
I'm going to cover the Vedic perspective+ I will cover historical aspect also.
This story comes in Valmiki Ramayana,Devi Bhagvatam ,BrahmVaivarta that "Indra made physical relations with Devi ahilya(wife of महर्षि गौतम) . Hence Indra is called जार(lover, destroyer) of अहिल्या.
Indra is called the जार of ahalya in these sections of Vedas:-
अहल्यायै जारेति। अहल्याया ह मैत्रेय्या जार आस {ShādVimsa Brahmana 1.1}
अहल्यायै जारेति {Shatpath}