September 7th , 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors Meeting! Among the items include Update on Covid with Dr Vohra and David Luchini, RN, PHN, Interim Director, Department of Public Health; So? You say you want a Resolution?? How about this:resolution in opposition to
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company's filing to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requesting substantial rate increases; (Appears to be same letter as Fresno City Council sent out last week); #Fresno
Selected items from CONSENT AGENDA
*26. Proclaim September 2021 as National Suicide Prevention Month
*27. Recognize and honor the life of John Lawson
27.1 Adjourn in Memory of Gary A. Smith
27.2 Adjourn in Memory of Harry Huey
29. City of Orange Cove and West Park Elementary School District Special Election request for consolidation with the November 2, 2021 Regularly Scheduled Election &calling a Special School Board Election to fill a short-term seat for the West Park Elementary School District Board
38. *****Accept the Hinds Hospice Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors Team FY 2020-21 Annual Report
44 Resolution to accept a monetary donation from the Jarrett Family Trust and expressing gratitude for a monetary donation of $47,987.27 from the Jarrett Family Trust to the Fresno County Public Library
54.Acceptance of Non-Monetary Donation and Agreement with Assistance League of Fresno and expressing gratitude for the non-monetary donation of certified child-safe teddy bears and formal wear valued at $56,250 from the Assistance League of Fresno; and, 2. Approve and authorize
the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Assistance League of Fresno for participation in the Operation Bear Hug and Dream Dress donation programs, effective upon execution, not to exceed fifteen consecutive years
This Saturday is 20th Anniversary of 9/11 says Brandau. There will be an event at former Pelco campus this Saturday. Pastor BT Lewis jr. will lead the invocation. "appreciates all the supervisors. The supervisors have done a great job with the pandemic especially for people of
people". Item 14 has been pulled to a date uncertain. Consent item 41 pulled by @LincolnSeward. Quintero pulls item 27.2. Adjourn in Memory of Harry Huey. "he was on Board of Supervisors among many of other groups, raised horses/dogs, and made his own guns "says Quintero.
3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to David Rocha, Jr. - Department of Public Works and Planning - 21 Years of Service
“glad to be done!”
4. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Helen Rodriguez - Department of Social Services - 26 Years of Service “I plan to do whatever I want!”
5.* Proclaim September 2021 as Hunger Action Month. Group from Central Valley Food Bank. Brandau: “I got a tour of the space. Sad about the demand though.”
6. * Proclaim September 6-10, 2021 as Hinds Hospice Week and recognize Nancy Hinds and Hinds Hospice on its 40th Anniversary. @LincolnSeward They do great work” Hinds Rep:” Hinds began as a nurse in war torn regions. Started hospice in her own home.” Quintero:her initial pre-
sentation in the ‘80’s. She also helped with my own mother says a quintero. Nancy Hind is parking and She can’t make it on time
41. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Fujitsu America, Inc. to perform a code modernization project for the Assessor-Recorder’s and Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Property Management Information System (also known as the Property Tax
Tax System), effective September 7, 2021 through September 6, 2024, total not to exceed $3,467,319.
Magisg says this can’t be like last system. This has to work. Paul Dictos: this will work. Oscar: we have to do this as programmers are retiring.We do need a consultant. “ Staff:
We are translating it into a different code language that others understand. Should be begun in 30 days. Pacheco: ok to make a mistake like two years ago but we can’t make it twice. Approved
6.1 Consideration and adoption of a resolution in opposition to Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company's June 2021 General Rate Case (GRC) filing to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requesting substantial rate increases . On June 3, 2021, as part of their required
process, PG&E filed a request to the CPUC for substantial rate increases for the years 2023-2026. The request, called a General Rate Case (GRC) includes an overall average rate increase of 19% over three years, and 22% specifically for residential customers. PG&E customers pay
close to 80% more per kilowatt-hour (kWh) than the national average, and even customers enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program pay more than the average American for undiscounted energy. PG&E’s kWh price includes costs like a Wildfire Fund charge an
electric Public Purpose Program and Nuclear Decommissioning subsidies that are disproportionately paid by San Joaquin Valley customers, according to a recent study by Haas Energy Institute (UC Berkeley) in conjunction with CAL Matters. Because of the climate, San Joaquin Valley
customers annually buy more electricity than coastal, northern, or mountain regions, which means these customers unfairly carry an excessive and disproportionate share of the cost burden. Furthermore, the PG&E rate models that demonstrate usage of “typical” customers does not
accurately reflect the Central Valley Region and is very misleading when used to exhibit the monthly fiscal impact of what the average household will pay following the increase. The proposed resolution calls upon PG&E and the CPUC to reject the proposed GRC and institute a “rate
freeze” until true and equitable rate reforms can be identified and implemented.@LincolnSeward Magisg: A lot of these problems are are caused by Sacramento polices. Especially AB 32/ SB 375. Hydro is no longer being recognized as renewal energy. Diablo Canyon Nuclear plant is
going offline in 2024. Texas and Tennessee don't have high energy rate as they allow a mix of energy. @BuddySupervisor Our State government legislates businesses out of California. I have often asked "what does State do right?" I have yet to hear an answer" Approved 5-0
7. Conduit Financing for Valley Health Team, Inc. (Not a County Liability) Conduct a public hearing under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (“TEFRA”) and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), regarding the conduit issuance of tax-exempt revenue
bonds (“Bonds”) in a principal amount not to exceed $19,600,000 to finance certain new projects and refinance certain bonds for previous projects of Valley Health Team, Inc. (the “Corporation”) located in Fresno County, including the cities of San Joaquin, Kerman, Kingsburg, and
Firebaugh. (No public comments. )Approved.
8. Accept the Sons of the American Revolution's presentation of a Flag Appreciation Certificate to the County of Fresno for displaying the Flag of the United States in accordance with the U.S. flag code, values and in the spirit of American Patriotism. Magisg: September is
Constitution Month. (presentation) "We honor our patriot forefathers. "Flag Certificate for those who fly our flag according to code."
9. Approve Ordinance Adding Delegated Authority to Title 5, Claims Against the County. Resolution No. 93-313 delegated authority to the County Risk Manager to pay liability claims in the amount of $5,000, or less, and to the Director of Human Resources in the amount of $10,000,
or less. Based upon 2017 amendments to the California Government Code, the Board approved Resolution No. 17-306 increasing settlement authority to the County Administrator up to $50,000 and reiterating the previous authority to the Human Resources Director and Risk Manager.
Settlements above $50,000 required Board approval. Additionally, the County Counsel was granted authority to waive legal costs in a litigation matter up to $1,500 in exchange for a dismissal of the case, with approval of the Risk Manager. Steve Johnson:"currently Supervisors
don't have authority to approve workers comp. This will allow this. " Approved 5-0
10. *Amendment to Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs
OUT OF ORDER:13. Appeal Planning Commission denial of Classified Conditional Use Permit No. 3706
(Applicant: 3B Development, Inc; Appellant for Applicant: Rabie Mekideche) Consider appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of Classified Conditional Use Permit
Application No. 3706,
proposing to amend Classified Conditional Use Permit No. 2956 to
allow for a 50 percent lot coverage (maximum 40 percent allowed) and a 15-foot rear yard
setback (minimum 20 feet required) for 133 lots in the Tract Map No. 6189 (Phase 2 of
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 4968)
located on a 38.78-acre parcel in the R-1-C (c) Zone
District approximately 1,600 feet south of Millerton Road, 2,167 feet west of Marina Drive,
and two miles east of the unincorporated community of Friant STAFF IS NOT READY SO WILL BE LATER
11.Receive presentation and update by the Department of Public Health on COVID-19 in Fresno
County and provide direction to staff with Dr Vohra and David Luchini, RN, PHN, Interim Director, Department of Public Health
More vaccine doses now due to Pfizer full approval and public seeing friends/family getting sick.
Our hospitals are overcapacity. Clovis Hospital at 130%. ER is holding on ICU patients too. Making our ER staff overwhelmed. Ambulances waiting 2-6 hours to turn over a patient. Staffing is short due to having Covid / exposure. We are not getting extra staffing like we did in
Winter. State was ready to staff these hospitals. It didn’t happen this time. Traveling nurses have many options this time. We are on our own this time. 12 ICU patients are being transferred out of our region. Many lecture surgeries have been canceled. This is overwhelming am-
-bulances. Healthcare system is in crisis. It is holding together as all the staff showing up every day. Where doses are high case rate is low. We have lots of opportunity to get more vaccinated.
This is a real wake up call for those who are not vaccinated. This has quickly become a pandemic of those not vaccinated. 12:1 death rate for those not vaccinated compared to those vaccinated
SJ Valley spread is getting worse and that Is seen in places where mask usage is low. R less than 1 is desired. But leveled off the past week. Those in SJ valley can’t transfer to each other due to overcapacity. Steps we can do? Get message out!
We need to mandate indoor masking. This will drive rate downward. At this level even vaccinated need to be masked. Labor Day got many family together. Perhaps we need Masking Mondays after weekends? Masking coach needed remind people to be safe.Incentivize businesses to mask.
Fresno County can do more to test and employees to mask up. The Delta variant is so contagious that we can’t wait for two employees to get it. OSHA regulations have not caught up. “Choose Life Outdoor” for meetings and gatherings. Much safer.
Exhaustion of our healthcare workers too. Magisg: these numbers were based on last week. Numbers from today at 11 am shows we are going down. State average like in SF has plateaued and starting to decline. Dr Vorha: we tend to be two weeks behind. Case rates here have slighted
dropped but September hospital high rates will remain for the month. Everyone is suffering such as those with appendicitis. Magisg:I am not in favor of mask mandate. Without numbers showing a definite push down in number I am skeptical of mandating.Public need to see us providing
best numbers in order to help them make their own decision. Mendes: State hasn’t provided healthcare staff this time? Staff: we are not getting federal staffing this time. Maybe due to disasters countrywide. mendes: or Government didn’t plan this time. It is good to see we are
over 50% of vaccination rate but we need that to be higher. I believe in carrot approach. With cattle we can vaccinate 100% as they don’t have freewill like humans.SF/LA big airports bring international travelers and can bring it here.
Latino population is lacking. Anything we can do to help asks Brandau. Staff: we have a large ad campaign beginning in 48 hours. Also young age group too. Brandau: I think you two are doing your best to protect hospital system.but bad policy decisions like in PG&E. We need more
doctors etc released. (From medical schools? Unsure Brandau’s comment). I am not inclined to look at mandate side but I do see why that would be helpful. Mendes: another variant will occur. Vohra: yes. More planning of our healthcare system. Covid Will be part of our lives for a
long time due to lack of herd immunity. Mendes: we don’t have vaccine like for polio.
13. Appeal Planning Commission denial of Classified Conditional Use Permit No. 3706
(Applicant: 3B Development, Inc; Appellant for Applicant: Rabie Mekideche) Consider appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of Classified Conditional Use Permit
Application No. 3706, proposing to
amend Classified Conditional Use Permit No. 2956 to
allow for a 50 percent lot coverage (maximum 40 percent allowed) and a 15-foot rear yard
setback (minimum 20 feet required) for 133 lots in the Tract Map No. 6189 (Phase 2 of
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 4968) located on a
38.78-acre parcel in the R-1-C (c) Zone
District approximately 1,600 feet south of Millerton Road, 2,167 feet west of Marina Drive,
and two miles east of the unincorporated community of Friant. Staff: Planning Commission denied due to lot coverage. Staff wanted it to approve.
Mendes:our ordinance is outdated. Masig: Finding #1 needs to be met. Granville owner Daris Assemi: enough open space is question. Lots of open space in Millerton. We have to build product consumer wants. They are very worried about having enough water for lawns. They do want
space for BBQ. 23' front back automatic in Millerton due to propane requirement. This pushes house farther back too. Mendes:Assemi did show he can meet item #1 that Planning Commission couldn't meet. Approved 5-0
Assemi:200 hospital workers in Afghanistan that would love to come to Fresno county to work.
2. Adopt plans and specifications for Contract No. 21-03-M, Slurry Seals at various locations in Fresno
County, receive verbal report on the bid opening, and award to the bidder with the lowest
responsive bid.There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action.The
anticipated construction cost is
estimated to range between $815,000 and $910,000. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are
included in the Department of Public Works and Planning - Roads Org 4510 FY 2021-22 Recommended.The work to be done consists, in general, of
Approved 5-0
placing a slurry seal of asphaltic emulsion and sand mixture on 20.4 miles of various existing County-maintained roads. The project was advertised on July 29, 2021.
15. Award Contract 21-02-C Lincoln Avenue Cold Pavement Recycling. Based on the low bid and the Director’s allowance for change orders of $210,000, the anticipated construction cost for the project is $9,483,640.The work to be done consists, in general, of recycling the existing
surface of 8 miles of Lincoln Avenue, between SR 145 and the Grantland Avenue alignment, using on-site Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) and adding paved 4-foot wide shoulders, traffic striping, and shoulder backing. The surface condition of this road, which is heavily traveled
by heavy trucks during peak farming season, is old, oxidized, fraught with alligator cracks, rutted, and potholed. The road configuration consists of two 12.5 foot wide travel lanes with 6-8 foot wide dirt shoulders and the pavement condition index is 43.5. Bidder Amount of Bid
DBE Commitment (Goal: 12%) Yarbs Grading and Paving, Inc. 14.7% Granite Construction Company Teichert Construction $9,273,640.00 $9,301,242.80 $9,938,640.00 12.7% 12.64% Cal Valley $9,949,805.00 12.14% Avison Construction, Inc. $10,364,138.00 None submitted. Teichert alleged that
the bids submitted by the first and second low bidders had included a required form (EEO Form, Proposal page 9) only for themselves, and that separate EEO Forms for each of their listed subcontractors also were required to have been included with their bids.Yarbs grading rep:
I am concerned if Supervisors approve Teichert appeal it will create a problem where each subcontractor needs to sign a paper. That can be 15 specific papers. Counsel Cedarborg mentions NO rep from Teichert has shown today. Pacheco: my district has been waiting for this for 2
years. I think they are trying to bog us down with legal problems. Approved 5-0.
Supervisors Comments: Magisg:US Forest Service closed forest down until Sept 14. Dr. Vohra just told us that we need to get outside. This Saturday was one year Creek Fire. Thank the different County
Departments working with fire victims. Quintero: Thanks staff for cleaning up a property that has issues with illegal dumping. Also Water canals have numerous homeless camps. We are working with Water Districts. Brandau:September 22 is State of County at Zoo. Also Budget hearings
begins this coming Monday the 13th.No Public Comment today. Supervisors going into Closed Session now. NEXT MEETINGS: Budget Hearings September 13 - 17, 2021 - 10:00 AM September 21, 2021 - 10:00 AM October 5, 2021 - 10:00 AM
as well as yearly . PLA is approved 6-1 with Bredefeld voting No.
Council has a timed item at 3 pm (It is 2:40 pm) so they will go to some Closed Session items until then.
3-A Ratify Fourth Amendment to contract with UCSF for COVID-19 testing, tracing, quarantine, and vaccination support.
Sponsors: Office of Mayor & City Manager
Back at 3:52 pm Arias would like amendment of $600,000 for those employees who want to be vaccinated.
September 16th, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include a Special Meeting to override Mayor Dyer’s Veto regarding PLA (Project labor Agreement); City Council Public Accountability Act (keeping Zoom available permanently to allow public to remotely participate)
SAFER Grant;Amending Historic Preservation Ordinance;Amending the Resolution of the Transparency In City Government Act to prohibit the payment of severance to Unit 2 (Non-represented Management and Confidential employees) if the employee is convicted of any felony;@fresnoland
Among the CONSENT CALENDAR items include the following:
1-F *Actions pertaining to the proposed renewable natural gas pipeline at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3)
September 2, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items are:Workshop - An Overview of SB 1383's Organic Waste Reduction Requirements;City wide Project labor Agreement (PLA);Mayor’s Letter to PG&E decrying the proposed rate increase; Several appointments to the Tower
Among the Consent Calendar items:1-B
Actions related to the purchase of Emission Reduction Credits for the ongoing operation of the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Council District 3):The
Fresno county Board of Supervisors meeting August 24, 2021! Among the items include a letter to Federal government supporting the four main railroads in response to a Biden act hoping to decrease monopolies ; A proposed 3000 acre industrial campus near Malaga that is currently
farms;A move to Remove current Speed bumps (undulations is the correct term apparently)as well as banning future;County Homelessnes activities;Update on American Rescue Plan#Fresno
August 19,2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the continued Club One Casino item; Sonnenblick Development of Selland Arena Workshop;Sierra Sky Park parking of aircraft on public streets NOTE:CLOSED Session item regarding lawsuit from Sky Park homeowners;
Among the Consent Calendar items: CONSENT CALENDAR
1-J ****Designating the City Manager as the signature authority for all City-owned properties to be included in the Downtown Fresno Property Business Improvement District..
Sponsors: Economic Development Department
August 10th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are a Brandau/Mendes sponsored resolution to support local school board’s authority of in-person instruction and encourage CDC and CA Department of Health to grant/return control to local school boards
Fresno County Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee report; Amendments to COVID-19 Equity Project Agreements (Brandau and Magsig had issues with this at last meeting wanting to add/subtract CBOs);Adjourn in Memory of Fresno Unified Trustee Carol Mills; #Fresno
Some Consent Calendar items: 20. *Adjourn in the memory of Adam Gutierrez, a long-time County Clerk team member who actively supported numerous departments throughout the County through his responsibilities in the Records Management Division