August 10th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are a Brandau/Mendes sponsored resolution to support local school board’s authority of in-person instruction and encourage CDC and CA Department of Health to grant/return control to local school boards
Fresno County Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee report; Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements (Brandau and Magsig had issues with this at last meeting wanting to add/subtract CBOs);Adjourn in Memory of Fresno Unified Trustee Carol Mills; #Fresno
Some Consent Calendar items: 20. *Adjourn in the memory of Adam Gutierrez, a long-time County Clerk team member who actively supported numerous departments throughout the County through his responsibilities in the Records Management Division
*Adjourn in Memory of Carol Mills
22*Adjourn in Memory of Stafford Warren Parker
26 Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Agreement with The Fresno Center for Cultural Based Access Navigation Support services, effective July 1, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year
extensions, total not to exceed $2,750,000.Approval of the recommended actions will provide Cultural Based Access Navigation and Peer Support (CBANS) services to individuals in the County. The intent of the program is to improve timely access to mental health services for
individuals and/or families from underserved populations. The recommended agreement will be funded with Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) funds, with no increase in Net County Cost. This item is countywide.
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Master Agreement with independent interpreters for interpretation and translation services to Limited English Proficient persons served by Departments of Behavioral Health, Probation, Public Health, Public Works
and Planning, Public Defender, Social Services, and the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, effective July 1, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one year extensions, total not to exceed $3,396,620;
Approval of the recommended actions will provide multi-language interpreter and translation services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons, with no increase in Net County Cost. The services are utilized by the departments and the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public
Authority to meet the language interpreter and translation needs for the public to access services.
34. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with PBC SolutionOne Inc. doing business as CCS Facility Services for janitorial services at the Fresno County Plaza Building Complex and Crocker Building, effective August 10, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive
years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $3,000,000.
36. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Second Amendment to Agreement 19-381 with Satellite Tracking of People LLC for additional County-paid GPS electronic monitoring services and alcohol detection and monitoring services and equipment for adult offenders
, effective July 1, 2021, extending the term by one year from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022, and increasing the maximum by $800,000 to a total of $1,900,000.
42. Retroactively approve and authorize the Department of Public Health’s previous submittal of a grant application and accept the Notice of Award from the California Department of Public Health for the Safe Schools For All Grant funds, effective May 1, 2021 through June 30
2022, total not to exceed $300,000. On June 15, 2021, the State of California lifted the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, more commonly known as the color tiered system that imposed risk-based criteria on tightening and loosening COVID-19 allowable activities. The move by the
State lifted restrictions, distancing, and masking requirements across the state. As part of the lifting of restrictions, the State has provided DPH and FCSS $300,000 each (with no matching fund requirements) to assist local school districts, charter schools, and private schools
providing education for Pre-K-12 students in returning to a full time in-person learning model five days a week. The primary focus of this funding is to assist schools that are struggling or unable to return to a full time in-person learning model.
50. Ratify the acceptance of award terms by the County Administrative Officer, acting as the Emergency Services Director, for US Dept Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance, to support eligible renter households within the County of Fresno in the amount of $14,638,685
53. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Fresno for emergency shelter services, effective July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, total not to exceed $500,000.Journey Home Emergency Shelter is a
Project Homekey site purchased by the HACF. Utilizing Project Homekey funding, the motel formerly known as The Welcome Inn on Parkway Drive was purchased and rehabilitated to function as an 80-room low barrier shelter with long-term plans for additional rehabilitation into perm-
-anent affordable housing. This site is intended to provide a safe, supportive environment where residents will be provided with wraparound services to attain permanent housing by rebuilding their support network and addressing the issues that led to their episode of homelessness
With programmatic support provided by the City of Fresno, the HACF is contracting with Turning Point of Central California, Inc. to operate the 24-hour Emergency Shelter services at Journey Home using a triage center model where clients are able to remain sheltered for a
recommended length of stay of up to 90 days, subject to exceptions for documented cases.
All Supervisors present. Invocation by Salvation Army's Chip Williams. He works with many homeless according to @LincolnSeward and everything Williams does is "bathed in prayer".
Item #7 deleted but wil be heard at August 24th meeting. #18.1 completely removed. Magsig removes #20 20. *Adjourn in the memory of Adam Gutierrez, a long-time County Clerk team member who actively supported numerous departments throughout the County through his responsibilities
in the Records Management Division. County Registrar James Kus says Gutierrez and he was involved in every department. Kus is the 4th Registrar Gutierrez he worked under. He also gave dog bones to strays he encountered. (Family member speaks but is too far away to hear)
Magsig: he will be missed. All in the Elections office work hard. Thanks Kus for the background stories on Gutierrez.
3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Teresa Parks - Department of Social Services - 23 Years of
Service. Teresa says "the time has went quickly. Gary Peterson hired her and gave her a rewarding career". Brandau thanks Teresa for her time at County.
4.Standalone Tax Sharing Agreement between the City of Fresno and County of
Fresno for the Dakota-Hayes No. 4 Reorganization
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning 1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Standalone Tax Sharing
Agreement with the
City of Fresno for the Dakota-Hayes No. 4 Annexation/Reorganization proposal in the area
generally bounded by W. Ashlan Avenue, N. Polk Avenue, W. Shields Avenue, and N. Bryan
Avenue consisting of approximately 148 acres in the unincorporated area, of which
approximately 89 acres would be developed with a 486-unit urban residential subdivision.(a) the City shall apply to the Local Formation Commission (LAFCo) for annexation of the
approximately 137.44 acres in the unincorporated area located around the intersection of N.
Hayes Ave
and W. Ashlan Avenue 2. Determine that the approval and authorization of the Chairman to execute the Standalone Tax
Sharing Agreement and conveyance of the N. Bryan, N. Hayes and W. Ashlan Right of Way
Segments between the County of Fresno and City of Fresno is exempt from the
CEQA.Pacheco: I have restricted the growth west of 99 due to poor road quality but he does have any issues with this. Brandau thanks City for the work on this. Approved
5. *
Chairman Brandau and Supervisor Mendes sponsored:
Adopt resolution supporting safe in-person instruction in schools and supporting local school
boards' authority over conduct of instruction
@BuddySupervisor simple proposal. Schools need to do what State wants but gets us out of the “triangle” but allows us to help schools if they need it. Clovis Unified had news yesterday that CA department of health will help them. Brandau: County of Fresno get pulled into this
but this clarifies that we can support the school boards but we won’t get into the middle either. This is support of local control. Mendes: we have four large school districts and several medium sized but many rural have more flexibility due to size. @LincolnSeward we can’t paint
with a broad brush due to variety of sizes with Fresno Unified the largest. Public: @LovesMercy Brandi: thanks for listening to State.Supervisors need to protect the community from harm especially with Delta variant. People need to protect those who can’t get vaccinated. Please
listen to the educated health workers. Next: Sean Berdine: thanks for listening to local control. We can’t always do what we want due to State control but there are gray areas we can work in. Approved.
6. Accept the combined Fresno County Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee report for
activities from January 2019 through June 2021 (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21).
Approval of the recommended action will present the combined Foster Care Standards and Oversight
(FCFCSOC) Annual Report to your Board, in compliance with Management Directive 2700,
section 2714.4. The FCFCSOC was created by the Board in 2001. Pamela Hancock and Wilma Tom Hashimoto, Co-Chairs, Foster Care Standards and Oversight FCFCSOC .The committee’s goal is to support
Child Welfare System to be more efficient and effective through providing adequate resources, better
communication with agency partners and making recommendations for continuous and lasting system
improvements for the betterment of the foster children and youth served in the
County. Due to committee
membership changes and the COVID-19 pandemic, the combined report is being presented. This item is Countywide."focusing on education AND mental health of children especially foster youth. Next: 25 charters. Committee membership would like Supervisors to
work to fill the remaining openings. District 5 is completely filled though. As schools are scheduled to reopening after the pandemic closure we were there for children. Past year 48% of graduating Foster children.Positive outcomes from education so we need increased support as
the children prepare for adulthood. I encourage the supervisors to hire more social workers and provide more salary as we have a high turnover. Magsig:2700 foster kids age range? A:0-21 with 300 that are 18 to 21. 60% from zero to five years old. Brandau:did foster numbers in-
crease during pandemic?A:has gone up to due to increase pressure families felt due to drug use, all being home, financial etc. Courts are reopening so that helps.Magsig:Covid caused isolation of kids has led to increase suicide rate?A:no suicides of their own foster youth but at
mental hospitals yes. Quintero:Rural foster children have need transportation to come to Fresno for services and schooling. We want to increase those taking advantage of it. Brandau:We are just receiving this report today so no public comments or votes.
8. Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements
David Luchini,RN, PHN, Interim Director, Department of Public Health
There is no increase to Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. These recommended
actions are fully offset with a combination of funding from
the CARES Act allocation ($6,309,634; 55%) for
the total original contract amounts through June 2021 only and state funding ($5,158,063; 45%) for the total
increased amounts for the remainder of the contract term. State grants require funds to be allocated to Community Based
Organizations (CBO’s) to conduct community-based services. The invoices for the
month of June services are currently pending as documentation is being reviewed, total invoice amounts for
all three contracts is currently $497,994. July service invoice have not been received.
appropriations and estimated revenues will be included in the Department’s Org 5620 FY 2021-22
Recommended Budget.Reminded CBOs funds cannot be used for political or self promotion; a 10% withholding can be done but 30 day warning of termination of their contract.
39,000 covid vaccinations performed which won't include those who may have gone to CVS. We have the best rate in Central Valley. Still people on the fence regarding vaccinations. We don't compare to Bay area rates due to different demographics and less resources here. Magsig:
Brandau and I met to discuss our concerns. The three lead CBOs some didn't draw their funds down enough where we may have to return. I have spoke with some CBOs but I think my concerns can be mitigated as we go forward. Quintero: I like the changes made. Please speak on the 10%
withholding if not all data provided. A:we want to emphasize that with the CBOs. Brandau:thanks for meeting with Magsig and myself. I didn't like government contracting with such a large group of CBOs. Also some CBOs were more advocacy and not as much service oriented. I cannot
support this today as there is still too large of group of CBOs involved. Approved 4-1
9. Receive presentation and update by the Department of Public Health on COVID-19 in Fresno
County and provide direction to staff. Our positivity rate is higher than state average. Hospital ratehave increase 3x since July. we only had 4 in hospital on July 4.Bay Area is having
a spike as well. 90% are Delta Variant. Dr Vohra: this will be a challenging August and early September. We are trending more pessimistically. It will last thru September. Unvaccinated are at highest risk. Camp outbreak provides issues for schools. Delta is more variant and can
be transmitted more to kids than Alpha variant did. Different Counties have had an increase at hospitals and mainly unvaccinated. Hopefully these are "pre-vaccinated " as we hope they will get vaccinated still. Physical distancing needed such as in this room. I also recommend
all mask up. Ventilation and meeting outside helps too. Lots of misinformation out there and mental issues make sit easier for people to believe those. We have delivered almost a million doses. But that represents only 420,000 residents. Some areas in County are better vaccinated
Mendes: some ranches got many workers vaccinated. A:focusing on rural areas did get better vaccinated. Some rural areas have better rates than others. Why are some not vaccinated? Some confused as to side effects. Are not hearing from the unvaccinated who are now in hospital.
Some cannot get time off from work or have transportation issues. Noe: some are not all anti-vaxxers. Some break out infections of those already vaccinated but rarely end up in hospital and most are benign. Demand of vaccinations are under our goals.Contact tracing has
not always been successful. Severe staffing shortage at hospitals. This is exactly what happened last summer and past winter. Blueprint, shutting down or statewide masking will not come back. If it happens we will be competing with every other county in nation.Better just damp
the virus down where we can.
We need to get those over 12 vaccinated. School based masking, Planning for Booster shots but we need State and Federal guidance on that. Mainly for high risk individuals. Pfizer will be first in line. Johnson&Johnson is less effective against Delta variant. Mendes: are people
starting to get vaccinated? Yes as they see friends going to hospital. Also already having covid helps resist getting the virus again especially coupled with a vaccination.
Magsig: We need to take in a lot of factors. Some in public ignore certain fact sets. Government has sometimes fell short of providing some info that may help convince those to get vaccination. Such as how many die from taking the vaccination. Fresno County we are behind LA. SF
is roughly our size and 70% are vaccinated. However there current infection is similar to ours due to SF being a more dense population. LA is ahead of us and have a higher vaccinated rate. Why is that? Magsig says he is vaccinated and looks at it like a flu shot. Any protection
is good. I don't see Covid ever going away as we are a global county. We don't want to close down our county borders to prevent the spread.I don't think this spread will be as bad as last year. Risk for kids needs to be taken into context. Media doesn't always talk about every`
thing that would be helpful. Please provide info better. As a supervisor i have to look at health of businesses as well public's health. Brandau: is it true Delta variant doesn't last as long in an area?A:India and UK had a surge , peaked and then dropped off. It won't be with us
forever but will cause pain when it is here. It doesn't need to rule us though.But we need to respond also. Brandau: refers to roadblock slide will be hard to do as I have close contact with many who are "skeptical" and will be hard to bring them back into fold as government and
media has created them to be skeptical. A: some are highly skeptical, some hesitant and some are inconvenienced enough that they can't time off to work. Brandau: we want to get more vaccinated but telling they don't care about their kids backfires.Mendes: We used to say "herd-
-immunity" but with dairy that is 100%. Brandau: we are only at 47%.Mendes: we have gone back on some issues.
10. Conduct public hearing to consider all oral statements and all written protests made or filed by any
interested person, if any, to annual assessment for park maintenance costs in County Service Area
No. 2, Tenaya Estates; and adopt Resolution approving and levying annual
assessment for park
maintenance benefitting 142 parcels within Tenaya Park Assessment District for County Service
Area No. 2. No public comments. Approved
11. Hearing on Annual Assessment Levy for County Service Area No. 34,
Zone D - Renaissance at Bella Vista.
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning 1. Conduct public hearing to consider all oral statements and all written protests made or
by any interested person, if any, to the annual assessment for street lighting services, open
space maintenance and public right-of-way landscape maintenance costs in County Service
Area No. 34, Zone D, Renaissance at Bella Vista.
2. Adopt Resolution approving and levying the annual assessment for street lighting services,
open space maintenance and public right-of-way landscape maintenance for 106 parcels
within the Renaissance at Bella Vista Lighting, Open Space and Landscape Assessment
District for
County Service Area No. 34, Zone D.
Approval of the first recommended action allows your Board to consider all oral statements and written
protests pertaining to the levying of an annual assessment in the Renaissance at Bella Vista Lighting, Open
Space and Landscape Assessment
County Service Area No. 34, Zone D.
Approval of the first recommended action allows your Board to consider all oral statements and written
protests pertaining to the levying of an annual assessment in the Renaissance at Bella Vista Lighting, Open
Space and Landscape Assessment
District for County Service Area No. 34 Zone D (CSA 34D). Approval of
the second recommended action approves and levies the annual assessment for street lighting services,
open space and public right-of-way landscape maintenance for CSA 34D. This item pertains to a location in5.
Approved. 12. *Vacation of Drainage Public Service Easement
(Vacation Application No. V21-02) (Applicant - Christopher Bryant
Approved with little discussion
Board Comments:Quintero thanks staff for helping to clean alleys. Magsig:new lab can perform lots of covid tests a day and can be used in future if needed. One tech is commuting from San Bernardino. Mendes: mentions a person who died who had law enforcement and fire background.
Quintero names Gail Gaston to Commission of Status of Women, Pacheco reappoints person to Planning Commission, Mendes names one to Valley Air Resource Board at Large.
Unscheduled Public Comments: Marianna works for CBO who works with rural areas. Please use some Recovery funds to these areas as well and not just Fresno. Unequal effects on low income areas. We have sent supervisors list of residents concerns such as water quality.@LovesMercy
Numbers need to be put in context when comparing SF and Fresno due to population around SF as well as college students. I also support public needs to know what dollars are available as well as challenges to coming here in this morning when they are working. Moving to Closed
Session with reminder item 18.1 has been deleted. Next meetings:August 24, 2021 - 10:00 AM
September 7, 2021 - 10:00 AM
July 29, 2021 Fresno city council meeting! Among the items include Club One Casino transfer to Granite Park; Sierra Sky Park roadways; Redrawing Election districts; Vote to Support Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021.; a variety of Fresno Air terminal consent items;#Fresno
Among the Consent Items: 1-B Approve the Third Amendment to Airport Lease Agreement between the City of Fresno and Federal Express Corporation, at Fresno Yosemite International Airport, extending the term of the lease by five years. Amount of revenue generated by agreement
Fresno City Council July 15, 2021! Among the items Free swimming for children at City pools;Urban Water Management and Drought;Club One Casino move from Downtown to Granite Park;Redrawing Council Districts @fresnoland@FLDocumenters#Fresno#California
Among the Consent Calendar: 1- B
*A Resolution of the Council of the City of Fresno, California, concerning Measure C Extension Local Transportation Purposes Pass-Through Projects and Program Funds annual allocation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
1-C RESOLUTION – Adopt the 1st Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending Exhibit 2, Unit 2, Non-Represented and Confidential Classes to reclassify the salary range for the City Clerk position from E5 (9588-13460) to E4 (11398-16344), effective July 15, 2021.
Hey! It is Tuesday so it must be the Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the Agenda includes agreement with voting machine company Dominion ; New case management system for DA’s;Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave;update on American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA);DECREASE in Library damaged materials fee; #Fresno Some select Consent Calendar Items:CONSENT CALENDAR 22. Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 as Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists
Appreciation Week; 23.Adopt a resolution commending the
the North Fresno Rotary, East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary,
Cultural Arts Rotary, Fresno Sunrise Rotary, and the Central Passport Rotary clubs who replaced
Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departments. 24. *Adjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian Balakian
June 24th ,2021 Fresno City Council meeting as well as a Special meeting! ! Among the items is the final Budget vote; SB1 road projects ( as the budget hearings showed there is never enough to satisfy the $1 billion in needed work);Low income Tax Credits for several affordable
housing projects; Terrence Frazier and Central Valley Community Sports Foundation and Management Visions closed and open session items; @FLDocumenters@fresnoland#Fresno
On the Consent Calendar: -B Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Fresno Unified School
District wherein FUSD will pay $1,862,495 annually to FPD in exchange for FPD providing eleven
Student Resource Officers (SROs), one Sergeant and twelve
City of Fresno’s Budget hearings continued today at 9 am! The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will be meeting at 10 am so I will only be able to Live Tweet one the meetings. Drumroll, please And the winner is...the always popular Budget Hearings !
Here are the budget proposals “in the pot” as Council Chair Luis Chavez said a lot the past week.
After a week of Budget Hearings a regular Fresno City Council meeting PLUS Special Emergency Closed Meeting. (Probably about re-opening City Hall ) @FLDocumenters
Some of the Agenda items include 1-E Approve an Agreement with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., in the amount of $140,600 with a $30,000 contingency, to prepare an updated nexus study for the Citywide impact fees for Regional Streets, New Growth Area Major Streets, Police Fa-
-ilities, Fire Facilities, Quimby In-Lieu Parkland Dedication and Park Facilities. (Citywide wide)