The TRUTH about Sars-Cov-2 Transmission. @DrZachBush is one of the leading experts and in this video explains what many have been suspected. Human-to-human transmission NOT the main factor. What does this mean for #masks#distancing etc.? All for nothing?
@DrZachBush Grab a bottle for 3H video, or read this *thread*:
"One liter of sea water can contain as many as 10^10 viruses. "
"There are 10^15 viruses in an adult human body."
"Viruses are everywhere &they are in us [...] &we know how to live in and around the virome.
"[We have] a ridiculous idea of how viruses travel around the world. - Belief that the spread [...] is based on human-to-human infections, when in fact we've known for a very long time that viruses have been travelling the globe long before the first airplane."
"Viruses are travelling globally independent of human behaviour. Earlier in the process you can speed this process up."
About the idea that the virus came with a tourist on a plane:
"In the first couple of weeks, an airplane flight might slightly accelerate [the spread].
"The aerosols, the aerial spread, not the respiratory droplet spread, that you would see go 3 to 6 feet, that might be passed on an airplane or something [...], instead going [...] 1000s miles and moving at a rate that's pretty startling around the planet..."
" ...within weeks of our discovering the virus in the US, they were covering the entire planet.
We need to lose the belief that the virome is only passed from human to human. It's passed through the air that we breathe, it is independent of human breath that the virus will move.
"The virus will largely move based on air currents and the particulate in that air.
Evidence of airborne transmission of this Sars virus has been around for a very long time."
"It has been known for 16 years that these coronaviruses travel not through respiratory droplets but primarily through the aerosol method.
[...] airborne transmission of the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19 was concluded in May of 2020.
"Air travel cannot compete with the global transmission due to air currents and carbon particulate in the atmosphere.
Even though we were scientifically making these conclusions by May, it would take years to get this into a [...] public health response that makes sense."
On why even 'flyover states' were #covid hotspots:
"There is a relationship not to air travel but to air pollution and soil, water and air situations [...]that are going to predict those outcomes much better than air travel."
On the flawed view of "human vs. virus":
How many viruses are circulating in the blood stream of the general human population?
94 known viruses in 42% of participants. Including herpesviruses, HIV, hep C, hep C, and influenza virus. That viral information has been integrated."
On HIV and other "feared" viruses:
"We missed more than 90% of the population that have HIV integrated into their bloodstream.
We may be completely missing the boat on even the most feared viruses out there."
Retweet this thread and even better, watch and share the video by @DrZachBush if you think that this sheds new light on how virus transmission really works, or at least is worth exploring. And ask the question: With aerosol spread dominant instead of droplets, & air currents..
being the main reason for viral spread across the globe, how should be re-evaluate Travel Restrictions, Masks, Social Distancing, and all the other Human Rights Violations that have occurred? Are they all based on a theory of viral transmission that's long been overhauled?
Also read this article - oldie but goldie -… about how we overstated the role of humans and peer-to-peer transmission. We made it all about us! That's how narcissistic we are. Humans are only one tiny piece of the puzzle.
Actualización PANDEMIA en España. Hay una alarmante tendencia a la baja en mortalidad desde el principio del año. En este momento está habiendo MENOS FALLECIMIENTOS de la media. Como esta tendencia demuestra que no hay ninguna emergencia sanitaria 1/
y más alarmante aún, los hospitales no están saturados. La apartura de bares y restaurantes no ha habido ningún efecto. La mortalidad no sube, hagamos lo que hagamos. Repito, estamos ante una crisis. Si seguimos así y la gente hace vida normal, pronto se quitarán las mascaras! 2/
Por favor, esto es serio. Si seguimos con las #uci vacías, pronto nadie querrá vacunarse con vacunas experimentales. Nadie se someterá a la modificación genética... Pero ya hemos comprado las vacundas. Por eso os pido, por favor, quedaros con las #mascarillas puestas 3/
@J_Todenhoefer spent time with IS during the worst of the terrorist wars. He's not one to be taken lightly. In his book "Inside IS" he says one should never underestimate the level of incompetence in high political circles. 1/
This is in line with @jordanbpeterson in one of his latest interviews indicating just how many things would have to be true at the same time for the #trump election fraud allegations to be realistically possible to be true. These systems are complex 2/
If both statements are true and they might, this pretty much excludes a global conspiracy to turn out world into a Huxlean/Orwellian distopia. What, then, is happening? A chain of unfortunate events? 3/
INFORME VACUNA - Ponermela o no ponermela?? Este es el gran tema de hoy - os hago un breve resumen de lo que todos tenéis que saber, para tomar esa importante decisión, si vacunaros o no! 1/
Primero, quiero destacar que es la decisión personal de cada uno si se pone la vacuna o no. Esta es también la resolución del Consejo de Europa, en este documento, donde recomienda, en punto 7.3.1. "informar [...] que la vacunación NO es obligatoria" 2/…
Segundo, es importante saber que las vacunas no han sido aprobadas, pero solo se pueden utilizar excepcionalmente, dada la "urgencia" de la situación. Es una autorización solo para emergencias. Los que se vacunan con Pfitzer, por ejemplo, reciben el siguiente documento 3/
Hoy, amigos, para celebrar que ya llevamos un año de Pánico #COVID19 , hoy os traigo un resumen, fácil de entender, de los principales puntos que tenéis que saber sobre #SARSCoV2 , para así compartir con vuestros amigos y enemigos 1/
Estas son las probabilidades de sobrevivir al virus, si es que os infectáis, según vuestra edad:
La probabilidad de que la cosa salga mal es mucho mayor si vivís en una ciudad o en una zona con mucha contaminación, si tomáis mucha medicación o si en general, no tenéis buena salud.……
Antes la posibilidad de la "cuarta ola", solo queria recorder, que, da igual donde vivis en España, es probable que solo hayais tenido una (1)! Recordemos que cada region de España, debido a su geografía, ha tenido una evolución u otra, pero siempre siguiendo una lógica... 1/
"Pero dicen que hemos tenido tres olas, en la tele!". Pues, es un artefacto, cuando ponemos una region encima de otra, voila! - aqui esta este grafico que tanto les gusta mostrar en la tele... la cuarta ola? donde se producira? 2/
Mi apuesta seria, una de esas regiones, donde no se ha producido ningun exceso de mortalidad en todo un año (sorry a los que habeis estado en confinamiento, por algo que aun no ha llegado) ... no se "salvará" nadie, la idea es que el virus llegue a todas partes 3/
Es lo mismo que un #lockdown? Sirve? Tiene efectos secundarios? Es moralmente justificable? Todo eso lo analizamos. Os dejo fotos...
Mirad fotos y preguntad: "Es un #confinamiento los mismo que un #lockdown?" Pues, NO! No, no y no! Cuando en marzo se encerró a los espanoles en sus casas, había miedo del virus. Pero yo pronto supe que algo iba muy mal. Cuando se puede encerrar a sus ciudadanos en sus casas...
.. ninos y todo-y no dejar salir-y nadie dice nada-y por cierto, "seria bonito si a las 9 de la noche todos salierais a aplaudir", sabía que ALGO IBA MAL.
Comparamos confinamiento Espana con otros paises.
Espana: NO SALIR LOS NINOS. NO HACER DEPORTE. Encerrados en casa x meses..