AndyHS Profile picture
19 Aug, 144 tweets, 38 min read
August 19,2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the continued Club One Casino item; Sonnenblick Development of Selland Arena Workshop;Sierra Sky Park parking of aircraft on public streets NOTE:CLOSED Session item regarding lawsuit from Sky Park homeowners;
Workshop on Community Benefits Fund. @fresnoland #Fresno Image
Among the Consent Calendar items: CONSENT CALENDAR
1-J ****Designating the City Manager as the signature authority for all City-owned properties to be included in the Downtown Fresno Property Business Improvement District..
Sponsors: Economic Development Department ImageImageImage
1-L ***Approve the reappointment of Paul Halajian, and Jason Hatwig to the Historic Preservation Commission, and approve the re-appointment of Michael McDonald to the Civil Service Board ImageImageImage
1-M Approve the reappointment of Caine Christensen to the Fresno Housing Authority.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor and City Manager
1-N *Approve Project-Specific Tax Sharing Agreement Between the City of Fresno and the County of Fresno Regarding Dakota Hayes No. 4 Reorganization ImageImageImage
***RESOLUTION - Adopting submission of Substantial Amendment 2020-02 to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to program $1,159,704.42 in
program income from the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto
1-P Actions pertaining to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program:
1. ***RESOLUTION – Adopting the 3rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178 Appropriating $150,000 for the City of Fresno Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program
2. Approve a consultant services agreement with LSA Assoc, Inc., for professional environmental planning& fiscal analysis services related to the development of a Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Program in the amount of $269,157.73 with a contingency in amount of $29,472.38
On June 25, 2020, the City Council adopted new Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines pursuant to California Senate Bill 743. The City’s guidelines align with the Fresno Council of Government’s VMT Guidelines, enabling shared use of
VMT screening maps and analysis tools. The staff now are seeking to hire a consultant to help establish and implement a VMT Mitigation Program to include analysis of mitigation measures, nexus study, mitigation fee, and analysis of the staff-developed Urban Design Calculator.
*1-S ID 21-23175 Reject all proposals for annual tree trimming (Bid File 9534 Image
*1-BB Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Semi-Annual Report (October 2020 through March 2021) (Citywide)
Sponsors: Public Works Department. @mmwpro63 ImageImage
1-CC Approve an agreement with Wallace, Roberts and Todd, Inc., in the amount of $552,090 with a $50,000 contingency for Planning Services related to Measure P Implementation, including an update of the Parks Master Plan.
Sponsors: Public Works Department, Parks, After School
and Recreation, and Community Services Department. @sarahparkes09
1-DD – Allocating a portion of card room gross revenue permit fees for specific purposes (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Sponsors Councilmember Maxwell

1-FF Award of Contract for Redistricting Outreach Services to one of the following: Imprenta
Communications Group or Tripepi Smith.
1-GG Approve Request for Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Owner Participation
Agreement by Broadway Plaza Family Apartments LP related to the residential project at 1241-1263
Broadway Mall, commonly known as Hotel Fresno

which will extend the Project’s construction
completion date for a six-month
period from July 31, 2021 to January 31, 2022 and provide an additional extension of time equal to the
number of days from August 1, 2021, until specified outstanding permits are approved by the City of
Fresno (City).
Important Sounding Items on Closed Session:ID 21-23140 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54956.8;
Property: APN 468-400-54T Negotiating Parties: City Manager Esqueda, Sonneblick Development
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of sale
D 21-23182 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2) Significant Exposure to Litigation: Lexington Ins. Co., subrogee for County of Fresno, In re Congo Alley v. City of Fresno, Risk Management Claim No. 2018039110
5-D 21-23194 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
Significant Exposure to Litigation: Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability v. City of Fresno
Sponsors: City Attorney's Office
5-E ID 21-23207 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
Significant Exposure to Litigation: Sierra Sky-Park Property Owners Association v. City of Fresno
ID 21-23208 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-POTENTIAL LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2):
City of Fresno v. Universal Church, Inc. (Hardy Theater). Sponsor: City Attorney’s Office
Sponsors: City Attorney's Office
5-D 21-23216 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8
Property: APN 468-282-05T, 468-282-22T, 468-282-23T (South Stadium)
Negotiating Parties: Executive Director Murphey, Noyan Frazier Capital, L.P.
Under Negotiations: Terms of sale
Watch Council meeting live at 9 am
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Thank you @uSparkValley for the shout out! ImageImage
All Councilmembers present and in person. Rev. Wesley Johnson from Wesley United Methodist Church with invocation. "I am a new Fresnan and was very appreciative to work with @Maxwell4Fresno this past Saturday." City Hall closed to public but can comment via Zoom.
Special meeting regarding old UMC property as part of Surplus Land Grant. 2-C removed with no future return date. Arias and Karbassi pull many items to contested consent.1-E, F, C,N,S,AA,DD,FF, .1-I by Bredefeld. Karbassi pulled VMT item.Chavez recuses himself from UMC item due
to him living close by the property. 1:30 pm Esparza:Wants to eliminate council discussion and informational only. Approved.Soria:recuses her self from a few items. 2-C, 1-L and 1-W removed to a date uncertain.1-E to a Future certain date.
Council will delay reception for *Proclamation for "Major Nhia Long Vang" due to Delta Variant. Will honor him today as well. He was a pilot in Secret War in Laos.Chavez:he came to USA & has been successful. Hmong is taught now in schools, elementary school named after General
Vang Pao. Bilingual sign on Kings Canyon with huge Hmong New Year celebration. @MayorJerryDyer known him from 25 years. Vang helped rescue our soldiers and he stressed education in our youth too. Image
Major on Zoom (translated from Hmong language)
(Long speech)."thanks Mayor/council as well as Jim Costa, Joaquin Arambula and Jim Patterson.Former Councilman Blong Xiong is present with Major too.Future belongs to everyone in USA. Hmong have many leaders around the state that contributes to USA.Vang Pao and myself recruited
by CIA. Some of us were 10 years old and fought in Secret War.Someday students will learn about Hmong people and Secret War and a national holiday celebrating the Hmong people. Time to pave future for all kids.We have been here 40 years and we are not leaving.Lists several Hmong
leaders that have contributed America.Need a holiday so we can learn Hmong history like we do with MLK,jr.Work is never done as Fresno is a poor city and bad air quality.Thanks Dyer and past mayors for supporting Hmong veterans." Chavez thanks Major.
*Proclamation of American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month
Sponsors: Councilmember Arias, Council Vice President Esparza, Councilmember Soria, Councilmember Maxwell Image
Arias:20,000 Muslims in Fresno.Contributed to food , mask, and vaccinations during Covid pandemic.However they have been harassed.@D7Esparza Thanks @sukaina_h22 from CARE.Rich history in USA. Fresno has 4 mosques. We want to honor them for always working for peace.
@Maxwell4Fresno We have had an outstanding commitment from the Mosques such as that across from Fresno State.@sukaina_h22 We honored to be here. 30% enslaved Africans were Muslims.Diverse mosques in Fresno and diverse careers.We date back to farmworkers. First farmworker killed
was a muslim. Interfaith partnerships in Fresno now occurs. Mosques are a community hub and strive to make it safe during the pandemic. CAIR works hard to help muslim community with engagement. Image
This resolution is a stepping stone as we work to make this a better place for all people.
Council Reports:Soria: Inspiration Park has EV Charging stations but not energized yet.Arias also wants to know about EV station vandalized in Downtown. Staff: part needs to be repaired at Park. Downtown chargers were repaired on Tulare but got vandalized again.
Soria:Tuesday I got a tour of Link the newest affordable housing at Blackstone/McKinley. Demonstrates the need for infill along transportation corridors.A small Senior Center going in at the Link. Clinica Sierra Vista will go in as well.Building amenities near by is important
especially for those without a car.$3M in infrastructure resulted with this. This took 5 years. It is long time to build. 2015 I started with this idea.3 years to secure funding. 2 to get through construction piece.We need to build market rate and affordable housing in Fresno.
Tenants are now starting to move in. tour will occur in Fall for public. I am proud that 88 families will now be able to move in. Heaton Elementary has had a tough time as many transient students as family looks for permanent housing.This will help. @kmkarbassi It will be two
years since I was sworn in. He thanks @BalderramaPaco and PD for all they do. The Hmong Major faced Oppression from Communism.Armenians faced similar . We now have same in Afghanistan. Hopefully we can open our hearts and community for those Afghans.Arias:Thanks Mayor for clean
up help.Encampment residents only 3 accepted housing of the 30. After we spent all the money fixing up motels and provided services. We can't force them. We put up fencing and next day fencing was stolen.New fencing is back. We need a broader conversation of those
that refuse to accept treatment and housing. Tree Trimming in District 3 has made his constituents are happy that it is being done after 40 years. Staff:Yes more PD patrols in Motel Drive.@BalderramaPaco We are doing overtime shifts. Since we are thin in staff we have all over-
time covered but tough. Arias:informs Mayor Arias has been asking for commercial compactors in downtown Fresno. It will make it cleaner. Sacramento has figured out.So we can too. North Fresno has those at shopping centers. Arias kept promise to be polite and nice
@Maxwell4Fresno Thanks Dyer for cleanup at El Dorado. He was there every Saturday and leading the charge. Thanks @MarkStandriff and Jackie Holmes and Wesley United Methodist Church. I also got a tour of CSI building after Chief did some work to it.Fresno State ASI had me there to
meet them. Trinity Lutheran helped with Vaccinations along with Boy Scout Troop.Thanks all that helped with Beat the Heat event this Summer.My staff like @kherfan_nabil , Laura and interns were very helpful.Where are we with hiring new Parks director he asks City
manager. Staff: We are in middle of recruitment. Also we are close to WiFi on buses in 2 weeks.@GarryBredefeld A medical freedom rally. Nurses and Teachers who were heros last year but now being forced to have government to get vaccinated. Many were vaccinated but don't want to
be forced. Hopefully next time my colleagues will join me. Also requirement for City Employees have to vaccinated or be tested. Questions:who will be doing testing? Even vaccinated can get covid. Why are they not being tested? how accurate is testing? If I get vaccinated but
still get covid will city cover any costs? If I decline testing will my job be on the line? (these are all employee questions) Sacramento Fire Dept are reluctant to get vaccinations. Staff:can you sent those questions so we can put together a Q/A. PERB says it is not part of meet
and confer. Unions may sue on that. Employee who doesn't want vaccination and testing will be disciplined. If they have health or religious excemptions than we will work through it. Termination is last result.Bredefeld:Chambers are closed today. We are only government agency
closed. Last meeting we had many people who spoke in favor of Club One Casino. We ended up wasting two weeks and now will vote on that item but public cannot come.Zoom is not the same.Thanks PD Chief for all that he does in reducing violence. I know Chief's hands are tied.
@D7Esparza National Night Out occurred at several sites in District 7. where are we with budget approved two man cleaning crew for District 7? Manchester Center was hub for Community Clean Up was terrific.Items include City expressing interest to Fresno County using Surplus
Land Act.Chavez:Thanks for all clean up in District 5. He wants to demonstrate politeness to Arias.@MayorJerryDyer Thanks Maxwell for putting me in the dunk tank. Met with President Biden on infrastructure package. One of 2 mayors. We are hub for High Speed Rail and electric bus
and airport expansion.These will all help with cleaning our poor air quality. These will all bring good paying jobs.Next topic: Starting with clean up and red curb painting as well as tree trimming.Thanks staff.Also thanks Chief and PD for arresting gangmembers.
I believe gang violence will begin to plummet. City Attorney: Closed Session items include UMC property. Soria will recuse herself on some items and Chavez on UMC item.Council heads to Closed Session now. (Unsure how long that will take) Contested Agenda afterwards.
UPDATE:Interim City Clerk Brianna Parra announces Council will break for Lunch Recess and be back at 1:30 pm (it is 11:57 )
1:33 PM Council returns. Will be Public comments on Closed Session items. Charles: on Sierra Sky Park item. Lack of access and parking especially lot 45.This is a significant loss of history if it goes through.Unique to this community.Vicky Westburg:Herndon/Brawley was in the
flight pattern and resulted in a lawsuit. Sierra Sky Park has to be protected. This area has been historically protected. @LovesMercy Brandi:Arias spoke on homeless who didn't want shelter. They do want permanent housing not temporary shelter. Has Arias asked them what they need
Focused on just one encampment. Some reasons:Couples put into singles only; recovered addicts put in with active drug users.Overcrowded. Don't draw premature conclusions. Next:Christina Olleg:withe Central Valley air (?)EIR from industry. Conflicts as less community engagement.
Chavez:Sky Park item will be right after Contested Consent. Dez Martinez:100s displaced from one spot and told to go to 180 as State wasn't enforcing.This put people from different backgrounds together.Some put different gang members together.@LisaYFlores1 Cost of photo op for
DA Smittcamp's daughter? There was 6 cops and helicopter for a few kids handing out first aid kits. Was DA on clock? How did these people with privilege get these tax dollars? Thanks City Hall for shutting down Chambers. All employees need vaccinations. The councilmember that
continues to say this is freedom but also peddling death. Next:Debbie Nard:Sky Park:It is an historical asset.Works with many scouts,STEM and low income students.Fresno has something to be proud of. Vote needs to be delayed as a settlement is close. @IamEricPayne
Central Valley Urban Institute I would like a delay of I-W. People need to be at table. A diverse pool of applicants.Next:COG item.FAX route near Garza High Schools but has been told by FAX that is up to schools to provide transportation. Low income of colors are hurt.
Gaston and Edison need it too. Contested Consent:1-F Actions pertaining to a solar and energy storage project at the Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (Council District 4):
Arias: I need to talk to staff still. Postponed to another date.
1-I RESOLUTION – Adopting the 2nd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178 appropriating $25,000 for administration of the Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative Grant (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Bredefeld:Known Barriers? Staff:
during pandemic some people who were technologically disadvantaged couldn't meet with us in person.Work with tech interns from @BitwiseInd Need better language support.Racial Equity Metrics are demographics so we can know impact.Bredefeld:do you know if minorities are
those who have technological barriers?Staff:from our observations. Often language barrier were Spanish speaking. It will help us in future if another shutdown like pandemic. Soria:where does data come from?Staff:we don't get full outlook from city's data. We can tell alot by what
browser people use etc.Bitwise will make us smarter on using that data. $25,000 for planning phase. Up to $75,000 to implement. National League of Cities will monitor it. One of only 8 cities in California. Approved
1-J ****Designating the City Manager as the signature authority for all City-owned properties to be included in the Downtown Fresno Property Business Improvement District..
Sponsors: Economic Development Department
Arias: i will approve knowing corrections will be made
1-M Approve the reappointment of Caine Christensen to the Fresno Housing Authority.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor and City Manager
Arias: motion to continue to September 2
1-N *Approve Project-Specific Tax Sharing Agreement Between the City of Fresno and the County of Fresno Regarding Dakota Hayes No. 4 Reorganization Arias:any update with County negotiations? Staff: not yet. Arias:elementary school doesn't have sidewalks. City takes brunt of com-
-plaints but I would like to sit down with developer. Also will these new roads take money from existing roads? Arias would like a week to sit with developer.Soria:County is off the hook as homeowner will take the brunt of costs.When we approve growth in the periphery it is often
at inner city's expense. We need more housing but county doesn't charge enough for PD etc so it causes homeowner to cover it as County doesn't give City fair share.Is this how we are going to do business in Fresno? Arias: a presentation in that area would be bene-
-ficial to us and public.Soria:upfront costs as well as ongoing maintenance. I will have to take a way from other neighborhoods to fund this one as not enough money is being shared.Arias:this stand alone item will set template for future stand alone as we still don't have a share
agreement with County. Once a development is built that is less for existing structures. @MayorJerryDyer Agreement with County expired last year. We don't think the 62% the county keeps is fair. We end up holding developers hostage. We may lose this housing project. We are work-
-ing on two CFDs. We are building two Ashlans. I am as frustrated as Council on lack of tax sharing agreement . Used to be a 50-50 agreement but it got renegotiated.Not good for us.We lose at the 38 % level. We could lose it to developers.Arias:County are being cowards. They send
all the angry parents to us. They have armed sheriffs at their building. Chavez:County has every penny accounted for. This is not currently showing us as a team with County.This will be very challenging. Housing crisis is here.Arias: What are we going to do with all those feeder
streets west of 99? Esparza:County is taking a hard line. District 7 is landlocked and won't further subsidizing periphery. Do we put it on home buyers? Already hot market and high costs. Bredefeld: it was approved by Planning Commission.Developer Fanuchi made concessions Soria
made. This reminds me of last meeting where we asked Club One Casino to get more community outreach. Not fair to hold this developer hostage. County doesn't give its fair share yes that is true. Need a tough stance with County.Arias: it is hard to hear the complaints from those
west of 99 with this leapfrog developments. It took Fanuchi awhile to approve traffic signallights that were required. I would like to see a list of when this developer is going to do such and such so I can tell my constituents when they call.Soria:isn't fair developer was caught
in the crossfire with County.Future homeowners will be charged twice.@kmkarbassi Tax sharing. Cost of homes. Maintaining infrastructure. We will have these one offs for awhile. Some neighborhoods pay more but get more benefits because of it. I think all neighborhoods need that.
Public Works Scott Mozier:We have some west of 99 roads fully funded and some are under design.West Side Specific Plan should be here in 12 months and that will include Mello-Roos.Dyer: we plan on Mello-Roos. I hope this is the last one off agreement.I think 90 days we will have
a tax sharing agreement.Approved 7-0 1-P Actions pertaining to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program. Karbassi pulled this.I think we may have a solution with Pinedale health clinic. Why are we having VMT problem? Planner Sophia P. Program doesn't want to target
projects like this. If mitigation is needed but City doesn't have a fully developed VMT mitigation. Soria: will transit help with mitigation?Sophia:sticking to capital projects and not programs. Prefer one time payment for infrastructure.
Soria: how can we leverage Measure C renewal? Karbassi:if we could not make an exemption developer may have to raise costs. We are very car friendly community. Bredefeld:mitigation fee? Sophia:we don't no the costs yet. Reduce vehicles miles traveled in the area. Doesn't have to
be done in that specific development but as a region.Bredefeld: is this from senate bill?YES. Bredefeld: Sacramento loves to create fees.Makes sense to build shopping centers near residents but not taxing vehicles traveled. Karbassi: it doesn't makes sense because Sacramento made
it. Approved with Bredefeld voting NO.*1-S ID 21-23175 Reject all proposals for annual tree trimming (Bid File 9534)
Scott Mozier: we are redoing it and get it out to bid again.We do have crews working on emergency items while this is being re-worked.Approved
1-AA Authorizing Submission of Applications for Grant Funds From the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Call for Projects from the Fresno Council of Governments and Authorizing the Execution Approved
1-DD – Allocating a portion of card room gross revenue permit fees for specific purposes (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Sponsors: Councilmember Maxwell( Soria recuses). Arias would like it raised to 50% A regional hubs like an airport those around it get mitigations like windows. We
need similar for neighborhoods around these regional attraction. Maxwell: this has to be publicly owned property. When a company makes profits often they need to be used for impacts given to neighbors.This will allow neighbors to get some benefit. Arias: was 12% and I want 50%.
Chavez: what will be this used for? Arias: Super Bowl/New Years can bring cars into neighborhoods but we need to provide clean up just like we do for airports, dispensaries.Chavez:12% is fine. Measure P will provide money but should we get 50% for Fancher Creek Shopping Center?
White: can this be used for things like roads? Attorney Sloan:maybe a road into a park perhaps.Bredefeld:What is criteria for putting something on Consent?Sloan: President's approval only. Used to be if it was not controversial or below a certain cost. Maxwell: Club One was for
30 years surrounded by commercial area. Bredefeld: is there a community center we are protecting? Maxwell: not there yet. Perhaps in future. I thought 12% was a fair amount.Enough to build a decent park.A charge to get into Granite Park so they wouldn't be able to get this money
Bredefeld: Granite Park could in the future not charge a cost. DA Smittcamp has asked any vote be delayed on Granite Park due to investigation into possible Brown Act Violations. Slippery slope. Should River Park skim 12% off . Why not liquor stores to pay for PD? This fails on
so many ways. It looks like this will be used for Terence Frazier. I will vote NO. Arias:Neighbors should get some help from burden caused by regional attraction. Karbassi: why 50%? why not 12%, 72% 300%? Maxwell: we may by additional property in that area so it is not just
Granite Park. Arias: I can go down to 25%. Karbassi:Granite Park can get Measure P money. Can we put a carve out that Granite Park can't have it? Maxwell: we won't know who may operate Granite Park in 10 years.Approved 6-1 Bredefeld NO
Two minute break at Council before attacking rest of items.
2-F ******Workshop – Presentation from Sonnenblick Development, Selland Arena Property
Sponsors: Councilmember Maxwell, Council Vice President Esparza ImageImageImage
Palm Desert project is identical to size of Selland. ImageImageImage
We think Live Nation would do a better job as a private firm than city running it. ImageImageImage
They are based in So Cal and Nor Cal but a void in Cen Cal. To have a stop here fills a gap for their business model. Normal year could be 200 nights a year. We would want to keep local events as well during the day or on Wednesdays. Soccer, wrestling as well as concerts , circus
We have a strong interest. We are ready now to fill RFP. . We are interested in Saroyan too. We have also been actively working around Chuckchansi with affordable apartments around it. Arias: this is brand new process where we have developers present in public. Had me at Live
Nation. Chavez: Bredefeld wants to have Bruno Mars. This is a workshop only so no public comments. 2-D *******Actions pertaining to Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application:
1. CONTINUED HEARING to consider the Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application on Aug
2. RESOLUTION – Granting a Card Room Permit to Club One Casino, Inc pursuant to the City of Fresno Card Room Ordinance
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager

Maxwell: how did outreach go? ImageImageImage
@gregorybarfield door to door canvassing within 1/3 Mile From casino. Did zoom and in person and largest concern wasn’t Club One it was Boots in the Park. Neighbors in the north especially. We had a good dialogue. Club One is more a card room than a tribal casino. We have agreed ImageImage
to have quarterly meetings. @Maxwell4Fresno thanks club one owner Kirkland for doing the outreach. Kirkland: we agree we could have done more with outreach. We met with leaders of both churches. St James asked if we would help with a gambling addiction program did.
Alcohol CUP is still pending. Maxwell: I know the outreach was important to those neighbors such as the churches that have been there 50 years.They will like to know you are here for the long term and run a tight ship. I would like to grant him 5 more card tables more than he was
asking for so he can start hiring staff. If he can show the community he has heard the neighbors concerns and after a certain amount of time consider more tables then. Bredefeld:Kirkland has always ran a good operation. Unfortunate we didn't approve this at last meting and that
a show for council. I don't think it has ever been done where the City Manager had to do outreach. Maxwell: I needed to hear that the concerns of the neighbors were heard. I was not legally allowed to have hearings. Attorney Sloan agrees. Bredefeld: he could not have meetings 3
meetings? White: public meetings by council may not happen due to quasi judicial. It is then left to developers like Kirkland. Kirkland set the bar high for others. Maxwell: in person is more important than op eds.Barfield:Boots in the Park was first concert after State reopened.
50% of those neighbors were concerned about Boots in the Park over Club One. Arias: I hope this is the new standard for outreach.Delays are often part of the process like with Sky Park. Chavez:How much does City get? A: $1 million.9%-13% 51 tables to get that.49 tables since 2003
Charitable events need to have 51 tables. We have space next door to add those additional tables.We are new to area but not a new card room.Chavez: if we do the 30 tables but that limits the revenue. We can't pass the 21 other tables to another casino. Maxwell: if they are a good
operator we can give him the other 21. They still need ABC license so still ramping up. Karbassi:how many employees with 30? A:170. 51 is 280-300 because we can do the big events that draws from surrounding areas. Our competitors like tribal casinos and card rooms would be cele-
-brating if they heard this discussion. It is a different project without 51 tables. I am President of California Gaming Association. Two hurdles to get more tables in the area at State and Tribal levels. We have cleaned area around Granite Park and added security.Karbassi: I
am in support of 12%. He is a good businessman. Maxwell: i want to see how he is in the neighborhood before adding the additional 21 tables. We are heading into a Delta Variant and we probably don't want to crowd people inside 51 tables. Would it help if I added a date certain to
hear about adding more tables. Barfield: we would be asking him to add and resubmit.Council goes on break.
They are back 5:12. Public:I had removed card tables from other casinos in the past. There are provisions to do that if need be. Other public in favor of Club One. Motion to have 31 tables for now but not to charge Club One twice. Nothing else will be need to be submitted.
We will come back in 90 days to vote on the remainder of the vote. Bredefeld: This is an outrage. 30 years of good business and we have to wait 90 days. We are effecting 100s of jobs but we can't on a whim. I am not trying to cuss. We have a councilmember who has never worked
in private sector but chose to only add 30 tables on a whim. I want to apologize to Kirkland. The stupidity of the other councilmembers to follow him around like a lapdog. Karbassi: reality is we are in a democracy. We try to help the councilmember who will take the most fallout
from his constituents.I have no doubt we will be approving the full number of tables in 90 days. I thank Maxwell for standing up for his constituents. Arias:many of us up here have had businesses. But we look at every item carefully on its merit. When a business that has been
downtown for 25 years we would need to go through a process.Dyer: I respect Maxwell's advocacy for his District. I hope in 90 days this will be a formality. I have never heard one impropriety when Club One was Downtown.But this is a Council decision. This is a win win. There is
a good chance this will be full house when those 51 tables are open. Approved 6-1 with Bredefeld voting No.2-E HEARING to consider the vacation of a portion North Doolittle Drive between West Spaatz Avenue
and West Herndon Avenue (Council District 2)
1. ***RESOLUTION – Ordering
the vacation of a portion North Doolittle Drive between West Spaatz
Avenue and West Herndon Avenue (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) Karbassi: We want to retain the preserve this site. I think people will see we have kept access to all lots.
People were concerned of commercial was added. We will put a round about to stop speeders. Dirt road will be paved to Limit dirt and rocks. Most of lots are County. ImageImageImage
We can still have events there and actually make it easier for them to do so. Motion to approve: public:John York: former Air Force pilot. Sky Park is iconic. I strongly urge council to deny or postpone to reach a compromise. Area in question is where the planes fly in to mentor
Youth. If visiting planes can’t park than youth cannot be mentored. Tamera Tridade: new resident of Sky Park. Lots of events. We have tried to work. Helen McJunkin:coordinated flights for young Eagles. This modification would end that. Ulysses Caiati: these changes would be
Devastating. Item Needs to be postponed or removed completely. What Karbassi proposes looks good but we need to look at it more. John Kinsey: from Sky Park Homeowners. With City involved we got more done in three weeks than the previous three years. We haven’t got agreement with
developer yet So please table this until then.Judy Lund Bell: please let us resolve this.
NOTE: ALMOST 6 PM . I have another Zoom at 6 so I will need to sign off. Redistricting portion will occur at 6 pm.

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16 Sep
as well as yearly . PLA is approved 6-1 with Bredefeld voting No.
Council has a timed item at 3 pm (It is 2:40 pm) so they will go to some Closed Session items until then.
3-A Ratify Fourth Amendment to contract with UCSF for COVID-19 testing, tracing, quarantine, and vaccination support.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager
Back at 3:52 pm Arias would like amendment of $600,000 for those employees who want to be vaccinated.
Read 6 tweets
16 Sep
September 16th, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include a Special Meeting to override Mayor Dyer’s Veto regarding PLA (Project labor Agreement); City Council Public Accountability Act (keeping Zoom available permanently to allow public to remotely participate)
SAFER Grant;Amending Historic Preservation Ordinance;Amending the Resolution of the Transparency In City Government Act to prohibit the payment of severance to Unit 2 (Non-represented Management and Confidential employees) if the employee is convicted of any felony;@fresnoland
Among the CONSENT CALENDAR items include the following:
1-F *Actions pertaining to the proposed renewable natural gas pipeline at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District
3) Image
Read 114 tweets
7 Sep
September 7th , 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors Meeting! Among the items include Update on Covid with Dr Vohra and David Luchini, RN, PHN, Interim Director, Department of Public Health; So? You say you want a Resolution?? How about this:resolution in opposition to
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company's filing to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requesting substantial rate increases; (Appears to be same letter as Fresno City Council sent out last week); #Fresno
Selected items from CONSENT AGENDA

*26. Proclaim September 2021 as National Suicide Prevention Month
Read 86 tweets
2 Sep
September 2, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items are:Workshop - An Overview of SB 1383's Organic Waste Reduction Requirements;City wide Project labor Agreement (PLA);Mayor’s Letter to PG&E decrying the proposed rate increase; Several appointments to the Tower
Among the Consent Calendar items:1-B
Actions related to the purchase of Emission Reduction Credits for the ongoing operation of the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Council District 3):The
Read 168 tweets
24 Aug
Fresno county Board of Supervisors meeting August 24, 2021! Among the items include a letter to Federal government supporting the four main railroads in response to a Biden act hoping to decrease monopolies ; A proposed 3000 acre industrial campus near Malaga that is currently
farms;A move to Remove current Speed bumps (undulations is the correct term apparently)as well as banning future;County Homelessnes activities;Update on American Rescue Plan#Fresno
Watch the meeting live at 10 am…
Read 90 tweets
10 Aug
August 10th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are a Brandau/Mendes sponsored resolution to support local school board’s authority of in-person instruction and encourage CDC and CA Department of Health to grant/return control to local school boards
Fresno County Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee report; Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements (Brandau and Magsig had issues with this at last meeting wanting to add/subtract CBOs);Adjourn in Memory of Fresno Unified Trustee Carol Mills; #Fresno
Some Consent Calendar items: 20. *Adjourn in the memory of Adam Gutierrez, a long-time County Clerk team member who actively supported numerous departments throughout the County through his responsibilities in the Records Management Division
Read 96 tweets

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