New data from Spain suggests an interesting phenomenon. While so far, "case" numbers and deaths have varied from region to region, depending on climate and temperature (Spain has very different regions) the "case" numbers now no longer seem to care about that.
The summer "delta" wave of positive tests is synchronized across regions. This would suggest the current version of the virus pays no attention to seasonality, climate, geographical position. This supports the "more contagious" story.
But it is JUST THAT, because almost all of the cases have NO SYMPTOMS. There is no a tiny percentage of diagnosed "cases" where the "patient" actually has a symptom. And where there are, they are usually those of a cold. All this supports my theory:
Which is: nature knows what's it's doing. When we arrive at an almost harmless, endemic version of the virus, it is then made to spread very, very quickly in order to give immunity to everyone far and wide. It no longer pays attention to previous conditions like climate.
It really is a kind of natural medicine which provides immunity. That we are now developing "boosters" to stop THAT from happening, cannot be a good idea. And to conclude, let's look at excess mortality across Spain to see if we really have an emergency still.
There has been some excess death in Andalucia, which we'll have to analyze - might well be the heat wave, not covid. Nothing at all in Balearic Islands (where they like to quarantine healthy kids). Nothing in Cantabria (where they like vax passports). Nothing in Asturias.
Nothing in Catalunya, where they have closed restaurants indoors. No signal in Galicia, where they also like vax passports. No action at all in Valencia (where 99% STILL wear masks).
Nothing to write home about in Madrid, where they're also thinking about vax passports. The only region with significant excess death this summer is Andalucia, and we don't know right now if it is because of Covid or the heat wave.
Where is that health emergency again? Let us look once again at this image: Percentage of positive tests with symptoms. It's really getting tiny, isn't it. Which begs the question. If this delta wave is moving so fast and so many "catch" it, but have NO SYMPTOMS, then ...
on balance, what's more important? - STOP THE WAVE AT ALL COSTS to prevent one or two deaths? or - let if immunize our population for free, without the need for expensive meds, with unknown side effects?
Let me stress that this is only my idea and I probably know less than the Spanish government. Right?
They just bought another 136 million doses of vaccines. Repeat that with me. One-hundred-thirty-six doses.…
The population of Spain is 47 million and almost everyone has had their two doses already.
Viviendo en España, unas persona crítica y con ojos abiertos puede sentirse muy sola. Si viajamos a otras partes del mundo, vemos que no es así. Os traigo unos videos hoy. 1 Israel, protestando contra el regimen obsesionado con la vacunacion forzosa
The Truth about Delta and Immunity. (as I see it) Stole this graph off @FatEmperor . RED ARROW represents UK's covid problem, which is fading out and basically at 0. So, non-existant. YELLOW ARROW represents the coverage of the delta variant, remember it is the harmless ..1/
near-final stage of the virus, a variant which is covering the globe quickly and spreading immunity for free (better than any v****** could). Logically, the spread of immunity/harmless virus coincides with the end of the problem.
NOW imagine someone (a hapless politician..) 2/
... would mis-read this and assume that the yellow line represents the spread of YET ANOTHER, MORE DANGEROUS (BECAUSE SPREADING MORE QUICKLY) VIRUS VARIANT. Then let's add another one of our pretty arrows. That of PANIC. ...3/
Something is deeply wrong and it's manifesting itself in many terrifying ways. But I'm getting the feeling it's also the end of the old guard. They've overplayed their hand. They should've just vaccnatd the elderly, pretended LD saved the day, and taken the big check... 1/
But they had to get greedy and gamble and try to go for the big one. World wide vaccines for absolutely everybody and repeat customer every year. Biggest business of all time! 2/
Guys, you got away with it. To know when to quit is just as important as playing your hand right. But you couldn't leave it, could you. It tasted so sweet, you wanted more. The manufactured #COVID19 emergency could be over. LD and vacc beat it. The people did the rest! 3/
The TRUTH about Sars-Cov-2 Transmission. @DrZachBush is one of the leading experts and in this video explains what many have been suspected. Human-to-human transmission NOT the main factor. What does this mean for #masks#distancing etc.? All for nothing?
@DrZachBush Grab a bottle for 3H video, or read this *thread*:
"One liter of sea water can contain as many as 10^10 viruses. "
"There are 10^15 viruses in an adult human body."
"Viruses are everywhere &they are in us [...] &we know how to live in and around the virome.
"[We have] a ridiculous idea of how viruses travel around the world. - Belief that the spread [...] is based on human-to-human infections, when in fact we've known for a very long time that viruses have been travelling the globe long before the first airplane."
Actualización PANDEMIA en España. Hay una alarmante tendencia a la baja en mortalidad desde el principio del año. En este momento está habiendo MENOS FALLECIMIENTOS de la media. Como esta tendencia demuestra que no hay ninguna emergencia sanitaria 1/
y más alarmante aún, los hospitales no están saturados. La apartura de bares y restaurantes no ha habido ningún efecto. La mortalidad no sube, hagamos lo que hagamos. Repito, estamos ante una crisis. Si seguimos así y la gente hace vida normal, pronto se quitarán las mascaras! 2/
Por favor, esto es serio. Si seguimos con las #uci vacías, pronto nadie querrá vacunarse con vacunas experimentales. Nadie se someterá a la modificación genética... Pero ya hemos comprado las vacundas. Por eso os pido, por favor, quedaros con las #mascarillas puestas 3/
@J_Todenhoefer spent time with IS during the worst of the terrorist wars. He's not one to be taken lightly. In his book "Inside IS" he says one should never underestimate the level of incompetence in high political circles. 1/
This is in line with @jordanbpeterson in one of his latest interviews indicating just how many things would have to be true at the same time for the #trump election fraud allegations to be realistically possible to be true. These systems are complex 2/
If both statements are true and they might, this pretty much excludes a global conspiracy to turn out world into a Huxlean/Orwellian distopia. What, then, is happening? A chain of unfortunate events? 3/