I will continue to do my pro bono weekend car identification here as a community service. The DCIDS Substack site is for the very best of that content, organized by topic, with extra history & patter from me. Think of it as my book, with a couple of new chapters every week.
as an aside, car IDing is increasingly the main (or only) reason I'm still on Twitter. It makes me happy, and seems to make other people happy regardless of their politics. A shit-ton more personal satisfaction than dishing out a viral sick burn or whatnot.
ah, I see you have cleverly chosen to slip the maitre 'd a bribe as a member of my erudite and handsome subscriber community, and so sir you shall receive prompt table service. Dad and Grandma are with a 1949-50 Nash Ambassador 4 door sedan.
Today's episode of #DavesCarIDService is brought to you by the all new 1952 Dodge Coronet. Bring your friends to your local Dodge dealer and take one out for the blindfold test!
*yes, it's a parody, but based on a real Dodge ad.
As we begin our Sunday services, let us car ID seekers open our hymnals to page one and join in the old familiar I Will Follow Thy Guidelines Dave:
I would pay good money for some woke grievance studies major from Ithaca College to go into Jesse Colunga's lowrider shop in East Austin and explain that they're now all Latinxes
Properly understood, this is a modern day version of colonialism / cultural imperialism, plied by a priestly caste imposing proper language on the benighted natives over whom they assume reign. The Woke Man's Burden, if you will.
By my count I've got Executive, Legislative, Judicial, CDC, Twitter, Randi Weingarten, Amtrak, NPR, and Hair Club For Men, let me know if I'm forgetting anyone
If they ever do a reboot of Schoolhouse Rock, it's gonna be really fucking complicated