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2 Sep, 168 tweets, 45 min read
September 2, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items are:Workshop - An Overview of SB 1383's Organic Waste Reduction Requirements;City wide Project labor Agreement (PLA);Mayor’s Letter to PG&E decrying the proposed rate increase; Several appointments to the Tower
Among the Consent Calendar items:1-B
Actions related to the purchase of Emission Reduction Credits for the ongoing operation of the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Council District 3):The
Department of Public Utilities (DPU), Wastewater Management Division, was notified by the Air District that it is required to purchase Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) based on the addition of two new gas flares whose operation will surpass the assigned emission limit regulated
by the Environmental Protection Agency. To purchase the required ERCs, DPU must utilize the services of a broker to identify sellers of the ERCs required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Air District). The Wastewater Management Division is seeking to
award a consultant services agreement to AQC Environmental Brokerage Services, Inc. of Huntington Beach, California. AQC will broker the purchase of 62,042 pounds of SOx ERCs and 3,219 pounds of NOx ERCs. The total purchase price of the ERCs is not to exceed $327,000.Additionally
, AQC will earn a 0.05 percent commission of the total purchase price. With Air District registration fees, it is anticipated that the total transaction cost will not exceed $350,000. These ERCs are a one-time purchase that remain with the facility.
1-C Actions pertaining to a solar and energy storage project at the Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (Council District 4)On June 25, 2020, the Fresno City Council approved the DPU Solar Power Project, which encompasses the construction of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
and Energy Storage Systems at three DPU facilities, including the Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (SESWTF). This project has been successfully progressing forward towards construction, however, through further project development an opportunity to expand the solar
project footprint at the site has been identified which will result in a larger energy offset for the facility, a better PPA rate for DPU and our customers, and increased savings over the life of the project. Approve an Amended and Restated cooperative purchase Energy Services
Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 4,017.6 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at the Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility and the purchase of energy generated by the
system. 3. Approve an Amended and Restated cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Energy Storage with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 1,000 kW / 1,914 kWh (estimated) energy storage system at the
Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility to obtain utility demand charge reductions.
1-F RESOLUTION - Adopt the Americans with Disabilities Act Bus Stop Facilities Transition Plan for the Department of Transportation estimated cost $9,268,903 over 30-years.The ADA states that a public entity must provide programs, activities, and services in such a way as to
avoid discrimination against people with disabilities. This report will assist the Department of Transportation, Fresno Area Express (FAX) in identifying physical barriers to accessibility and in developing barrier removal solutions that will facilitate the opportunity of access.
1-I Actions pertaining to Emergency Rental Assistance program Community Benefit Organization contracts:Approve Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Agreements for the following Community Benefit Organizations, increasing their current agreements:Centro La Familia Advocacy
Services - $57,500 Education Leadership Foundation - $1,725,000 Jakara Movement - $350,750 Reading and Beyond - $1,380,000 West Fresno Family Resource Center - $57,500 Approve Third Amendment to Amended and Restated Agreements for the following Community Benefit Organizations,
increasing their current agreements: The Fresno Center - $1,725,000
1-J Actions pertaining to existing UCSF Contract for COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations for City of Fresno Employees:1. **RESOLUTION - Amendment to the 14th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) 2021-178 appropriating $1,000,000 to fund the existing contract with
UCSF regarding COVID-19 testing, tracing, quarantine and vaccination support.
1-K **Approve the appointment of James Sponsler and reappointments of Paul Halajian and Jason Hatwig to the Historic Preservation Commission
1-L *Approve the appointment of Lucy Ruiz to the Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager
1-M RESOLUTION – Awarding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) subrecipient agreements with Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries (FIRM) for $50,000 and Resources for Independence Central Valley (RICV) for $35,000 to operate Fair Housing programs in accordance with
the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan; and authorizing the City Manager to sign all implementing documents required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as approved to form by the City Attorney
1-O Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Central Unified School District wherein CUSD will pay $483,849 annually to Fresno Police Department in exchange for FPD to providing three student resource officers, one sergeant and three patrol
vehicles to be used on CUSD campuses in the amount of $1,451,547 for three years; and one additional two-year term option ($483,849 annually).
1-Q Authorize the City Manager, or designee, to enter into a five-year agreement with the 21st District Agricultural Association to provide police services at the Big Fresno Fair (BFF) in an amount not to exceed $1,921,440.90 of which $33,247.00 is contingency.
1-W Approve the appointments of James Kitch and Crystal Vasquez to the Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee. Approve the appointments of Griffin Estes, Kevin Tatum and reappointments of James Sponsler and Debbie Darden to the District 3 Project Review Committee
1-X Approve the appointments of Annie Lokrantz and Christopher Johnson to the Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee
1-Y *RESOLUTION - concerning direction to prepare to purchase the property at the northeast corner
of Van Ness and Weldon (Council District 1) (subject to veto)
1-Z *RESOLUTION – Approve a Resolution to initiate an amendment to the Development Code
concerning subdivision improvements (would allow deferral of sidewalks, driveways,trees until after the acceptance of subdivision by City etc.
You can watch the City Council meeting live beginning at 9 am!
Meeting begins 9:04 All Councilmembers present .DJ Criener from St Res Church with Invocation.5 Consent Calendar items moved to contested.
*Proclamation for "Hinds Hospice Week"
Sponsors: Councilmember Karbassi It has been around 40 years says Eric Klimes. 40 patients a day. 28th anniversary of Angel Babies.
Proclamation of “Luis Ramentas Day”
Sponsors: Councilmember Arias, Council President Chavez Luis is retiring after 30 years. Career began at KYNO AM and is retiring from Ch 30. Also enjoyed acting in plays. He feels working on tv is like being in a play. “I acted like I was work-
all these years. Michael Carr says Luis produced many PSAs and commercials. He always had a smile on his face too. Born and raised and lived his entire life in Fresno. Arias: us councilmembers also act like we are working but we have fun up here too.
*Proclamation for "Hunger Action Month"
Sponsors: Council President Chavez, Office of Mayor & City Manager. Chavez: pandemic showed the great need we have in Fresno. Cars we had never seen at food lines were present during pandemic. Dyer: thanks all of our partners and Council
for all they did during the pandemic. Food Bank’s Natalie Caples : food should not be an impossible choice but for too many it is
Proclamation for "John Lawson Day"
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager @MayorJerryDyer: An individual who was self made as he dropped out of school at 13. Went into military. Later purchased truck and eventually 100's of trucks. He later went back and got an honorary degree
at Roosevelt High School. He quietly gave money away. He died in August. Dyer read scripture to him as did @LincolnSeward Supervisor Magsig. @kmkarbassi He had a thick exterior but a soft heart. He worked all the time. Asked tough questions and kept us on our toes. Chavez:he did
a lot of philanthropic work. He collected quite a bit of items at his warehouse such as cars. He was not shy with his advice or comments either.
Items pulled for Contested Consent:1-B, 1-N, 10-I, 1-Y and 1-AA. 1-G is being pulled with no return date. 1-L is moved to a future date.
@Esmeralda_Soria Thanks those who came out for crosswalk art last Saturday near Fresno High. Finally gt traffic signal turned on at Shields /Harrsion. It took 5 years but the safety of the elementary school there is appreciated. @kmkarbassi Illegal racing and donuts. That person
was caught due to a popular video and PD. @MiguelArias_D3 Thanks for taking down motel billboards along Motel Drive as those have been converted to permanent housing. 10 acre park is in escrow. West Fresno Park too. Rise in covid has led to rationing of healthcare like was
supposed to be what Obamacare was bringing. We have broken the healthcare system as people who should be taken to hospital cannot go due to lack of beds. Time for us to mandate vaccines to all of our City employees. Will we have enough for raises on top of rising healthcare costs
Time for discussion is over. We need to do something unless we want complete destruction of our healthcare system. We are having car accident victims being transported to Los Angeles due to our lack of beds here.
@tylermaxwell Cleanup around Fresno State. Congratulations to Bulldogs! I don't know anything about foorball but I know 45-0 is a blowout! says maxwell. Also City Councilmember for a day for kids.
@GarryBredefeld Arias says what he believes. I appreciate that. When he said people haven't done what they are supposed to do.Now Arias wants to mandate vaccines. We watched suicide/abuse rates skyrocket as kids were not in school. I have heard Government is now
going to come in and tell us what to do. I am not anti-vax as I have got my vaccines.We just don't want to be told what to do. "You haven't done what we want to do" is a threat. We locked up businesses and threw people out of work. I am not going to do that again. @D7Esparza Mary
Haskins of District 7 is heading up Neighborhood Watch.@LuisCha70215912 Covid rates have increased up to 26,000 in December. 11000 cases in August now. Beginning to surge again. I don't think we need to mandate vaccines but data should be enough. We went through this last year.
Businesses already have safeguards in place and at a reduced capacity due to shortage of employees. While not as bad as in December but we don't have the medical personell here as other parts of California do.@gregorybarfield We only have 8 ICU empty beds in County Chavez:safe-
guards is all we had when this first began but we NOW have a vaccine. Vast majority in hospitals were not vaccinated. Lots of room for debates. @MayorJerryDyer We do know that vaccine has been very helpful.Our hospitals are at capacity. We don't have the medical staff. We have a
shortage of nurses. We are reaching out to Traveling nurses. Department of Defense provided us staff last year but we are not getting that last year.Those in hospital this time are young this time. Steady progression of those getting vaccinations. 18,000 last week. City employees
will either be vaccinated or tested. Masks are required by employees just as County employees are. Also:19 new fire cadets graduated. Shinzen Gardens is such a gem in Fresno. City Manger: Trade memos on affordable housing out. Vehicle and parts are much higher in this market.
Also made our recommendations on PLA. Housing Authority got the billboards down at Motel Drive. People will be transitioned out of Sands. Park acquisitions will be sent out for info. Public comments:James Prater:Fire enforcement has been turned into a revenue stream. Fire inspe-
-ctions. Those inspectors need to be free to inspect and not to find revenue. Next:@LisaYFlores1 Transparency in Planning process with Helm Street.Many of public there didn't know about it. Proud Boys at Adventure Church promising to knock heads. After church crowd had no masks
or social distancing at small Mexican Restaurant. New Covid variant is a concern. It is time to mandate City Employees vaccines or get fired. Raise health care rates on those.Next:Leadership Counsel speaks on 1-I Actions pertaining to Emergency Rental Assistance
program Community Benefit Organization contracts application process to be easier. Need to be more streamlined.Next: Pelmino:from Christ's Healthy Hands noticed PD at Roeding Park at homeless camp. Asked if he had offered services to them? No as it same old crowd.I was
able to get Poverello to come out but same old story:no empty bed empty. (Cindy Piombino is correct spelling)Next:Dez Martinez;Emergency Funds for homeless children. Not one organization reached out to help.Not H. Spees. Multiple shootings on Parkway. Not safe for children.
H Street is being allowed to have homeless now. Those lots can have tiny homes there. They can be transported later. Next:@LovesMercy Brandi:need to focus on homeless needs.Thanks Arias and Chavez for their comments on Covid. I have had friends who cannot be hospitalized.
Next Daniel: What Arias said today on Covod is concerning. I moved from Bay Area where government over reached. Can Arias provide me a list of who is essential ? What does mandate mean? Doesn't make sense to mandate vaccines when we have shortage of nurses. Covid is real but so
are our freedoms. Arias doesn't deserved to be in office and hopefully he won't be for long. Next:Jody Ketcheside: apologizes to Cindy. We have had issues with Security being too strict at some homeless motels.Housing Authority is working on repairing water. Next:H. Singh of
jakarta Movement. Rental Assistance and Housing Moratorium. Many don't even know of this. State appears to want to lift moratorium. People will need to make choice of paying rent or buying food. hopefully Fresno is in front of line.
1-B Actions related to the purchase of Emission Reduction Credits for the ongoing operation of the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Council District 3) Maxwell asks DPU head Carbajal:flare capacity
They should exist for several decades. Longterm mitigation to convert into energy. A pipeline needs to be built to connect with PG&E line near Chateau Fresno. Within 5 years. Arias:Serves which cities? A:clovis and some unincorporated areas. Arias:whathappens if Clovis is not
part of this? This facility allows Clovis to not build their own. A:goes back to 1977. This was a regional plant. Arias:I am sure Clovis is happy Fresno take care of their Waste.
1-I Actions pertaining to Emergency Rental Assistance program Community Benefit Organization contracts:Approve Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Agreements for the following Community Benefit Organizations, Bredefeld:why do some CBOs get more than others? Soria: Not sure
why and who determined amounts. Some have a many applications pending and will be out of money soon. A: and some have money remaining so they will get less. Courtney Espinosa: Some spent less so we allocated less. Perhaps some now need more. Soria:Jakarta Movement has a good
track record. Perhaps we can not have to have them come back every time they need more money. Margarita Rocha says we have an aggressive media program and many applications pending. We will be out of money soon. Jakarta's Singh: we are completely out of money.City
Manager agrees with Soria that money needs to be gotten out. Bredefeld:oversight? Manager:Espinosa: meets weekly with organizations and keeps us informed. Soria:takes 30 days for checks to get out so helpful if we give City Manager authority to get them out. Esparza:help for rent
-ers often on backend. Soria: Starting to process PG&E, water etc. Courtney Espinosa: ERAP Program allows us to pay through September. Since mid July we have paid prospective rent. 9700 applications accepted. $7.4 million in rental assistance.
Approved. 1-N Actions pertaining to the 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. Maxwell: What is money used for? does it go to sheriffs? PD Chief Baldarama:We are the managers of this grant. We are the fiscal agent. $22,000 for ammunition annually.
$35,000 for vests. Only last 5 years. $13,000 for K-9 unit. $12,000 for Safety Patrol. Not a use it or lose it so if we have any left over. Approved.
1-AA Amending 9-2119 and 9-2120 of the Fresno Municipal Code Related to Card Rooms pulled by Bredefeld. Club One owner Kirkland online. What impact on you? asks Bredefeld. Kirkland:Makes it hard to make long term plans. Allowed 31 and this will apply to the additional 20 tables
Maxwell:City has authority to grant 11 more tables after the 51 but after that Voters have to approve. Bredefeld: Liquor stores and cannabis dispensaries com to us. Kirkland:longterm investments in security etc will be hard if we have to get it approved every five years.
This is easier as first 31 tables won't have to go through this process but next 20 would. Hard reset after 5 years.You wouldn't put a card room in Fresno under this design. If moratorium is lifted we would have to start from scratch after 5 years. There may not
be another card room to use those. We operated in Downtown Fresno 12 years. We operated 49 tables initially.If 20 tables were lost to another card room would effect us. Vote of the people needed to add another card room. Bredefeld: only thing you did different was moving out of
downtown but now you have to do this. Equal treatment needed. City Manager:Conditional Use Permit is needed. It goes to Administration and if need be it goes to City Council. Maxwell:we can pull CUP of liquor stores when are concerned. Bredefled: Boots in the Park caused a lot of
complaints on this Terence Frazier event. DA Smittcamp filed a letter that Brown Act violations occurred due to a councilmember fundraising event at Frazier's house. Right after that Club One item came up. I want equal treatment. Community meeting generated few complaints about
Club One. Next Council meeting Maxwell allowed up to 31 tables. and full after 90 days. Then Maxwell wanted to skim 12% for parks nearby. Only park nearby is Granite Park's ballfields owned by Terence Frazier. Kirkland and his employees treated poorly as they are told to have a
community meeting. When Frazier wants to do something like Boots in the park he has no 12% skimmed off. Kirkland however has been treated poorly. This was done to shakedown Mr Kirkland to benefit Maxwell's friend. Maxwell has never owned a business. @MayorJerryDyer Club One
always ran a find business when I was PD Chief. I thank Maxwell for the changes he made yesterday. I don't think moratorium will ever be lifted. @MiguelArias_D3 When Terry Slatic says things there is an excuse. But when I do people go nuts. Business owners all want competition
but I get uncomfortable having Mr Kirkland telling us how he wants things. He has a monopoly. Cannabis dispensaries take a risk as there CUP expires. we did that so we would encourage these companies to do well by the community. Unequal treatment of Granite Park criticism.
Just because someone generates a $1 million for the City (Club One) doesn't allow that owner to dictate how we operate. Cannabis operators will provide $10 million but we don't want them to dictate how we operate. @kmkarbassi No need to marginalize each of us up here meaning
Bredefeld and Maxwell.) If moratorium is lifted it is not automatically the City will get more cardrooms says Kirkland. Municipalities have ability to terminate us for cause. Back in the day PD decided one card room and one check made it easier to enforce. The company before us
had issues with Tax Board so they lost their license, and that is how we were able to purchase it for Club One.Maxwell: If we give away 51 tables just to increase jobs. If a cardroom wasn't generating jobs Council will need to have safeguard and accountability. It has been 40
years since these rules were put together. Maxwell willing to meet halfway.Karbassi: originally 51 tables correct. Chavez encourages a vote. Bredefeld:500 Club uses 18 tables but we have many card room experts up here on council. (Having a tough time hearing Kirkland on zoom)
Maxwell:amend this to the additional 20 tables. Approved 5-2 with Bredefeld and Karbassi vote NO. Going to Closed Session to handle 1-Y *RESOLUTION - concerning direction to prepare to purchase the property at the northeast corner
of Van Ness and Weldon (Council District 1)
Clarification needed and that is why it is in Closed Session on that item but after lunch they will vote on it.
1:34 pm Council is back. 1-Y item that was at Closed Session is removed completely by Soria and Council. 2-A Appearance by Mary Padilla to Discuss Spiritually Cleaning up Fresno (Speaker Resides in District 2).
2-B Appearance by James Prater to Discuss Material Misrepresentation
Made to the Council.Chavexz removed those items to (Not sure why though. They have been on the agenda for several meetings in a row though without not being heard.)
2-C Consideration of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6310/UGM, and related Environmental Assessment No. T-6310/P20-00736/P20-00737, for property located on the north side of West Dakota Avenue between North Hayes and North Polk Avenues Avenues (Council District 1). Approved.
3-A ********Council Workshop - An Overview of SB 1383's Organic Waste Reduction Requirements
Food waste makes up 18% of California’s waste. Collection service begins in 2022 says DPU head Mike Carbajal. This is an overview but this is foundation. We have head start on commercial size and on residential we already have three cart system which is helpful. Need to shift
food waste from current gray bin and into green bin. We have 114,000 accounts. It is an unfunded mandate from State. I think we have a robust program already but other towns may have issues. Soria has questions on whether we will be ready by 2022.
Need to adopt an ordinance in the next 2-3 months in order to be ready by 2022. Will probably need new amendments with haulers' contracts.Can parks use compost? Again largest component is moving food waste to green bin.Fresno Metro Ministry @fresnometrobcc and Food Bank already
take in food but there may be new monitoring etc.Education in multiple languages will be needed. Some new facilities will be needed to store these items like compost. Heavy education needed in 2022 with education and monitoring in 2024. Enforcement and Education with
businesses over 2 cubic yards of waste. Record keeping will need be done by City in case we are audited.Regulations begins Jan. 1st, 2022 and Jan 2024 local enforcement begins. Arias:Advanced warnings to Council when enforcement begins. Rate increases of DPU? City Manager: we
will bring rate study to Council in next month or so. Arias:Fresno/Clovis water treatment will need to expand as Clovis is expanding fast. Waste gets sent to Fresno and gas flares are burned in Fresno's community. What we did in 70's has not been fruitful for certain parts of our
Fresno community. State seems to be mandating fuel conversion uses like flare. Community Choice Aggregation Study was performed in 2019. Whatever happened to that? City manager: We will check into that.Chavez:Arias be careful with that Clovis talk. You may not be welcomed at next
Big Hat Days he jokes (or not joking??) Soria: is there a working group with restaurants and businesses? I know some may already donate excess food to food banks etc. Carbajal:this will build on what people already do plus huge monitoring aspect as well. No program to create our
own compost but two companies do that for us. When those contracts are up we will look to see if we want to do that ourselves.Going onto 3-B
3-B **Actions pertaining to the General Rate Case (GRC) filing by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Mayor Dyer: this rate increase is shocking with 18% increase on residents during first year (2023) especially low income. 22% of those who live in Fresno live below poverty line. PG&E has a difficult job but the rate structure is not fare. Californians pay 80% more than rest
of nation. San Joaquin Valley customers pay disproportionately more electricity than coastal , northern or mountain regions which means they unfairly carry an excessive share of the cost burden. This cost also includes things like Wildfire Fund charge, Nuclear Decommissioning
subsidies and Public Purpose programs (low -income ratepayer assistance and energy efficiency programs). Possible solutions include freezing rates ,regional rate settings and shifting Public Purpose programs off-Bill. We need a rate freeze until a regional rate structure is made.
We in valley pay more per kW/hour and thus pay more for Wildfire funds etc. City of Fresno pays $27 million to PG&E. @GarryBredefeld They have a monopoly. They don’t have to fear losing market share as they have no competition. Shares are largely in hands of international
companies. Texas has a largely deregulated energy system. His son there has choice between 40 different companies. This is what we need here. Need competition. We need to all be wide open to opening up our market. No reason it can't happen here too.
Arias:glad my Republican colleague wants competition as earlier he wanted a monopoly for card rooms. Texas had 900 people die recently due to failure of Texas' energy system. I would like to meet with PG&E before I approve this.Those in poverty are hurt by rate increases as you
pay a higher rate the more you use.Staff: we needed to protest the PG&E rate about 4 weeks ago. They purposely make it a short window. Dyer: the additional amounts tacked on like Wildfire Fund is part of kW/h rate. That is different than water rates "the more you use the more you
pay" Maxwell: is this mainly ceremonially or is there something we can do? Dyer: we can mobilize folks it will help. CPUC may re-do their rates if they hear from enough of us. I have insights to where they can cut the rates. This is not sustainable of 18% residential rates.
@LuisCha70215912 I didn't know about this rate increase. City put a moratorium on rent increase and we need to have PG&E as well. Otherwise City will need to pick up the difference from our coffers.PG&E Erica Carrera here via Zoom. Our rates by CPUC every 4 years.
Filing was done June 2021 and finalized Winter of 2022. Will be officially the rate 2023. Mayor spoke of extra charges on our rates like Public Purpose Programs. This is where CARE rates come from that help out low income residents. Soria: we have families will be hurt.
Staff:CARES is used for low income but it puts as at a disadvantage as we put a disapprotinate amount into the fund even the very ones needing CARES. PG&E rep: there has been changes on rates. I am happy to talk to my administration about these questions. Soria:I would like to
hear more in-depth on this perhaps at next Council meeting. Dyer:Robert Kinney and INTURN (?) who I want to work with on this. There has been some improvements with PG&E but not enough. This is urgent.Public Comment:@LisaYFlores1 I see the urgency but I would like Soria to have
enough time to study it. As a disabled person I shudder to think what a 18% PG&E increase will do on top of other increases like rent. (Some audio issues).Approved 7-0
4-A RESOLUTION – Approving a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) for Citywide Public Work of Improvement Projects (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Arias:Citywide PLA has been negotiated for last 6 months. Majority of workers and new apprentices would be from Fresno. Emphasize veterans with
good pay and benefits to give us middle class jobs. This would help get projects done in timely manners as well prevent strikes happening. I have received 12 emails in opposition but only one from Fresno. Non-union employers/contractors are eligible. We would allow non-union
shops. This won't increase price point. This is not a blanket PLA for city as there are exemptions. Only 20% of our City projects would fall under this.Change orders , increase in supplies can make projects cost more and this happens with private companies. This will increase the
number of skilled workers locally and they won't need to drive to Bay Area to work. ABC a group of contractors are in opposition. They told us our airport PLA would lead to over budget and delayed. This did not happen. @Esmeralda_Soria Arias did a great job summarizing this.
This represents working families. 1 in 4 live in poverty in family. This is a continuation of building the middle class. This is one tool in lifting people out of poverty. In the past year only 15% of our projects would fall under this PLA so when people decry the sky is falling
and that they won't be able to bid on this.In the next 90 days we will bring a complementary item that will help them hire more people from Fresno NOTE;Chavez says their tech system went down for 2 minutes so they will take a 5 minute break to repair (I had no i
issues on my end from CMAC . Maybe Zoom is down?)
Back! @D7Esparza This final document will get our region moving forward with higher wages, prioritizing local residents, have local dollars spent in Fresno. Very excited to vote YES on this PLA. @kmkarbassi One person Randy Gan (sp) is not here and I would like to make a friend-
ly amendment to call this "The Randy L. Gan Labor Agreement" Arias agrees. Maxwell: i have been part of unions and it makes a great difference to have a union life. @GarryBredefeld Council is hypocritical to close these chambers down to public but have it open when it helps them
City manager Esqueda: I know about bidding on projects. We have been working on this for 6 months. Reality is the Union labor is declining and not competitive. This is a way to give the Unions help. Nobody likes a monopoly. Classic case of a solution looking for a problem. The
airport PLA is no better. High Speed Rail PLA has torn up Tulare for 4 years. Only 13% of labor force is Union in this state. This PLA dictates policy. Unions are sole bargaining. Unions can't be competitive so we have to give them advantages. Contractors have to pay into a "pay
to play" into unions. Contractors didn't hire these employees but if they have a dispute it is not up to them the rules. Council can do this I know. Pay to Play is that contractors will have to pay into union. Council will have to vote twice on this. Maxwell: what does that mean?
Chavez:that means mayor will veto this. Esqueda:Every hour worked contractor has to pay into union. We want local contractors to be exempt from that. We need to have ability to exempt any project if we need to such as emergency. We are not interested in having to deal with Bay
Area or Los Angeles labor issues. We are against this as written. You may have to vote twice on this. Bredefeld asks Chuck Rojas(In person) to answer those complaints: Rojas:Esqueda is wrong on every item and was against it from the beginning. He never bargained in good faith.
Esqueda: do people have to pay union? Rojas: it is prevailing wage. Pay into trust fund. This is part of prevailing wage.Lawyer : Rojas is correct in that the prevailing wage includes Trust fund. This is not union. Pension and Health and Welfare are the main trust
funds. Contractors are not exempt and not treated differently than if they were outside Fresno. A non-union employer would be bound during the life of the project to use union rules in Master labor agreements. Are required to get labor referred from Union although you can have up
to five of your own core non-union workers in the first 10 employees brought in. Employee gets prevailing wage whereas but if you are in a union or under PLA some of that money goes to Trust fund instead.Bredefeld: this doesn't seem a PLA will hire more Fresnans. It doesn't make
sense to do a PLA for a number of years. I would rather have it project by project. Esqueda: I asked Rojas if there is a way to do this without having to give unions a hand up. Project by project maybe but not a blanket.Soria: apprentices provide pipeline.Project by project makes
that much harder. Rojas:I won't engage with Esqueda.Soria is correct on apprentists. I know Bredefeld is in favor of apprenticts. We in the Trades have been able to convert homeless into a good jobs after five years. I don't want to train these for 5 years but don't have a place
to put them. Bredefeld:Couldn't non union contractors say they could train the same? Rojas: I don't know why they don't commit to hiring 30% of Fresnans as labor. They won't answer that. No reason they couldn't. Esqueda: they don't do it when they are already hiring local labor
numbers at that level. Arias:one of Esqueda's memo said on ReCharge Fresno project had most employees came from Fresno County like 25 miles from Fresno city Limits and not specifically Fresno. Esqueda:We can simply change policy. Bredefeld:This was a better discussion with Rojas.
Chavez: We are not going to be able to change City Manager Esqueda's mind on this. Arias:Fire Union has monopoly to represent fire employees. The PLA will allow non-union employees to be hired though. We do know we need to lower barrier to let local businesses to work with City.
This is a good step forward to increasing our skilled workforce. Public:Juan Sandoval First year in apprentice. This allows me to use my hands and have a good job.I can drive around and "tell my kids their dad helped build that structure." Next:Nicole Goehring with Contractors
who have workers that won't be able to work on PLA. Skilled trades are the hardest to fill and closing a pipeline will make that harder. Wage theft as non union workers will have to pay into a fund they can never get back. Next:Tim Bremer:my company has worked in the area for 58
years but we won't bid on PLA projects. @LisaYFlores1 Is Labor Council behind this? Esqueda just seems behind labor. Wonder if he will enjoy Labor Day? We need to increase labor locally. We need more electricians etc. Never a bad thing to have people have benefits.Shame on you
Tommy. Shame on you. Next Colton Worthington: I am an apprentice. For non union this is tough. This makes it easier for unions as it is competitive. We have gone away from trades in schools. We can work together on that. Next:Garret in Clovis, This discriminates against me as a
non union apprenticeship. It was near impossible to get into a union apprenticeship. Next:a non union apprenticeship.Next: Jeff Roberts of union group. Most county's prevailing wage is set by union. Non union workers get that prevailing wage by that happening. I get upset
when I hear complaints when they get prevailing wage from unions. Garret Fairbanks:From Clovis. the five person employee rule will leave me out. Cuts out other apprentices. Should be project by project.Next:Eric Christian:Disingenuous by PLA. Why did this take 6 months
Should have taken 6 hours? Wage theft if pays into trust fund. Cody MacDougall: I was homeless. I got a union welding job and got training and wage increases automatically.Those against PLA are in it only for short gain.PLA gives long term financial gains. Chris Smith of contract
-ors group. We join City Manager on this. This is not project specific like airport. This holds local contractors to same rules as Bay Area/Los Angeles but without their support.Thanks City Manager and Scott Mozier. Next:Clint Olivier of business group. I encouraged Council to
work with all groups. We are against this until we can make it better. Next Nestor Cano:I have gotten a better job with a union job. Non union job had me working weekends with little sleep. Union I was able to increase my knowledge. Next:I was able to buy a home and put two kids
through college with this union job. Next:Western Electrical Contractors: We just opened an apprentice program but they will be excluded from City projects.Even though 43% of them live in Fresno .Next:Pablo:grew up poor but joined a union at 21 and that changed my life.I also
trained to do skilled work. I am able to give my kids a better life than what I had as a kid. Next:Alfredo J. grew up in poverty.I worked at a non-union roofer and made $12 an hour. Now with a union I have been able to help my mom get a house and I don't have school debt.
Joe Garcia:Committed to have my business in an undeserved area of Fresno and hire low income employees.But this PLA will cause those employees will lose wages due to Trust fund. At least exempt Fresno contractors and their employees. No guarantee the first 5 union employees have
to be a Fresnan. Next:Danny Wright: helped build nearly everything south of Shaw.We invest into training.110 apprentices.I begun as a gopher and was then able to be an apprentice.We train high quality workers for high quality jobs. Samuel:My kids graduated from College. I became
an apprentice and working to be a journeyman. My benefits allow my family to stay healthy.Jolene Kramer:excited about working with City. Use highly trained workers. Thank you to Administration , Scott Mozier and Lawyer Holtzman for meeting with us. Debbie Hunsaker:50 years in
business. Business group is against this PLA and you received a letter from our president Scott Miller.This will make it not worth bidding on. It should not be a one size fits all.End Public comments. Soria: open to hearing local Fresno hire. Arias: we promised the Mayor on a
separate issue.Everything is on the table but need to see it. Soria: I want to see that local businesses get preference.This would be a complementary process. We will vote on PLA today. Chavez:Local preference is currently within 25 miles of Fresno.I have seen lots of contracts
come and go. Some of these were under bid and had to come back for more funding. No system is perfect. I don't want to just create jobs but a career.We are creating a pipeline. Get high school graduates to go into an apprenticeship. We have 120 days to fine tune this. Hopefully
this will be a model for entities and towns to emulate. People can go from minimum wage job to a 6 figure salary. That money can be put back into Fresno. Esqueda: Airport PLA has 31% from workers Fresno &47 within 25 miles.Approved 6-1 with Bredefeld voting NO. Council will go
into Closed Session (Now 4:57 pm). SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 – NO MEETING
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. MEETING
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021– 9:00A.M. MEETING

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16 Sep
as well as yearly . PLA is approved 6-1 with Bredefeld voting No.
Council has a timed item at 3 pm (It is 2:40 pm) so they will go to some Closed Session items until then.
3-A Ratify Fourth Amendment to contract with UCSF for COVID-19 testing, tracing, quarantine, and vaccination support.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager
Back at 3:52 pm Arias would like amendment of $600,000 for those employees who want to be vaccinated.
Read 6 tweets
16 Sep
September 16th, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include a Special Meeting to override Mayor Dyer’s Veto regarding PLA (Project labor Agreement); City Council Public Accountability Act (keeping Zoom available permanently to allow public to remotely participate)
SAFER Grant;Amending Historic Preservation Ordinance;Amending the Resolution of the Transparency In City Government Act to prohibit the payment of severance to Unit 2 (Non-represented Management and Confidential employees) if the employee is convicted of any felony;@fresnoland
Among the CONSENT CALENDAR items include the following:
1-F *Actions pertaining to the proposed renewable natural gas pipeline at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District
3) Image
Read 114 tweets
7 Sep
September 7th , 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors Meeting! Among the items include Update on Covid with Dr Vohra and David Luchini, RN, PHN, Interim Director, Department of Public Health; So? You say you want a Resolution?? How about this:resolution in opposition to
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company's filing to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requesting substantial rate increases; (Appears to be same letter as Fresno City Council sent out last week); #Fresno
Selected items from CONSENT AGENDA

*26. Proclaim September 2021 as National Suicide Prevention Month
Read 86 tweets
24 Aug
Fresno county Board of Supervisors meeting August 24, 2021! Among the items include a letter to Federal government supporting the four main railroads in response to a Biden act hoping to decrease monopolies ; A proposed 3000 acre industrial campus near Malaga that is currently
farms;A move to Remove current Speed bumps (undulations is the correct term apparently)as well as banning future;County Homelessnes activities;Update on American Rescue Plan#Fresno
Watch the meeting live at 10 am…
Read 90 tweets
19 Aug
August 19,2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the continued Club One Casino item; Sonnenblick Development of Selland Arena Workshop;Sierra Sky Park parking of aircraft on public streets NOTE:CLOSED Session item regarding lawsuit from Sky Park homeowners;
Workshop on Community Benefits Fund. @fresnoland #Fresno Image
Among the Consent Calendar items: CONSENT CALENDAR
1-J ****Designating the City Manager as the signature authority for all City-owned properties to be included in the Downtown Fresno Property Business Improvement District..
Sponsors: Economic Development Department ImageImageImage
Read 144 tweets
10 Aug
August 10th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are a Brandau/Mendes sponsored resolution to support local school board’s authority of in-person instruction and encourage CDC and CA Department of Health to grant/return control to local school boards
Fresno County Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee report; Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements (Brandau and Magsig had issues with this at last meeting wanting to add/subtract CBOs);Adjourn in Memory of Fresno Unified Trustee Carol Mills; #Fresno
Some Consent Calendar items: 20. *Adjourn in the memory of Adam Gutierrez, a long-time County Clerk team member who actively supported numerous departments throughout the County through his responsibilities in the Records Management Division
Read 96 tweets

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