After a two-decade war in Afghanistan that ravaged through every village, leaving no family unscathed, US military forces abruptly left, leaving an ill-equipped Afghanistan to its own devices.
This is the last of a long list of foreign military forces present who in addition to “ensuring safety”, have killed countless civilians during violent night-time raids, predator drone strikes and other military operations for which investigations will never see the light of day.
In the last weeks, the Taliban have swept through dozens of districts, conquering vast areas and now control over half of the country. Internally displaced civilians have started crowding in cities, exacerbating existing issues of unemployment, hunger and lack of medical aid.
Displacement—internal and external—and migration due to war are not hypothetical: it is already a reality for thousands of families. The Afghan government is incapable of tending to the needs of people already on the move to escape violence and European governments are unwilling.
This is not an issue far removed from us. For years, countries in which we live have been militarily involved in Afghanistan, (mis)leading asymmetric warfare that impacted the lives of millions of Afghans. We are deeply intertwined with this issue and must speak up.
⚖️ Demands
1. We demand an immediate EU-wide ban on all deportations. While Germany stopped deporting directly to Afghanistan, via Turkey Afghan nationals are still being deported from Germany. In the current climate, this amounts to a death sentence.
2. We stand in solidarity with people of Afghan origin, and demand German family reunification laws be made accessible to more family members and that the procedure is accelerated.
3. We demand an end to the EU’s detention of people in inhumane camps at its borders with no access to basic amenities or freedom of movement.
4. We demand an end to the EU’s policies of illegal pushbacks at its borders, which is intended to prevent people from seeking asylum.
5. We demand that the EU facilitate the movement of people at risk across the continent to access immediate protection.
6. We call on all Jewish organisations to join us in our condemnation of deportations of people to Afghanistan.
“For you too once were strangers in your own land...”
In Afghanistan herrscht seit zwei Jahrzehnten ein Krieg, der jedes Dorf verwüstet und keine Familie verschont hat. Nun sind die US-Militärs abrupt abgezogen und haben ein schlecht ausgerüstetes Afghanistan sich selbst überlassen.
Diese letzten ausländischen Streitkräfte im Land haben nicht nur für "Sicherheit" gesorgt, sondern auch zahllose Zivilist*innen bei gewaltsamen nächtlichen Razzien, Drohnenangriffen und anderen Militäroperationen getötet...
...Ermittlungen zu diesen Tötungen werden nie das Licht der Welt erblicken.
Bei einer von der @vvn_bda und der @AntifaNordOst organisierten Gedenkfeier haben wir mit einigen Worten beschrieben, was Esther Bejerano für uns bedeutet.
Ich stehe hier als des jüdischen Bund Berlin - wir sind Jüdinnen und Juden aus unterschiedlichen Ländern, die Berlin ihr Zuhause nennen, und sich berufen auf subversive jüdische Traditionen von heute, gestern und morgen.
Viele von uns sind Nachkommen von Shoah Überlebenden. So wie Esther Bejarano, waren wir nicht dazu bestimmt zu überleben, v.a. nicht in diesem Land und so wie Esther lassen wir uns nicht zum Schweigen bringen.
The @JewishBund stands in solidarity with the Herero and Nama people in their rejection of Germany’s reconciliation deal with #Namibia...
Between 1884 and 1918, the German empire progressively dispossessed the Herero and Nama people of their lands...
used their bodies for scientific experimentation, and by 1908 had murdered thousands in brutal concentration camps. This was the Herero and Nama genocide – the effects of which linger on in Namibia, in Germany, and beyond today.
For almost a century the reign of white supremacy has actively silenced this history in Germany – it has been totally unrecognised, rarely spoken of, left unanswered for.
Our speech for the Nakba Day Demonstration organized by @PalestinSpricht in Berlin, Germany last #b1505
We are here today as the Berlin Jewish Bund; we are Jews of different origins and backgrounds; German Jews, Russian Jews, Israeli Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and Mizrahi Jews.
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian community and protest the ongoing Nakba, the massacres, and the inconceivable violence done in our names.
On 1st of May 2021, a demonstration organized by a migrant-led revolutionary left coalition took place in Berlin-Neukölln. It was the largest migrant-led International Worker's Day demonstration in years.
As the revolutionaere Bündnis behind it took form, bringing different migrant/minority groups of the city together, we, the @JewishBund saw it as a unique and invaluable opportunity to join the mobilization as a group working from a radical Jewish left tradition.
Historically May 1st events in Kreuzberg included unregistered demonstrations as one of their main junctures, this year's Revolutionäre 1 Mai demonstration was specifically registered with the authorities,
We are invoking our Bundist history, because the anti-capitalist and internationalist class struggle remains just as relevant today as it did in 1897. The Jewish Bund is one of many examples of a proud history of revolutionary Jewish socialist, feminist and anti-colonial politics
This radical tradition has shaped much of our Jewish history, wherever we were based: from Russia to Iraq, from Germany to Morocco, and in Palestine, too — be it the revolutionaries of Matzpen or the Mizrahi Black Panthers.
Wherever we live — is our homeland: our histories and lived experiences don’t exist simply to conform to the narratives and agendas of the nations and states we live in.