Their two planned instruments, the G4 and the PX, look physically a lot like competitors to the #Illumina NextSeq and NovaSeq, or the #MGI#DNBSEQ G400 and T7 instruments. But the PX is more of a multi-omics play rather than a higher throughput #NGS machine.
It seems we are about 1 year or 1.5 years away from Early Access / Commercial Launch for the PX, maybe around 6 months earlier for the G4 instrument.
The tech highlights for the G4 are: faster cycle times, 100-fold better accuracy, and max read length of 100-150bp, and an "SLR" read length of circa 3000 bases. I think SLR here means the equivalent of the #DNBSEQ Single Tube Long Fragment Read (stLFR)
In terms of accuracy, it would mean that Q50 is the new normal, rather than 10x lower accuracy (Q40) or 100x lower accuracy or Q30 which is the Illumina / MGI benchmark.
They present what their stLFR equivalent, SLR, looks like for 1400 Base Fragment Reconstruction.
The two beta sites are getting either the specced 150M reads or a bit below that. These are available in the #NGS#specs page
Another twitter thread on (#NGS) technologies, this time focussing on Oxford @nanopore. The company sells their larger instrument, the PromethION, which has some advantages/limitations over other competing technologies:
The advantages of the PromethION are mainly (1) the read length of Oxford Nanopore's technology, which depending on the sample prep method, can go over several megabases, and (2) it's a high-throughput instrument that can run up to 48 individual flowcells, at the lowest cost.
Another major advantage of the technology is that it's not limited to a 4-letter alphabet of unmodified A,C,G,T, but can also natively basecall commonly epigenetic modifications, such as 5mC (methylation) and others, making the use for epigenomic profiling very straightforward.
In #biotech#stocks today, I highlight $BLI Berkeley Lights which is currently down -11%. The trend is still looking downwards since Dec 2020 when it had a remarkable burst of what I would call "frothiness" and since then it's been on a gentle downwards trajectory.
Sometimes these big short hikes are not entirely rational, and as of late, with the emergence of the meme stock phenomenon, normal decent-looking #biotech companies can be hijacked by pump-and-dumpers that don't even care at all about what they invest in.
This is nowadays magnified by the Robin Hood's of the world of investing, which act as an amplifier of the crowd behaviour that is decoupled from any logical thinking.
Oxford @nanopore vs #Illumina#NovaSeq: how far away are they from each other?
I followed with attention the recent PromethION updates, both in terms of new flowcells, with denser pore surfaces, and software and reagents, with the Q20+ basecalling.
It is reasonable to assume that the rollout of the Q20+ updates will be commonplace in the next few months, which means that there is only another decimal in base calling accuracy to put the ONT technology on par with Illumina short-reads. Oxford Nanopore has already announced...
... their work and preliminary results for their updated dual strand base calling, and the modal shows a peak near Q30, which means there wouldn't be much to debate anymore when it comes to per-base accuracy between the two technologies.
In #biotech#stocks news, one of the #LiquidBiopsy#CancerDx stocks in my list is $BNR Burning Rock, a company with presence mainly in Asia that started trading in the NASDAQ a while ago. It is now at lowest levels having recently gone below the $20 mark
Notice that #GrailBio is still marked at $2B valuation in my table: this is not the $8B figure that #Illumina is intending to buy it at, but I'll wait until the acquisition is completed (and not legally challenged by the US/EU authorities) before updating the value in the table.
Industry Overview on Biotechnology and Genomics Space (thread):
The era of genomics has now decisively entered the applied sectors of the market, after many years, decades, where the RUO segment was the largest piece of the pie. The lines between genomics and Medtech industries are now blurred and there is lots of crosstalk between both.
Who are the main players in the space: Illumina should be first of the list by market share, with Thermo Fisher Scientific second by overall company size. BGI Genomics dominates in China (NIPT, Cancer Dx). Smaller but distinct in some offerings is Qiagen, who at a point was ...
There is an argument that in markets where #Illumina has lesser IP coverage to block #MGI#DNBSEQ instruments, the fight for the #shortreads market will become more akin to the 2024 IP cliff for #Illumina. An example here, but also China, certain Eastern Europe countries, ...