Yesterday I took my #OpioidRxs to allow myself to sit among a family at a member owned grocery store. To the others it was a nice, family gathering, but to me it was extraordinary.
I was actually there, sitting, talking without pain curling me up into a ball. The sad part
The sad part is that millions of other pain patients would be capable of something just as ordinary and rewarding if #PROPaganda, the #CDC, and the #DEA had not conspired to deny them of much needed, safe and very effective pain meds.
But my meds are gone, and now I will pay
Now for days I will pay with pain for every ordinary moment I enjoyed. The pain meds made me so normal that not one person could have detected that 7 days a week intractable pain robs me of an ordinary, rewarding life.
Imagine if you will some fragments of those covid proteins which the mRNA vaccine produced happen to end up next to cardiac cells or nerve cells after the cells from our immune system shredded them. The next attack from our immune system would likely injure the cardiac or nerve..
The next attack from our immune system would clean up those fragments but also damage the heart and nerve cells. This is an autoimmune response much like how my immune system will drill a hole through my small intestine trying to get at any wheat I might accidentally eat....
Damage such as the autoimmune response against the fragments of whatever foreign cells invade our bodies can be seen in an autopsy, but until then many doctors will tell their patients that the pain is all in their heads which it may be, or in their hearts,
Late at night the scene from my long ago motorcycle accident replays in my head. I am lying on the hard, black pavement numb from head to toe from the impact. I am 15 years old.
There is a policeman and the driver of the car I hit looking down at me in the dark. The policeman ..
The policeman thinks he recognizes me and calls me by someone else’s name. He asks, ‘John, do you want me to tell your parents about this? (He meant to tell them how I died). I said, ‘No’.
The driver of the car says he can’t be inconvenienced by this any longer, and he must..
The driver said he must leave. The policeman tells the driver to be quiet and stay put until I am taken care of.
The ambulance collects me and we drive away with sirens and lights. Though I am numb I can feel broken parts rubbing together.
If anyone in the #PROPaganda community believes that pain patients such as those with my brand of severe pain should be able to just use their minds to ignore pain and go about normal work activities w/o pain meds then I volunteer to help them with a scientific study..
Maybe Mr K or any other equally committed #PROP member could volunteer to be the test subject. Using nothing but the power of their minds much as they did when they composed the #2016Guidelines with zero help from pain patients or their doctors ..
They could attempt to do their normal daily activities or work while I reconstruct my pudendal nerve pain by coming in every 15 minutes and alternately either kick them in the groin as hard as I can or drive ice picks into both sides of their groin - my choice
Talked with a lady this evening whose doctor had exposed her to such intense #PROPaganda that she had been conditioned to believe that taking #OpioidRxs automatically made her an addict. In order to please her Dr she took herself off of #OpioidRxs when she was in severe pain.
Since she stopped taking pain meds she is barely able to move. Her inability to tolerate the pain from exercise has made her very frail which resulted in many falls and injuries leading to more pain and less activity. I explained to her that taking pain meds does NOT make her an
I explained that taking pain meds does NOT make her an addict. In fact an addict keeps doing the drug which harms them, but a pain patient takes a pain med which returns their #QOL and strength, but I asked her to consider her situation in this way:
What the #CDC, #PROP, and politicians conspired to do to pain patients in 2016 is far more devastating to pain patients than any “over prescribing” ever was yet only a courageous few have bothered to publicly challenge them for it. Have they successfully denigrated ..
Have they successfully denigrated pain patients to the point that the general public will just turn their heads and ignore the suffering and death which occurs until it hits one of their family members? Shamefully I can recall several times before when these tactics were used ...
I can recall several times before when these tactics were used to eliminate several groups of people who a self proclaimed elite few thought were undesirable. In today’s situation with pain patients I am hopeful that we have learned from past mistakes and such ..