here .. @governorswaraj this is causing "disaffection against ethnic group". Get this translated by your nearest Tamil speaking lawyer - when faced with real criminal minds we tuck our tails dont we??
Ok. looks like our $400M Thinktanks wont step up. It is me again to explain the foundation issues while battling #D in Tamizh as well. The announcement by Modi of 27% OBC and 10% EWS quota in UG and PG Medical AIQ. What is this?
So there are three types of seats : 1. State govt seats - domicile only 2. Central institutes (AIIMS,PGIMER,etc) - all india 3. Seats surrendered by states to Onriyam(Centre) - all India
There is already OBC quota in 1 (each state per their own OBC lists) and 2 (AIIMS/JIPMER pondicheretc)
தகைசால் தமிழர்.. (தகைசாற் தமிழர்?) / தகை.. (தக.. தகுதி ) பெருந்தகை (பெரும்+தகை) விருது யாருக்கு?
🤜 நான் எதிர் அணி. இருந்தாலும் என் கருத்து -> இந்த விருது கண்டிப்பாக **மஞ்சை வசந்தன்** அவர்களுக்கு வழங்க பட வேண்டும்.
நான் சும்மா ட்ரோல் செய்யவில்லை. ஆயிரம் திராவிட-தமிழ் புலவர்கள் பெரிய இடங்களில் பேராசிரியர் போன்ற பதவிகளில் இருந்தும். . இவர் ஒருவர் தான் நாகசாமியின் 'திருக்குறள்' புத்தகத்திற்கு மறுப்பு நூல் எழுதினார்.
கண்ணதாசனின் 'அர்த்தமுள்ள இந்துமதம்' xx மறுப்பு 'அர்த்தமற்ற ஹிந்துமதம்'
I committed to blog about the famous #Dravidian "Kasi" saga of Mr E.V.Ramasamy (Periyar) but it may take time I have too much on my plate. So let me just put the evidence up here in interest of public. (In English because of interest expressed) 1/
Essentially the story goes Periyar left his house in ~1905 in a huff and spent a couple of years (or lesser) as a wandering hindu sadhu mendicant in AP (Bezawada / Hyd) -- he was accompanied by two Tamizh brahmins Venkatrama Iyer and Ganapati Iyer
The three would go around and give religious discourses -- the two tamizhbrahmin would speak in tamil and Periyar would humorously translate it to Telugu in his own irreverent style. This story is installed deep into every tamilian as a #D foundation issue. see this movie scene
"TBrahmin women are learning Bharatanatyam dance as a scheme to entertain and take the money of Chettiars (Nattukottai Nagarathars)"
12-6-1948 Kudiarasu: Official paper of #Dravidians titled "எல்லாம் பார்ப்பனமயம் ஜகத்"
You all think I am trying haard to find these. Not at all. This is their entire literature. There is nothing else! I can just pick any book/periodical and find this! A cauldron of hatred - to demonize and defame the Tamil Brahmin people.
This is where "Brahmin"Ism will get you @ChetanAhimsa .. no one supports oppression. But only a coward or a deep actor like TNM will support tagging this to an identifiable group.
The title says "Quick Di.. here have sweets"..dialog starts.. come here, quick run, have sweets, have you heard the good news. Gandhi has been shot.. .."
Now this isnt a legal issue .. as Sartre said, this isnt like an 'opinion that needs to be protected by free speech' .. it is a criminal passion. Are you legally allowed to have this type of fantasy about a group?
A psychosis of the #DravidianTamil
What is the 'federalist principle' ? Do you guys want a Supreme Court? "India is a Union of States" is a gramatical formation. can you say "India is a Centre of States".. the real messaging is in Tamil communicated by other #D , which yall dont understand.
Most Indians are not curious people. Why is a mere word substitution such a big issue? Who cares.. if you use one synonym or another? I certainly dont care Tomaato Tomatoe..
So there is something else there innit.. the next step requires 'curiosity'..