There will be hundreds, if not thousand of these to come depending upon how much work people put in. I hope people are using the data wisely. I have also distributed privately Antifa Funding Docs. @laralogan was right.
Portland City Governments funds the PAALF. They received an initial $100,000 grant from the city of Portland for operations.…
The PAALF is a Black run and managed organization now under 501(c)3 whose purpose is to help imagine what a black utopia in Portland would look like, and then work towards its implementation.…
The PAALF also Fund RCJ – this is confirmed by Antifa member stickr_bitch. The association is also confirmed by the Oregon State Council: State Employee’s International Union…
RCJ has on staff for BlackBloc organizing at least 8 members. These funds, again, come from the PAALF who is funded by the City of Portland. @MermaidThem confirms they have 8 members on staff for these types of actions. @Stickr_bitch confirms here it is PAALF funding them.
RCJ is a black dominated organization whose purpose is to host rallies and fund events that provide cover for the Blackbloc Antifa destruction, attacks, and fire bombings these groups are so known for.
By hosting legal protests, they claim that they are not organizing and setting the stage for the destructive actions that may result. But, the sole purpose of these events is to organize a large enough BlackBloc presence for successful direct action against the City of Portland.
They are setting the stage for the defeat of the local police forces through attrition and exhaustion. They state many times their goal is to exhaust the PD of morale and funding. That the primary goal of being out after 10pm is specifically to exhaust PD.
They also have access to a +$1Million bail fund that allows BlackBloc terrorists to get out on bail as soon as possible to participate in more direct action against the city.…
And, through the money laundering practices outlined above the defeat of the PD will be funded by the very taxpayers who live within the city. The City is funding its own downfall at the hands of Antifa.
Better Image of the Antifa Conversation related to PAALF to RCJ Funding
This is somewhat similar to how the Taliban govt provided areas for Al qaeda to operate but werent necessarily Al Qaeda themselves. The Portland govt funds PAALF, then turns a blind eye when PAALF funds RCJ who sets the stage for Antifa Insurgency operations.
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Jerry Nadler told us Antifa is a myth. It’s a diffuse network of independent cells who have coalesced around the idea of destruction of the Western world view and utilize “Anti-Fascist” as a broad rallying cry that few of them even understand.
I've pulled an After Action Report from Antifa that demonstrates not only are they NOT a myth, but they are a true insurgent network operating within the United States, and ignored by certain politicians of a certain party. We'll go through the AAR now 👇
While members of each cell are inexperienced and ideologically naïve, they are very dangerous. Let’s look at an analysis they put together after the Minneapolis riots, what they feel they learned, what they see themselves needing going forward, and what led to their successes.
Save and archive the linked information. The 1st 3 links in the pastebin are the Chat Logs. The rest are the private messaging groups where much of this info came from.
It's WAAAY too much info for one person to go through. Key word searches help. They admit to keeping MAGA Hats in their vehicles as disguises, discuss police station attacks, they monitor police radios, talk about direct action violence and more.
We are failing to raise our young people into naturally functioning adults. We destroy human tendencies towards humbleness, solemnity, and propriety, and replace them with unnatural vulgarity, politicization, and an irrational tendency towards feverish narcissistic drama.
On what planet is it a persons natural inclination when placing in a sporting event to go on a rant about intersectionality and black and LGBTQ politics, and then shake your butt at the camera???? Seriously. Who can explain how this is part of a humans natural interactions?
Had a Conservative olympic athlete gone on a rant about the American Constitution, the wonder of heterosexual relationships, and then turned and shook their butt at the camera I'm sure people would have some serious questions about that athletes mental health.
-Decided by 10,457 votes
-74,243 mail-in ballots found with NO clear record of them ever being sent.
-3,981 voted who registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
-11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE Dec 4
-18,000 voted & then were removed from rolls AFTER election
-Maricopa did not put serial numbers on original and duplicated ballots making it difficult to ensure they were accurately duplicated or how many times they were duplicated.
-The number of votes certified does NOT match the number of ballots sent to the audit.
-Digital forensic expert Ben Cotton revealed the Maricopa County election system was BREACHED during the course of the 2020 election. Anti-virus systems not up to date since August of 2019 which allowed easy access to server & systems.
Supply chain issues are leading to shortages in liqour. Pair this with the end of the eviction moratorium and potentially reenhanced lockdown mandates, vaxx passports, and the heat of the summer and we've got ourselves a real party.…
A lack of truck drivers, dock workers, and warehouse employees, shake that up with backed up docks, slower manufacturing processes & more expensive raw materials, & you get a quick lesson in how supply chain economics is having a direct impact on small businesses all over the US
A lack of glass and packaging materials (from the paper for labels to the crowns that sit on top of bottles) are also causing disruptions for liquor sellers. There are also new taxes imposed on European and Canadian products entering America.